Navigation link works on mobile but not on desktop - twig

i have this website (please use the "de" at the end) and the last link of the navigation "RECHENZENTRUM" does not works on desktop but works on mobile. How can i solve it? This is the twig code:
{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %}
{% set show_onpage_menu = header.onpage_menu == true or header.onpage_menu is null %}
{% macro pageLinkName(text) %}{{ text|lower|replace({' ':'_'}) }}{% endmacro %}
{% block javascripts %}
{% if show_onpage_menu %}
{% do assets.add('theme://js/singlePageNav.min.js') %}
{% endif %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}
{% block bottom %}
{{ parent() }}
{% if show_onpage_menu %}
// singlePageNav initialization & configuration
offset: $('#header').outerHeight(),
filter: ':not(.external)',
updateHash: true,
currentClass: 'active'
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block header_navigation %}
{% if show_onpage_menu %}
<ul class="navigation">
{% for module in page.collection() %}
{% set current_module = ( or module.activeChild) ? 'active' : '' %}
<li class="{{ current_module }}">{{ }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% set datacenter_page = page.find('/services/datacenter') %}
<li>{{ }}</li>
{% else %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{{ page.content }}
{% for module in page.collection() %}
<div id="{{ _self.pageLinkName( }}"></div>
{{ module.content }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

The 'rechenzentrum' link is rendered correctly, and copying the link location via right click gives a correct URL that opens a seemingly correct page. So the template rendering is fine.
The link has two onclick handlers attached to it, though. Probably one of them fails and thus prevents navigation. (The JS is minified so I did not try to debug it.)


How to filter out the order status in frontend at orders overview in shopware6

I am trying to filter the order status depending on the orderstatus at frontend.
enter code here
{% block page_account_orders_overview %}
<div class="account-orders-overview">
{% block page_account_orders_table %}
{% block page_account_orders_table_body %}
{% for order in page.orders %}
{% set orderState = order.stateMachineState.technicalName %}
{% if order.type == in_progress %}
<div class="table order-table"
{% sw_include '#Storefront/storefront/page/account/quotationorder-history/quotationorder-item.html.twig' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
You need to add quotes to a string comparison:
{% if order.type == "in_progress" %}

How to reduce duplication in Twig template

I have an if/else condition in a twig template which switches the out tag of a block of code, however the inner block is the same. Is there a way to reduce the duplication without creating a separate file?
This is what I have at the moment:
{% if condition %}
<a href="">
{{ content }}
{% else %}
{{ content }}
{% endif %}
I was hoping to do something such as:
{% if condition %}
<a href="">
{% include mycontent %}
{% else %}
{% include mycontent %}
{% endif %}
{% mycontent %}
{{ content }}
{% endmycontent %}
Is such a thing possible?
If you don't want to use extra files you could use macro's :
{% import _self as macro %}
{% macro foo(content) %}
{{ content }}
{% endmacro %}
{% for condition in [0, 1, 0, 1, ] %}
{% if condition %}
{{'Bar') }}
{% else %}
<span>{{'Bar') }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
What you want to do has to be done using the normal syntax. an extra file. and include this file.
But if u want to do this without extra file. use the {% set variablecontent = "put content here" %} and then in your "{% mycontent %}" part u put {{ variablecontent }}
hope this helps

Wrap content by an element that satisfies a condition in Twig

I often have similar boilerplate code in Twig:
{% if (somelongcond) %}
{% endif %}
<p>Some long content</p>
{% if (somelongcond) %}
{% endif %}
The problem with the above is if the condition is changed, it can be a maintenance nightmare, I also have to go look all the way down to find the matching if statement and see if the condition is the same.
An alternative is something like this:
{% if (somelongcond) %}
{% include 'content' %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'content' %}
But that requires creating a new file, which can become a mess if I need to do this many times.
Is there a better way to do the above.
There is a good example here:
{% set content %}
<p>Some long content</p>
{% endset %}
{% if somelongcond %}
{{ content }}
{% else %}
{{ content }}
{% endif %}
This is a bit shorter
{{ if somelongcond ? '<div>'|raw }}
<p>Some long content</p>
{{ if somelongcond ? '</div>'|raw }}
Then, if the same condition is repeated, you can maybe set it at the top of your file, then if you need to change it you only have to do it once.
{% if somelongcond %}
{% set cond = true %}
{% else %}
{% set cond = false %}
{% endif %}
{{ if cond ? '<div>'|raw }}
<p>Some long content</p>
{{ if cond ? '</div>'|raw }}

Pass Block through multiple Templates

I am trying to set up some common templates, that I want to use throughout my site.
Starting with a template in order to render Users. I have devided this into two different subtemplates:
users.html.twig (Template in order to show a table of Users)
user.html.twig (Template to render a single User)
Depending on the Controller this subtemplates are "included" I may want to add some buttons for each user.
Lets assume I have an action where I can search for users. This Action has the template search.html.twig
Now I want to include within my search.html.twig the users.html.twig which itself includes user.html.twig. The tricky part is, I want to define in search.html.twig a single block that is rendered in user.html.twig. I tried it with embed, but unfortunately it renders nothing:
{% embed 'StregoUserBundle:Entity:users.html.twig' with {'users': results, 'perRow' : 3} %}
{% block user_additional %}
{% endblock user_additional %}
{% endembed %}
{% block user_table %}
{% for user in users %}
<div >
{% embed 'StregoUserBundle:Entity:user.html.twig' with {'user': user} %}
{% block user_additional %}
{{ parent()}}
{% endblock user_additional %}
{% endembed %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock user_table %}
{% block single_user %}
<div class="people-list">
<a href="{{ path('profile_show', { 'username': user.username }) }}">
<img src="{{ user.profilePic | imagine_filter('profile_thumb') }}" alt="{{ user.username }}" class="img-polaroid">
<h3>{{ user.username }}</h3>
<h3><small>{{ user.firstName }} {{ user.lastName }}</small></h3>
{% block user_additional %}
{% endblock user_additional %}
{% endblock single_user %}
I have tried several combinations of {{ block('XXX')}}, includes, embed, use etc... but did not find a solution.
{% endembed %}
{% embeded %}

Is it possible to turn on spaceless mode only in certain situations in twig?

I want to do something like this:
{% if compress %}{% spaceless %}{% endif %}
{% if compress %}{% endspaceless %}{% endif %}
I'm trying to pass ['compress' => true] to the template from PHP to turn on spaceless mode. But it causes an error; template tags need to be nested properly.
Is there any technique that would let me turn spaceless on/off from PHP?
You would have to restructure your template to do something like this instead.
{% import _self as example %}
{% macro stuff(obj) %}
output stuff with {{ }}, etc...
{% endmacro %}
{% if compress %}
{% spaceless %}
{{ example.stuff(bla) }}
{% endspaceless %}
{% else %}
{{ example.stuff(bla) }}
{% endif %}
Using macros avoids you have to duplicate the content. The import statement at the top is important, so don't forget it.
{% block page %}
page content
{% endblock %}
{% extends 'page.twig' %}
{% block page %}
{% if compress %}
{% spaceless %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endspaceless %}
{% else %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
