How can I combine two lists? - excel

I was wondering how I can insert a data from one table to another.
For example, lets say we have a table with the titles
1 Joe
2 Bob
2 Adam
and another table with the titles
1 Red
2 Green
Depending on the ID value, I want to add the COLOR data to the first table so it will look like
1 Joe Red
2 Bob Gren
2 Adam Green
I apologize for the format, wasn't sure how to make a table. The tables can be on a same sheet or can be different sheets. I have multiple tables that I want to combine and if I can get any help I would appreciate it.

It looks like you need a simple VLOOKUP function. This link will get you started.


How do I build an Excel function to find duplicates in a column, based on other criteria in other columns?

Basically I'm trying to figure out if the Client column repeats, but based on the following criteria.
Dates have to be different
Product is the same
Ticker is the same
Clients are obviously the same as well
Ideally, the Yes? column should contain my formula. I think I'm halfway there using counties,but I keep running into problems with the product bit.
Thanks everyone.
If you have the newest version of Excel, you can use FILTER.
For example:
FILTER($I$1:$L$6, $J$1:$J$6&$K$1:$K$6&$L$1:$L$6=J1&K1&L1)))>COUNTA(I1:L1),
if you will not use the "Y" result elsewhere in your file, I mean, if your aim is just to spot the duplicate values; just concat the fields Product, Ticker and Client in another column and apply conditional formatting to highlight duplicate values.

How to choose the highest number from a set of same names?

I am trying to modify an already existing Excel file for a client. Here is the deal. They have the following Excel sheet with these columns (the picture is a simplified version of course to make it clear to you):1
If a student has completed their Bachelor they get a 1 in the Bachelor Done column, if not they get a 0. Now what they want is to check if at least one person per city has completed their Bachelor and display this in a new table with two columns (First column with the city name and second column with a Note of Yes or No).
For example let's take Lisbon. It has 2 students, George and Helen. In this case George has not completed his bachelor yet (0) but Helen has (1). In that case, Lisbon qualifies and should get a Note of YES in the new table.
Is there any way to implement this in Excel via an IF or a VLOOKUP function? I tried, but my Excel knowledge is quite limited. They also do not want to change the format of the file, as lots of people are already working with this and they are familiar with. Best case scenario could probably be the addition of extra columns.
My question is if there is a way to find for every city the highest Bachelor Done number and based on that to have a Yes or No output. The numbers for Bachelor will always be 1 or 0. So if a city has 1 and 0, 1 should be taken and display yes. If there is a city with 3 people and only zeros, No should be displayed.
If you need any clarification, please let me know.
First copy and paste all your distinct City names into a column, then remove duplicates (data... remove duplicates). In my case, I did that in column F. Then in column G, input a formula such as this:
=IF(MAXIFS(C:C,A:A,F2) = 1, "YES", "NO")

Pivot Table Column with Value and Calculated Field row per group?

The more I have to work with Excel in helping our customers with advanced reporting, the more I'm amazed at it's capabilities. That being said, I can't seem to find exactly what this customer wants Excel to do.
We have a datasource which refreshes a worksheet containing many rows and columns of a data export from the customer's database. That worksheet then drives the other tabs' charts, tables, etc.
They want to add a table (pivot) which will take their milestones, sum the (ontime) column, and then take the (rownumber) sum for that area and then divide it so they can see how many projects were on time. Simplified data tab looks like this:
RowNum Area OnTime Milestone
------ ---- ------ ---------
1 North 1 M2
2 East 1 M4
3 East 1 M2
4 North 0 M1
5 East 0 M4
and here's the table they want it to produce.
We can get it to do both using a Sum(value) and calculated field, however we can't get the Sum(value) field to go directly beneath the calculated percentage field. Any ideas?
If I understand correctly, it will be enough to move the Values drawer to your Rows:
If you need to change the order of the values (which one will be at the top etc.), you can do this moving the drawers within Values Window at bottom-right.

sports scoring in multiple phases in excel

I have a question about excel.
There is a sports tournament with multiple phases. And the results page looks something like this:
rank phase1 phase2
The first place gets 5 points, second 3 and third 1 points.
So the summary I would like to get is like this
rank name phase1 phase2 total
1 TOM 5 3 8
2 ALBERT 0 5 5
3 MATT 3 1 4
4 ROBIN 1 0 1
I cant figure out how to generate it simply, so if I copy-paste the results from phase3 to somewhere in my excel sheet, the summary page would also update.
If you can support me with advice or just a working template, I would be thankful!
Thank you for your time!
I've done you a basic example below...just list all 50 players in the summary page and copy the formula down as it is - as per the question it only records a value for the top 3 places, hope this helps if not please let me know :)
Example file here
Assuming the structure you defined and that when you paste phase 3 it will have its header ("phase3") on the same row as the other results, you could have the following formula on your Table 2:
Note: entered as Array formula: CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER
Formula uses the Table 2 headers ("phase1","phase2", etc.) and the players names to find the results for each phase. It then uses the predefined arrays that determine points given per position. The final sum is to bring the result that are in array (other values in array are 0) into single value.
Total would sum results per player.
Under the rank cells you would place the following formula:
Which would provide you the rank of each player (Column F containing the totals).
Note that this would not sort your rank automatically but you could easily do this with Sorting or Autofilter. Hope this helps. Cheers.

excel group data on one page allowing for sorting but also updating (prefer no VBA)

I would like to create a spreadsheet that has 3 types of data (list of students, list of teachers, list of parking), for example:
Students Grade Parking_Lot
Joe A 1
Carl B 2
Teachers Class Parking_Lot
Mr. Bob Science 1
Ms. Ann Math 2
Name Parking_Lot Position
Joe 1 Student
Carl 2 Student
Mr. Bob 1 Teacher
Ms. Ann 2 Teacher
I don't want to enter names more than once. I figured I could edit the students and the teachers table, and create the parking table automatically. But then I can't sort the parking table as the entries are all formulas. I'd like to be able to sort by parking lot or name. I also would like to be able to change parking lot from any of the tables.
Is there any way to accomplish this without VBA? Am I thinking about this wrong?
Example with PT (using Count of Name for Σ Values):
Unfortunately referencing the parking lots with just 1 and 2 makes the PT more difficult to interpret.
Added some clarification.
Position, Name and Grade are Row Labels (in that order from the top), Parking Lot and Class are Column Labels, with Count of Name for Σ Values. I chose Type for the Report Filter and removed all Field Subtotals (click on each Field if necessary and select None) and in PivotTable Options, Totals & Filters removed the Grand Totals by unchecking Show grand totals for rows and Show grand totals for columns. Note that the PT is driven by the source data – not vice versa. Changes to the source data will be reflected in the PT (after Refresh) but you can’t edit data cells for fields in the row, column, or page area of the PT.
