C# compiler, Calling a valid constructor gives error - c#-4.0

Well , the picture speaks for itself.
Silverlight project
VS 2015 ( tried also with 2013 and 2012 )

It is a documented restriction, the constructor you are trying to use is not supported in Silverlight version 5. From the MSDN article:
Supported in: 4, 3
Not crystal why it was dropped, probably has something to do with it being [SecurityCritical].
Why your IntelliSense still shows it is hard to guess, I certainly can't repro that. You probably ought to verify the path to the mscorlib reference, mine points to C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\Silverlight\v5.0\mscorlib.dll


Upgrading to Universal CRT-how can I get rid of a dependency on vcruntime140.dll and msvcp140.dll?

I have a project that I'm trying to get updated to the universal CRT, and I'm still seeing a dependency on vcruntime140.dll and msvcp140.dll, which I think should have been replaced with a ucrtbase.dll, as well as api-ms-win-crt* dlls.
I've already checked out this response here, and this blog post, which explain things pretty well, but still no luck. Here's what I've changed:
Platform Toolset: Visual Studio 2019 (v142)
Windows SDK version: 10.0 (latest installed version)
Additional include directories: added $(UniversalCRT_IncludePath)
Additional library directories: added $(UniversalCRT_LibraryPath_x86)
I also updated my linker dependencies to this set:
But when I run dumpbin /dependents mydll.dll
File Type: DLL
Image has the following dependencies:
E000 .data
66000 .rdata
E000 .reloc
1000 .rsrc
14A000 .text
Is there something else I'm missing to be able to drop the dependency on the specific CRT version?
I've done some more digging, and found this page that says the following:
Starting in Visual Studio 2015, the CRT has been refactored into new
binaries. The Universal CRT (UCRT) contains the functions and globals
exported by the standard C99 CRT library. The UCRT is now a Windows
component, and ships as part of Windows 10.
Great, that's what I expected. Just below though is this:
The vcruntime library contains Visual C++ CRT implementation-specific
code, such as exception handling and debugging support, runtime checks
and type information, implementation details and certain extended
library functions. This library is specific to the version of the
compiler used.
Which implies that there is still a non-universal VC++ dependency that gets linked in by VS. To me, this implies that a dependency-free DLL doesn't really exist (at least not something built with VC++), since you'll always have a vcruntime dependency.
There is always the option of static linking (/MT), but in my case, I'm also looking at a DLL that has /clr, and the two options are mutually exclusive. Application local deployment (just copy vcruntime140.dll with the binaries) also seems to work, and may be the best option for something that I want to be a portable/xcopy deployment.
I'm going to mark this as an answer for now, but if there's a way around this, I'd be interested in seeing it.

Cannot find custom tool AGDataSetGenerator on this system

I've inherited a legacy .Net 3.5 VB app to support from a client and they'd like to make some small data changes. Before we begin I think it's important to note that I am running Windows 7 64 bit, and VS 2013 Ultimate R2.
While making my first changes to the project, I noticed their datasets use a custom tool AGDataSetGenerator (written by Shawn Wildermuth in 2004). I did a lot of poking around on how to register custom tools. I went over to http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/8582/Inherit-from-ADO-NET-DataSet-to-create-your-own-bu and got the source code of the tool, inside the project there are a couple of utility files that you need to run in order to register the tool. Remember this was made in 2004 so things were a little different back then.
I modified the Reg.cmd file to point to v2.0.50727 since my project is running .Net 3.5 and .Net 3.0 and 3.5 are both just minor updates from .Net 2.0 and not completely new .net versions. Also I noticed that there is both a Framework and a Framework64 folder with the C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net folder, so I added both locations to my .cmd file in hopes to cover all of my bases. Code Below
Reg.cmd - Original
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\regasm /codebase /verbose F:\AGDataSetGenerator.dll`
Reg.cmd - My Modified Version
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm /codebase /verbose F:\AGDataSetGenerator.dll
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\regasm /codebase /verbose F:\AGDataSetGenerator.dll
Then it was on to the.reg file.
Upon opening the file my first thought was, cool, I can just switch the version from 7.1 to 12.0 and away we go. Not the case. After quite a bit of googling I found the first line registers the tool for VB.Net, and the second registry entry registers the tool for C#, so for me I only need the first line, also VS now a days registers to a new location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\ for 64 bit specific registers. So in hopes to cover my bases once again, I tried including both 32 bit and 64 bit locations. I even threw in a more global register for both 32 and 64 bit that in hopes that would point visual studio to the generator entry, unfortunately I'm a bit out of my wheelhouse here so I was pretty much grabbing at straws.
BSDataSetGenerators.reg - Original
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="ADOGuy DataSet Generator"
#="ADOGuy DataSet Generator"
BSDataSetGenerators.reg - My Modified Version
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Assembly"="AGDataSetGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=35e4ca7ea38d2508"
"Assembly"="AGDataSetGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=35e4ca7ea38d2508"
Regardless of everything I've tried. When I right-click a dataset and try to run custom tool. BAM! I get the following:
If anyone can get this working in similar settings to my own, I'd love to know how you did it.
I'm very much the type of person that find's it very hard to take NO for an answer when it comes to technology. Unfortunately the answer here is simply just "No". The custom tool is very much outdated and to get it to work in VS 2013 just isn't feasible (I still can't bring myself to say impossible).
I'm writing this answer because I have a workaround that I suggest anyone in the same situation use straight out of the gate instead of trying to get that old tool to work. As a workaround, I created a new data project in .Net 3.5 and used entity framework to bring in just the models I needed to update. I generated my models from database and then went to the .aspx code behinds and replaced references to the outdated generated datasets. It took some refactoring but using EF instead of those ancient generated datasets cut the code by about 40%. Win Win in my opinion. Hope this helps someone else in the future.
According to the old .reg reference to VS 7.1, that means it was built to work in VS 2003. I know that VS plugin coding changed a lot in VS 2010 and later editions. So, it is possible this plugin may only work in VS 2003... possibly all the way up to VS 2008. But, it may need to be re-written to work in anything later.
Hopefully you have MSDN or know someone who does. I would spin up a VM, install VS 2003 (or you could try up to VS 2008), and install this plugin using the original .reg/.cmd.

