Apologies for my poor wording of the question. I've tried searching for an answer but not knowing what to search is making it very difficult to find one.
Here is a simple function which calculates the area of a triangle.
triangleArea :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float
triangleArea a b c
| (a + b) <= c = error "Not a triangle!"
| (a + c) <= b = error "Not a triangle!"
| (b + c) <= a = error "Not a triangle!"
| otherwise = sqrt (s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
where s = (a + b + c) / 2
Three lines of the function have been taken up for the purposes of error checking. I was wondering if these three lines could be condensed into one generic line.
I was wondering if something similar to the following would be possible
(arg1 + arg2) == arg3
where Haskell knows to check each possible combination of the three arguments.
I think #behzad.nouri's comment is the best. Sometimes doing a little math is the best way to program. Here's a somewhat overdone expansion on #melpomene's solution, which I thought would be fun to share. Let's write a function similar to permutations but that computes combinations:
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
-- choose n xs returns a list of tuples, the first component of each having
-- n elements and the second component having the rest, in all combinations
-- (ignoring order within the lists). N.B. this would be faster if implemented
-- using a DList.
choose :: Int -> [a] -> [([a],[a])]
choose 0 xs = [([], xs)]
choose _ [] = []
choose n (x:xs) =
map (first (x:)) (choose (n-1) xs) ++
map (second (x:)) (choose n xs)
ghci> choose 2 [1,2,3]
Now you can write
triangleArea a b c
| or [ x + y <= z | ([x,y], [z]) <- choose 2 [a,b,c] ] = error ...
This doesn't address the question of how to shorten your error checking code, but you may be able to limit how often you repeat it by defining some new types with invariants. This function needs error checking because you can't trust the user to supply Float triples that make a reasonable triangle, and if you continue to define functions this way then every triangle-related function you write would need similar error checks.
However, if you define a Triangle type, you can check your invariants only once, when a triangle is created, and then all other functions will be guaranteed to receive valid triangles:
module Triangle (Triangle(), mkTriangle, area) where
data Triangle a = Triangle a a a deriving Show
mkTriangle :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> Either String (Triangle a)
mkTriangle a b c
| a + b <= c = wrong
| a + c <= b = wrong
| b + c <= a = wrong
| otherwise = Right $ Triangle a b c
where wrong = Left "Not a triangle!"
area :: Floating a => Triangle a -> a
area (Triangle a b c) = sqrt (s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
where s = (a + b + c) / 2
Here we export the Triangle type, but not its constructor, so that the client must use mkTriangle instead, which can do the required error checking. Then area, and any other triangle functions you write, can omit the checks that they are receiving a valid triangle. This general pattern is called "smart constructors".
Here are two ideas.
Using existing tools, you can generate all the permutations of the arguments and check that they all satisfy a condition. Thus:
import Data.List
triangleArea a b c
| any (\[x, y, z] -> x + y <= z) (permutations [a,b,c])
= error "Not a triangle!"
| otherwise = {- ... -}
This doesn't require writing very much additional code; however, it will search some permutations you don't care about.
Use the usual trick for choosing an element from a list and the left-overs. The zippers function is one I use frequently:
zippers :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a])]
zippers = go [] where
go b [] = []
go b (v:e) = (b, v, e) : go (v:b) e
We can use it to build a function which chooses only appropriate triples of elements:
triples :: [a] -> [(a, a, a)]
triples xs = do
(b1, v1, e1) <- zippers xs
(b2, v2, e2) <- zippers e1
v3 <- b1 ++ b2 ++ e2
return (v1, v2, v3)
Now we can write our guard like in part (1), but it will only consider unique pairings for the addition.
triangleArea a b c
| any (\(x, y, z) -> x + y <= z) (triples [a,b,c])
= error "Not a triangle!"
| otherwise = {- ... -}
I have this code that will return the index of a char in a char array but I want my function to return something like -1 if the value isn't in the array. As it stands the function returns the size of the array if the element isn't in the array. Any ideas on how to change my code in order to apply this feature?
