Definition of impure Executable - linux

First, I'd like to apologize for possible bad English. I'm Dutch..
My Question :
In the Linux man-pages and kernel-code the term "impure executable" comes up many times, but no definition can be found. Is there anybody here that can explain wat is meant by an "impure executable?". I figure it has something to do with how the linker is invoked, but I could be wrong..

As stated at point 14 here:
An "impure" executable file does not have its segments padded to page boundaries whereas a "pure" executable does.
When running a "pure" executable the kernel can simple forget code pages instead of having to write them to swap space as they can simply be demand paged back in. It also allows code pages to be shared cleanly between processes. This is not possible for "impure" executables.
Any program that will use significant amounts of memory, have multiple instances or remain resident (daemons) should be built as a "pure" executable.


What is wrong with self-modifying codes with static-recompilation emulations?

I was searching for writing an emulator, and its techniques. But following paragraph made me wondered, I think I couldn't figure out which scenario can be present, if you write a self-modifying code to be static-recompilation emulated.
In this technique, you take a program written in the emulated code and attempt to translate it into the assembly code of your computer. The result will be a usual executable file which you can run on your computer without any special tools. While static recompilation sounds very nice, it is not always possible. For example, you cannot statically recompile self-modifying code as there is no way to tell what it will become without running it. To avoid such situations, you may try combining static recompiler with an interpreter or a dynamic recompiler.
Here is what I was reading, and this line made me wondered:
For example, you cannot statically recompile self-modifying code as there is no way to tell what it will become without running it
A good explanation with examples will be so instructive, thanks.
Edit: By the way, I know the meaning of self-modifying, I just wonder what problems and where will we get problems after statically-recompilation, which thing will make our self-modifying code broken.
Self-modifying code heavily relies on the instruction set encoding of the original CPU. For example, it could flip some bits in a specific memory location to turn one instruction into another. With static recompilation, flipping those same bits will have an entirely different effect since the instructions are encoded completely differently for the host CPU.

Why is return-to-libc much earlier than return-to-user?

I'm really new to this topic and only know some basic concepts. Nevertheless, there is a question that quite confuses me.
Solar Designer proposed the idea of return-to-libc in 1997 ( Return-to-user, from my understanding, didn't become popular until 2007 (
However, return-to-user seems much easier than return-to-libc. So my question is, why did hackers spend so much effort in building a gadget chain by using libc, rather than simply using their own code in the user space when exploiting a kernel vulnerability?
I don't believe that they did not realize there are NULL pointer dereference vulnerabilities in the kernel.
Great question and thank you for taking some time to research the topic before making a post that causes it's readers to lose hope in the future of mankind (you might be able to tell I've read a few [exploit] tags tonight)
Anyway, there are two reasons
return-to-libc is generic, provided you have the offsets. There is no need to programmatically or manually build either a return chain or scrape existing user functionality.
Partially because of linker-enabled relocations and partly because of history, the executable runtime of most programs executing on a Linux system essentially demand the libc runtime, or at least a runtime that can correctly handle _start and cons. This formula still stands on Windows, just under the slightly different paradigm of return-to-kernel32/oleaut/etc but can actually be more immediately powerful, particularly for shellcode with length requirements, for reasons relating to the way in which system calls are invoked indirectly by kernel32-SSDT functions
As a side-note, If you are discussing NULL pointer dereferences in the kernel, you may be confusing return to vDSO space, which is actually subject to a different set of constraints that standard "mprotect and roll" userland does not.
Ret2libc or ROP is a technique you deploy when you cannot return to your shellcode (jmp esp/whatever) because of memory protections (DEP/NX).
They perform different goals, and you may engage with both.
Return to libc
This is a buffer overrun exploit where you have control over some input, and you know there exists a badly written program which will copy your input onto the stack and return through it. This allows you to start executing code on a machine you have not got a login to, or a very restrictive access.
Return to libc gives you the ability to control what code is executed, and would generally result in you running within the space, a more natural piece of code.
return from kernel
This is a privilege escalation attack. It takes code which is running on the machine, and exploits bugs in the kernel causing the kernel privileges to be applied to the user process.
Thus you may use return-to-libc to get your code running in a web-browser, and then return-to-user to perform restricted tasks.
Earlier shellcode
Before return-to-libc, there was straight shellcode, where the buffer overrun included the exploit code, with knowledge about where the stack would be, this was possible to run directly. This became somewhat obsolete with the NX bit in windows. (x86 hardware was capable of having execute on a segment, but not a page).
Why is return-to-libc much earlier than return-to-user?
The goal in these attacks is to own the machine, frequently, it was easy to find a vulnerability in a user-mode process which gave you access to what you needed, it is only with the hardening of the system by reducing the privilege at the boundary, and fixing the bugs in important programs, that the new return-from-kernel became necessary.

