SharePoint Calculated Field resets on item edit - sharepoint

I am using a SharePoint list that was migrated from an old Windows 2003 server to an existing 2008 server. This list is used to track issues raised by users against another application - a list of jobs to do if you will.
In the old list there was an Id field. When the list was recreated in the new area the assigned ID number was different, for example
Old ID New ID
--------- ---------
5 204
6 2
7 3
8 159
9 4
This assignment does appear to be fairly random.
To negate this a calculated column was created, so IDs raised before the migration use the Old ID number, and new calls raised after the migration use a calculated value. The calculation is
=IF(ISBLANK([ID (Old)]),ID+8,IF([ID (Old)]<=348,[ID (Old)],ID+8))
This compares the ID (Old) to blank, and if so, it is a new call and should have the default ID number, plus 8 (I think there was a total of 8 calls made during development that were then removed).
Otherwise if the Old ID number is less than 348 (the call number when we migrated), use the Old ID number.
If neither condition is met, simply set the ID to the new ID number plus 8.
This works fine when creating new calls.
The problem arises when I edit a call. For example if I set the ETA to a new value and save the call, the Calculated ID is always reset to 8.
I can fix this by going in to List Settings -> Opening the calculated column -> and clicking OK. This reapplies the calculation and everything is numbered correctly again.
For information - due to the environment this is deployed in I am not able to use SharePoint Designer at all.
The question is, how can I stop the renumbering when I edit an item?

The ID field behaves a bit oddly with calculated columns. A calculated column formula will find the ID of an item and resolve it properly when items are created or when the formula is modified, but as you discovered, when an item is modified, the formula can't find the ID value. (My guess is that this has to do with the ID field not being included in the list of column values being sent to the database on update, perhaps because the ID field should never change.)
One way around this is to use a workflow (or a custom event handler, if you have too much time on your hands) to copy the ID field to another column, such as a number or single line of text column, whenever an item is created. You can then use that new column in your formula instead of using the ID column.
To prevent people from updating your dummy ID column, you can hide it from the forms. To do this, first enable management of content types for the list, then edit the Item content type, find the new dummy ID column, and change it to "Hidden" (instead of "Required" or "Optional").


Trouble using concat function in Power Automate

Trying to increment a Unique ID field in my SharePoint list every time my flow runs. Ex: If the Unique ID field in the last row before the flow runs again is "M10389". Then after the flow runs, a new item will be created underneath it and its Unique ID will be "M10390".
The only piece of the flow that doesn't work is the Unique ID part. Here are the pieces of code within the Unique ID field of the create item action block that won't work, but should.
I've tried:
P.S. The "triggerBody()?['resourceData']?['responseId']" is the number of submissions from the form that triggers this flow, and is how I am incrumenting the Unique ID field by one.
Neither work and I think it has something to do with the concat() function, because concat(m,n) doesnt work, neither does concat(string(M),string(2)), or even concat(string(m),string(n)). In fact, the only time concat works is when I'm using 2 numbers like concat(52,7).
The error message simply reads:
" says
The expression is invalid."
How do I achieve what I'm after within power automate?
Picture of what this looks like:
A bit similar to Muhammad's answer. Try using a variable, and set the value of the variable to "triggerBody()?['resourceData']?['responseId']".
Then increment by 1 or any arbitrary number and use as needed.
Well another approach to achieve the same could be two create two variables, one to increment unique id number part and second one is to compose the unique id. you can set value of uniqueIdNumbervariable using the Add function like you are already doing i.e.
Then you can set the value of second variable uniqueID by using another set variable action i.e.
M uniqueIdNumber
(you need to select 'uniqueIdNumber'variable from dynamic content, in set variable value action for uniqueID variable. )
Then you can use uniqueID variable in Create Item action.

Multi LookUp - Check for unique values

I´m trying to set up unique values in my PowerApp-Form. The data is stored in a Sharepoint list. I have a column called watches, items in this column have a unique number, which have to be unique. People can pick multiple of those watches in a LookUp-field. But before submitting the form, I need to check if those picked values already exist in my list and at least display an error message.
I have setup a regular text field and added following rule to it:
If(LookUp(MyList.Watches;DataCardValue4.SelectedItems.Value in Watches;"OK")<>"OK";"No Error";"Watch already exist")
DataCardValue4 is my LookUp field, where people can pick those watches. With this rule I want to check if a item already is in my column watches and let my text field display the error. Somehow the rule doesn´t work.
Can you tell me how I compare multiple lookup choices to my table/column entries?
The first parameter to the LookUp function should be the table (SharePoint list) rather than the column. So the first parameter should be 'MyList' rather than 'MyList.Watches'. Also, I'm not sure that the formula provided (second parameter to LookUp) will work. In your formula, you will be looking for multiple items (DataCardValue4.SelectedItems.Value) within multiple items (Watches). Perhaps you can update your app to have users only pick one watch value before submitting?
One last thing to note. I'm not sure how big you expect your SharePoint list to get, but I would highly recommend keeping your LookUp formula within the bounds to support delegation. More specifically, SharePoint has different formula requirements than other connectors. For example, you can use '=' in your formula, but not 'in'.
Your new rule might look something like below. Please note that it could have syntax errors and might not even be delegable in it's current form since I am providing the rule with no checking. Also, I switched from using LookUp to using Filter instead just because I'm more familiar with Filter. However, both functions are very similar.
If(CountRows(Filter(MyList; DataCardValue4.Selected.Value = Watches)) > 0; "Watch already exist"; "No Error")

