Add awesomium windows form controls to Visual Studio 2015 toolbox - awesomium

I used Visual Studio 2015 and I open choose item from toolbox and browse
Then I see four controls that have been selected , But they will not be added to the toolbox.

The Solution is actually very simple.
The awesomium is not compatible with older versions of .Net and probably your project's target framework is older than .net4.0
You should switch the target project from 3.5 to 4.5 or at least .Net4.0 then you will be able to see all the items of awesomium.


Create a setup file in Visual Studio 2012

I have a windows form project and I want to create an installation package for this project. How can I create a setup file in Visual Studio 2012 ? My project is without data base.
How to create a Setup package using Visual Studio 2012.NET?
Microsoft released the Visual Studio Installer Project extension in April of this year, the catch is it's for VS2013, not VS2012.
The 'lite' InstallShield option remains in VS if you need something with more flexibility.
Advanced Installer also has a free version that includes an extension for VS. This is a commercial tool but the extension is included in the free edition as I said, for more advanced features you need to purchase a Professional or higher licenses and edit the project direct from Advanced Installer GUI, not from VS. (but you can still use the project in the VS solution, so you get the MSI built at the end of your build process)
Visual Studio setup projects (vdproj) are not supplied with VS 2012
There are several solutions for you:
You could use InstallShield instead.
If you don't want or
can't use InstallShield for any reason, you could try WiX. This
toolset builds Windows installation packages from XML source code.
If you only use Windows Presentation Foundation (.xbap), Windows Forms (.exe), console application (.exe), or Office solution (.dll) you could look at ClickOnce. To use this you should right click on the project file in the solution explorer and select "Publish" from the pop-up menu.
Alternatively you can use previous version of Visual Studio (2010).

Targeted .NET Framework version change

How do I go about changing the version for the targeted version of the .NET Framework from 4.5.1 to 4.5 in Visual Studio 2012?
You can usually select your desired target framework within the application properties. Your setup may be slightly different, my Visual Studio installation is using the C# development settings by default, and the example image below is from a WPF project (on the off chance yours is different).
Either right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer and select Properties->Application, or select Properties from the main toolbar in Visual Studio, and select the Application tab. You should be able to select the target framework.
If you can't select the particular framework you're after, the issue may be slightly different.
You need to install the Microsoft .NET Framework x.x.x Developer Pack then only it will be visible under the Target Framework dropdown
I fixed it! I right clicked on my project - select Edit Project File - Went and looked for the <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.5</TargetFrameworkVersion> - then saved and reloaded the project.
Check the target framework of the project you created. To fix your problem change it to .NET Framework version.
To do this right-click your project and select Properties. On the Compile tab, Click Advance Compile Options... and set the Target Framework dropdown to .NET Framework version.

Visual Studio 2012 fails to open Visual Studio 2010 projects

I tried to open in Visual Studio 2012 a VS 2010 solution and I get these error:
Unable to read the project file "Language.vcxproj".
D:...\Language\Language.vcxproj(2,33): The tools version "4.0" is unrecognized. Available tools versions are "2.0".
It has something to do with the ToolsVersion attribute:
I believe this may be something with target platform settings, or with the version of the .NET framework, or with the version of the C++ compiler.
BTW, this also happens with .csproj files contained on other solutions I have.
What annoys me more is that I have a colleague that can open those solutions in his computer without any problem and I can not.
In the Control Panel, I have this items for the .NET framework:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Multi-Targeting Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 SDK
Help, please!

How to fix New Project empty list in Blend for Visual Studio 2012 RC?

I have just installed Visual Studio 2012 RC that come with Blend standalone version. When I start a new project the list is empty, there are no templates to choose from.
Do you have any idea how to solve the problem?
With the upcoming update of visuals studio (update 2) support for Silverlight and WPF will return. I think this will work on Windows 7 too. You won't be able to build Windows Store apps though.
You can install the CTP of the update if you like.
If you don't want to update visual studio yet, you can install the Blend + SketchFlow Preview for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
What version of Windows 8 are you running? The most recently released version of Blend with VS2012 must be installed on Windows 8 Release Preview,
This release of Blend targets Metro style app development on Windows 8.
Visual studio 2012 update 2 introduce a new version of Blend, witch is working correctly (including new project creation) for silverlight 4, silverlight 5, windows 8 app and so on.
Microsoft Answer Looks like it isn't available for win7 but have to update to win8 "Unfortunately Blend is empty on Win7, no matter which version you installed. It will work when you upgrade OS to win8. Or you can use visual studio directly."
Same issue, with the visual studio 2012 pro installed with the web-installer available on the MS website.
As i understand, blend for visual studio 2012 can be used only under windows 8 ?!
So why is it possible to install it under a windws 7 o_0
Feel really strange that we can't anymore edit silverlight 5 xaml under blend anymore except under windows 8...
I have Win7 + VS 2012 Ultimate SP3 + Blend installed and the following is a very good way to work around this issue:
Do not try to open Blend seperately or open new projects in Blend
Instead insert your new XAML based user control in a VS 2012 project or solution (...where they will end up anyway...)
Select the XAML file in the project explorer in VS 2012
Go to the VS 2012 menu => View => "Open in Blend..."
TADA: The XAML based control is opened in Blend and you can just normally work on it
By the way: I have another machine, without any VS 2012 service packs installed. On that machine opening and working with blend is no problem. It seems to be a VS 2012 service pack related problem.
Happy Coding!

Is Visual Studio 11 beta missing the "Add Deployable Assemblies" menu option?

In Visual Studio 2010 SP1, there is an option on the right-click menu on a web project to Add Deployable Assemblies. Phil Haack blogged about it here.
In Visual Studio 11 beta and Visual Studio 2012, this option appears to be missing. Thankfully, you can easily round trip solutions between VS 2010 and VS 11 so I could just open the solution in VS 2010 to add the MVC assemblies to the _bin_deployableAssemblies folder.
Is it just my installation thats broken or do I need to install anything else to get this working?
The Add Deployable Assemblies dialog was a feature that enabled you to deploy MVC or Web Pages projects. It was necessary because in older versions all the assemblies were installed into the GAC on your dev machine but you wouldn't necessarily know if that was the case on the server. Thus this tooling gesture that made your project bin-deployable.
Starting with MVC 3 Tools Update we are now using Nuget package references, which means that your project is automatically bin-deployable. Since the tooling gesture is no longer necessary it was removed from VS 11.