How to inspect Haskell bytecode

I am trying to figure out a bug (a serious performance downgrade). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to figure out why by going back many different versions of my code.
I am suspecting it could be some modifications to libraries that I've updated, not to mention in the meanwhile I've updated to GHC 7.6 from 7.4 (and if anybody knows if some laziness behavior has changed I would greatly appreciate it!).
I have an older executable of this code that does not have this bug and thus I wonder if there are any tools to tell me the library versions I was linking to from before? Like if it can figure out the symbols, etc.
GHC creates executables, which are notoriously hard to understand... On my Linux box I can view the assembly code by typing in
objdump -d <executable filename>
but I get back over 100K lines of code from just a simple "Hello, World!" program written in Haskell.
If you happen to have the GHC .hi files, you can get some information about the executable by typing in
ghc --show-iface <hi filename>
This won't give you the assembly code, but you can get some extra information that may prove useful.
As I mentioned in the comment above, on Linux you can use "ldd" to see what C-system libraries you used in the compile, but that is also probably less than useful.
You can try to use a disassembler, but those are generally written to disassemble to C, not anything higher level and certainly not Haskell. That being said, GHC compiles to C as an intermediary (at least it used to; has that changed?), so you might be able to learn something.
Personally I often find view system calls in action much more interesting than viewing pure assembly. On my Linux box, I can view all system calls by running using strace (use Wireshark for the network traffic equivalent):
strace <program executable>
This also will generate a lot of data, so it might only be useful if you know of some specific place where direct real world communication (i.e., changes to a file on the hard disk drive) goes wrong.
In all honesty, you are probably better off just debugging the problem from source, although, depending on the actual problem, some of these techniques may help you pinpoint something.
Most of these tools have Mac and Windows equivalents.
Since much has changed in the last 9 years, and apparently this is still the first result a search engine gives on this question (like for me, again), an updated answer is in order:
First of all, yes, while Haskell does not specify a bytecode format, bytecode is also just a kind of machine code, for a virtual machine. So for the rest of the answer I will treat them as the same thing. The “Core“ as well as the LLVM intermediate language, or even WASM could be considered equivalent too.
Secondly, if your old binary is statically linked, then of course, no matter the format your program is in, no symbols will be available to check out. Because that is what linking does. Even with bytecode, and even with just classic static #include in simple languages. So your old binary will be no good, no matter what. And given the optimisations compilers do, a classic decompiler will very likely never be able to figure out what optimised bits used to be partially what libraries. Especially with stream fusion and such “magic”.
Third, you can do the things you asked with a modern Haskell program. But you need to have your binaries compiled with -dynamic and -rdynamic, So not only the C-calling-convention libraries (e.g. .so), and the Haskell libraries, but also the runtime itself is dynamically loaded. That way you end up with a very small binary, consisting of only your actual code, dynamic linking instructions, and the exact data about what libraries and runtime were used to build it. And since the runtime is compiler-dependent, you will know the compiler too. So it would give you everything you need, but only if you compiled it right. (I recommend using such dynamic linking by default in any case as it saves memory.)
The last factor that one might forget, is that even the exact same compiler version might behave vastly differently, depending on what IT was compiled with. (E.g. if somebody put a backdoor in the very first version of GHC, and all GHCs after that were compiled with that first GHC, and nobody ever checked, then that backdoor could still be in the code today, with no traces in any source or libraries whatsoever. … Or for a less extreme case, that version of GHC your old binary was built with might have been compiled with different architecture options, leading to it putting more optimised instructions into the binaries it compiles for unless told to cross-compile.)
Finally, of course, you can profile even compiled binaries, by profiling their system calls. This will give you clues about which part of the code acted differently and how. (E.g. if you notice that your new binary floods the system with some slow system calls where the old one just used a single fast one. A classic OpenGL example would be using fast display lists versus slow direct calls to draw triangles. Or using a different sorting algorithm, or having switched to a different kind of data structure that fits your work load badly and thrashes a lot of memory.)

compiling user space code in linux

A very basic question to which I could not find an answer by searching on the internet.
Basically, I want to know:
how the compiler differentiates a user space code from the kernel space code?
Is the makefile differnt for compiling user space code compared to kernel space code ?
Best regards,
The compiler just follows flags you pass to it, the rest is as usual and nothing magic.
For a small example, look at Writing Your Own Loadable Kernel Module. See also Modules vs. Program.
The difference is of course in how those modules and programs are treated by the OS and which permissions they have (see also rings).

Producing executables within Linux (in relation to implementing a compiler)

For my university, final-year dissertation, I am going to implement a compiler for a skeletal form of the C programming language, then go about extending it until it resembles something a little more like Java with array bounds checking, type-checking and so forth.
I am relatively competent at much of the theory that relates to compiler construction, and have experience programming in MIPS assembly language, so I do understand a little of what it is to write extremely low-level code.
My main concern is that I am likely to be able to get all the way to the point where I need to produce the actual machine-code output, but then not understand enough about how machine code is executed from the perspective of the operating system running it.
So, my actual question is basically, "does anyone know the best place to read up about writing assembly to run on an intel x86-64 processor under linux?"
The main gap in my knowledge is how the machine code is actually run in practise. Is it run directly on the processor, making "syscall"s (or the x86 equivalent) when it needs services provided by the kernel, or is the assembly language somehow an encapsulated description that tells the kernel how to execute the instructions (in a manner similar to an interpreted language such as Java)?
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
This document explains how you can implement a foreign function interface to interact with other code:
Firstly, for the machine code start here:
Next, I assume your question about how the machine code is run is really about how the OS loads the exe into memory and calls main()? These links may help
Linkers and loaders:
ELF file format: and
Your machine code will go into the .text section of the executable
Finally, best of luck. Your project is similar to my final year project, except I targeted the JVM and compiled a subset of Visual Basic!
