sed removes one string in one file - linux

I'm trying to remove one string in one file by using:
sed -i -e '/example/' test.txt
But I've got the following error:
sed: -e expression #1, char 6: missing command
What is it missing and why?

/example/ is an address which tells sed where to run commands - on a line containing the string example. You didn't specify any commands.
This is a commnand that replaces the string example with an empty string:

sed '/example/d' test.txt
Explanation as suggested by #Nathan Tuggy
sed will search for the given string and will 'D'elete it
user#host:~$ cat test.txt
user#host:~$ sed '/two/d' test.txt


Linux SED Command equal to string not contain

Currently having a problem with using SED command
For example:
I have 2 files
First file contain abc
Second file contain abcaaa
Sed command i am using
sed -i "s/'abc'/change/g"
However my result for both file turn out to be
first file : change
second file changeaaa
How do i make it only equal to abc and not contain abc?
with GNU sed:
sed -r 's/\babc\b/change/g' file

Separate a text file with sed

I have the following sample file:
I want to separate the string and add a newline after matching "debug" like this:
So far I tried almost everything with sed, but it doesn't seem to do what I want.
sed 's/debug/{G}' latest_evtlogs.out
sed '/debug/i "SAD"' latest_evtlogs.out
sed 's/debug/\n/g' latest_evtlogs.out doesn't work when I add it as a pipe in the script , but it does when I run it manually.
Here's how I generate the file:
printf $(ls -l $EVTLOG_PATH/evtlog|tail -n 10|awk '{printf $8 , "%s\n\n"}'|sed 's/debug/\n/g') >> latest_evtlogs.out
Initially I wanted to just add newline with awk, but it doesn't work either.
Any ideas why I can't separate the string with a newline ?
I'm using :
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.10 (lenny)
Release: 5.0.10
Codename: lenny
Just add a new line after debug:
sed 's/debug/&\n/g' file
Note & prints back the matched text, so it is a way to print "debug" back.
This returns:
The problem is, that you are using the output of sed in a command expansion. In this context your shell will replace all newlines with spaces. The spaces are then used to do the word splitting, so that printf sees each line as a separate argument, interpreting the first line as the format argument and ignoring the rest as there are printf-placeholders in the format.
It should work if you drop the outer printf $() from your command and just redirect the output from your pipeline to your file:
ls -l $EVTLOG_PATH/evtlog|tail -n 10|awk '{printf $8 , "%s\n\n"}'|sed 's/debug/\n/g' >> latest_evtlogs.out
Maybe Perl is "happier" than sed on your system:
perl -pe 's/debug/&\n/g' < YourLogFile
Get will append what is in the hold buffer unto the pattern space (Usually just the current line read from the input file) So this cannot be used.
insert will print the specified text to standard output. So this cannot be used.
What you you want to to replace all debug with debug^J, where ^J is a newline, dependent on the sed version, you can either do:
sed 's/debug/&\n/g' input_file
But \n is - afaik - not strictly specified in POSIX sed. One can however use c strings:
sed 's/debug/&'$'\n''/g' input_file
Or a multi line string:
sed 's/debug/&\
/g' input_file
Thank you all for the answers.I finally did it like this :
echo $(ls -l $EVTLOG_PATH/evtlog|tail -n 10|awk '{printf $8 , "%s\n\n"}'|sed 's/debug/&\n/g') > temp.out
sed 's/ /\n/g' /share/sqa/dumps/5314577631/checks/temp.out > latest_evtlogs.out
It's not at all elegant, but it finally works.

Sed replace ">" to "/>" bash

I'm newbie and I would like to replace "special" caracters with sed. I have an xml file that it is not well formed and at the end of any data row it finish with ">" I need to scrap it and to do it I need to change ">" with "/>". But when I try:
sed -i s/>//>/g FILE
returns => -bash: //: Is a directory
same with:
sed -i s/>/\/>/g FILE
also with
sed -i s,>,\>,g FILE
Man page doesn't solve this problem.
Does anyone face this issue?
You should escape the slash character if you use it a separator:
sed 's/>/\/>/g'
Or use another character e.g.:
sed 's_>_/>_g'
Note that this will replace all matches in the file, not just the last one
If you want to match only > not preceded by /, you can use this:
sed -r 's_[^/]>_/>_g' file
Would sed -i 's/>$//>/g' FILE work for you?
$ echo "<blah> <blah>" | sed 's/>$/\/>/g'
<blah> <blah/>

Sed Append Line

Does sed have a command to append a line after a matched line? I tried searching around but was a bit confused with the results.
Basiclly I want it to match
And add a line below it like
Is this possible?
You can use the a(append) command in sed:
$ sed -i '/^#address=\/\/$/a\
> address=/anotherurl/ipaddress' file.txt
Or you can use s(substitute) command:
$ sed -i 's#^#address=/$#&\naddress=/anotherurl/ipaddress#' file.txt
Note: $ and > are bash prompt.
This might work for you:
echo "#address=/"|
sed '\|#address=/|a\address=/anotherurl/ipaddress'
You can use any delimiter you like in an address by prepending a \ i.e. \|...| for the substitute command the \ is not necessary.
If you want a blank line then some text following the match, use:
echo "#address=/"|
sed '\|#address=/|a\\naddress=/anotherurl/ipaddress'

Executing Sed Command

When I run the command
sed -e "s/$1/#root#The-Three-Little-Pigs-Siri-Proxy/" -iĀ
I Get the following error. I am trying to replace the text $1 with the other below in the same file, not creating a new one just modifying the current one.
sed: -e expression #1, char 0: no previous regular expression
Any ideas what could be causing the error and how to fix it?
OS: Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit
$1 will expand to a null-string('') if it's in double-qouted string.
You can use single quote to keep the literal value of$1:
sed -e 's/$1/#root#The-Three-Little-Pigs-Siri-Proxy/' -i
You need to escape the pattern: sed -e "s/\$1/#root#The-Three-Little-Pigs-Siri-Proxy/" -i, since $1 denotes a back reference in sed (presuming you want to replace the string $1 in your input, right?)
