Cassandra modeling with a read/unread status for a message inbox, CQL - cassandra

I'm trying to find the best data model for a message box application. That messages appear in order in which first the ‘unread’ appear and then as the user scrolls the ‘read’ messages will appear. In both of the categories I want to sort the messages by arrival time. Something like priority inbox in gmail.
The first schema I thought to use is :
(userId uuid,
messageId timeuuid,
data blob,
isRead boolean,
PRIMARY KEY(userId, isRead, messageId))
So My data is first sorted by the boolean field and then by time. Now I can easily go over first my 'unread' messages and after they all end then I will start reading the 'read' messages.
The problem is that I can't update any message status, since it's a part of the primary key. I can do a delete and then insert in a batch operation, it's also the same row.
Another solution will be :
(userId uuid,
messageId timeuuid,
data blob,
isRead boolean,
PRIMARY KEY((userId, isRead), messageId))
Having a row for every status. I gain a very easy access but does that mean that I have to deal with transaction? When reading a message I have to delete it from the ‘unread’ row and insert it to the ‘read’ row, they might be in different partitions.
another version for the partition key can be :
PRIMARY KEY(userId, messageId)
and then I would add a secondary index on isRead. My queries will always be on a certain user and not a group of user.
Any ideas on what is better? Or any other modeling ideas?

You can create a table referencing you messages by id for exemple :
(inbox_id uuid,
userId uuid,
messageId timeuuid,
data blob,
isRead boolean,
PRIMARY KEY(inbox_id));
This table store you datas and perform update operations.
Create other tables for search like
(inbox_id uuid,
userId uuid,
messageId timeuuid,
isRead boolean,
PRIMARY KEY((userId, isRead), messageId))
Search desired records in this table and update in both tables.


What are the rules-of-thumb for choosing the right partition key in Cassandra?

I just start learning about Cassandra and going deeper to understand what is happening backstage that makes Cassandra too much faster. I go through the following docs1 & docs2 but was still confused about choosing the right partition key for my table.
I'm designing the Model for a test application like Slack and creating a message table like:
CREATE TABLE messages (
id uuid,
work_space_id text,
user_id text,
channel_id text,
body text,
edited boolean,
deleted boolean,
year text,
created_at TIMESTAMP,
PRIMARY KEY (..................)
My query is to fetch all the messages by a channel_id and work_space_id. So following are the options in my mind to choose the Primary Key:
PRIMARY KEY ((work_space_id, year), channel_id, created_at)
PRIMARY KEY ((channel_id, work_space_id), created_at)
If I go with option 1, so each workspace has a separate partition by a year. This will might create Hotspot if one workspace has 100 Million messages and other has few hundreds in a year.
If I go with option 2, so each workspace channel has seprate partition. What if there are 1Million workspaces & each has 1K channels. This will create about 1B partitions. I know the limit is of 2Billion.
So what is the rool of thumb to choose the right partition key that will distribute data evenly and not create hotspots in a data center?
The primary rule of data modeling for Cassandra is that you must design a table for each application query. In your case, the app query needs to retrieve all messages based on the workspace and channel IDs.
The two critical things from your app query which should guide you are:
Retrieve multiple messages.
Filter by workspace + channel IDs.
The filter determines the partition key for the table which is (workspace_id, channel_id) and since each partition contains rows of messages, we'll use the created_at column as the clustering key so it can be sorted in descending chronological order so we have:
CREATE TABLE messages_by_workspace_channel_ids (
workspace_id text,
channel_id text,
created_at timestamp,
user_id text,
body text,
edited boolean,
deleted boolean,
PRIMARY KEY ((workspace_id, channel_id), created_at)
Ordinarily we would stop there but as you pointed out correctly, each channel could potentially have millions of messages which would lead to very large partitions. To avoid that, we need to group the messages into "buckets" to make the partitions smaller.
You attempted to do that by grouping messages by year but it may not be enough. The general recommendation is to keep partitions to 100MB for optimum performance -- smaller partitions are faster to read. We can make the partitions smaller by also grouping them into months:
CREATE TABLE messages_by_workspace_channel_ids_yearmonth (
workspace_id text,
channel_id text,
year int,
month int,
created_at timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((workspace_id, channel_id, year, month), created_at)
You could make them even smaller by further grouping them into dates:
CREATE TABLE messages_by_workspace_channel_ids_createdate (
workspace_id text,
channel_id text,
createdate date,
created_at timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((workspace_id, channel_id, createdate), created_at)
The more "buckets" you use, the more partitions you will have in the table which is ideal since more partitions means greater distribution of data across the cluster. Cheers!
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Cassandra Order By Updated At

