Timeout in node.js request - linux

I wonder how does node.js request module work in regard to timeout parameter.
What happens after timeout time period have passed? I.e:
var request = require('request');
var options = {
url: Theurl,
timeout: 300000
request(options, function(error, resp, body) {...
What happens after 300000? Does request try to request the url again or not?
I also found that Linux Kernel have a default 20 sec TCP socket connection timeout. (http://www.sekuda.com/overriding_the_default_linux_kernel_20_second_tcp_socket_connect_timeout)
Does it mean that timeout option in request will be max 20 sec (if I dont change the Linux Kernel timeout), regardless of what I set in options?
I use Ubuntu.

From the readme of the request package:
Note that if the underlying TCP connection cannot be established,
the OS-wide TCP connection timeout will overrule the timeout option
So in your case, the request will be aborted after 20 sec. The request won't try to request the url again (even if the timeout is set to a lower value than 20000). You would have to write your own logic for this or use another package, such as requestretry.
var options = {
url: 'http://www.gooooerererere.com/',
timeout: 5000
var maxRequests = 5;
function requestWithTimeout(attempt){
request(options, function(error,response,body){
else {
//do something with result
You can also check for a specific error message, such as ETIMEDOUT, with
if(error.code == [ERROR_MESSAGE])

request returns error with error code set as stated in request readme (timeout section).
Take a look at TIME_WAIT details.
But yes, kernel will cut it down with its configuration. As stated in your link, you can change it by chaning tcp_syn_retries.

If timeout happens, your callback function will be executed with error set to message 'Error: ETIMEDOUT'.
This little project https://github.com/FGRibreau/node-request-retry provides ready-to-use, configured wrapper for making retries triggered by many connection error codes, timeout included.


Nodejs Request module -- how to set global keepalive

I am using request npm module in my app, to make to create a http client, as this.
var request = require('request');
And each time, I make a request to some server, I pass the options as below:
var options = {
url: "whateverurl...",
body: { some json data for POST ... }
request(options, cb(e, r, body) {
// handle response here...
This was working fine, until I started testing with high load, and I started getting errors indicating no address available (EADDRNOTAVAIL). It looks like I am running out of ephemeral ports, as there is no pooling or keep-alive enabled.
After that, I changed it to this:
var options = {
url: "whateverurl...",
body: { some json data for POST ... },
forever: true
request(options, cb(e, r, body) {
// handle response here...
(Note the option (forever:true)
I tried looking up request module's documentation about how to set keep-alive. According to the documentation and this stackoverflow thread, I am supposed to add {forever:true} to my options.
It didn't seem to work for me, because when I checked the tcpdump, the sever was still closing the connection. So, my question is:
Am I doing something wrong here?
Should I not be setting a global option to request module, while I am "require"ing it, instead of telling it to use {forever:true}, each time I make a http request? This is confusing to me.

What is the default timeout for NPM request module (REST client)?

Following will be my node.js call to retrive some data, which is taking more than 1 minute. Here this will be timeout at 1 minute (60 seconds). I put a console log for the latency also. However I have configured the timeout for 120 seconds but it is not reflecting. I know the default level nodejs server timeout is 120 seconds but still I get the timeout (of 60 seconds) from this request module for this call. Please provide your insights on this.
var options = {
method: 'post',
timeout: 120000,
json: true,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Authorization": "abc",
var startTime = new Date();
request(options, function(e, r, body) {
var endTime = new Date();
var latencyTime = endTime - startTime;
console.log("Ended. latencyTime:"+latencyTime/1000);
From the request options docs, scrolling down to the timeout entry:
timeout - Integer containing the number of milliseconds to wait for a server to send response headers (and start the response body) before aborting the request. Note that if the underlying TCP connection cannot be established, the OS-wide TCP connection timeout will overrule the timeout option (the default in Linux can be anywhere from 20-120 seconds).
Note the last part "if the underlying TCP connection cannot be established, the OS-wide TCP connection timeout will overrule the timeout option".
There is also an entire section on Timeouts. Based on that, and your code sample, we can modify the request sample as such
request(options, function(e, r, body) {
if (e.code === 'ETIMEDOUT' && e.connect === true){
// when there's a timeout and connect is true, we're meeting the
// conditions described for the timeout option where the OS governs
If this is true, you'll need to decide if changing OS settings is possible and acceptable (this is beyond the scope of this answer and such a question would be better on Server Fault).

