Basecamp 3 Automatic Check-ins API? - basecamp

I don't see an obvious way to integrate w/ the Check-ins section of Basecamp 3 via API. Is there one?

There are now three versions of Basecamp. Classic, Basecamp2, and now Basecamp3 (introduced in the fall of 2015). The Check-ins feature is part of Basecamp3. The API documentation you referenced is for Basecamp2. Here is the latest from Basecamp on Twitter:
#fritzsbm There aren't any integrations at the moment. Sorry! We're working on getting the API ready for release. :)— Basecamp (#basecamp) December 9, 2015


switch to the AdSense API version 2

After October 12, the existing AdSense API version 1.4 is not supported, and I tried to switch to the AdSense API version 2, so it is difficult. We would appreciate it if you could provide more details about the update process.
You can check the release notes to get a sense of everything that is different in v2.
If you're using a Google client library, there are updated examples for v2 here.

Ho to schedule emails using the Google API?

Since April 2020 Gmail supports schedule sending an email. But I can't find anything related to this in the API docs.
Is it possible to schedule an email with the Gmail API?
Although this question has been asked in the past, they were posted before the functionality was available, hence a new question.
There is a request to expose the feature to the API. You can indicate you would like this feature by adding a star ("⭐") next to the issue number here:
yes the Gmail web application may support scheduling but there is no API endpoint for this.
Your going to have to code this yourself.

Will my instagram app stop working when legacy api will be disabled?

I found it very hard to understand what exactly will be disabled at the end of March 2020.
Instagram says that they will disable legacy api but I don't know how to check if it will affect my app. My app use endpoints like:
- /v1/users/self/follows?access_token
to check if user is a follower or similar to check user hashtags.
Documentation is very confusing for me. Please help
According to this post on Facebook's developer blog:
With this migration, the Basic Permission for Instagram Legacy API Platform will be deprecated on March 2, 2020.
(later changed to March 30)
The deprecation of the Basic Permission for the legacy API means that calls to the legacy API will no longer work at all. So you can no longer make calls to /v1/users/self/follows?access_token as of April 1, 2020. There are relatively significant changes in the new graph API as to what you can access and what permissions are needed to access it. A good overview of how to get going on their consumer "Basic Display API" is here:

How does one use Apple News API to automatically publish content?

We're using the Apple News REST API to automatically "publish" articles from our custom CMS into Apple News.
So far, we've been using the Create an Article API to generate an Apple News compatible article to publish. However, I was unable to find an API request that actually publishes it. Just creating the article puts it into our "Drafts" section of our Apple News Publisher account, which we then have to manually publish.
This is very cumbersome and manual. Is there some sort of API available for moving articles from Drafts into Published? We've reached out to Apple's Developer Forum to no avail.
Apple lets you publish articles immediately by setting "isPreview" to false in your request metadata. See details there:
Note: Your channel needs to be approved for this to work.

Paypal Express checkout - which one should I use Classic API Vs Rest API

Is paypal express checkout supported or not. While downloading the merchannt SDK samples I found this
"This Classic SDK is not actively supported and will be deprecated in the future. For full support on new integrations, please use the PayPal REST API SDK for .NET"
I need the express check out option. Which one should I use?
I am kind of confused. Can I use merchant SDK the classic one or go with the REST API?
The message about deprecation for the SDK is a bit misleading. PayPal have new REST APIs and also the Braintree SDKs, and these are the products that should be used for integrations going forward for the vast majority of merchants.
However, for enterprise merchants, and especially customers with specific product features that are not currently supported on the new platforms, Express Checkout is still the best solution, and it will continue to be for some time. So the deprecation message is intended to guide to the new APIs, rather than indicate a lack of support or functionality.
PaySharp.NET is an open source .NET SDK, and should meet your requirements, given that it is specifically designed to support Express Checkout. Here is an in-depth tutorial on the subject.