I am trying not to use any fancy functions to do this. I just want simple code without built-in functions.
isPartOf :: [(Char)] -> (Char) -> Int
isPartOf [] a = 0
isPartOf (a:b) c
| a == c = 0
| otherwise = 1 + isPartOf b c
For example:
*Main> isPartOf [('a'),('b'),('c')] ('z')
But I want:
*Main> isPartOf [('a'),('b'),('c')] ('z')
Let's try to define such a function, but instead of returning -1 in case of element being not a part of the list, we can return Nothing:
isPartOf :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Maybe Int
isPartOf [] _ = Nothing
isPartOf (x : xs) a | x == a = Just 0
| otherwise = fmap ((+) 1) (isPartOf xs a)
So, it works like that:
>> isPartOf [('a'),('b'),('c')] ('z')
it :: Maybe Int
>> isPartOf [('a'),('b'),('c')] ('c')
Just 2
it :: Maybe Int
After that we can use built-in function fromMaybe to convert the Nothing case to -1:
>> fromMaybe (-1) $ isPartOf [('a'),('b'),('c')] ('c')
it :: Int
>> fromMaybe (-1) $ isPartOf [('a'),('b'),('c')] ('z')
it :: Int
In case you're curios if such a function already exist, you can use Hoogle for that, searching the [a] -> a -> Maybe Int function: https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?hoogle=%5Ba%5D+-%3E+a+-%3E+Maybe+Int
And the first answer will be elemIndex:
>> elemIndex 'c' [('a'),('b'),('c')]
Just 2
it :: Maybe Int
>> elemIndex 'z' [('a'),('b'),('c')]
it :: Maybe Int
Hope this helps.
The smallest change to achieve this is
isPartOf :: [Char] -> Char -> Int
isPartOf [] a = (-1) -- was: 0
isPartOf (a:b) c
| a == c = 0
| otherwise = 1 + -- was: isPartOf b c
if (isPartOf b c) < 0 then (-2) else (isPartOf b c)
This is terrible computationally though. It recalculates the same value twice; what's worse is that the calculation is done with the recursive call and so the recursive call will be done twice and the time complexity overall will change from linear to exponential!
Let's not do that. But also, what's so special about Char? There's lots of stuff special about the Char but none are used here, except the comparison, (==).
The types the values of which can be compared by equality are known as those belonging to the Eq (for "equality") type class: Eq a => a. a is a type variable capable of assuming any type whatsoever; but here it is constrained to be such that ... yes, belongs to the Eq type class.
And so we write
isPartOf :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Int
isPartOf [] a = (-1)
isPartOf (a:b) c
| a == c = 0
| otherwise = let d = isPartOf b c in
1 + if d < 0 then (-2) else d
That (-2) looks terribly ad-hoc! A more compact and idiomatic version using guards will also allow us to address this:
isPartOf :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Int
isPartOf [] a = (-1)
isPartOf (a:b) c
| a == c = 0
| d < 0 = d
| otherwise = 1 + d
d = isPartOf b c
Yes, we can define d in the where clause, and use it in our guards, as well as in the body of each clause. Thanks to laziness it won't even be calculated once if its value wasn't needed, like in the first clause.
Now this code is passable.
The conditional passing and transformation is captured by the Maybe data type's Functor interface / instance:
fmap f Nothing = Nothing -- is not changed
fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x) -- is changed
which is what the other answer here is using. But it could be seen as "fancy" when we only start learning Haskell.
When you've written more functions like that, and become "fed up" with repeating the same pattern manually over and over, you'll come to appreciate it and will want to use it. But only then.
Yet another concern is that our code calculates its result on the way back from the recursion's base case.
But it could instead calculate it on the way forward, towards it, so it can return it immediately when the matching character is found. And if the end of list is found, discard the result calculated so far, and return (-1) instead. This is the approach taken by the second answer.
Though creating an additional function litters the global name space. It is usual to do this by defining it internally, in the so called "worker/wrapper" transformation:
isPartOf :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Int
isPartOf xs c = go xs 0
go [] i = (-1)
go (a:b) i
| a == c = i
| otherwise = -- go b (1 + i)
go b $! (1 + i)
Additional boon is that we don't need to pass around the unchanged value c -- it is available in the outer scope, from the point of view of the internal "worker" function go, "wrapped" by and accessible only to our function, isPartOf.