NodeJS Server crash when request/response.aborted

When aborting a xmlHttpRequest, sent to a NodeJS-Express server, the server crashes if the request has not been processed finally or the response can't be send, due to a abroted request.
I use a connected-flag to make sure the response is only sent when the connection is up.
I tried to catch these exceptions, but they don't handle the request aborted event:
var connected = true;
req.connection.on('close', function () {
connected = false;
// code to handle connection abort
res.on('error', function (err) {
console.log("response couldn't be sent.");
connected = false;
req.connection.removeListener('close', removeCallback);
res.removeListener('error', removeCallback);
Are there any events I can look at to take care of the „Error: Request aborted“ exception, which causes the server to crash?
According to the W3C specs, XMLHttpRequest emits a "abort" event.
So basically, you can listen to that event to handle the error, I guess.
Actually, request.on('abort', fn) should work fine for detecting an aborted HTTP request in node.js

node.js distinguishing errors when making http request

My node.js application is using http.request to the REST API http://army.gov/launch-nukes and I need to distinguish between three possible cases:
Success -- The server replies in the affirmative. I know my enemies are destroyed.
Failure -- Either I have received error from the server, or was unable to connect to server. I still have enemies.
Unknown -- After establishing a connection to the server, I have sent the request -- but not sure what happened. This could mean the request never made it to the server, or the server response to me never made it. I may or may not have just started a world war.
As you can see, it's very important for me to distinguish the Failure and Unknown case, as they have very different consequences and different actions I need to take.
I would also very much like to use http Keep-Alive -- as what can I say, I'm a bit of a war-monger and plan on making lots of requests in bursts (and then nothing for long periods of time)
The core of the question is how to separate a connection-error/time-out (which is a Failure) from an error/timeout that occurs after the request is put on the wire (which is an Unknown).
In psuedo-code logic I want this:
var tcp = openConnectionTo('army.gov') // start a new connection, or get an kept-alive one
tcp.on('error', FAILURE_CASE);
tcp.on('connectionEstablished', function (connection) {
var req = connection.httpGetRequest('launch-nukes');
req.on('timeout', UNKNOWN_CASE);
req.on('response', /* read server response and decide FAILURE OR SUCCESS */);
Here is an example:
var http = require('http');
var options = {
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 7777,
path: '/',
method: 'GET'
var req = http.request(options, function (res) {
// check the returned response code
if (('' + res.statusCode).match(/^2\d\d$/)) {
// Request handled, happy
} else if (('' + res.statusCode).match(/^5\d\d$/))
// Server error, I have no idea what happend in the backend
// but server at least returned correctly (in a HTTP protocol
// sense) formatted response
req.on('error', function (e) {
// General error, i.e.
// - ECONNRESET - server closed the socket unexpectedly
// - ECONNREFUSED - server did not listen
// - ... (other HPE_* codes) - server returned garbage
req.on('timeout', function () {
// Timeout happend. Server received request, but not handled it
// (i.e. doesn't send any response or it took to long).
// You don't know what happend.
// It will emit 'error' message as well (with ECONNRESET code).
I recommend you play with it using netcat, ie.:
$ nc -l 7777
// Just listens and does not send any response (i.e. timeout)
$ echo -e "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n" | nc -l 7777
// HTTP 200 OK
$ echo -e "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal\n\n" | nc -l 7777
// HTTP 500
(and so on...)

