IFERROR with 3 values - excel

I have a VLOOKUP for postcodes and currently it works when searching for both 3 and 4 character postcodes
TW13 - Feltham
UB3 - Uxbridge
But I forgot that there are 2 character postcodes and both VLOOKUP and IFERROR only allow two checks to be made.
So where should I be looking to first check for 4 characters, then 3 characters or worst case 2 characters? If it helps all my postcodes are in the correct format with the space e.g. TW13 9XX, UB3 4XJ, W3 4EE.

Just nest in another IFERROR() in the value_if_error clause of the first:

How about just extracting the part prior to the breaking space in postcodes
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(LEFT(F2,FIND(" ",F2)-1)&"*",Postcodes!A:C,3,FALSE),"")


Data validation on number of numerical characters in a string

Trying to add formula to data validation that checks whether a string is either 6 numerical digits, or 6 numerical digits with hyphens or spaces. E.g.
12 34 56
The string could also contain leading zeros.
The user should not be able to input a string that differs from the above formats, so
....for example
Would prefer not to use VBA, but am struggling to make this into a data validation formula.
Any ideas would be appreciated
Try this:
=AND(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""),"-","")*1<=999999,SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""),"-","")*1>=1,LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""),"-",""))=6)
This formula removes hyphens and spaces, then checks if the number is 6 digits and that it falls between 1 and 999999. If there are any letters/symbols, the *1 part will cause an error.
#JvdV id right. I misread your requirements. Here is my second attempt:
=AND(OR(ISNUMBER(MATCH("??-??-??",A1,0)),ISNUMBER(MATCH("?? ?? ??",A1,0)),AND(IFERROR(A1*1,0)<=999999,IFERROR(A1*1,0)>=1)),ISNUMBER(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"-","")," ","")*1))
Here is what it allows and doesn't allow:

Find specific characters and return the next value in the cell using Excel Formula

I am not sure where to begin with the formula as I have gotten myself so confused with everything. I have a cell the contains "PON " or "PON: " or "PON = " then the actual PON (Example: PON 123467) I want to formula to return 123467 in the cell.
Examples What I want returned
I have PON 123467 for shoes 123467
I have PON: 234567-AB for food 234567-AB
I have PON - 569874-Weird for accessories 569874-Weird
I have PON = DOG-564-987 for dog food DOG-564-987
I am currently using Excel 365
Filterxml() will give you best companion here in this case. Try-
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1," for","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[1]")," ","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[last()]")
Using FILTERXML, and testing for a substring following PON, you can try:
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A1)," ","</s><s>") & "</s></t>","//s[contains(.,'PON')]/following-sibling::*[string-length(.)>2][1]")
Note that FILTERXML solution will cause a PON that is solely numeric, but with a leading zero, to drop the leading zero. Unfortunately, the xPath implementation in that function does not include the string() function
If dropping the leading zero might be a problem, you can add a character to the node that will force the number to be seen as a string. In the modified formula below, I use the unicode zero-width space, but there are others you can use. Note that this will count as a character for the string=length function, so be sure to maintain the >2 parameter:
=FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A1)," ","</s><s>"&UNICHAR(8203)) & "</s></t>","//s[contains(.,'PON')]/following-sibling::*[string-length(.)>2][1]")
Because of the variablity in your data, that sometimes there are extraneous space-separated substrings between PON and your desired extract, the xpath:
locates the substring PON
returns all subsequent siblings that have a string-length of more than two (adjust if necessary)
returns the first sibling that meets that criterion.
You might try this formula.
=TRIM(LEFT(MID(A2,FIND(#{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A2),100),FIND(" ",MID(A2,FIND(#{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A2),100))))
It extracts the text between the first number and the first space following that number. The size of that extract is limited to 100 characters.