$! is a special call operator which ensures that its argument value is calculated right away, and not delayed. This eliminates an unwanted (in this case) laziness and improves the code efficiency even more.
But from the point of view of overall cleanliness of the design it is better to return the index i wrapped in a Maybe (i.e. Just i or Nothing) instead of using a "special" value which is not so special after all -- it is still an Int.
It is good to have types reflect our intentions, and Maybe Int expresses it clearly and cleanly, so we don't have to remember which of the values are special and which regular, so that that knowledge is not external to our program text, but inherent to it.
It is a small and easy change, combining the best parts from the two previous variants:
isPartOf :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Maybe Int
isPartOf .....
....... Nothing .....
....... Just i .....
(none of the code was tested. if there are errors, you're invited to find them and correct them, and validate it by testing).
You can achieve it easily if you just pass current element idx to the next recursion:
isPartOf :: [Char] -> Char -> Int
isPartOf lst c = isPartOf' lst c 0
isPartOf' :: [Char] -> Char -> Int -> Int
isPartOf' [] a _ = -1
isPartOf' (a:b) c idx
| a == c = idx
| otherwise = isPartOf' b c (idx + 1)
You are using your function as an accumulator. This is cool except the additions with negative one. An accumulator cannot switch from accumulating to providing a negative 1. You want two different things from your function accumulator. You can use a counter for one thing then if the count becomes unnecessary because no match is found and a negative 1 is issued and nothing is lost. The count would be yet another parameter. ugh. You can use Maybe but that complicates. Two functions, like above is simpler. Here are two functions. The first is yours but the accumulator is not additive it's concatenative.
cIn (x:xs) c | x == c = [1]
| null xs = [-1]
| otherwise = 1:cIn xs c
Cin ['a','b','c'] 'c'
cIn ['a','b','c'] 'x'
So the second function is
f ls = if last ls == 1 then sum ls else -1
It will
f $ Cin ['a','b','c'] 'c'
f $ Cin ['a','b','c'] 'x'
You can zero the index base by changing [1] to [0]
I'm trying to implement with Haskell an algorithm to manipulate mathematical expressions.
I have this data type :
data Exp = Var String | IVal Int | Add Exp Exp
This will be enough for my question.
Given a set of expression transformations, for example :
(Add a b) => (Add b a)
(Add (Add a b) c) => (Add a (Add b c))
And an expression, for example : x = (Add (Add x y) (Add z t)), I want to find all expressions in the neighborhood of x. Given that neighborhood of x is defined as: y in Neighborhood(x) if y can be reached from x within a single transformation.
I am new to Haskell. I am not even sure Haskell is the right tool for this job.
The final goal is to get a function : equivalent x which returns a set of all expressions that are equivalent to x. In other words, the set of all expressions that are in the closure of the neighborhood of x (given a set of transformations).
Right now, I have the following :
import Data.List(nub)
import Data.Set
data Exp = IVal Int
| Scalar String
| Add Exp Exp
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
commu (Add a b) = (Add b a)
commu x = x
assoc (Add (Add a b) c) = (Add a (Add b c))
assoc (Add a (Add b c)) = (Add (Add a b) c)
assoc x = x
neighbors x = [commu x, assoc x]
equiv :: [Exp] -> [Exp]
equiv closure
| closure == closureUntilNow = closure
| otherwise = equiv closureUntilNow
where closureUntilNow = nub $ closure ++ concat [neighbors x|x<-closure]
But It's probably slower than needed (nub is O(n^2)) and some terms are missing.
For example, if you have f = (x+y)+z, then, you will not get (x+z)+y, and some others.
