DNX (rc1-final): IHttpConnectionFeature not found - azure

Using the latest rc1-final version of ASP.NET 5, I'm attempting to find the remote IP address inside an Azure API App controller method.
When running the code, 'context' is this.HttpContext, inside the controller method.
But feature is coming back null, since the feature doesn't exist.
IHttpConnectionFeature feature = context.Features.Get<IHttpConnectionFeature>();
Does anything have to be enabled in the configuration to have this feature be available?

I had the same problem.
The following code works for me:
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
if (!UserID.HasValue)
var remoteIpAddress = HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpConnectionFeature>()?.RemoteIpAddress.ToString();
if (remoteIpAddress == null)
throw new Exception("Cannot determine client IP");
await _userService.LoginAnonymous(remoteIpAddress);
string url = UriHelper.GetDisplayUrl(Request);
return Redirect(url);
return View("Index", ViewModel);
private static void UpdateRemoteIp(HttpContext httpContext)
var xForwardedForHeaderValue = httpContext.Request.Headers.GetCommaSeparatedValues(XForwardedForHeaderName);
if (xForwardedForHeaderValue != null && xForwardedForHeaderValue.Length > 0)
IPAddress ipFromHeader;
int? port;
if (IPAddressWithPortParser.TryParse(xForwardedForHeaderValue[0], out ipFromHeader, out port))
var connection = httpContext.Connection;
var remoteIPString = connection.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remoteIPString))
httpContext.Request.Headers[XOriginalIPName] = remoteIPString;
if (port.HasValue)
if (connection.RemotePort != 0)
httpContext.Request.Headers[XOriginalPortName] = connection.RemotePort.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
connection.RemotePort = port.Value;
connection.RemoteIpAddress = ipFromHeader;
Hope it helps you


Entity Framework Core 6 - trim all returned strings by command interception

When I was working with EF (System.Data.Entity) I successfully used an interceptor to automatically trim all existing strings in the database.
The IDbCommandTreeInterceptor is described in this post: EF6.1–Workaround Trailing Blanks Issue in String Joins.
public class StringTrimmerInterceptor : IDbCommandTreeInterceptor
public void TreeCreated(DbCommandTreeInterceptionContext interceptionContext)
if (interceptionContext.OriginalResult.DataSpace == DataSpace.SSpace)
var queryCommand = interceptionContext.Result as DbQueryCommandTree;
if (queryCommand != null)
var newQuery = queryCommand.Query.Accept(new StringTrimmerQueryVisitor());
interceptionContext.Result = new DbQueryCommandTree(
private class StringTrimmerQueryVisitor : DefaultExpressionVisitor
private static readonly string[] _typesToTrim = { "nvarchar", "varchar", "char", "nchar" };
public override DbExpression Visit(DbNewInstanceExpression expression)
var arguments = expression.Arguments.Select(a =>
var propertyArg = a as DbPropertyExpression;
if (propertyArg != null && _typesToTrim.Contains(propertyArg.Property.TypeUsage.EdmType.Name))
return EdmFunctions.Trim(a);
return a;
return DbExpressionBuilder.New(expression.ResultType, arguments);
I need some help to implement the same functionality by EntityFrameworkCore DbCommandInterceptor.