Alpha Numeric Validation in Microsoft Excel

1- I'd like to use a validation rule for an input cell where the entry must be 7 or 8 alphanumeric characters long
2- at the start of the string Alphas used must be 1 or 2 characters and uppercase.
3- at the end of the string Numerics will always be 6 characters long.
4- The following type of entries are required to be validated
5-I have created a validation formula. it works fine except it cannot validate 2nd character as alphabate in the string. i used AP656569 and A5656569 for testing. it should allow only AP656569, but on the contrary it is allowing both strings.
You may try:
=AND( - Let's check two things:
AND( - Check if multiple conditions are TRUE:
LEN(A1)>6 - Check if string is over 6 char.
LEN(A1)<9 - Check if string in under 9 chars.
ISNUMBER(RIGHT(A1,6)*1 - Check if 6 rightmost characters make up a numeric value.
CODE(A1)>64,CODE(A1)<91 - Check if leftmost characters is in class [A-Z].
IF( - Check the following:
LEN(A1)=8 - Check if the lengths is actually 8.
AND( - If TRUE then check the following:
CODE(MID(A1,2,1))>64,CODE(MID(A1,2,1))<91 - Check if 2nd char is in class [A-Z].
1 - If the length is not false, it will still be 7, therefor we return a 1 (equal to TRUE), to not mess with our parent AND().
You can apply this to your custom validation rule as a formula if you want to avoid false data, or as mentioned in the comments to conditional formatting if you want to be able to show false data after it being entered.
Alternatively, if you have Excel 2019 or higher, and you like code-golf you could use:
Your conditions do not exclude a string like A1234567 (1 capital letter, 7 digits). According to your conditions and assuming your string is in cell A1, this formula should work:
It's basically an AND function that contains:
a condition to check for the lenght of the string: OR(LEN(A1)=7,LEN(A1)=8)
a condition to check if first 2 characters of the string are letters (only the first or both): OR(IFERROR(LEFT(A1,1)*1,0)=0,AND(IFERROR(LEFT(A1,1)*1,0)=0,IFERROR(LEFT(A1,2)*1,0)=0))
a condition to check if the first character is capital: UNICODE(A1)=UNICODE(UPPER(A1))
a condition to check if the second character is capital: UNICODE(MID(A1,2,1))=UNICODE(UPPER(MID(A1,2,1)))
a condition for each last 6 characters to check if they are numeric (example refers to the first one): IFERROR(MID(RIGHT(A1,6),1,1)*1,0)
EDIT: Improvements
The formula can be improved like this:
It's still an AND function. This the changes:
it contains a single condition to check if the first 2 characters are capital (previously there were 1 for each character that used the UNICODE function): EXACT(LEFT(A1,2),UPPER(LEFT(A1,2))) [CREDIT: JvdV]
it contains a single condition for the last 6 characters to check if they are numeric (previously there were 1 for each character that used the IFERROR function): ISNUMBER(RIGHT(A1,6)*1)
EDIT: correction
In order to exclude special character, i've edited the formula:

Extract a numeral with a specific number of digits from a string

Question relates to Excel (Office365):
I am seeking a solution that will extract a number with a length of 4 digits from a string.
A couple of examples of the type of strings I am referring to are:
"16016KT 9999 SCT030"
"PROB30 0500 FG BKN001"
"MOD TURB BLW 5000FT TILL302300"
"INTER 6000 SHRA SCT015"
In each of the above strings there are a combination of letters and numbers of varying lengths and no set pattern.
The sequence of characters that I am interested in are the 4 digit numbers (in BOLD). Not, the 5000 in 5000ft.
The sequence of 4 digits is unique to all the strings I will be evaluating.
You may use:
=IFERROR(TEXT(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[.*0=0][string-length()=4]"),"0000"),"Non found")
On more recent versions of Excel, you may try:
=RegexpFind(A1, "\b[0-9]{4}\b", 0)
See here for how to activate regex support in Excel.
another solution:
=IFERROR(TEXT(UNIQUE(SEQUENCE(9999)/(FIND(" " & TEXT(SEQUENCE(9999),"0000") &" ",A2)>0),,1),"0000"),"")
Another option
In B1, formula copied down :
=IFERROR(TEXT(0+MID(A1,SEARCH(" ???? ",A1)+1,4),"0000"),"not found")

=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH.... the difference between 1 and 11

I am trying to convert a single column of numbers in excel to multiple depending on the content.
e.g. Table 1 contains 1 column that contains 1 or more numbers between 1 and 11 separated with a comma. Table 2 should contain 11 columns with a 1 or a 0 depending on the numbers found in Table 1.
I am using the following formula at present:
The next column contains the following:
All the way to 11
The problem with this however is that the code for finding references to 1 also find the references to 11. Is it possible to write a formula that can tell the difference so that if I have the following in Table 1:
2, 5, 11
It doesn't put a 1 in column 1 of Table 2?
Use, for list with just comma:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(",1,", ","&A2&",")),1,0)
If list is separated with , (comma+space):
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(", 1,", ", "&A2&",")),1,0)
A version of LS_dev's answer that will cope with 0...n spaces before or after each comma is:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(", 1 ,",", "&TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(A2,","," , "))&" ,")),1,0)
The SUBSTITUTE makes sure there's always at least one space before and after each comma and the TRIM replaces multiple spaces with one space, so the result of the TRIM function will have exactly one space before and after each comma.
How about using the SUBSTITUTE function to change all "11" to Roman numeral "XI" prior to doing your search:
If you want to eliminate "11" case, but this is all based on hardcoded values, there should be a smarter solution.
