7 Segment Display multiple conditions verilog - verilog

I know the question sounds strange and vague, but I got a problem getting around the Verilog.
I got a FSM which has to use a 4 7 segment displays, at one state it should show only one number on one display, at other it should use all 4 displays to display a string.
My question is how can I actually get around the always# blocks with this kind of problem.
I've tried setting in one always# two different cases in a If else block, but it didn't work out. Tried also making two modules one for the number and the other for the string, assigning different output ports but the thing is that it has to point to the same hardware ports, and it fails on the bitstream.
Could someone of you give me some tips?
Ok, I will post some code, but the main picture is that I have a master state machine and then I got another state machine. Depending on the state of the other FSM I output state number on the display. But in a different state of the master state machine I have to display a message on the 4 7segment displays. What I got now is:
Here I used CLK in order to make the message
always#(BIN_IN or CLK) begin
if(FAIL==1) begin
HEX_OUT [6:0] <= F;
SEG_SELECT_OUT <= 4'b0111;
state <= midleft;
HEX_OUT [6:0] <= A;
SEG_SELECT_OUT <= 4'b1011;
state <= midright;
//same for the rest
else begin
case (BIN_IN)
4'h0 : begin
HEX_OUT [6:0] <= 7'b1000000;
SEG_SELECT_OUT <= 4'b0111;
//same logic for the other cases
Board used is Xilinx Basys 3 using vivado synthesising tool

As Greg said:
always#(BIN_IN or CLK)
Infers combinational logic. An FSM cannot be created with combinational logic alone. As you know, a FSM needs to be able to store the state between each clock.
always#(posedge CLK)
Infers flipflops into your design. That is, the operations you do inside this always loop will be stored until the next positive edge. If you put all of the design inside this always block you will end up with a typical moore-machine where your outputs will only update on every positive clock edge.
It is a bit hard to understand what you are trying to create from your code-snippet. You are talking about two FSM's, but it seems to me that you are trying to do one combinational operation and one clocked operation. If you want your design to update some outputs - like BIN_IN - combinationally(that is, immediately) you have to do these assignments outside of the always#(posedge CLK) block. Use a always#(posedge CLK) block to update your FSM-values and then use a combinational always#(BIN_IN or FAIL) block to infer a multiplexer that will choose between your FSM-output and other outputs. Something like this might work:
always#(posedge CLK)
FAIL_SEG_OUT <= 4'b1011;
state <= midleft;
//Rest of statements
if(FAIL == 1) begin
end else begin
//your statements
Additionally, this wont work:
HEX_OUT [6:0] = A;
do this to assign ascii to a reg
HEX_OUT [6:0] = "A";
I also assume that you are using endcase to close your case-statements.
I have made your code-snippet compile here:
I changed the sensitivity list on the combinational logic. The above code wouldn't have worked earlier.
Because you have posted so little of your code it is hard to figure out what you actual problem is. I assume that you only have one output port for to control all the 7-segment displays. In that case you need to cycle through each SEG_SELECT_OUT and set HEX_OUT for each display when you wish to output FAIL. This, in turn, implies that each display also has the ability to store the HEX_OUT signal that it receives, and your outputs (probably SEG_SELECT_OUT) must enable the write functionality of these display registers. Check that this is the case. I also assume that your real-time-counter that counts 30 seconds sets the FAIL flag when it completes, and is reset every time the maze(I have no idea what you mean when you say maze) is completed. You say that you need to change the number, and I assume that you are talking about outputting the number in BIN_IN on your display and that BIN_IN is changed elsewhere. All of this should work in the code above.
Without more information it is hard to help any further.


