How to convert "binary text" to "visible text"? - linux

I have a text file full of non-ASCII characters.
I can not detect the encoding by either file or enca.
file non_ascii.txt
non_ascii.txt: Non-ISO extended-ASCII text
enca non_ascii.txt
Unrecognized encoding
But I can open it normally in Windows Notepad++
Edit: The expression above leads misunderstanding. Sorry for this.
In fact, I picked some parts of the original file and put them into new text file, then opened in notepad++.
The 2 parts shows as below. They are decoded in 2 different ways by notepad++.
How could I detect the files encoding under linux?
how do I recover the characters represented by <F1><EE><E9><E4><FF>?
I couldn't get result by "grep 'сойдя' win.txt" even though the "сойдя" is encoded into <F1><EE><E9><E4><FF>?
The file content slice as follows:
less non_ascii.txt
"non_ascii.txt" may be a binary file. See it anyway?

Your question really has two parts: (1) how do I identify an unknown encoding and (2) how do I convert that to something useful?
The first part is the real challenge, and really cannot be answered in universal terms -- in the general case, there is no reliable way to identify an unknown 8-bit encoding. Some encodings give you good hints (UTF-8 is an excellent example) and in many cases, if you have a good idea what the text is supposed to represent, the problem can be solved.
A mapping of 8-bit character meanings can be helpful (cough, the link is to mine) and in this case quickly hints at Windows code page 1251. Kudos for the hex dumps and the picture with the representation you expect!
With that out of the way, converting is easy.
iconv -f cp1251 -t utf-8 non_ascii.txt >utf8.txt
Provided your Linux system is set up to use UTF-8 at the terminal, your grep command should work on utf-8.txt now.
The indication that some of the text is "ANSI" (which is a bogus term anyway) is probably just a red herring -- as far as I can tell, everything in your excerpt looks like well-formed CP1251.
Some tools like chardet do a reasonable job of at least steering you in the right direction, though you have to understand that, like a human expert, they have to guess what the text is supposed to represent. There are corner cases where they just don't have enough information to guess correctly, either because there are several candidate encodings with very few differences (for example, Latin-1 vs Latin-9 vs Windows-1252, all of which also overlap with plain 7-bit US-ASCII in the first 128 positions) or because the input doesn't contain enough information to establish any common patterns.


Preset encoding for Search-in-Files Feature

I have a huge Filedump to handle (7000+ Files) which are all encoded in OEM-US (and i need them to remain OEM-US or return to OEM-US when I'm done)
The search in files feature from Notepad++ would actually solve all my Problems. (It's a single use job - I don't want to bore you with the details but its about sanatizing old code which has partially been written in foreign languages like german or french including their notorious characters like äöüèéàç)
The thing is: Most of the time, Notepad++ detects the wrong encodings and different encodings for different files. Usually, it detects ANSI or UTF-8 but sometimes it get exotic and all of a sudden my files are supposed to be encoded in Shift-JIS or Big5 Which messes up my search terms as they sometimes turn different special chars into the same set of replacement chars.
So I'm looking for a way to either
a) Tell notepad++ which encoding to select for the "search in files" job i want to run.
b) convert all Files to UTF-8, run the search-replace job there and restore the encoding to OEM-US
c) Find a different Software to handle this issue for me
Can someone help me?

How can I merge these 3,500 mixed-charset text files?

I have about 3,500 text files, of mixed character sets: ISO-8859, UTF-8, ASCII, UTF-16, and maybe others.
I want to merge them all into one unicode text file, so I can run a Python script on it that expects it.
If I use cat, it doesn't exactly work.
What is the best way to solve this?
You could convert them up-front with a tool like iconv, or load them into Python with the correct encoding (by setting the correct encoding to open).
If you don't know what the encoding of each file is, then it is more complicated, because you'll need to detect the encoding of each file. There are many heuristics, but not absolutely standard way to do this. Again, using iconv can help a lot here.

Questions on Chinese Encoding

I'm trying to create a webpage in Chinese and I realized that while the text looks fine when I run it on browsers, once I change the Character Encoding, the text becomes gibberish. Here's what's happening:
I create my html file in Emacs, encoded in UTF-8.
I upload it to the server, and view it on my browsers (FF, IE, Chrome, Opera) - no problem.
I try to view the page in other encodings via FF > View > Character Encoding > All those different Chinese encoding systems, e.g. Chinese Simplified (HZ)
Apart from UTF-8, on every other encoding the text becomes gibberish.
I'm assuming this isn't a problem - i.e. browsers are smart enough to know which encoding the page is in, and parse the content accurately. What I'm wondering is why I can't read the Chinese text anymore once I change encoding - is it because I don't have Chinese fonts installed on my OS? Should I stick to UTF-8 if my audience are Chinese or should I choose among one of their many encoding systems?
Thanks in advance for your help/opinions.
UTF isn't a 'catch-all' encoding. It's designed to contain international language character symbols for ease of use, but it is still an encoding, just like the other encodings you've selected. You would have to retype the text in each encoding to make it appear correctly when viewed with that encoding.
Viewer encoding MUST match the file being read. Viewing UTF-8 as something other makes about same sense as renaming .txt to .exe and trying to run it.
You should specify correct encoding in HTML. The option you're using in web browser exist only for those rare occasions when web developer screwed up his job and declared other encoding than actually used OR mixed up 2 different encodings on one page.
Of course changing the encoding in your browser will "break" the text! The browser is taking the stream of UTF-8 codepoints and tries to force another encoding on the raw data. Needless to say, the result ain't pretty. Changing the encoding in the browser is NOT the equivalent of converting.
As you surmised correctly, modern browsers usually guess correctly -- but not always. As Agent_L make sure to declare the encoding in the headers.