I'm trying to build a cassandra schema to represent chat.
The one thing i can't seem to figure out is how to query most recently updated rooms (similar to most chat app list view)
Fields desired in list view ordered by updated_at desc
*room id
room title
room image
*message entry
*message type
Current Tables
Create TYPE user(
id uuid,
name text,
avatar text
id uuid,
"name" text,
image text,
users set<user>,
archived boolean,
created_at timestampz,
updated_at timestampz,
CREATE TABLE messages(
room_id uuid,
message_id timeuuid,
user user,
message_type int,
entry text,
metadata map<text, text>,
PRIMARY KEY(room_id, message_id)
CREATE TABLE rooms_by_user(
user_id uuid,
room_id uuid,
PRIMARY KEY(user_id, room_id)
Possible solutions that i can come up with.
Duplicate all room details to each message
allows easy query with SELECT * FROM messages PER PARTITION LIMIT 1
this would be a lot of duplicate data per message...
Query latest messages which user belongs to get room ids then query rooms
This doesn't seem to be the cassandra way?
Is there a better way to model my data?
By looking at the schema it looks like you need relational database.
In Cassandra usually you use one table per query, it means you you should design your table by how you will structure query.
Also you can query by partition key or clustering column (second one should be partition key + clustering column).
So in order to query by updater_at, you need to make that column as clustering column. And keep in mind that in Cassandra you cannot alter keys.

Cassandra update previous rows after insert

I have this schema in cassandra:
create table if not exists
timestamp timestamp,
sender_id bigint,
conversation_id bigint,
message_type varchar,
message text,
primary key ((conversation_id), sender_id, message_type, timestamp));
And there is a message_type with value conversation_ended, is there a way to denormalise the data so I can do queries on those conversations that have already ended?
I've thought about having an extra field that can be updated by a trigger when a conversation_ended message hits the system, does this make sense?
In Cassandra you need to model your data in a way the answers your questions. It's not like a RDBMS where you create you model first then create your queries. So think backwards...
When you do a query in cassandra (for the most part...) you need to query by the primary key and you can use your clustering key(s) to filter or a select ranges. a great post on it.
Your converstation_events table will give you answers about a conversation, filtering by sender, type and time. ** if you want to filter by time you must include sender_id and message_type in the query.
But you want all conversations of a given type so you'll need another table to answer this query. If you want all the conversation that are conversation_ended you could create a second table to map message type to conversation, like-
conversation_by_message_type (
message_type varchar,
conversation_id bigint,
timestamp timestamp,
primary key ((message_type), timestamp, conversation_id));
On the client side you'll have to add a record to conversation_by_message_type anytime you insert a converstation_events event with a given message_type that you might want to look up. I have timestamp in this table so you can sort or filter by time or time and conversation_id.
To find all the ended conversations you could do queries like
<ids> = select conversation_id from conversation_by_message_type where message_type = 'conversation_ended'
select * from conversation_events where conversation_id IN (<ids>)

How to model inbox

How would ago about modelling the data if I have a web app for messaging and I expect the user to either see all the messages ordered by date, or see the messages exchanged with a specific contact, again ordered by date.
Should I have two tables, called "global_inbox" and "contacts_inbox" where I would add each message to both?
For example:
CREATE TABLE global_inbox(user_id int, timestamp timestamp,
message text, PRIMARY KEY(user_id, timestamp)
CREATE TABLE inbox(user_id int, contact_id int,
timestamp timestapm, message text,
PRIMARY KEY(user_id, contact_id, timestamp)
This means that every message should be copied 4 times, 2 for sender and 2 for receiver. Does it sound reasonable?
Yes, It's reasonable.
You need some modification.
Inbox table : If a user have many contact and every contact send message, then a huge amount of data will be inserted into a single partition (user_id). So add contact_id to partition key.
Updated Schema :
user_id int,
contact_id int,
timestamp timestamp,
message text,
PRIMARY KEY((user_id, contact_id), timestamp)
global_inbox : Though It's global inbox, a huge amount of data can be inserted into a single partition (user_id). So add more key to partition key to more distribution.
Updated Schema :
CREATE TABLE global_inbox (
user_id int,
year int,
month int,
timestamp timestamp,
message text,
PRIMARY KEY((user_id,year,month), timestamp)
Here you can also add also add week to partition key, if you have huge data in a single partition in a week. Or remove month from partition key if you think not much data will insert in a year.
In term of queries performance, Yes it sounds good for me. Apache cassandra is really built in for this kind of data modeling. We build table to satisfy queries. This is the process called 'Denormalization' in Cassandra paradigm. This will increase queries performance. You have duplicated data but the main goal is to have fast queries.

Is it possible to query the most recent additions to a table/column family in cassandra?

Assuming the following table, is it possible to easily query the most recent items added to the table?
create table messages(
person_uuid uuid,
uuid timeuuid,
message text);
The primary purpose of this table is to hold a list of messages sent to a particular user, but there is also a need to show an RSS feed of all most recent users, ie, something like:
select person_uuid, message from messages
order by uuid
limit 30;
You need to use Compound Primary Key to be able to sort and order by date.
CREATE TABLE messages(
person_uuid uuid,
date timeuuid,
message text,
PRIMARY KEY(person_uuid,date)
Then you can do
SELECT * FROM messages WHERE person_uuid=xxx ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 20;
