pgrep in linux only identify 15 bytes proc name - linux

in my Linux , while I run shell : ps -ef | grep Speed , I got the following :
myid 143410 49092 0 10:21 pts/12 00:00:00 ./OutSpeedyOrderConnection
myid 145492 49053 0 10:35 pts/11 00:00:00 ./SpeedyOrderConnection
That means , the pid of these 2 process are 143410 and 145492 .
Then I run shell : pgrep -l Speed , I got the following :
143410 OutSpeedyOrderC
145492 SpeedyOrderConn
and I run shell : pgrep OutSpeedyOrderC , I got :
pgrep OutSpeedyOrderCo will get nothing !!!!!
look like pgrep will only identify 15 bytes of processname ,
anything I can do to get the right answer while I run
pgrep OutSpeedyOrderConnection ?!


Why the node child spawn process detached from parent process and start running independently ?

I have a node child spawn process which is continuously write in to the file using writestream on every "data event" received. The script is run under ssh and facing an edge case problem.
Consider multiple terminals open with same ssh host and the script is start to run in one terminal. Someone accidentally close the ssh terminal during it's execution and doesn't want to stop child process execution. while using a command ps -ef | grep "command name" the child process still running with different parent process id (it shows 1) but the writestream in the child process stops writing to the file. It seems like child process become zombie process eventhough i detached the process from parent. You can find the script below:
var execSpawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var spawnAction = function(path, cmd, cb){
return function(resolve, reject, onCancel){
cmdExec = execSpawn(path, cmd, {detached: true});
//cmdExec = execSpawn(path, cmd, {detached: true}).unref();
var fileData = {}
var count = 0;
var stream = fs.createWriteStream('filepath');
cmdExec.stdout.on('data', function(data){
//Certain actions with filedata and count;
cmdExec.stderr.on('data', function(data){
//some actions
cmdExec.on('close', function(){
This script is running properly when it is allow to run completely without any interruption. When the script execution terminal closes the child process stop the writestream to the file. If i try with detach along with unref() it throws an error like it couldn't figure out the event stdout.on over the child process.
Cannot read property 'stdout' of undefined
More information during the script running. This is taken in the same host in different terminal
ps -ef | grep command_name
root 19904 19191 0 20:16 ? 00:00:00 cli command_name pfitzner7 /dev/sdb
root 19905 19191 0 20:16 ? 00:00:00 cli command_name pfitzner7 /dev/sdc
root 19906 19191 0 20:16 ? 00:00:00 cli command_name pfitzner7 /dev/sdd
root 19907 19191 0 20:16 ? 00:00:00 cli command_name pfitzner7 /dev/sde
root 23101 13105 0 20:16 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto command_name
After closing the script running terminal before it finishes. I am getting this:
ps -ef | grep command_name
root 19904 1 0 20:16 ? 00:00:00 cli command_name pfitzner7 /dev/sdb
root 19905 1 0 20:16 ? 00:00:00 cli command_name pfitzner7 /dev/sdc
root 19906 1 0 20:16 ? 00:00:00 cli command_name pfitzner7 /dev/sdd
root 19907 1 0 20:16 ? 00:00:00 cli command_name pfitzner7 /dev/sde
root 23163 13105 0 20:16 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto command_name
I am trying to figure out why it's happening this issue and will it be there any possible ways to do in different way. Why did the parent process id changed to 1 even if it's detached child process? How can a child spawn process can run independently from the parent process?
Please let me know your suggestions on this approach or the reason for the error.
Thanks in advance.
I think, you don't need to detach your childrens. The childrens are spawned asynchronously, so you may manipulate with a few child's stdio at the same time

Self duplicate background script

This is a background script test.
When run it launch two processes and I don't understand why.
One stop after sleep 20. And other forgets.
while [ 1 ]
echo $n
sleep 5
back &
sleep 20
command "ps -a" in call:
8964 pts/2 00:00:00 backgroundtest
8965 pts/2 00:00:00 backgroundtest
8966 pts/2 00:00:00 sleep
8982 pts/2 00:00:00 sleep
after sleep 20:
8965 pts/2 00:00:00 backgroundtest
9268 pts/2 00:00:00 sleep
then run forever...
while [ 1 ] is an infinite loop. [ 1 ] is always true.
So back & is an infinite loop, started in background (&), then execution continues with sleep 20, which does end after 20 seconds, leaving you with two processes for 20 seconds (& starts a new process in background), then the infinite one after that.

not running cron with casperjs file..
PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/casperjs /home/test/html/run/site_check.js
Setting in crontab..
# cat /etc/crontab
45 0 * * * root sh /home/test/html/run/
but casperjs not running..
crontab status is Rl..
what is Rl ??
# ps ax|grep phantomjs
28155 ? Rl 0:18 /usr/local/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js --casper-path=/usr/local/casperjs --cli /home/test/html/run/site_check.js
of course..
# casperjs site_check.js
is running..
add comment...
# sh &
# ps ax|grep phantomjs
1625 pts/0 Sl 0:01 /usr/local/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js --casper-path=/usr/local/casperjs --cli /home/test/html/run/site_check.js
is running...
if ps status is Sl, data change.. (namely running..)
but ps status is Rl, data not change.. run by cron, status is always Rl.
Rl status does not change.
what problem? plz..
help me..