Imports, etc. below. I'll be using the multiset package.
import Control.Monad
import Data.MultiSet as M
data Exp = Var String | IVal Int | Add Exp Exp deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
A bit of paper-and-pencil work shows the following fact: expressions e1 and e2 are in the congruence closure of your relation iff the multiset of leaves are equal. By leaves, I mean the Var and IVal values, e.g. the output of the following function:
leaves :: Exp -> MultiSet Exp
leaves (Add a b) = leaves a `union` leaves b
leaves e = singleton e
So this suggests a nice clean way to generate all the elements in a particular value's neighborhood (without attempting to generate any duplicates in the first place). First, generate the multiset of leaves; then nondeterministically choose a partition of the multiset and recurse. The code to generate partitions might look like this:
partitions :: Ord k => MultiSet k -> [(MultiSet k, MultiSet k)]
partitions = go . toOccurList where
go [] = [(empty, empty)]
go ((k, n):bag) = do
n' <- [0..n]
(left, right) <- go bag
return (insertMany k n' left, insertMany k (n-n') right)
Actually, we only want partitions where both the left and right part are non-empty. But we'll check that after we've generated them all; it's cheap, as there's only two that aren't like that per invocation of partitions. So now we can generate the whole neighborhood in one fell swoop:
neighborhood :: Exp -> [Exp]
neighborhood = go . leaves where
full = guard . not . M.null
go m
| size m == 1 = toList m
| otherwise = do
(leftBag, rightBag) <- partitions m
full leftBag
full rightBag
left <- go leftBag
right <- go rightBag
return (Add left right)
By the way, the reason you're not getting all the terms is because you're generating the reflexive, transitive closure but not the congruence closure: you need to apply your rewrite rules deep in the term, not just at the top level.
Let's say I have :
f :: Double -> Double
f x = 3*x^2 + 5*x + 9
I would like to compute the derivative of this function and write
derivate f
so that
derivate f == \x -> 6*x + 5
but how to define derivate?
derivate :: (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
derivate f = f' -- how to compute f'?
I'm aware there is no native way to do this, but is there a library that can?
Do we have to rely on "meta"-datatypes to achieve this?
data Computation = Add Exp Expr | Mult Expr Expr | Power Expr Expr -- etc
Then, is it not a pain to make a corresponding constructor for each function ? However, datatypes should not represent functions (except for parsers).
Is Pure a good alternative because of its term-rewriting feature? Doesn't it have its drawbacks as well?
Are lists affordable?
f :: [Double]
f = [3, 5, 9]
derivate :: (a -> [a])
derivate f = (*) <$> f <*> (getNs f)
compute f x = sum $
((*) . (^) x) <$> (getNs f) <*> f
getNs f = (reverse (iterate (length f) [0..]))
Haskell now looks like it depends on LISP with a less appropriate syntax. Function and arguments waiting to be used together are quite stored in datatypes.
Plus, it's not very natural.
They don't seem to be "flexible" enough to be able my derivate function other than polynomials, such as homographic functions.
Right now, for example, I would like to use derivatives for a game. The character runs on a floor made using a function, and I would like him to slide if the floor is steep enough.
I also need to solve equations for various purposes. Some examples:
I'm a spaceship and I want to take a nap. During my sleep, if I don't place myself carefully, I might crash on a planet because of gravity. I don't have enough gas to go far away from celestial objects and I don't have a map either.
So I must place myself between the objects in this area so that the sum of their gravitationnal influence on me is canceled.
x and y are my coordinates. gravity is a function that takes two objects and return the vector of the gravitationnal force between them.
If there are two objects, say the Earth and the Moon, besides me, all I need to do to find where to go is to solve:
gravity earth spaceship + gravity moon spaceship == (0, 0)
It's much simpler and faster, etc., than to create a new function from scratch equigravityPoint :: Object -> Object -> Object -> Point.
If there are 3 objects besides me, it's still simple.
gravity earth spaceship + gravity moon spaceship + gravity sun spaceship == (0, 0)
Same for 4, and n. Handling a list of objects is much simpler this way than with equigravityPoint.
Other example.
I want to code an ennemy bot that shoots me.
If he just shoots targeting my current position, he will get me if I run towards me, but he'll miss me if I jump and fall on him.
A smarter bot thinks like that: "Well, he jumped from a wall. If I shoot targeting where he is now the bullet won't get him, because he will have moved until then. So I'm gonna anticipate where he'll be in a few seconds and shoot there so that the bullet and him reach this point at the same time".
