I am getting the following when I try to commit using TortoiseSVN. I am using the latest 64bit version of TortoiseSVN: 1.9.2. Does anyone know why this happens or how to correct this?
Settings dialog, Advanced: set the ScintillaDirect2D to 'false'.
If that helps, then the problem is your graphic card/driver.
Hey guys, I am new to Sublime Text3, and last week somehow I changed the way ST3 lint my code and show the error information. It looks actually a little annoying and I would like to get rid of these instant error display while I am coding. Can someone tell me how to do that?
In addition, how to setup ST3 so that when you type a function from a package, it could show its meaning and format? I can do it in my Windows PC but failed in MAC.
Really appreciate any help!
Open your package control, for Ubuntu its Ctrl+Shift+P, It may be Cmd+Shift+P, type disable in the package, it would show you Package Control:: Disable Package, press an enter key, now disable the packages that are causing it.
Im having some glitching issues while using JasperSoft Studio. (using the latest version from the AUR).Im using GNOME.
Steps to reproduce :
Add Text Field. Select it.
Go to Properties -> Borders -> Click on a border on the square.
The Pen Width (1.0 by default) appears for an instant and then "disappears" (Its still there as I can select it but i think the font color becomes white)
This can be temprorarily resolved by going to preferences and toggling the theme from classic -> GTK or vice versa. The resolution exists only for the current report and does not remain for other opened reports. Really annoying bug.
Ive tried Adwaita and GTK other themes etc...but no use. The bug persists.
I have a version 6.1.1 of Jaspersoft Studio on another machine running the latest UBUNTU GNOME and it works near perfectly.I tried running this version of Jasper on arch using various settings but it stops working as soon as I open a JRXML file. Nothing is clickable and I have to kill the process. I am guessing its a GTK issue.
I dont want to go back to using Ubuntu as I love the Arch experience. Can someone help me to run the AUR version of Arch without this glitch.
And if you think 6.1.1 should run fine on Arch...can someone help me overcome the GTK issue (Ive already tried export SWT_GTK3=0; but it doesnt work)
Try editing the runjss.sh script (probably in /opt/jaspersoftstudio) and add the line
export SWT_GTK3=0
Then try running JSS via that script and see if it helps.
I haven't had the same issue as you but I've been having a lot of Gnome-related problems and I'm using the same combination as your - Arch (Manjaro) and Gnome with JasperSoft Studio 6.4.3. Works perfectly since I added that line.
You can also edit the .desktop file to exec runjss instead of the default exec line.
Depending on the font I use, I might see a quarter of a cursor (lower right rectangle not flashing) in the wrong place, or no cursor at all. Still, the line I'm on highlights and the column number is displayed in the lower right.
I've tried a mix of fixed-width fonts at a mix of sizes (11-14), including the default Monospace, MacVim's Menlo, the awful Courier, and another q-a site's suggested Consolas.
Any ideas how to get the cursor to show up would be great. Alternate ways to get Vi keybindings in NetBeans also acceptable, though it seems jVi is the most current / active effort.
NetBeans 7.1.2
Image showing no cursor with highlighting
Image showing actually two partial cursors, which I'd never seen before:
There is a problem with the Mac Retina, which is like this problem. The latest jVi release has a workaround, you need to turn on the option
Tools > Options > jViConfig > Platform > MacRetinaCursorXorBug
I had the same problem in Netbeans 8.0.2. Workaround for this is to disable following option:
Tools->Options->jVi config->platform->use modal frame
I found the solution here which solves other problems with cursor too. I hope this will help you.
ubuntu - 14.04
java 1.7.0_121
netbeans - 8.2
jvi - 1.5.4
i had the same issue and 'use model frame' was already enabled. Enabling 'MacRetinaCursorXorBug' fixed the issue. i have set the frequency of the cursor to 500 to be on the safer side.
Enabling the option MacRetinaCursorXorBug under Tools > Options > jViConfig > Platform was the only working solution for me among a bunch of other suggested workarounds. So it's important to mention that this setting could be required even on non Mac Systems.
(Tested on environment: Netbeans IDE 8.0.2, Ubuntu 15.04 with Kernel 3.19.0-16, XFCE-Desktop 4.12, VirtualBox 4.3.28)
Setting the blink rate to 500 as suggested by develucas fixed this for me on Ubuntu and Netbeans 8.1, though it still disappears whilst moving it reappears shortly after it becomes stationary, makes jvi useable again.
i am programming in eclipse for the first time and when i create a blackberry project i am getting this error in BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml as
Description Resource Path Location Type
InvalidRegex: Pattern value '([a-zA-Z_]{1,63}[\s-a-zA-Z_0-9.]{0,63}[;]?)*' is not a valid regular expression. The reported error was: ''-' is an invalid character range. Write '-'.' at column '19'. BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml /sample Unknown XML Problem
please help me out
thanks in advance.
I have had the same problem earlier with my first project on BlackBerry using the Eclipse provided on the site.
Though I took a lot of time to get a workaround for this, the solution is surprisingly simple.
Uninstall the JDK 7.x from your Windows system, adjust your path variables to point to another JDK version, preferably 6. There could be other dependencies in your Eclipse environment which need to be set independently to point to the new JDK (try Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs in your Eclipse and voila!)
see? let us know if you still face the problem..
I'm having the same problem as you are. There is a post regarding this issue at http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Java-Development/InvalidRegex-Pattern-value-a-zA-Z-1-63-a-zA-Z-0-9-0-63-is-not-a/td-p/944343
I haven't been able to solve the problem yet, and I am clueless as to what may be causing it. The answers at the blackberry support forums didn't work for me at all. But do try them out. Best of luck.
The deprecated version of the blackberry development IDE for eclipse (version 1.1 of the pluggin) works fine, but is not available for download anymore.
In Eclipse 3.2.2 on Linux content assist is not finding classes within the same project. Upgrading above 3.2 is not an option as SWT is not available above 3.2 for Solaris.
I have seen suggestions to clean the workspace, reopen the workspace, run eclipse with the -clean command, none of which has worked.
Go to Java/Editor/Content Assist/Advanced in Preferences, and make sure that the correct proposal kinds are selected. Same kind of thing happened to me when I first moved to 3.4.
Thanks for your last comment it worked partially.
If there is any kind of errors, the content assist wont work. Once fixed, it partially works.
I say partially because, there appear to be a bug, when I do Perl EPIC inheritance ex:
package FG::CatalogueFichier;
use FG::Catalogue;
our #ISA = qw(FG::Catalogue);
use strict;
, the inheritted subroutines are not displayed in the content assist.
Are you sure that "build automatically" in the Project menu is checked? :-)
Another thing: is the Problems view, unfiltered, completely clear of compilation errors and of classpath errors?
I sometimes find I "lose" content assist because the "content assist computers" get disabled.
This is in:
and I just have to remove this property: