Visual Studio Resource group project template - azure

I am about to do a demo using the Azure SDK 2.8 resource group project template:
I have found a blog post from 2014 here:
But the new Edit Parameters box is different and I cant work out what to do with "MyWebSitePackageFolder" and "MyWebSitePackageFileName":
I know they are related to storage:
But I get an error when doing a new deployment:
I am just creating a web app from the template:
Any help would be great!

I have not been able to come back to this but I would say that the best solution would be to use VS 2015. Obviously 2013 was updated to allow you to do this but 2015, by default, does this with much more ease.
Not really a solution to the 2013 problem but I have the luxury of using 2015.

These parameters are used to deploy the Web Site files along with the Web App Service. This is done via a reference to the web application project in your solution. Apparently the integration with VS2013 seems to be poor, because in VS2017 these fields appear only after a reference to the web application project has been correctly configured.
The following two screens should help in the general case:
notice the web application reference properties
... and the deployment parameters
There is a very good Hands-On Lab provided by Microsoft on this topic here, called "DT00154: Authoring ARM Templates with Visual Studio".


Cannot find equivalent tooling in Azure API Apps using VS 2015

I am using this video as a reference. It is basically explaining how to build Azure Api Apps using VS 2013. I want to do the same in VS2015 and have installed the latest Azure SDK. I am finding the following things missing and not able to find its equivalent in VS2015 or any documentation that says how its done differently using VS 2015
Here are a list of the things that I was not able to find:
At 4.58 into the video the option to right click and convert a regular Web Api app into a Azure App Api.
At 5.23 the apiapp.json file is no longer available in a VS 2015 Api App project. What if I want to change the swagger url? Where do I configure that?
At 12.13 into the video there is an option to generate an Azure Api App client. I could not find this either in VS 2015. All I have is this below
Am I bound to only provide urls for published API? What if I moved the API to a different URL later? I have not been thru this process yet so my next question is where do I configure the URL, which can possibly change as I move from DEV all the way thru to PROD.
Is there something missing in my tooling? Do I need to install something else other than the latest Azure SDK? How do I do those three items if my azure tools are up to date. I am using Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 - v2.9.40518.2
Back in December 2015, Microsoft made several changes/improvements to API Apps (they are listed here).
1-This feature no longer exist, you need to add the Swashbuckle nuget package manually.
2-The apiapp.json file is no longer used. Look for the SwaggerConfig.cs class in the App_Start folder.
3-The option has been renamed. Right-Click on the project in Solution Explorer and select Add/REST API Client...

Hosted Pool Missing in Visual Studio Online in Build section

I am setting up Visual studio online Release management and I am referring this link
to select Hosted Pool Agent in Visual studio online.. But it is missing for me.. I am refering this link in order to solve the below issue
Please help
There are issues with the request or definition that will prevent the build from running:There are agents that are capable of running the build, but they are not online. If the agent is configured to run as a service, ensure that the "VSO Agent ({agent name})" service is running.The value specified for SourceVersion is not a valid commit id.
VS online release management does not yet work with hosted pool. You need to setup your own agents for a few more weeks until that support comes in.

Simplest way to promote successful online TFS builld to production - Azure

Firstly, apologies that the question is not strictly about programming, but how to simply promote an Azure website through environments. If anyone can suggest a better place for this question to be posted then please fee free.
I have a two Azure website environments. Lets call them:
I am using Visual Studio 2013 and am using TFS on Visual Studio Online.
I have managed to configure everything to the point where I can check in to TFS and on a successful build, automatically deploy to
The files are saved in a 'Drops' folder on Visual Studio Online (TFS). It all works great up to this point.
What is the simplest way of then taking one of these successful builds and promoting it to

Visual Studio Team Services build

I've got an Visual Studio Team Services account, I was an "early adopter" and have only recently started being interested in the build features.
Everywhere seems to suggest that a hosted build controller is just there when you create a new build definition.
I'm getting a TF225001 error when I try to create a new build definition. I've searched high and low to try and find a way to fix this.
I've associated my Visual Studio Team Services account with my Azure account/subscription and can confirm that it's linked.
I've specifically set my Visual Studio Team Services login to be a member of the build administrators group and anything else specific to build.
I still get the error after logging in and logging out.
Is there a delay with linking an account to Azure and being able to see the hosted build controller?
Try the following troubleshooting steps:
Go to the Builds section of the Team Explorer toolbox in Visual Studio
Click Actions -> Manage Build Controllers
In the list you should see a controller named "Hosted Build Controller (Hosted)" and an agent named "Hosted Build Agent"
Select the controller, click Properties and ensure the Build Controller is enabled (don't worry if it's offline - that is normal - but it should be enabled)
Select the agent and do the same thing
Turns out there was an issue on the Microsoft end.
If anyone gets a TF225001 error when trying to create a new build definition and there aren't any build controllers in the manage build controllers window. You will need to contact the visual studio online product team.
They made a change to something which allowed me to see the Build Controller and that allowed me to create a build definition.

Managing Azure Storage from VS 2013

I've been following the progress of VS 2013 as its progressed through its releases (Beta, RC, and now GA) and have had an overall positive feeling about the release. Today, I spent the day working entirely in the new version (GA Premium) to ensure that it provides all of the basic functionality needed by my team prior to adoption.
It works well for general dev tasks - given several of my favorite extensions haven't been ported yet - but while attempting to administer our Azure storage from within the IDE it appears to be removed from the previous release.
While in VS2012's Server Explorer, I'm able to link to Azure account to discover all of my top level objects - Cloud Services, Service Bus, Storage, and VMs. Now within VS2013 - following the same setup procedures from the previous version - I only see Mobile Services, SQL Databases, and Web Sites under the Windows Azure node of Server Explorer.
After a little googling I found little insight or even others asking the same thing (since GA) so I'm starting to wonder if it's just me or if this is the way it'll be from now on??? Can anyone confirm and/or provide evidence from Microsoft indicating that this is intentional?
Installing the Windows Azure SDK should give you all of the features you're looking for. You can find directions here: for using the current version of the SDK with the VS 2013 GA release.
