Migration of docker image from AWS to Bluemix or Azure - azure

I have a newbie regarding docker. I would like to know if it is possible to export a docker image created for AWS to Bluemix or Azure. My docker image contains a websocket server under NodeJS and a MongoDB database.
Thank you for your help

Access your aws cloud and use:
docker save -o image.tar image:1.0 #exporte docker image
After concluded that, access your new cloud and use:
docker load -i image.tar #load your image to the new cloud

Having the dockerfile you used to create your AWS container, you can simply use it to build the container on Bluemix using cf ic client or the docker native one
Following the reference doc for Bluemix docker cli


Compare docker images in Azure cluster

I recently switched from AWS to Azure and i'm having issues with getting the docker to run in my daemonset.
On AWS I was pulling an image of a Pod and doing docker diff to compare that image with the original one.
But on Azure now i cannot access the docker and can't seem to find a way to get the original image and the current image with changes of the pod.
How can i do something like docker diff or at least pickup the two images in Azure ?
What version of Kubernetes are you running in AKS? Kubernetes has deprecated Docker as a container runtime after v1.20 so you can't run DOCKER DIFF on a node anymore.
Ref: https://kubernetes.io/blog/2020/12/02/dont-panic-kubernetes-and-docker/

How can I deploy Airflow on docker compose?

I can find the docker-compose.yaml file from Apache official website here
I am able to run airflow, the docker images are pulled the official images, everything works perfectly on my local machine.
However, my question is, how can I deploy airflow with docker-compose on a Cloud managed service? e.g. Azure App Service
I am using Azure, but it seems to me that Azure container registry won't work. I cannot push the docker image as I am not building any image.

Running Node app in Docker container with aws-sdk

I have a node app that essentially needs to use aws-sdk to access S3 bucket and perform other operations. In my local machine I have a .aws config file that sits in ~/.aws/config. I want to run this node app in a docker container (so that I can deploy it to EC2 later).
The problem
How do I configure my docker container to use the aws config file so that the node app running in it can use aws-sdk?
I do not want to use IAM. I specifically want to use aws config file which has the secret access key etc.
You can do what AWS is doing when they explain how to use their containers on local machines. For example, for local AWS Glue they simply share the ~/.aws/ with the docker container using:
-v ~/.aws:/root/.aws:ro
Obviously you would have to adjust the paths above to match your local and docker setup.
The other way is to pass the AWS credentials using docker environment variables.

Deploy CKan Docker image using Azure Container Registry

I am trying to deploy the Ckan docker image that is being provided at https://github.com/keitaroinc/docker-ckan. I cloned the repo and tried to change the yaml config of docker compose file to change the image names to values as suggested in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-instances/tutorial-docker-compose. But it seems not to work. Anyone has any idea how can I deploy this using Azure Container Registry and Azure Container Instances?

Docker Cloud and JHipster console

Is it possible to set up JHipster console on Docker Cloud? My application is deployed on Heroku.
If is there no option, please advise where can I set up docker in cloud.
Yes docker cloud is an option although I've never tried it. If you have simple needs and don't need container orchestration on multiple hosts I would recommend creating a simple VM with docker on your favorite cloud provider (using docker-machine for example) and then deploy the console there using docker-compose. It's really easy to do.
1) SSH on your server
2) Install docker and docker-compose
3) Get the docker-compose file from https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-console/blob/master/bootstrap/docker-compose.yml
4) Run docker-compose up -d
The console will be available on port 5601.
Refer to the docs at : https://jhipster.github.io/monitoring/
More advanced setup are possible but this is the easiest way to go. Also note that it is perfectly possible to run the JHipster-Console without Docker but it requires some work. To do this, setup an ELK stack yourself usinh on simple logstash configuration and scripts to preload the dashboards.
Ok, locally everything is fine. So how (step by step) push JHipster Console to docker-cloud and connect it with my application on heroku?