integration payload router issues

i am trying to configure payload router to route messages to either rabbitmq,ibmq and kafka MOM's. payload will have to be routed to more than one MOM in some cases, here is the code
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "routerChannel", outputChannel = "outputChannel")
public PayloadTypeRouter router(Log message) {
PayloadTypeRouter router = new PayloadTypeRouter();
for (Platform platform : new MessageConfig().getConfig(message.getClientKey())) {
System.out.println("platform type=" + platform.getRouter());
if (platform.getRouter().equals(BridgeType.Bridge.rabbitmq.toString())) {
router.setChannelMapping(String.class.getName(), "rabbitChannel");
} else if (platform.getRouter().equals(BridgeType.Bridge.ibmmq.toString())) {
router.setChannelMapping(String.class.getName(), "ibmmqChannel");
} else if (platform.getRouter().equals(BridgeType.Bridge.kafka.toString())) {
router.setChannelMapping(String.class.getName(), "kafkaChannel");
return router;
earlier i had below code which was working fine(sending to individual MOM but not to two at same time)
#Router(inputChannel = "routerChannel")
public String route(Log message) {
log.info("message in the router='{}'", message.getClientKey());
for (Platform platform : new MessageConfig().getConfig(message.getClientKey())) {
System.out.println("platform type=" + platform.getRouter());
if (platform.getRouter().equals(BridgeType.Bridge.rabbitmq.toString())) {
return "rabbitChannel";
} else if (platform.getRouter().equals(BridgeType.Bridge.ibmmq.toString())) {
return "ibmmqChannel";
} else if (platform.getRouter().equals(BridgeType.Bridge.kafka.toString())) {
return "kafkaChannel";
return "errorChannel";
not sure what i am doing wrong , appreciate any help here
PayloadTypeRouter and MethodInvokingRouter only support one destination.
Use a RecipientListRouter with Recipients with MessageSelectors if you want to route to multiple destinations.
Actually, I was wrong; you can simply return List<String> from your second example.

MassTransit Consumer not getting called

In the following sample program (using MassTransit, Azure ServiceBus), I am able to send messages to the queue, but my Receive Endpoint/Consumer does not seems to get the message. What am I doing wrong here? (Simple publish and a handler example given in this link(http://masstransit-project.com/MassTransit/quickstart.html) works fine!)
static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
var bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingAzureServiceBus(cfg =>
var serviceUri = ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", "{sb}", "{sb-name}");
var host = cfg.Host(serviceUri, h =>
h.OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
h.TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider(
h.TransportType = TransportType.NetMessaging;
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "test_queue", ep =>
await SendAHello(bus);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
private static async Task SendAHello(IBusControl bus)
var sendToUri = new Uri("queue-end-point-address");
var endPoint = await bus.GetSendEndpoint(sendToUri);
await endPoint.Send<ISayHello>( new
Message = "Hello there !"
public class SayHelloCommandConsumer : IConsumer<ISayHello>
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<ISayHello> context)
var command = context.Message;
return Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Recieved a message {command}");
public interface ISayHello
string Message { get; set; }
The queue address looked suspect, and it seems like you've corrected it.

Haxe – Proper way to implement Map with Int64 keys that can be serialized (native target)

I need to know, what would be proper way to implement Maps with 64 bit keys. There will not be so many items in them, I just need to use various bits of the key for various things with large enough address space and I need it to be very fast, so String keys would probably be too slow. So far I tried:
import haxe.Int64;
import haxe.Unserializer;
import haxe.Serializer;
class Test {
static function main () {
var key:Int64 = 1 << 63 | 0x00000001;
var omap:Map<Int64, String> = new Map<Int64, String>();
omap.set(key, "test");
var smap:Map<Int64, String> = Unserializer.run(Serializer.run(omap));
var key2:Int64 = 1 << 63 | 0x00000001;
trace(key+" "+smap.get(key2));
which obviously doesn't work, because haxe.Int64 creates an object instance. Using cpp.Int64 works, because it for some reason falls back to 32 bit integer in my cpp code and I don't know what am I doing wrong. How can I force it to "stay" 64 bit, or should I do it some other way?
EDIT: This is currently not working on native targets due to bug / current implementation in hxcpp: https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/hxcpp/issues/523
I figured out this workaround / wrapper, which may not be the most efficient solution possible, but it seems to work.
import haxe.Int64;
import haxe.Unserializer;
import haxe.Serializer;
class Test {
static function main () {
var key:Int64 = Int64.make(1000,1);
var omap:Int64Map<String> = new Int64Map();
omap.set(key, "test");
var smap:Int64Map<String> = Unserializer.run(Serializer.run(omap));
var key2:Int64 = Int64.make(1000,1);
trace(key+" "+smap.get(key2));
class Int64Map<V> {
private var map:Map<Int64,V>;
public function new() : Void {
this.map = new Map<Int64,V>();
public function set(key:Int64, value:V):Void {
this.map.set(key, value);
public inline function get(key:Int64):Null<V> {
var skey:Null<Int64> = getMapKey(key);
if (skey != null) return this.map.get(skey);
return null;
public inline function exists(key:Int64):Bool {
return (getMapKey(key) != null);
public function remove( key : Int64 ) : Bool {
var skey:Null<Int64> = getMapKey(key);
if (skey != null) return this.map.remove(skey);
return false;
public function keys() : Iterator<Int64> {
return this.map.keys();
public function toString() : String {
return this.map.toString();
public function iterator() : Iterator<V> {
return this.map.iterator();
private function getMapKey(key:Int64):Null<Int64> {
for (ikey in this.map.keys()){
if (Int64.eq(key, ikey)){
return ikey;
return null;