Visual Studio 2012 undocumented warning C4447

dllmain.cpp(16): warning C4447: 'main' signature found without threading mode
l. Consider using 'int main(Platform::Array<Platform::String^>^ args)'.
Above is a warning I got from building a Windows Store App DLL project. I didn't change anything in that default dllmain.cpp file except for including my own version of pch.
The documentation for this warning (along with many VS2012 errors/warnings) is nowhere to be found on MSDN and here is the only relevant link I can find:
and the op there didn't get an answer.
If anyone knows what it means and how to fix it, it would be great!
As far as I can tell, you can safely ignore the warning. The compiler cribs when it sees a Win32-style DllMain being compiled using the /ZW flag (Consume Windows Runtime Extensions). However, the function gets called as you'd normally expect.
Alternatively, you can work around the warning by compiling dllmain.cpp without /ZW. You might need to adjust the PCH settings for this to properly work. This is the path taken by the DLL (Windows Store apps) C++/CX project template in Visual Studio.
Incidentally, the reason you do not get the warning when you're trying to build a Windows Runtime Component project (which builds everything using /ZW) is that a Windows Runtime Component doesn't declare a DllMain. This is not to say that it can't; it just picks up the dummy DllMain that the CRT defines (which basically turns off per-thread initialization and reports success).

VC++ 2012 and Boost incompatibility - `throw()` specifications in library headers

I have a new project where I cannot use boost::format. I get a compiler error complaining that boost's override of a virtual function, ~basic_altstringbuf, lacks a "throw()". Even the most trivial attempt to use boost::format does that.
I have other projects where it works fine. I have verified that the new project uses the same include-paths for boost, and for the VC++ includes. All the projects have "Enable C++ Exceptions" set to Yes. The only explanation I can come up with is that the projects that work have some #DEFINE or some setting that disables those vile exception specs in the std:: include-files. But I have no idea what or where it might be. Any ideas?
Error 1 error C2694: 'boost::io::basic_altstringbuf::~basic_altstringbuf(void)': overriding virtual function has less restrictive exception specification than base class virtual member function 'std::basic_streambuf<_Elem,_Traits>::~basic_streambuf(void) throw()
EDIT: Corollary question: Is there a Properties-item in VS++ 2012 that will cause the std:: header files to be included without exception-specs? - short of turning off exceptions, that is?
At the request of the original owner of the green check-mark, I am submitting this summary.
The bugs are on the Microsoft side, in header-files for C++ standard library interfaces, and in the VC++ compiler when "Disable Language Extensions" is NOT set. The header files contain exception-specifications that the standard does not call for. When "language extensions" are not enabled, the compiler accepts invalid code. I have filed a bug report.
Boost could work around the problem in this specific case by adding seven characters to a nested include-file, i.e. "throw()" at line 65 in alt_sstream_impl.hpp. I filed a report with boost also, although I made it clear that the bug is not in their code. I am just suggesting a workaround.
All the tedious details are in the two reports linked above.
Check the preprocessor defines.
You might turn on and inspect verbose logging to see the exact flags that are passed to cl.exe
You could keep the preprocessed source and compare the version from the old (working) project with the new (failing) project.
My gut says, something else is being #defined/passed using -D in the old project that is not being defined in the new project, of differently (think of WINVER type macros)
See new answer posted: VC++ 2012 and Boost incompatibility - `throw()` specifications in library headers
EDIT by OP, Jive Dadson - It turned out to be /Za, which enables/disables "Microsoft language extensions." It is the contention of Visual Studio that the C++ standard requires that a program shall not compile if it has a virtual function override that is less restrictive in the "throw()" category than the function it overrides. Boost has a class that derives from basic_streambuf, and has a virtual destructor that lacks "throw()". The original destructor has that evil festoon. My new project will compile boost::format if I turn MS language extensions ON.
So the question becomes, who is wrong, and how? Is it standard-complying to put throw() on that destructor or not? Is the desired behavior (desired by me, that is) actually an "extension"? I seem to recall that MS considered some standard C++11 features to be "extensions," but I am not sure I remember correctly. Anyway, I will leave it to the boosters to decide, if they are interested. https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7477