Verilog: Always statement, trigger on positive edge for 3 bit variable

My project is to use a CPDL, which I am programming in verilog to commutate a BLDC motor. Part of that process is to read in hall sensors A,B,C.
I want to count the amount of positive edges on A,B or C. I have a 3 bit variable [2:0] hallIn to store these inputs. The code below works in a modelsim simulation but not on an actual chip. How come? What is the proper way to do this? The error message I get is: 73:12:73:55|Can't mix posedge/negedge use with plain signal references
always # (posedge hallIn[2] or hallIn[1] or hallIn[0])
Synthesize code is a subset of what Verilog will let you do. Synthesizable code requires a coding structure that can be mapped to logic cells. Non-synthesizable code is intended for behavior modeling and test benches.
Flip-flops should normally be synchronized by a common clock source; not data. With a clock, you could detect the posedge data by comparing the inputs current value against it previous value.
assign posedge_detected = |(hallIn & ~prev_hallIn);
always #(posedge clock) begin
if (reset) begin
prev_hallIn <= 3'b000;
count <= 16'h0000;
else begin
prev_hallIn <= hallIn;
count <= count + posedge_detected;

I need to generate waveform as shown. in verilog code

I need to generate a waveform, as shown in the image. But with my code, I did not get expected waveform
In the design, part got the last and valid values in a random period from test-bench.
my problem is why the I value incremented at valid not equal to one
Design code:
module design_d(clk,valid,last,data);
input clk,valid,last;
output reg [7:0] data;
reg [7:0] i;
always #(posedge clk,valid)
if (valid)
$display("i=%d data=%d ",i,data);
data <=8'bz;
Test bench code:
module test;
reg clk,valid,last;
wire [7:0] data;
parameter clk_period=2;
design_d dut(clk,valid,last,data);
always #(clk_period/2) clk=~clk;
always #(posedge clk)
#4 last=1;
#clk_period last=0;
#8 last=1;
#clk_period last=0;
#10 last=1;
#clk_period last=0;
#clk_period last=0;
#20 last=1;
#clk_period last=0;
always #(posedge clk or last)
#24 $finish;
It seems you have difficulties with the English language, which is not your fault but because of that, I may interpret your question wrongly.
You have a waveform of what you need to achieve. This to me suggest that this is a school assignment and therefore I will treat it that way. This means I will **not* give you a complete answer but give you pointers about where you are going wrong. (This should all be in a comment but there is now way it would fit).
...got the last and valid values in a random period from test-bench.
First thing to realize is writing a test-bench is just as difficult, if not more difficult then writing the RTL code itself.
In your test-bench You are using always #(posedge clk) but inside that section you use #... statements. That by itself is not wrong. Dangerous, yes, but not necessary wrong.
Your clock has a time period of 2 (parameter clk_period=2;) and inside your posedge clock you use delays which are equal or bigger then the clock period. That often leads to a disaster, as you have found out.
Read up on how Verilog works, especially when the sensitivity list always #... is used: It is not triggered until all statement in the section have been dealt with. In your case it means the that it will takes several clock edges until the always block is started again.
Test Bench
I don't know what the assignment was so I'll use the waveform you have given.
As last and valid are inputs to you module I will give you pointers how to make those.
valid is high for 4 clock cycles, it is then low for one clock cycle, after which it repeats itself. This means you need a pattern which repeats itself every 5 clock cycles and thus you need to make a counter which counts 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,...
You should not make that using #..... statements. You should use the test bench clock and make a counter which counts!
Making a counter which counts as described above is the first thing you need to learn in HDL! You will find that you have to do that over and over and over and over .. In every piece of RTL code and every test bench.
Modulo 5 counter.
I prefer for all my modules and my test benches to have a reset.
If only that it allows me to start a new test from a known state.
reg [2:0] counter;
always #(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
if (reset_n)
counter <= ...
else // clocked section
if (..)
counter <= ...
counter <= ...
Start fresh and get the above code running first. Observe that the counter is indeed running 0,1 2, 3, 4, 0, .. before you continue.
Derived signals .
Next learn to derive signals from that.
Basic rule: in a clocked section, if you need a signal at counter value X you have to generate that at cycle X-1.
Thus to make last high when the counter is 3 you have to set that up when the counter is 2:
always #(posedge clk...
if (counter==3'h2)
last <= 1'b1;
last <= 1'b0;
I leave making the valid to you.
Once you got your test bench running start working on your design_d module.
Some tips:
Use always non-blocking assignments <= in your clocked section. **
Do NOT use a clock period of 2, use 100 or 1000. You will find out in due time why that is better.
Do not use always #(posedge clk or [one or more signals] ) unless as per my example. **
Take care of your indenting. I had to do some mayor editing on your code.
**Sorry I can't go into details why that is good practice most of the time as that would triple the size of this answer. For now please follow the tips.
I could have written the actual code in a tenth of the time it took me to write all that so I hope you will not delete the question as others may profit from it.