RFCommConnectionTrigger in Windows Universal Apps To detect Incoming Bluetooth Connection

I am working on a Windows Universal App. I Want to get the Data from a Bluetooth Device to the Windows Phone. I am Using the Concept of RFCommCommunicationTrigger for this Purpose.
Here's the code Snippet I am Using
var rfTrigger = new RfcommConnectionTrigger();
// Specify what the service ID is
rfTrigger.InboundConnection.LocalServiceId = RfcommServiceId.FromUuid(new Guid("<some_base_guid>"));
//Register RFComm trigger
var rfReg = RegisterTaskOnce(
rfTrigger, null
SetCompletedOnce(rfReg, OnTaskCompleted);
Here the Function of RegisterTaskOnce
static private IBackgroundTaskRegistration RegisterTaskOnce(string taskName, string entryPoint, IBackgroundTrigger trigger, params IBackgroundCondition[] conditions)
// Validate
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskName)) throw new ArgumentException("taskName");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entryPoint)) throw new ArgumentException("entryPoint");
if (trigger == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("trigger");
// Look to see if the name is already registered
var existingReg = (from reg in BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks
where reg.Value.Name == taskName
select reg.Value).FirstOrDefault();
Debug.WriteLine("Background task "+ taskName+" is already running in the Background");
// If already registered, just return the existing registration
if (existingReg != null)
return existingReg;
// Create the builder
var builder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
builder.TaskEntryPoint = entryPoint;
builder.Name = taskName;
// Conditions?
if (conditions != null)
foreach (var condition in conditions)
// Register
return builder.Register();
Here's the code for SetCompletedOnce this will add a Handler only once
static private void SetCompletedOnce(IBackgroundTaskRegistration reg, BackgroundTaskCompletedEventHandler handler)
// Validate
if (reg == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reg");
if (handler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");
// Unsubscribe in case already subscribed
reg.Completed -= handler;
// Subscribe
reg.Completed += handler;
I have also Written the BackgroundLibrary.RFBackgroundTask.cs
public sealed class RFBackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
taskInstance.Canceled += new BackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler(OnCanceled);
Debug.WriteLine("RFComm Task Running");
catch (System.Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("RFComm Task Error: {0}", e.Message);
The Run Method is Invoked Every Time The Device tries to Open the Connection.
The type of the Trigger that is obtained (the type I am debugging in the run method of the RFBackgroundTask.cs) is printed as
But I am Unable use that because I dont have this Class in the BackgroundLibrary project.
The Documentation says that this Provides information about the Bluetooth device that caused this trigger to fire.
It has Variables like Socket,RemoteDevice etc.
I think I am Missing something very simple
Can you please help me out .
Once your background task is launched, simply cast the TriggerDetails object to an RfcommConnectionTriggerDetails object:
public sealed class RFBackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
taskInstance.Canceled += new BackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler(OnCanceled);
RfcommConnectionTriggerDetails details = (RfcommConnectionTriggerDetails)taskInstance.TriggerDetails;
StreamSocket = details.Socket; // Rfcomm Socket
// Access other properties...
catch (System.Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("RFComm Task Error: {0}", e.Message);