Troubles with text encoding

I'm having some troubles with text encoding. Parsing a website gives me a Data.Text string
"Project - Fran\195\167ois Dubois",
which I need to write to a file. So I'm using Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.encodeUtf8 to convert it into a Bytestring. The problem is that this yields garbled output:
"Project - François Dubois".
What am I missing here?
If you have gotten Fran\195\167ois inside your Data.Text, you already have a UTF-8-encoded François.
That's inconvenient because Data.Text[.Lazy] is supposed to be UTF-16 encoded text, and the two code units 195 and 167 are interpreted as the unicode code points 195 resp. 167 which are 'Ã' resp. '§'. If you UTF-8-encode the text, these are converted to the byte sequences c383 ([195,131]) resp c2a7 ([194,167]).
The most likely way for getting into this situation is that the data you got from the website was UTF-8 encoded, but was interpreted as ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) encoded (or another 8-bit encoding; 8859-15 is widespread too).
The proper way of handling it is avoiding the situation altogether [that may not be possible, unfortunately].
If the source of your data states its encoding correctly - as a website should - find out the encoding and interpret the data accordingly. If an incorrect encoding is stated, you are of course out of luck, and if no encoding is specified, you have to guess right (the natural guess nowadays is UTF-8, at least for languages using a variant of the Latin alphabet).
If avoiding the situation is not possible, the easiest ways of fixing it are
replacing the occurrences of the offending sequence with the desired one before encoding:
encodeUtf8 $ replace (pack "Fran\195\167ois") (pack "Fran\231ois") contents
assuming everything else is ASCII or inadvertent UTF-8 too, interpret the Text code units as bytes:
Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.pack $ Data.Text.Lazy.unpack contents
The former is more efficient, but becomes inconvenient if there are many different misencodings (caused by different accented letters, for example). The latter works only in the assumed situation (no code units above 255 in the Text) and is rather inefficient for long texts.
I am not completely sure if less can show UTF-8 encoded characters properly. GVim can. You can check this link on SO to find out how you can view UTF-8 data in gVim.
And regarding the other issue of being able to pass this to graphviz, I think you need to set the encoding on the command-line as explained in the Graph NonAscii FAQ.
From what you are explaining, I think there are no issues with how the data is being persisted. If you pass the encoding properly to graphviz, I think your problem will be resolved.
P.S: Creating an answer since it is easier to create descriptive links

I exported via mysqldump to a file. How do I find out the file encoding of the file?

Given a text file in ubuntu (or debian unix in general), how do I find out the file encoding of the file ? Can I run od or hexdump on it to fingerprint its encoding ? What should I be looking out for ?
There are many tools to do this. Try a web search for "detect encoding". Here are some of the tools I found:
The Internationalizations Classes for Unicode (ICU) are a great place to start. See especially their page on Character Set Detection.
Chardet is a Python module to guess the encoding
of a file. See
The *nix command-line tool file detects file types, but might also detect encodings if mentioned in the file (e.g. if there's a mime-type notation in
the file). See man file
Perl modules Encode::Detect and Encode::Guess .
Someone asked a similar question in StackOverflow. Search for the question, PHP: Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8. That's in the context of fetching files from the net and using PHP, but you could write a command-line PHP script.
Note well what the ICU page says about character set detection: "Character set detection is ..., at best, an imprecise operation using statistics and heuristics...." In my experience the problem domain makes a big difference in how easy or difficult the job is. Don't forget that it's possible that the octets in a file can be of ambiguous encoding, i.e. sensibly interpreted using multiple different encodings. They can also be of mixed encoding, i.e. different subsets of the octets make sense interpreted in different encodings. This is why there's not a single command-line tool I can recommend which always does the job.
If you have a single file and you just want to get it into a known encoding, my trick is to open the file with a text editor which can import using a bunch of different encodings, such as TextWrangler or First, open the file and let the editor guess the encoding. Take a look at the result. If you aren't satisfied with it, guess an encoding, open the file with the editor specifying that encoding, and take a look at the result. Then save as a known encoding, e.g. UTF-16.
You can use enca. Enca is a small command line tool for encoding detection and convertion.
You can install it at debian / ubuntu by:
apt-get install enca
In order to use it, just call
Also see the manpage for more information.