Node request queue backed up

TL;DR - Are there any best practices when configuring the globalAgent that allow for high throughput with a high volume of concurrent requests?
Here's our issue:
As far as I can tell, connection pools in Node are managed by the http module, which queues requests in a globalAgent object, which is global to the Node process. The number of requests pulled from the globalAgent queue at any given time is determined by the number of open socket connections, which is determined by the maxSockets property of globalAgent (defaults to 5).
When using "keep-alive" connections, I would expect that as soon as a request is resolved, the connection that handled the request would be available and can handle the next request in the globalAgent's queue.
Instead, however, it appears that each connection up to the max number is resolved before any additional queued requests are handled.
When watching networking traffic between components, we see that if maxSockets is 10, then 10 requests resolve successfully. Then there is a pause 3-5 second pause (presumably while new tcp connections are established), then 10 more requests resolve, then another pause, etc.
This seems wrong. Node is supposed to excel at handling a high volume of concurrent requests. So if, even with 1000 available socket connections, if request 1000 cannot be handled until 1-999 resolve, you'd hit a bottleneck. Yet I can't figure out what we're doing incorrectly.
Here's an example of how we're making requests -- though it's worth noting that this behavior occurs whenever a node process makes an http request, including when that request is initiated by widely-used third-party libs. I don't believe it is specific to our implementation. Nevertheless...
class Client
constructor: (#endpoint, #options = {}) ->
#endpoint = #_cleanEndpoint(#endpoint)
throw new Error("Endpoint required") unless #endpoint && #endpoint.length > 0
_.defaults #options,
maxCacheItems: 1000
maxTokenCache: 60 * 10
clientId : null
bearerToken: null # If present will be added to the request header
headers: {}
#cache = {}
#cards = new CardMethods #
#lifeStreams = new LifeStreamMethods #
#actions = new ActionsMethods #
_cleanEndpoint: (endpoint) =>
return null unless endpoint
endpoint.replace /\/+$/, ""
_handleResult: (res, bodyBeforeJson, callback) =>
return callback new Error("Forbidden") if res.statusCode is 401 or res.statusCode is 403
body = null
if bodyBeforeJson and bodyBeforeJson.length > 0
body = JSON.parse(bodyBeforeJson)
catch e
return callback( new Error("Invalid Body Content"), bodyBeforeJson, res.statusCode)
return callback(new Error(if body then body.message else "Request failed.")) unless res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300
callback null, body, res.statusCode
_reqWithData: (method, path, params, data, headers = {}, actor, callback) =>
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' if data
headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
headers['authorization'] = "Bearer #{#options.bearerToken}" if #options.bearerToken
headers['X-ClientId'] = #options.clientId if #options.clientId
# Use method override (AWS ELB problems) unless told not to do so
if (not config.get('clients:useRealHTTPMethods')) and method not in ['POST', 'PUT']
headers['x-http-method-override'] = method
method = 'POST'
_.extend headers, #options.headers
uri = "#{#endpoint}#{path}"
#console.log "making #{method} request to #{uri} with headers", headers
uri: uri
headers: headers
body: if data then JSON.stringify data else null
method: method
timeout: 30*60*1000
, (err, res, body) =>
if err
err.status = if res && res.statusCode then res.statusCode else 503
return callback(err)
#_handleResult res, body, callback
To be honest, coffeescript isn't my strong point so can't comment really on the code.
However, I can give you some thoughts: in what we are working on, we use nano to connect to cloudant and we're seeing up to 200requests/s into cloudant from a micro AWS instance. So you are right, node should be up to it.
Try using request https://github.com/mikeal/request if you're not already. (I don't think it will make a difference, but nevertheless worth a try as that is what nano uses).
These are the areas I would look into:
The server doesn't deal well with multiple requests and throttles it. Have you run any performance tests against your server? If it can't handle the load for some reason or your requests are throttled in the os, then it doesn't matter what your client does.
Your client code has a long running function somewhere which prevents node processing any reponses you get back from the server. Perhaps 1 specific response causes a response callback to spend far too long.
Are the endpoints all different servers/hosts?
