Is it possible to detect when a application closes in bash - linux

I need a way to figure out if an application I launch from a bash script has finished and closed so I may clean up after it.
Is there a way to detect this when launching the application from a script? Is there a function that will run the application and then block the script until the called application has finished and returned?
The purpose for this is to unlock luks partitions, launch an application that will use the data stored on them, and then once that application returns to clean up and lock the luks partitions.

Does something like this works for your first question:
list=$(ls -l1)
echo "ls output: $list"
The echo command will wait until the command inside $( and ) finishes.
For your second question, a better way would be (if you have sudo permissions):
sudo su -c 'echo "hi from $(whoami)"'
echo "hi from $(whoami)"


Running a process with the TTY detached

I'd like to run a linux console command from a terminal, preventing it from accessing the TTY by itself (which will, for example, happen often when the console command tries to request a password from the user - this should just fail). The closest I get to a solution is using this wrapper:
temp=`mktemp -d`
echo "$#" > $temp/
mkfifo $temp/out $temp/err
setsid sh -c "sh $temp/ > $temp/out 2> $temp/err" &
cat $temp/err 1>&2 &
cat $temp/out
rm -f $temp/out $temp/err $temp/
rmdir $temp
This runs the command as expected without TTY access, but passing the stdout/stderr output through the FIFO pipes does not work for some reason. I end up with no output at all even though the process wrote to stdout or stderr.
Any ideas?
Well, thank you all for having a look. Turns out that the script already contained a working approach. It just contained a typo which caused it to fail. I corrected it in the question so it may serve for future reference.

How do I setup two curl commands to execute at different times forever?

For example, I want to run one command every 10 seconds and the other command every 5 minutes. I can only get the first one to log properly to a text file. Below is the shell script I am working on:
echo "script Running. Press CTRL-C to stop the process..."
while sleep 10;
curl -s -I --http2 >> new.txt
echo "------------1st command--------------------" >> logs.txt;
while sleep 300;
curl -s -I --http2
echo "-----------------------2nd command---------------------------" >> logs.txt;
I would advise you to go with #Marvin Crone's answer, but researching cronjobs and back-ground processes doesn't seem like the kind of hassle I would go through for this little script. Instead, try putting both loops into separate scripts; like so:
echo "job 1 Running. Type fg 1 and press CTRL-C to stop the process..."
while sleep 10;
echo $(curl -s -I --http2 >> logs.txt;
echo "job 2 Running. Type fg 2 and press CTRL-C to stop the process..."
while sleep 300;
echo $(curl -s -I --http2 >> logs.txt;
adding executable permissions
chmod +x
chmod +x
and last but not least running them:
./ & ./ &
this creates two separate jobs in the background that you can call by typing:
fg (1 or 2)
and stop them with CTRL-C or send them to background again by typing CTRL-Z
I think what is happening is that you start the first loop. Your first loop needs to complete before the second loop will start. But, the first loop is designed to be infinite.
I suggest you put each curl loop in a separate batch file.
Then, you can run each batch file separately, in the background.
I offer two suggestions for you to investigate for your solution.
One, research the use of crontab and set up a cron job to run the batch files.
Two, research the use of nohup as a means of running the batch files.
I strongly suggest you also research the means of monitoring the jobs and knowing how to terminate the jobs if anything goes wrong. You are setting up infinite loops. A simple Control C will not terminate jobs running in the background. You are treading in areas that can get out of control. You need to know what you are doing.

Using screen in bash script

I'm running a game server on a remote server where I use a detached screen instance to leave it running.
I'm now creating a script that can be used to shut down the server, back up all the vital files and start it up again, however I'm having a few difficulties with dealing with the screen.
I assumed that I could just switch into the detached screen in the script (after the server had already been shut down) by calling screen -r in the script.
But that doesn't seem to work because if I run the script from outside screen it just launches the server in that session.
screen -r
cd ~/servers/StarMade/
screen -d
This is what I thought would do the trick but it doesn't. Maybe somebody can help me out here. I'm not a bash expert. In fact this is propably my first bash script that doesn't include "Hello World". Thanks.
Your script, as in your example, will get executed by your sell, not the one in the screen. You need to tell the running screen to read a file and execute it - that's what the -X option is for.
cat > $tempfile <<EOF
cd ~/servers/StarMade/
screen -X readbuf $tempfile
screen -X paste .
rm -f $tempfile
You can leave screen running in a 2nd terminal session to see what happens.

Running shell script command after executing an application

I have written a shell script to execute a series of commands. One of the commands in the shell script is to launch an application. However, I do not know how to continue running the shell script after I have launched the application.
For example:
cp somedir/somefile .
rm -rf somefile
Once I launched the application with "./application" I am no longer able to continue running the "rm -rf somefile" command, but I really need to remove the file from the directory.
Anyone have any ideas how to compete running the "rm -rf" command after launching the application?
As pointed out by others, you can background the application (man bash 'job control', e.g.).
Also, you can use the wait builtin to explicitely await the background jobs later:
./application &
echo doing some more work
wait # wait for background jobs to complete
echo application has finished
You should really read the man pages and bash help for more details, as always:
Start the application in the background, this way the shell is not going to wait for it to terminate and will execute the consequent commands right after starting the application:
./application &
In the meantime, you can check the background jobs by using the jobs command and wait on them via wait and their ID. For example:
$ sleep 100 &
[1] 2098
$ jobs
[1]+ Running sleep 100 &
$ wait %1
put the started process to background:
./application &
You need to start the command in the background using '&' and maybe even nohup.
nohup ./application > log.out 2>&1

SSH: guarding stdout against disconnect

My server deployment script triggers a long-running process through SSH, like so:
ssh host ''
Since my internet connection at home is not the best, I can sometimes be disconnected while the is running. (This is easily simulated by closing the terminal window.) I would really like for the script to keep running in those cases, so that I don't end up with interrupted apt-get processes and similar nuisances.
The reason why gets killed seems to be that stdout and stderr are closed when the SSH session is yanked, so writing to them fails. (It's not an issue of SIGHUP, by the way -- using nohup makes no difference.) If I put touch ~/1 && echo this fails && touch ~/2 into, only ~/1 is created.
So running ssh host ' &> install.out' solves the problem, but then I lose any "live" progress and error output.
So my question is: What's an easy/idiomatic way to run a process through SSH so that it doesn't crash if SSH dies, but so that I can still see the output as it runs?
Solutions I have tried:
When I run things manually, I use screen for cases like this, but I don't think it will be of much help here because I need to run automatically from a shell script. Screen seems to be made for interactive use (it complains "Must be connected to a terminal.").
Using 2>&1 | tee install.out didn't help either (silly of me to think it might).
You can redirect stdout/stderr into install.out and then tail -f it. The following snippet actually works:
touch install.out && # so tail does not bark (race condition)
( < /dev/null &> install.out &
tail --pid "$!" -F install.out)
But surely there must a less awkward way to do the same thing?
Try using screen:
screen ./
If your ssh session gets interrupted, you can simply reattach to the session via another ssh connection:
screen -x
You can provide a terminal to your ssh session using the -t switch:
ssh -t server screen ./ 2>&1 | tee install.out
if the only issue is not getting stderr. You didn't say exactly why the tee wasn't acceptable. You may need the other nohup/stdin tweaks.