fatal error C1084: Cannot read type library file: 'Smegui.tlb': Error loading type library/DLL

I am trying to build an old version of an application which consists of VC++ projects that were written in Visual Studio 2003.
My OS is Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit).
When I try and build the solution I get the following errors:
error C4772: #import referenced a type from a missing type library; '__missing_type__' used as a placeholder
fatal error C1084: Cannot read type library file: 'Smegui.tlb': Error loading type library/DLL.
They both complain about the following import statement:
#import "Smegui.tlb" no_implementation
This is not a case of the file path being incorrect as renaming the Smegui.tlb file causes the compiler to throw another error saying it cannot find the library.
Smegui is from another application that this one depends on. I thought perhaps I was missing a dll but there is no such thing as Smegui.dll.
All I know about .tlb files is that they are a type library and you can create them from an assembly using tlbexp.exe or regasm.exe (the later also registers the assembly with COM)
There is also an Apache Ant build script which uses a custom task to invoke devenv.com to build the projects. This is the same script that the build server originally used to build the application. It gives me the same errors when I try and run it.
The strangest thing about this is that I knew it ought to work seeing as it is all freshly checked out from subversion. I tried many different combinations of admin vs user elevation, VS vs Ant build, cleaning, release.
I have got it to build successfully about 5 times but the build seems to be non-deterministic.
If anyone can shed some light on how this tlb stuff even works or what this error might mean I would greatly appreciate it.
I found a far more reliable solution: open the tlb with oleview.exe and then close it.
Not sure what this actually does but it works every time.
I think oleview is actually one of the samples included with Visual Studio but I haven't had the time to debug it and see what it is doing.
I ran into this error because one type library was trying to load a dependent type library, which it could not find. Even though the dependent type library was in the same directory, and even though that directory was in the searchable path, the compiler would error loading the first type library, but not mention the dependent type library in the error.
To find the pseudo-missing type library, I ran Process Monitor (procman64.exe) during the compile. This showed that after the reported type library had successfully loaded, a dependent type library could not be found. It even showed all of the places that it was looking for the dependent type library, none of which were where it should have been looking (e.g.: ).
The fix was to add a <PreBuildEvent> to the project to copy the dependent .tlb file to one of the directories that was actually being searched.
<Command>copy /Y ..\Lib\Interop\CWSpeechRecLib.tlb .\</Command>
smegui.tlb is referencing some other tlb that the compiler can't find. If you have the .idl for smegui you might be able to figure out what the other is. I suspect the missing tlb is something that original build machine had registered but that your machine doesn't have registered.
A type library is a binary description of a set of interfaces, coclasses and enums. They're usually generated for COM components, in the case of tlbexp and regasm the tlb is created from the assembly metadata. For native COM components they are usually generated from an idl (Interface Description Language) file by the midl tool.
I just noticed you're on x64 Windows. Are you building the project with a new version of Visual Studio? If so, are you targeting x86 or x64? If the latter, it may simply be a 32bit component that the compiler can't find (or less likely, a x64 component the x86 compiler can't find if you are targeting x86), for WOW64 the registry is virtualized for x86 vs. x64 applications.
Well I finally found out why I managed to get it to build sometimes and not others... sort of.
So long as I ran the build script with elevated administrator permissions and let that get as far as it could until that error occurred, then run the build script again as a protected administrator succeeded. Those steps must be done in that exact order with no other steps in between. If I try build in Visual Studio it does not work (although I did get it to succeed once). Probably some kind of virtualisation issue although it still doesn't quite make sense.
Well I don't need help on this any more and I know it's probably impossible to fully answer this question without knowing exactly what the build is doing. However if anyone does have any more thoughts I would happily receive them.
