export all InDesign book to text - text

I'm trying to export all documents in a book to plain txt format.
I've tried the "ExportAllStories" scripts already in InDesign and of course it only picks up the current document. I've also downloaded a text exporter from Rorohiko Workflow Resources and that only picks up one document.
Does anyone know any other programmes or plugins i could use for this?

Here is an AppleScript that will process all documents in a book:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
set theFiles to file path of book contents of book 1
repeat with aFile in theFiles
set theDocument to open aFile
--export content script code here
end repeat
end tell


How can I use python to edit docx and/or doc file tags on a windows system?

I have a folder with a large amount of .doc and .docx files, I would like to develop a python script to edit the tags of each file so I can find a file in the folder using the tags - thus making my life a little easier.
I am unsure of how to even start and was hoping someone could point me to a library or provide some sample code to help me get started.
I am not sure if the file extenstion matters because this seems to be a windows property (right-click file > Properties > Details > Tags > type in tags) but if the extension matters I do can change all the files to be .docx
The python-docx package provides methods to access most of the metatdata in a word file. The class docx.opc.coreprops.CoreProperties in specific allows you to modify author, category, etc. I didn't see tags mentioned but if you do some more research i'm sure you can find it.
docx.opc.coreprops.CoreProperties.keywords can be used to update doc file tags.

How can we show excel and doc files in angular6

I am using outlook mail api to receive and show mail content which can also include attachments of any type. I had managed to show pdf files using pdf-view module but for excel and doc files no such module or anything exist.Could anyone suggest something for this.Any help would be appreciated.Thank you
So what I found from my research is you can not display a word file using java script or angular, it only opens up a dialog box to download the file.
As an alternate what you can do is convert word file to HTML and preview it in browser. Mammoth.JS is the best option for this.

How to attach pdf embedded in excel in outlook email with vba

I have created an embedded pdf with the insert> object > create from file> browse > display as icon function in excel.
I would like to then use the embedded pdf as an attachment for my outlook email using vba code. I have tried to use the .Attachment.Add code but it seems to fail to detech an embedded object.
Could anyone advise a correct code? Thanks!
Get the file from the source?
I don't understand why you would need to embed the.PDF object in the workbook, if you're going to be emailing it separately anyhow...
Regardless, you could just grab the actual/original .PDF to attach a copy to the email, directly from the same location from where it was embedded. (If it's not there, what happened to it?)
Another option:
As soon as you right-click the embedded object, Excel 2016 "gets ready" for you to open it by extracting it to your local temp folder. (I'm unsure whether this applies to previous versions.)
Therefore, you could programmatically right-click the embedded icon, and then check the temp folder located at the path that you'll find stored in Environ("temp"). One or more copies of your file will be located there (and it should be the 'newest' PDF).
Yet another option:
Excel's XLSM file is simply a compressed ZIP file, if you change the extension. You could programmatically make a copy of the file, changing it's extension to .ZIP.
Embedded object are stored as .BIN files within the ZIP file in the xl\embeddings\ folder. It would have to be extracted and then renamed back to a PDF. Note that this method is a little flakey and won't work with all PDF's.
More Information:
VBA Express : Save embedded PDF file as a separate PDf file
How-to-Geek : How to Extract Images, Text, and Embedded Files from Office Documents

Readout properties of a ms word document on a linux system

We want to program a pre-commit hook on our linux based svn server which executes some checks on the properties of ms word documents (e.g. author, version, etc.) during their initial check-in.
Is there any way to read out these properties with some e.g. scripting language or C++ code on a linux system?
Depending on what version of Word you're working with, possibly.
The DOCX format is really a ZIP file which contains a number of files (many XML) that make up the Word document. It's based on the Office Open XML format. If you unzip it and look in the docProps directory that's created, core.xml contains several nodes that may be of use to you: dc:creator, cp:lastModifiedBy, cp:revision. Interrogate those with your scripting language/XML library of choice.

Make Infragistics UltraGrid Document Exporter launch file

We have an existing application that allows exporting of an Infragistics data grid to either Excel or PDF format. Currently, when the user clicks on the Export button, it asks them where to save the file and then it exports it and saves it. Then, to launch it, they go to where they saved it and then it launches.
The user wants the application to instead launch the grid into either Adobe Acrobat or Excel and THEN that is where the user can opt to save the file. They don't want it to ask where you wish to save it before it exports, like it currently is doing now.
Is this possible with the Infragistics Document Exporter? I couldn't find any information on this from the Infragistics web site.
I'm thinking, instead of giving it a filename, I could instead use a stream maybe to the console or something like that and let the OS give the user the option to launch it?
Is there an example somewhere of this being done? I see there is an overload in the Export member function that allows you to pass in a stream.
The Infragistics excel engine and documents engine will need to write to a file to be able to have the file opened in Excel or Adobe Acrobat so you will still need to save a file before they can open it.
For the requirement to open the file, you could use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start method and if there is a program associated with the file type you can pass the file that you just saved.
As there is a dependency on the file system to open the file in Excel or Adobe Acrobat you will not be able to achieve your goal of not requiring the file be saved first. While it may be an option to save the file in a temporary location and then open that file it also has an issue that if the user were to click save in excel it would still save in the temporary location so they would need to know to use Save As to save in a different location.
