Liferay Portlet Response: how to set status code? - liferay

I have a simple method accepting PortletResponse and PortletRequest in my liferay portlet
public void remove(PortletResponse response, PortletRequest request) {
I want to set response status to 404, like I can do with HttpServletResponse by httpResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST)
Can you tell me how I can do it?

What does Portlet Specification 2.0 have to say - you can set the response status only when handling resource request:
If the portlet want to set a response status code it should do this
via setProperty with the key ResourceResponse.HTTP_STATUS_CODE.
That means, you can set the response status code this way when serving resources:
With Liferay, you can get instance of the underlying HttpServletResponse and set status code there. The portal will return it to the client. This way, you can set the response status for any portal request, not only resource request.
HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = PortalUtil.getHttpServletResponse(portletResponse);
However, such practice is strongly discouraged as well explained in Olaf Kock's answer. See it to get the bigger picture.

In addition to Tomas Pinos' answer (please accept his answer): Note that a portlet is never delivered directly by an HttpServletRequest - it's embedded in a page which is generated by the portal. Thus the HTTP response codes don't have any meaning (for portlets) in the portal world: The page might still be there, just contain or not contain the portlet in question - it's the business of the portal to show whatever it likes then.
The only exception to this rule is what Tomas describes correctly: When handling a resource request, you're serving exclusive content - thus you have the option to do more to the request than just piping HTML that would otherwise be embedded in a page generated by someone else (the portal, together with other unknown portlets)


Jersey2 ContainerRequestFilter not executing before autentication

I am trying to get security working with my jersey2 web app.
I register RolesAllowedDynamicFeature and my Request filter with AUTHENTICATION priority in my ResourceConfig
register(MyRequestFilter.class, Priorities.AUTHENTICATION);
I added #RolesAllowed to the method
public Response getIt(#Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
return Response.ok().entity(service.get()).build();
In my request filter I set my security context
SecurityContext securityContext = containerRequestContext.getSecurityContext();
containerRequestContext.setSecurityContext(new MySecurityContext("gary", securityContext));
When I call the method from postman I get a 403 - Forbidden
I added logging to my request filter to see when it is called. It is NOT called.
If I remove the #RolesAllowed from the web method it does call the request filter.
It seems the Priorities.AUTHENTICATION is not making a difference.
Is there anything I'm missing?
Your filter is implemented as a post-matching filter. It means that the filters would be applied only after a suitable resource method has been selected to process the actual request i.e. after request matching happens. Request matching is the process of finding a resource method that should be executed based on the request path and other request parameters.
#RolesAllowed blocks the selection of the particular resource method giving you the 'not executing' behavior you mentioned.
You have two options... using #PreMatching as explained here.
Or, use custom annotations as explained on a similar question.

Katana+OWIN Context Get HTTP Referrer?

IOwinContext does not appear to have the HTTP Referrer in it, and I need to grab it. What is the right way to get that particular variable? IOwinContext has several Typed PEMs but I don't see referer in particular.
The system I am working is self-hosted.
The OwinContext doesn't have 'HTTP Referer' as item in Request header. This has been renamed in Owin self host context. It's now known as 'Referer'. So once you have object of owin context you can get the information by using:

Accessing Request, Response, Service and Db Context, etc. in ServiceStack

In my previous project, I use a framework (Agatha RRSL) similar to ServiceStack, in that everything is made of Request, Response and Handler. It also has Interceptors that can attach to handler and you can inject other interfaces to the handler as well. I can use this to open a transaction BeforeHandling, access to both request and response in AfterHandling, create audit, save to database and close transaction if needed.
I try to experiment similar with SerivceStack. But seems with Filters, I can't grab request and response together?
With custom ServiceRunner. When I try to debug OnAfterExecute(...), I can see the name of my request dto in IRequestContext {ServiceStack.ServiceHost.HttpRequestContext}. But just the name, I couldn't figure out how to retrieve the actual request object to work with the response object.
Another thing I haven't figure out is if it's possible to inject the auto wired service interface into it, like a db context or audit service. Maybe this one is too far ahead in the pipeline?
The final thing is, it seems I can only register one custom service runner? With Interceptor, I can drop a bunch of them, and they will wrap around each other.
Any thoughts? Thanks
The RequestContext also contains the HttpRequest and HttpResponse which you can get access with:
var httpReq = RequestContext.Get<IHttpRequest>();
var httpRes = RequestContext.Get<IHttpResponse>();
See the docs on Accessing HTTP Specific features for more info.

Rendering a Request Target Portlet from an Action event

I have PortletA and PortletB. Both are java portlets and after I click a button in PortletA, I need to render PortletB(render PortletB in the sense I need to make it as request target, i.e isRequestTargetted must be true) .
Please let me know, how to do it from the processAction method with an example.
processAction(ActionRequest req, ActionResponse res)
Sounds like you need some basic portlet communication, either through an event or a public render parameter. I've only used WebSphere Portal do these, so I don't feel confident guiding you through a WebLogic example, but a quick Google search gave me this documentation that you can read through. I imagine it should provide you with what you need.

JSF PhaseListener viewId always one behind

Im trying to prevent users to access special pages with a phaselistener. for that reason im trying to figure out on which page they try to access.
but my problem is, i only get the page they where before. not the actual page.
public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event)
FacesContext fc = event.getFacesContext();
System.out.println("test1" + fc.getViewRoot().getViewId());
and same here
public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event)
FacesContext fc = event.getFacesContext();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) fc.getExternalContext().getRequest();
String uri = request.getRequestURI();
System.out.println("uri: " + uri);
why is that, and how do i get the pagename the user is trying to access? Not that one that they required one step before, or better the page they are coming from.
It is one step behind because that is the way sequence of HTTP POST request behaves. When you are navigating in JSF application via command buttons each request goes as a post request.
Since you are protecting some resources make sure they are accessed via HTTP GET than you will get exact view id, this can be achieved as
User directly hits the url from address bar of browser.
After a post of jsf app redirect it to the resource instead of simple JSF navigation. POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern falls into this have a look here.
If you are showing some messages after each POST, you might need Flash map for that, which is new feature in JSF2, if you are on JSF1.x hard luck, you can implement flash if you want to.
To conclude catch the view ids on HTTP GET request.
Hope this helps...
