Cannot export Sketch file to Zeplin. Forbidden 403 Error - sketch-3

I am new to both Sketch and Zeplin.
When I am exporting my artboard by pressing cmd + E everything seems to be fine.
Zeplin prompts me to select a project. When I select a project to export into, I get a notification saying "Exported 1 screen(s) to ProjectName".
However a short time later it gives me a error dialog and I cannot see any screen in my Zeplin project.
Here is the error dialog:
Note: My sketch app is in its trial period. But it's functioning well, besides this problem.

Thanks to #zeplin_io's fast support on Twitter I solved my problem.
Adjusting my Mac's Date & Time Pref.s to Auto solved issue.


Running 'System Events' from Excel For Mac Via VBA Results in Invalid Procedure 5 Error

I am trying to run a very simple apple script from VBA. The VBA code is:
NavigationJunk = AppleScriptTask("Budget Report Apple Scripts/NavigationMoveWindowsAppleScript.scpt", "NavigationMoveWindowLeftHandler", "")
The script reads:
on NavigationMoveWindowLeftHandler(Junk)
tell application "System Events" to key code 123 using {option down, control down}
end NavigationMoveWindowLeftHandler
where the complete path for the .scpt is: "/Users/Andrew/Library/Application Scripts/ Report Apple Scripts/NavigationMoveWindowsAppleScript.scpt" (this is the correct path as documented here: Apple Script Task Throwing an Error 5
This code simply performs the key stroke cntrl+option+left arrow. That key stroke is a shortcut for the app Magnet to move the window to be half screen left.
This worked prior to updating my system to MacOS Ventura. I attempted to restart, uninstall Excel, reset the permissions in System Settings/Privacy/Automation (as documented here: Reset MacOS Privacy Settings) and reinstall Excel. When I tried to run the VBA code I was prompted to grant permission to system events and still received an invalid procedure error. I verified that when I call the handler from within the Apple Script Editor the system performs the keystrokes with no issues. I assume this is some sort of permission thing...How do I fix this?
Of note: this code called prior to the AppleScriptTask above runs just fine:
AppleScriptResult = Split(AppleScriptTask("Budget Report Apple Scripts/NavigationMoveWindowsAppleScript.scpt", "NavigationGetScreenResolution", ""), " ")
This is curious because the .scpt is the same file and calls a different handler:
on NavigationGetScreenResolution(Junk)
return do shell script "system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep Resolution"
end NavigationGetScreenResolution
and runs just fine. Any help here would be greatly appreciated

C# FileSystemWatcher & StreamReader gives "File is being used by another process" error

I have codes to watch a folder and open to read new files. When new file(s) fall into folder program works and do what it should do. Problem is related with other next file(s). If another file(s) fall into folder, program is giving "File is being used by another process" error message. I already read every similar questions in Stackoverflow and in Google. But non of them solved my problem. I don't think that problem is with my codes since when I assign same codes to a button and click manually after file falls to folder, program is working properly. But when FileSystemWatcher runs those codes it gives error at second time. Is there anyone who can advise a solution ?
I couldn't find the reason of the problem but I found my own solution.
I gave-up using FileSystemWatcher, instead I created a timer for 1 minute and at the end I check file quantity in the folder. If there is any change, I run the main codes. Now my problem has been fixed.

Unexpected automatic change in webview.xml

I am creating an Android app with webview, yesterday I closed the project at night and it was working fine but today when I opened the project it showing some encoded text in activity_webview.xml and the project is not building.
Below is the encoded text:
IHDR ` ` �w8 �IDATx��] XSWھ* �#d a�Mك# �U#E�]��
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And yes, I don't totally remember about the contents of this file. Please help.
Error log from Logcat
Rather than discussing on unexpected change, may this solution work for you.
Right click on your activity_webview.xml and select show history from Local History.
Here you would find the previous versions of your file and I am sure you would find the clean copy of your code here.

Error in latin.js when the keyboard is called

I tried to add localization to my app. Using l10n.js worked just fine when I languages in the simulator to test it. But implementing l10n_date.js caused an error I couldn't figure out. So I pulled all references to localization from the code and the manifest. I figured I'll try again later.
However, when I run the app in the 1.3 simulator now, I get strange behavior. The moment the focus is on the input field and the keyboard pops up, all CSS formatting disappears. I thought it was an error in my code, but when I dug deeper, I found this error:
setLanguage: Unknown language: en_us: [Exception... "File error: Not found" nsresult: "0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)" location: "JS frame :: app:// :: setLanguage :: line 64" data: no]" latin.js:262
The moment the keyboard disappears, the formatting comes back. I'm assuming this happened because I switched languages before.

Strange error returned from mciSendString - Can anyone help?

A few months ago I added audio recording to a MFC app that I'm working on. This turned out to be easy enough and after an hour or two the code was working on my PC and on a couple of the customers test machines (one running XP the other Vista). Recently however one of their test machines was upgraded and now the recording feature refuses to work.
The basic code to start the recording is ..
mcierr=mciSendString("open new type waveaudio alias mysound",tmpstr,80,NULL);
mcierr=mciSendString("set mysound time format ms bitspersample 8 samplespersec 11025",tmpstr,80,NULL);
mcierr=mciSendString("record mysound",tmpstr,80,NULL);
which appears to work fine. To stop recording the following code is executed ..
mcierr=mciSendString("stop mysound",tmpstr,80,NULL);
mcierr=mciSendString("save mysound C:\\filename.wav",tmpstr,80,NULL);
mcierr=mciSendString("close mysound",tmpstr,80,NULL);
The following error occurs when the "save mysound C:\filename.wav" instruction is sent. The error returned is ..
MCI Error A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once.
But I can't see any error in what I am sending and that error doesn't make sense. Is it possible that the error is because the program is trying to record using a format the PC doesn't support ?
Thanks for your time
OK I managed to find a solution to this. This line in the code ..
mcierr=mciSendString("save mysound C:\\filename.wav",tmpstr,80,NULL);
works fine on my development PC running XP but causes errors on some test PC's running XP and on all of them running Vista. The error goes away however if the filename itself is put within quotes like this ..
mcierr=mciSendString("save mysound "C:\\filename.wav"",tmpstr,80,NULL);
Now the code runs fine on all the XP and Vista PC's it has been tested on.
A detail more is necessary to have it working.
Please watch the double "" before and after the file name:
mcierr=mciSendString("save mysound ""C:\\filename.wav""",tmpstr,80,NULL);
This is fine, too:
mcierr=mciSendString(#"save mysound ""C:\filename.wav""",tmpstr,80,NULL);
With these double quotation marks the code works on my Windows 7 now.
