Post/share automatically to linkedin company page from server - node.js

I'm trying to post to my company page directly from my server, but I have a hard time understanding how the authentication works. All examples + the documentation seem to require you to have a callback where the "visitor" is promted with a form to confirm the access. But in my case, my app is supposed to only post to my company page and I didn't plan on building a gui at all.
I have setup the Client Id and Client Secret in the Linkedin developer section.

Even though you are the only one that's going to use the app, you still need to execute the OAuth flow and therefore authorize your own app to use your account. You can use Grant for that.
Another thing to note is how LinkedIn handles scopes. They changed how the permissions work earlier this year, so for certain permission you'll have to submit your app for approval.
Lastly LinkedIn doesn't give you a refresh_token so in order to refresh your access_token once it expires you'll have to use a similar hack as the one I described here for Facebook.


How To Access Google Calendar Access Token using Username and Password from Node server

I am trying a post-call to generate an access token using the client username and password. I would like to know how we can achieve this through Node Js Code.
Generally speaking, access_token are rattached to the OAuth2 authentication framework, which doesn't require the application owner (you) to have access to one of your user email/password. This is a more secure approach that is broadly adopted.
The way OAuth2 works on the Google Calendar API is a 3-parties (or 3-legged) authorization. Let's take the example of a user that browses your website and want to sign-in using its Google Account. The steps to authenticate him are the following:
The user clicks on "Sign-in with Google"
The application owner (you) performs a request to Google saying that a user wants to connect (that's the OAuth consent screen)
Google replies by giving you a URL (authorizationUrl) where to redirect the user
On that URL, the user is prompted with several information about your application and can grant access.
When the user has granted access, Google will redirect the user to your application success page (callbackUrl) with a unique code.
Using that code, the application can retrieve an access_token, which temporarly lets your application performs requests on behalf of a user.
These steps are a rapid overview of the OAuth-flow, also known as the OAuth dance. To make POST requests to the Google Calendar API, you will have to perform that OAuth dance for every single of your users.
Implementing that flow can be tricky. Fortunately, Google gives very helpful documentation on that. If you don't want to bother, you can also use API-tools (like Pizzly) that takes care of that for you.

Authentication strategy between my chome extension and server

I'm in the process of building a Google Chrome extension, and have some questions about how to implement security into the application.
I need to access a couple of Google API's so am going to be using OAuth 2.0 for that. So basically from the extension I know which user is logged into the browser.
My extension then needs to get and post data to my (nodejs) API service. I want to ensure that the user requesting data is the same user that is logged into the browser. Is there any way of using the previous Google authentication process to also authenticate communications between the extension and my API? I dont really want the user to have to log in again, to access my API.
I'm sure I'm missing something simple, and I've not been able to find anything that fits this scenario
Follow the OpenID Connect auth flow and you will get an access_token and an id_token. The acess_token you will use to use to make authenticated requests to Google APIs as usual. The id_token will be used as authentication with requests to your server.
When the requests hit your server you will need to validate the token and you can then use the contents of the id_token to identify the user.
User wouldn't have to login on auth process provided if user is already logged in and you are using a web application flow (not chrome.identity APIs) but user would see the consent screen atleast the first time. However you can skip the account selector screen if you already know the email address by providing &login_hint= parameter.