Filling register vector from FIFO with generated shifts

I'm a bit of a neophyte with Verilog, and I have just started working on a project, and I'm trying to verify that the code I have started with is workable. The code snippet below is unloading a FIFO into a vector of 8 bit registers. At each clock cycle it unloads a byte from the FIFO and puts it in the end of the register chain, shifting all the other bytes down the chain.
reg [ 7:0] mac_rx_regs [0 : 1361];
generate for (ii=0; ii<1361; ii=ii+1)
begin: mac_rx_regs_inst
always #(posedge rx_clk_int, posedge tx_reset)
if (tx_reset) begin
mac_rx_regs[ii] <= 8'b0;
mac_rx_regs[1361] <= 8'b0;
end else begin
if (rx_data_valid_r) begin
mac_rx_regs[ii] <= mac_rx_regs[ii+1];
mac_rx_regs[1361] <= rx_data_r;
I'd like to know if this is a good way to do this. I would have expected to just address the register vector with the byte count from reading the FIFO. I'm concerned that this isn't deterministic in that the order that the generated always blocks run is not specified, plus it seems that it'll cause a lot of unnecessary logic to be created for moving data from one register to another.
To start with, you don't really need to worry about the number of always statements in general. If they are all using the same clock and reset, you will get expected behavior relative to interaction between the processes.
The one thing I do, that is more about style than anything else, is to add a #FD to my flop assignments like shown below to make simulation look a little better, IMHO.
Also, this is simple enough that you could code this as a single process.
parameter FD = 1;
reg [1361*8-1:0] mac_rx_regs; // Arrays are good if you are trying to
// infer memory, but if you are okay
// with registers, just declare a vector.
always # (posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
mac_rx_regs <= #FD 1361*8'h0;
// This next statement shifts in a new 8 bits when rx_data_valid_r is asserted.
// It will assign max_rx_regs to max_rx_regs (nop) when deasserted.
mac_rx_regs <= #FD rx_data_valid_r ? {mac_rx_regs[1361*8-9:0],rx_data_r} :