Basically, I need the ability to compute trajectories. For example, for this case, I need the solution to trajectoryBullet == trajectoryCharacter, which gives a point where the line and the parabola meet.
A similar and simpler example not involving speed.
I'm a fireman bot and there's a building in fire. Another team of firemen is fighting the fire with their water guns. I am and there are people jumping from . While my friends are shooting water, I hold the trampoline.
I need to go where the people will fall before they do. So I need trajectories and equation-solving.
One way of doing this is to do automatic differentiation instead of symbolic differentiation; this is an approach where you simultaneously compute both f(x) and f′(x) in one computation. There's a really cool way of doing this using dual numbers that I learned about from Dan "sigfpe" Piponi's excellent blog post on automatic differentiation. You should probably just go read that, but here's the basic idea. Instead of working with the real numbers (or Double, our favorite (?) facsimile of them), you define a new set, which I'm going to call D, by adjoining a new element ε to ℝ such that ε2 = 0. This is much like the way we define the complex numbers ℂ by adjoining a new element i to ℝ such that i2 = -1. (If you like algebra, this is the same as saying D = ℝ[x]/⟨x2⟩.) Thus, every element of D is of the form a + bε, where a and b are real. Arithmetic over the dual numbers works like you expect:
(a + bε) ± (c + dε) = (a + c) ± (b + d)ε; and
(a + bε)(c + dε) = ac + bcε + adε + bdε2 = ac + (bc + ad)ε.
(Since ε2 = 0, division is more complicated, although the multiply-by-the-conjugate trick you use with the complex numbers still works; see Wikipedia's explanation for more.)
Now, why are these useful? Intuitively, the ε acts like an infinitesimal, allowing you to compute derivatives with it. Indeed, if we rewrite the rule for multiplication using different names, it becomes
(f + f′ε)(g + g′ε) = fg + (f′g + fg′)ε
And the coefficient of ε there looks a lot like the product rule for differentiating products of functions!
So, then, let's work out what happens for one large class of functions. Since we've ignored division above, suppose we have some function f : ℝ → ℝ defined by a power series (possibly finite, so any polynomial is OK, as are things like sin(x), cos(x), and ex). Then we can define a new function fD : D → D in the obvious way: instead of adding real numbers, we add dual numbers, etc., etc. Then I claim that fD(x + ε) = f(x) + f′(x)ε. First, we can show by induction that for any natural number i, it's the case that (x + ε)i = xi + ixi-1ε; this will establish our derivative result for the case where f(x) = xk. In the base case, this equality clearly holds when i = 0. Then supposing it holds for i, we have
(x + ε)i+1 = (x + ε)(x + ε)i by factoring out one copy of (x + ε)
= (x + ε)(xi + ixi-1ε) by the inductive hypothesis
= xi+1 + (xi + x(ixi-1))ε by the definition of dual-number multiplication
= xi+1 + (i+1)xiε by simple algebra.
And indeed, this is what we wanted. Now, considering our power series f, we know that
f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + … + aixi + …
Then we have
fD(x + ε) = a0 + a1(x + ε) + a2(x + ε)2 + … + ai(x + ε)i + …
= a0 + (a1x + a1ε) + (a2x2 + 2a2xε) + … + (aixi + iaixi-1ε) + … by the above lemma
= (a0 + a1x + a2x2 + … + aixi + …) + (a1ε + 2a2xε + … + iaixi-1ε + …) by commutativity
= (a0 + a1x + a2x2 + … + aixi + …) + (a1 + 2a2x + … + iaixi-1 + …)ε by factoring out the ε
= f(x) + f′(x)ε by definition.
Great! So dual numbers (at least for this case, but the result is generally true) can do differentiation for us. All we have to do is apply our original function to, not the real number x, but the dual number x + ε, and then extract the resulting coefficient of ε. And I bet you can see how one could implement this in Haskell:
data Dual a = !a :+? !a deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
infix 6 :+?
instance Num a => Num (Dual a) where
(a :+? b) + (c :+? d) = (a+c) :+? (b+d)
(a :+? b) - (c :+? d) = (a-c) :+? (b-d)
(a :+? b) * (c :+? d) = (a*c) :+? (b*c + a*d)
negate (a :+? b) = (-a) :+? (-b)
fromInteger n = fromInteger n :+? 0
-- abs and signum might actually exist, but I'm not sure what they are.
abs _ = error "No abs for dual numbers."
signum _ = error "No signum for dual numbers."