Spotify API Authorization for cron job

I'm creating a node.js application that will update playlists (owned by an account in which I have credentials) daily. According to the Spotify documentation, to add tracks to a playlist (, authorization must be supplied using oauth2.
I'm struggling to find a way to do this completely server side with no redirects/etc. It seems like if I can get a refresh token, I can just use that?
I've been looking at the spotify web api node module (,, and the spotify api.
Any ideas would be appreciated! There is only one account that will have to be authenticated, so it could be hard-coded at least for now.
You've picked the correct authorization flow - Authorization Code, since you need an access token that's connected to the user who owns the playlists you're updating. This of course also gives you the ability to refresh the token whenever you need to. (The expiration time is one hour, but you don't need to refresh the access token until your application actually needs to use it.)
As a sidenote, the Client Credentials flow is meant for server to server communication that doesn't require a user's permission, e.g. to search, read a playlist, or retrieve new releases. The Implicit Grant flow is meant to be used in frontends, and doesn't allow you to refresh the token.
I'm struggling to find a way to do this completely server side with no redirects/etc. It seems like if I can get a refresh token, I can just use that?
Once you have the refresh token you can continue to use it to retrieve new access tokens, which can be done without any user interaction. You need to do some preparation work to retrieve the refresh token though.
Following the steps describing the Authorization Code flow, you first need to direct the playlist's owner to a URL on Spotify's account server.
The documentation contains the following example URL:
Simply replace the client_id and redirect_uri with your application's information. Also modify the scope parameter to match the scopes you need, which from my understanding of your use case is playlist-read-private,playlist-modify-private,playlist-read-collaborative since you want to be able to read and modify all of the user's playlists. Supplying state is not required.
Using spotify-web-api-node you can generate this URL using the createAuthorizeURL method, but since you're only doing this once it's unnecessary to write code for it.
Instead, simply open the URL in your browser.
If done successfully, you'll be taken through a little login dance where your application asks for your permission to read and modify your playlists. When this is completed, Spotify's account service will redirect the browser to your redirect_uri URL with a code query parameter included as described in step 3 in the Authorization Guide.
However, since you're only doing this once, it would be enough to start a webserver on your own machine, set your application's redirect_uri to your localhost, and complete the login flow. Have a look at web-api-auth-examples for a ready-made node.js application that fires up an express server and reads the authorization code.
Once you've got the code, you can trade it for an access token using cURL as it's done in step #4 in the Authorization Guide, or use the code in the web-api-auth-examples repository.
Finally, with the tokens retrieved (step #5), you can start to use the Web API with the access token, and get a new one when it expires using the request in step #7.
spotify-web-api-node has a helper method to refresh the token. Search the main documentation for the refreshAccessToken method.
This use case is slightly mentioned in the FAQ section of the Authorization Guide.
As you said, you need to obtain a refresh token using the authorization code flow. For that you will need to carry out the OAuth process using your user account, the client_id of the app you have registered, and the scopes you need (it will vary depending on whether the playlist is private or public). Then, take the refresh token you have obtained and the client secret key of your app, and you can obtain access tokens without the need of the login form.
This related StackOverflow question might help too Spotify automated playlist management with PHP back-end and rate limits

how to secure azure mobile service / html - javascript

When I call an oauth provider like gmail and I get the token back, how can I make sure that all future calls I make are from that same client that did the authentication? that is, is there some kind of security token I should pass pack? Do I pass that token back everytime?
For example, if I have a simple data table used for a guest book with first,last,birthdate,id. How can I make sure that the user who "owns" that record is the only one who can update it. Also, how can I make sure that the only person who can see their own birthday is the person who auth'd in.
sorry for the confusing question, I'm having trouble understanding how azure mobile services (form an html client) is going to be secure in any way.
I recently tried to figure this out as well, and here's how I understand it (with maybe a little too much detail), using the canonical ToDoList application with server authentication enabled for Google:
When you outsource authentication to Google in this case, you're doing a standard OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow. You register your app with Google, get a client ID and secret, which you then register with AMS for your app. Fast forwarding to when you click "log in" on your HTML ToDoList app: AMS requests an authorization code on your app's behalf by providing info about it (client ID and secret), which ultimately results in a account chooser/login screen for Google. After you select the account and log in successfully, Google redirects to your AMS app's URL with the authorization code appended as a query string parameter. AMS then redeems this authorization code for an access token from Google on your application's behalf, creates a new user object (shown below), and returns this to your app:
"authenticationToken":"eyJhbGciOiJb ... GjNzw"
These properties are returned after the Login function is called, wrapped in a User object. The authenticationToken can be used to make authenticated calls to AMS by appending it in the X-ZUMO-AUTH header of the request, at least until it expires.
In terms of security, all of the above happens under HTTPS, the token applies only to the currently signed-in user, and the token expires at a predetermined time (I don't know how long).
Addressing your theoretical example, if your table's permissions has been configured to only allow authenticated users, you can further lock things down by writing logic to store and check the userId property when displaying a birthday. See the reference docs for the User object for more info.

using facebook client flow to authnticate and login on app/site

Other then the fact that when using facebook's client-flow you get an access token right away, and when using the server-flow you first get an authorization code that you have to exchange for an access token, What is the difference between the two flows and when should I use each of them ?
more specifically can I use client-flow and still be able to securely log a user into my application/site?
At first glance I though that I could take the access_token and id I got on the client (via client-flow), send them to my server and then if a graph api call for that ID and token does not break I can assume I am dealing with this user and log him into my site based on his FB ID.
On second thought it looks to me that If I don't follow the server-flow there is no way to securely use the client id & access_token to log the user into my application/site.
The reason I say this is that another (hacker) app owner that "shares" a user with my app. might take the access_token and and ID he (illegitimately) got for user on his authorization flow, and fake a call to my site with this data causing me to log him in as if he was this user.
Am I missing something here?
Should this not be written in big red letters on the first paragraph of ?
Oauth 2 ( is what Facebook uses. For the most part it is the most secure interface available. If there was a way for a user to take an access token for one app and then use it in another app, then oauth2 will need to be patched (or Facebook oauth2 will need to be patched).
If you think you found a way to hack it, then you should get your $500.00 prize from