Verilog always#(..) output not working as expected

So, im trying to synthesize my verilog code to send data from ps2 keybord ->fpga->vga. Just for the background of the code, I want to press the button "1", and that to appear on the center of the screen (called the display_area)
I realised that something is not working as expected.
After carefull debugging, i realised that the problem lies in the module that converts the parallel data bus from the rom, into serial output, to assign a value in each pixel.
The code itself is pretty simple, im just providing as much info as i can.
We need a positive edge of the clock to enter the always area (or a reset). If the value display_area_enable is 1, we activate a counter from 7 till 0 (8 cycles) to index the data from the rom.
However, on the first clock, if the display area becomes 1 the exact moment when the vga_clk pulse becomes 1, the counter gets the value as it should, but the one_bit_output (the output of the module) doesnt. One_bit_output gets its first correct value the 2nd time that the always block is accessed. as a result we need 9 cycles to access an 8 bit bus.
I ll provide the code and a modelsim testbench
module shifter(reset,char_rom_data_out,vga_clk,display_area_enable,one_bit_output,counter);
input [7:0]char_rom_data_out;
input vga_clk,display_area_enable,reset;
output reg one_bit_output;
output reg [2:0]counter;
always #(posedge vga_clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
else if (display_area_enable==1)
else if (display_area_enable==0)
module testbz();
reg reset,vga_clk,display_area_enable;
reg [7:0]char_rom_data_out;
wire [2:0] counter;
wire one_bit_output;
shifter dignitas(reset,char_rom_data_out,vga_clk,display_area_enable,one_bit_output,counter);
reset<=1; char_rom_data_out<=8'b11110001; vga_clk<=0;display_area_enable=0; //sto 10 skaei o prwtos kyklos, kai meta ana 20
#5 reset<=0; display_area_enable<=0;
#5 display_area_enable<=1;
#160 display_area_enable<=0;
#10 vga_clk=~vga_clk;
and the simulation is :
Can someone explain to me why on the first pulse of the vga_clk, the output is not expected?
Change one_bit_output so that it does not change in relation to the clock edge, but asynchronously in relation to the display_area_enable. The counter keeps track of which element to output. This is essentially a multiplexer with display_area_enable as the selector, or more likely an AND gate with one input being display_area_enable.
As toolic said, the synchronous one_bit_output cannot change on the same cycle as its activating signal. This is because of the set-up times of the flip-flops, the signal must be stable for some time before the clock edge. Now, if you are using one_bit_output to drive some flip-flop, then it MUST update on the next edge. Don't try to avoid this by using latches, that will make synthesis quite hard.
module shifter(reset,char_rom_data_out,vga_clk,display_area_enable,one_bit_output,counter);
input [7:0]char_rom_data_out;
input vga_clk,display_area_enable,reset;
output reg one_bit_output;
output reg [2:0]counter;
always #(posedge vga_clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
else if (display_area_enable==1)
else if (display_area_enable==0)
assign one_bit_output = display_area_enable ? char_rom_data_out[counter] : 0;

Verilog code simulates but does not run as predicted on FPGA

I did a behavioral simulation of my code, and it works perfectly. The results are as predicted. When I synthesize my code and upload it to a spartan 3e FPGA and try to analyze using chipscope, the results are not even close to what I would have expected. What have I done incorrectly?
Your problem is with lines 13-16, where you set initial values for state registers:
reg [OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] previousstate = 0;
reg [OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] presentstate = 1;
reg [6:0] fib_number_cnt = 1;
reg [OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] nextstate = 1;
This is an equivalent to writing an "initial" statement assigning these values, which isn't synthesizable -- there is no such thing as a default value in hardware. When you put your design inside an FPGA, all of these registers will take on random values.
Instead, you need to initialize these counters/states inside your always block, when reset is high.
always #(posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset) begin
previousstate <= 0;
presentstate <= 1;
... etc ...
Answer to the follow-up questions:
When you initialize code like that, nothing at all happens in hardware -- it gets completely ignored, just as if you've put in a $display statement. The synthesis tool skips over all simulation-only constructs, while usually giving you some kind of a warning about it (that really depends on the tool).
Now, blocking and non-blocking question requires a very long answer :). I will direct you to this paper from SNUG-2000 which is probably the best paper ever written on the subject. It answers your question, as well as many others on the topic. Afterward, you will understand why using blocking statements in sequential logic is considered bad practice, and why your code works fine with blocking statements anyway.
More answers:
The usual "pattern" to creating logic like yours is to have two always blocks, one defining the logic, and one defining the flops. In the former, you use blocking statements to implement logic, and in the latter you latch in (or reset) the generated value. So, something like this:
wire some_input;
// Main logic (use blocking statements)
reg state, next_state;
always #*
if (reset) next_state = 1'b0;
else begin
// your state logic
if (state) next_state = some_input;
else next_state = 1'b0;
// Flops (use non-blocking)
always #(posedge clock)
if (reset) state <= 1'b0;
else state <= next_state;
Note that I'm using a synchronous reset, but you can use async if needed.
Lines 13-16 are correct. "reg [6:0] fib_number_cnt = 1;" is not the same as using "initial" statement. Read Xilinx synthesis guide for more detailed description of how to initialize the registers.
