Is there a way to handle negations in OpenNLP?
For instance
"He is NOT a dangerous person."
With POS tagging we usually sense adjective "dangerous" and give a negative sentiment. Any way to figure this out?
More specific (with OpenNLP): How could entity co-referencing/relation be done?
I need to extract simple triplets from unstructured text. Usually it is of the form noun- verb- noun, so I have tried POS tagging and then extracting nouns and verbs from neighbourhood.
However it leads to lot of cases and gives low accuracy.
Will Syntactic/semantic parsing help in this scenario?
Will ontology based information extraction be more useful?
I expect that syntactic parsing would be the best fit for your scenario. Some trivial template-matching method with POS tags might work, where you find verbs preceded and followed by a single noun, and take the former to be the subject and the latter the object. However, it sounds like you've already tried something like that -- unless your neighborhood extraction ignores word order (which would be a bit silly - you'd be guessing which noun was the word and which was the object, and that's assuming exactly two nouns in each sentence).
Since you're looking for {s, v, o} triplets, chances are you won't need semantic or ontological information. That would be useful if you wanted more information, e.g. agent-patient relations or deeper knowledge extraction.
{s,v,o} is shallow syntactic information, and given that syntactic parsing is considerably more robust and accessible than semantic parsing, that might be your best bet. Syntactic parsing will be sensitive to simple word re-orderings, e.g. "The hamburger was eaten by John." => {John, eat, hamburger}; you'd also be able to specifically handle intransitive and ditransitive verbs, which might be issues for a more naive approach.
I am trying to find correct parts of speech for each word in paragraph. I am using Stanford POS Tagger. However, I am stuck at a point.
I want to identify prepositions from the paragraph.
Penn Treebank Tagset says that:
IN Preposition or subordinating conjunction
how, can I be sure if current word is be preposition or subordinating conjunction. How can I extract only prepositions from paragraph in this case?
You can't be sure. The reason for this somewhat strange PoS is that it's really hard to automatically determine if, for example, for is a preposition or a subordinate conjunction. So in order for automatic taggers to have a better precision, this distinction is simply ignored. Note that there is also a tag TO, which is given to any occurrence of to, regardless of its function as a preposition, infinitive particle or whatever (I think there are others).
If you need to identify prepositions properly, you need to retrain a tagger with a modified tag set, or maybe train a classifier which takes PoS-tagged text and only does this final disambiguation.
I have had some breakthrough to understand if the word is actually preposition or subordinating conjunction.
I have parsed following sentence :
She left early because Mike arrived with his new girlfriend.
(here because is subordinating conjunction )
After POS tagging
She_PRP left_VBD early_RB because_IN Mike_NNP arrived_VBD with_IN
his_PRP$ new_JJ girlfriend_NN ._.
here , to make sure because is a preposition or not I have parsed the sentence.
here because has direct parent after IN as SBAR(Subordinate Clause) as root.
with also comes under IN but its direct parent will be PP so it is a preposition.
Example 2 :
Keep your hand on the wound until the nurse asks you to take it off.
(here until is coordinating conjunction )
POS tagging is :
Keep_VB your_PRP$ hand_NN on_IN the_DT wound_NN until_IN the_DT
nurse_NN asks_VBZ you_PRP to_TO take_VB it_PRP off_RP ._.
So , until and on are marked as IN.
However, picture gets clearer when we actually parse the sentence.
So finally I conclude because is subordinating conjunction and with is preposition.
Tried for many variations of sentences .. worked for almost all except some cases for before and after.
Is it possible to handle synonyms or other specific two or more words to be considered as a single feature in a bag of words model in stanford classifier?
For instance :
I would want would and could to be considered as a single feature .
I don't exactly understand your question. Please be a bit more specific about what you are trying to classify.
But generally, you can always transform your input before giving it to any classifier. I.e. replace "hey, could i help you" with "X, Y I help you" where X is a placeholder for the group {hi, hey, hello, ...}.
These groups are sometimes called "synsets", e.g. in WordNet ( Here's the synsets of "hello" in WordNet: [1] If this is helpful, there's APIs to access WordNet.
You can of course just manually create these word groups as well. Keep in mind though that there's a lot of ambigious words where assigning one of these groups is quite hard.
I've been working on a Question Answering engine in C#. I have implemented the features of most modern systems and are achieving good results. Despite the aid of Wordnet , one problem I haven't been able to solve yet is changing the user input to the correct term.
For example
changing Weight -> Mass
changing Tall -> Height
My question is about the existence of some sort of resource that can aid me in this task of changing the terms to the correct terms.
Thank You
Looking at all the synsets in WordNet for both Mass and Weight I can see that there is no shared synset and thus there is no meaning in common. Words that actually do have the same meaning can be matched by means of their synset labels, as I'm sure you've realized.
In my own natural language engine ( I allow users to use any synset label in the grammar they define but I would still create two separate grammar rules in this case, one recognizing questions about mass and one recognizing questions about weight.
However, there are also files for Wordnet that give you class relationships between synsets too. For example, if you type 'define mass' into my demo page you'll see:-
4. wn30:synset-mass-noun-1
the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field
--type--> wn30:synset-fundamental_quantity-noun-1
--type--> wn30:synset-physical_property-noun-1
ITokenText, IToken, INoun, Singular
And if you do the same for 'weight' you'll also see that it too has a class relationship to 'physical property'.
In my system you can write a rule that recognizes a question about a 'physical property' and perhaps a named object and then try to figure out which physical property they are likely to be asking about. And, perhaps, if you can't match maybe just tell them all about the physical properties of the object.
The method signature in my system would be something like ...
... QuestionAboutPhysicalProperties (... IPhysicalProperty prop,
INamedObject obj, ...)
... and in code I would look at the properties of obj and try to find one called 'prop'.
The only way that I know how to do this effectively requires having a large corpus of user query sessions and a happiness measure on sessions, and then finding correlations between substituting word x for word y (possibly given some context z) that improves user happiness.
Here is a reasonable paper on generating query substitutions.
And here is a new paper on generating synonyms from anchor text, which doesn't require a query log.
I am doing POS tagging. Given the following tokens in the training set, is it better to consider each token as Word1/POStag and Word2/POStag or consider them as one word that is Word1/Word2/POStag ?
Examples: (the POSTag is not required to be included)
Any suggestion is appreciated.
The examples don't seem to fall into one category with respect to the use of the slash -- a/k/a is a phrase acronym, 1/2 is a number, mystery/comedy indicates something in between the two words, etc.
I feel there is no treatment of the component words that would work for all the cases in question, and therefore the better option is to handle them as unique words. At decoding stage, when the tagger will probably be presented with more previously unseen examples of such words, the decision can often be made based on the context, rather than the word itself.