ps display thread name

Is there a way for ps (or similar tool) to display the pthread's name?
I wrote the following simple program:
// th_name.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
void * f1() {
printf("f1 : Starting sleep\n");
printf("f1 : Done sleep\n");
int main() {
pthread_t f1_thread;
pthread_create(&f1_thread, NULL, f1, NULL);
pthread_setname_np(f1_thread, "f1_thread");
printf("Main : Starting sleep\n");
printf("Main : Done sleep\n");
return 0;
Is there a command/utility (like ps) that I can use to display the threads for the above program, along with their name.
$ /tmp/th_name > /dev/null &
[3] 2055
$ ps -eLf | egrep "th_name|UID"
aal 31088 29342 31088 0 2 10:01 pts/4 00:00:00 /tmp/th_name
aal 31088 29342 31089 0 2 10:01 pts/4 00:00:00 /tmp/th_name
aal 31095 29342 31095 0 1 10:01 pts/4 00:00:00 egrep th_name|UID
I am running my program on Ubuntu 12.10.
With procps-ng ( there are output option -L and -T which will print threads names:
$ ps -eL
$ ps -eT
-l long format may be used with them:
$ ps -eLl
$ ps -eTl
but -f option will replace thread name with full command line which is the same for all threads.
note the man page of pthread_setname_np(),which have showed how to get the threads' names:
pthread_setname_np() internally writes to the thread specific comm
file under /proc filesystem: /proc/self/task/[tid]/comm.
pthread_getname_np() retrieves it from the same location.
The program below demonstrates the use of pthread_setname_np() and
The following shell session shows a sample run of the program:
$ ./a.out
Created a thread. Default name is: a.out
The thread name after setting it is THREADFOO.
^Z #Suspend the program
1+ Stopped ./a.out
$ ps H -C a.out -o 'pid tid cmd comm'
5990 5990 ./a.out a.out
5990 5991 ./a.out THREADFOO
$ cat /proc/5990/task/5990/comm
$ cat /proc/5990/task/5991/comm
Show the thread IDs and names of the process with PID 12345:
ps H -o 'tid comm' 12345

find all users who has over N process and echo them in shell

I'm writing script is ksh. Need to find all users who has over N process and echo them in shell.
N reads from ksh.
I know what I should use ps -elf but how parse it, find users with >N process and create array with them. Little troubles with array in ksh. Please help. Maybe simple solutions can help me instead of array creating.
s162103#helios:/home/s162103$ ps -elf
0 S s153308 4804 1 0 40 20 ? 17666 ? 11:03:08 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon --oa
0 S root 6546 1327 0 40 20 ? 3584 ? 11:14:06 ? 0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon -udpPor
0 S webservd 15646 485 0 40 20 ? 2823 ? п╪п╟я─я ? 0:23 /opt/csw/sbin/nginx
0 S s153246 6746 6741 0 40 20 ? 18103 ? 11:14:21 ? 0:00 iiim-panel --disable-crash-dialog
0 S s153246 23512 1 0 40 20 ? 17903 ? 09:34:08 ? 0:00 /usr/bin/metacity --sm-client-id=de
0 S root 933 861 0 40 20 ? 5234 ? 10:26:59 ? 0:00 dtgreet -display :14
when i type
ps -elf | awk '{a[$3]++;}END{for(i in a)if (a[i]>N)print i, a[i];}' N=1
s162103#helios:/home/s162103$ ps -elf | awk '{a[$3]++;}END{for(i in a)if (a[i]>N)print i, a[i];}' N=1
root 118
/usr/sadm/lib/smc/bin/smcboot 3
/usr/lib/autofs/automountd 2
/opt/SUNWut/lib/utsessiond 2
nasty 31
dima 22
/opt/oracle/product/Oracle_WT1/ohs/ 7
/usr/lib/ssh/sshd 5
/usr/bin/bash 11
that is not user /usr/sadm/lib/smc/bin/smcboot
there is last field in ps -elf ,not user
Something like this(assuming 3rd field of your ps command gives the user id):
ps -elf |
awk '{a[$3]++;}
for(i in a)
if (a[i]>N)
print i, a[i];
}' N=3
The minimal ps command you want to use here is ps -eo user=. This will just print the username for each process and nothing more. The rest can be done with awk:
ps -eo user= |
awk -v max=3 '{ n[$1]++ }
for (user in n)
if (n[user]>max)
print n[user], user
I recommend to put the count in the first column for readability.
read number
ps -elfo user= | sort | uniq -c | while read count user
if (( $count > $number ))
echo $user
That is best solution and it works!