SharePoint online reset ID number every year

I'm new in SharePoint online.
I've created a list, customized its form and flows.
But my question is aside from deleting the list to reset the ID number is there a way to reset it every year automatically without deleting the list? So that I'm not going to recheck and re-edit the form of the list.
Like for example today 2019 the ID count is over 500+ and by next year 2020 the ID number will reset into 1 or 0. So in short, ID number will reset every end of the year.
My list number is depending on ID number.
then for next year
In SharePoint Online, we can't reset the list item ID directly.
As a workaround, we can save the list as template and create new list base on the template in the new year begin.
Or you can create another Number column and maintain the ID in the new column.

Using a NetSuite saved search formula to filter from system notes

I am attempting to use a NetSuite saved search to bring back system notes for whenever an assigned person changes for a case. However, I would like to grab the initial assigned person and not the multiple re-assignments after that. Is there a way for me to only select the initial value rather than having all re-assignments come back to me? Is this able to be done from a formula somehow?
to get the oldest assignee of case you can use below criteria so, that results is restricted to just one result per case
1) System Notes : Field is assigned
2) System Notes : Old Value is empty
In the results add the column System Notes : New Value along with other columns of case. This field will pull the oldest assignee of the case
PS : solution assumes that there won't be any empty re-assignments. If there are empty re-assignments you should sort the results by Case unique identifier such as number or internalid and then by System Notes : Date, and the oldest date line would be the result that you are looking for.
Actually you can do that with a search clause where the old value is empty

SPD: calculated column with data from another list

I'm in the same situation described HERE.
I'm trying to use Create List Item and Update List Item actions (like suggested in the answer) but without any results.
Could someone kindly explain the procedure mentioned in the answer?
Thank you,
I posted an answer there, but here is a copy in case it gets deleted or removed:
lem.mallari's answer is a huge pain unless you can assume that the Amounts in List A never change, since it's not tracking whether an item has already been added to the sum. There is no way for a Workflow to iterate through a SharePoint list, which means there is no easy way to calculate the sum or average of multiple list items.
The correct way to implement this will will require some development. The SharePoint Developer Training (2010, 2013) will actually get you most of the way there: an event receiver should trigger when items are added or changed in Lists A and B that uses SharePoint's API to go through List A and average values by Name, then update all (or just affected) items in List B. Alternatively, you can use JavaScript to display the sum of all entries in List A that have the same name as the item in List B as long as all the data is displayed on your page. If you're handy with XPath and InfoPath, you could add List A as a secondary data source to List B's form and select only applicable items in List A to sum from.
But if we're talking Workflows, here's the "workflow only" method. This was tested and successful in 2010. Create custom List C with the following columns:
Title (string, mandatory, enforce unique values)
TotalItems (integer, mandatory, default 0)
Sum (number, decimal places however you want, mandatory, default 0)
Average (calculated, =IF(TotalItems=0,0,Sum/TotalItems)) (optional)
Replace the Name columns in Lists A and B with lookup columns pointing at List C. Delete the Amount column in List B, instead including the Sum column as an additional column. Add the following columns to List A, and ensure that users cannot change them directly. This can be restricted by making InfoPath forms or by making alternative view and edit forms.
AmountArchive (number, identical to Amount, default 0)
AmountHasBeenSubmitted (yes/no, default no)
Create a Workflow to run each time an item is created or modified in List A. Use these commands (I'm using a list for readability; it was getting ugly when formatted as code):
If Current Item:Amount not equals Current Item:AmountArchive
Set Variable:Item Count to (Data source: List C; Field from source: TotalItems; Find the List Item: Field Title; Value: Current Item:Name(Return field as: Lookup Value (as Text)))
Calculate Variable:ItemCount plus 1 (Output to Variable: ItemCount)
Calculate List C:Sum (similar settings as above; be sure to use Lookup Value (as Text) and not String!) minus Current Item:AmountArchive (Output to Variable: SumWithoutValue)
Calculate Variable: SumWithoutValue plus Current Item:Amount (Output to Variable: NewSum)
If Current Item:AmountHasBeenSubmitted equals No
Set AmountHasBeenSubmitted to Yes
Update item in List C (Set TotalItems to Variable:ItemCount; Set Sum to Variable:NewSum; Find the List Item in the same way of Field:Title; Value: Current Item:Name(Return field as: Lookup Value (as Text))
Update item in List C (don't do anything to TotalItems; use the same logic to set Sum to Variable:NewSum)
Set Amount to Current Item:AmountArchive
