I want to install request module in node.js, but whenever i try installing using npm, it throws several error in my command prompt.
npm install request
When i try to install , it throws some related to proxy error, can anybody help me to sort it out.
Errors are :
I see that you have a problem with connection proxy, so try to install it manually download request package there: https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests
After on the folder execute python setup.py install :)
I'm trying to install Node.js and this message occurs every time. I already have Node.js installed, but I am trying to install it again to use Angular. I am unable to install due to below error. Can someone can help me?
The alternative was to install as administrator, but this option doesn't show for me.
I was writing my code and I want some module to be installed so I installed all the required module but after that, I am getting this (Unable to resolve "./prebuilt.rn-f9cd27ba.js" from "node_modules#firebase\firestore\dist\rn\index.js") error again and again so I tried to uninstall all the module which I have installed and I also tried to reinstall, run npm install, and much more but this issue is not fixed pls help
Make sure you are running a modern version of Node.js (or whatever version your project is using (nvm can help with this).
Delete your node_modules directory and run npm install again.
I am working in Node JS. My problem is, if I am trying to install any package or if I am trying for "npm install" it gives me following error.
I dont know whats happening if I am trying to install any package. Please help me in this I am facing very serious issue. Thanks in advance
I am trying to use the twilio node.js library with my meteor application. I was able to install the package using meteor npm install --save twilio
and it installed correctly. However, when I use import twilio from 'twilio'; I get this error
Error: Cannot find module 'crypto'(…)require # modules-runtime.js?hash=637cb12…:119meteorInstall.node_modules.twilio.lib.webhooks.js # modules.js?hash=9468cd4…:38774fileEvaluate # modules-runtime.js?hash=637cb12…:191require # modules-runtime.js?
Any thoughts on how to fix this. Seems to be a meteor error.
Normally, when you hit the command meteor npm install it should create a folder name meteor-node-stubs (/node_modules/meteor-node-stubs) in which the dependencies such as crypto etc. is arranged.
I think there is a problem with this folder in your project. My suggestion is to check whether you have this folder.
If you do not have it, you can try to install it by meteor npm install --save meteor-node-stubs That should solve your problem if this is the case
I'm new to node.js.
I'm using WebStorm. I work on Windows.
I configured my app to run on node.js and when I try to run it I get this error:"Cannot find module 'merge-descriptors'".
I followed these post trying to solve it: How do I resolve "Cannot find module" error using Node.js?,
module.js:338 throw err in node.js
I ran "del /s /q node_modules" (parallel to "rm -rf node_modules").
Now I'm trying to run "npm install -g" and I'm getting this error:
See screen shot below
I've tried to understand it and to look for information about it in the net to no avail.
Any help will be profoundly appreciated!
I had similar issue installing the module, I tried npm install or npm update but my network would timeout. However what I did is very simple:
npm install merge-descriptors --save
When installing the dependencies for a package you should be using npm install and not using the -g flag.
The g flag, or global is used when installing a package globally, which places them in a direct location that is not accessible by the project.
See https://docs.npmjs.com/files/folders
The specific error you're seeing is that the logged in user doesn't have permission to write to the install directory. This can be overcome with sudo command, ex., sudo npm install. But as others have indicated, if you have to do this then something about your app's configuration could be wrong.