-- Instances for Fractional, Floating, etc., are all possible too.
differentiate :: Num a => (Dual a -> Dual a) -> (a -> a)
differentiate f x = case f (x :+? 1) of _ :+? f'x -> f'x
-- Your original f, but with a more general type signature. This polymorphism is
-- essential! Otherwise, we can't pass f to differentiate.
f :: Num a => a -> a
f x = 3*x^2 + 5*x + 9
f' :: Num a => a -> a
f' = differentiate f
And then, lo and behold:
*Main> f 42
*Main> f' 42
Which, as Wolfram Alpha can confirm, is exactly the right answer.
More information about this stuff is definitely available. I'm not any kind of expert on this; I just think the idea is really cool, so I'm taking this chance to parrot what I've read and work out a simple proof or two. Dan Piponi has written more about dual numbers/automatic differentiation, including a post where, among other things, he shows a more general construction which allows for partial derivatives. Conal Elliott has a post where he shows how to compute derivative towers (f(x), f′(x), f″(x), …) in an analogous way. The Wikipedia article on automatic differentiation linked above goes into some more detail, including some other approaches. (This is apparently a form of "forward mode automatic differentiation", but "reverse mode" also exists, and can apparently be faster.)
Finally, there's a Haskell wiki page on automatic differentiation, which links to some articles—and, importantly, some Hackage packages! I've never used these, but it appears that the ad package, by Edward Kmett is the most complete, handling multiple different ways of doing automatic differentiation—and it turns out that he uploaded that package after writing a package to properly answer another Stack Overflow question.
I do want to add one other thing. You say "However, datatypes should not represent functions (except for parsers)." I'd have to disagree there—reifying your functions into data types is great for all sorts of things in this vein. (And what makes parsers special, anyway?) Any time you have a function you want to introspect, reifying it as a data type can be a great option. For instance, here's an encoding of symbolic differentiation, much like the encoding of automatic differentiation above:
data Symbolic a = Const a
| Var String
| Symbolic a :+: Symbolic a
| Symbolic a :-: Symbolic a
| Symbolic a :*: Symbolic a
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
infixl 6 :+:
infixl 6 :-:
infixl 7 :*:
eval :: Num a => (String -> a) -> Symbolic a -> a
eval env = go
where go (Const a) = a
go (Var x) = env x
go (e :+: f) = go e + go f
go (e :-: f) = go e - go f
go (e :*: f) = go e * go f
instance Num a => Num (Symbolic a) where
(+) = (:+:)
(-) = (:-:)
(*) = (:*:)
negate = (0 -)
fromInteger = Const . fromInteger
-- Ignoring abs and signum again
abs = error "No abs for symbolic numbers."
signum = error "No signum for symbolic numbers."
-- Instances for Fractional, Floating, etc., are all possible too.
differentiate :: Num a => Symbolic a -> String -> Symbolic a
differentiate f x = go f
where go (Const a) = 0
go (Var y) | x == y = 1
| otherwise = 0
go (e :+: f) = go e + go f
go (e :-: f) = go e - go f
go (e :*: f) = go e * f + e * go f
f :: Num a => a -> a
f x = 3*x^2 + 5*x + 9
f' :: Num a => a -> a
f' x = eval (const x) $ differentiate (f $ Var "x") "x"
And once again:
*Main> f 42
*Main> f' 42
The beauty of both of these solutions (or one piece of it, anyway) is that as long as your original f is polymorphic (of type Num a => a -> a or similar), you never have to modify f! The only place you need to put derivative-related code is in the definition of your new data type and in your differentiation function; you get the derivatives of your existing functions for free.
Numerical derivative can be done easily:
derive f x = (f (x + dx) - f (x - dx)) / (2 * dx) where dx = 0.00001
However, for symbolic derivatives, you need to create an AST, then implement the derivation rules through matching and rewriting the AST.
I don't understand your problem with using a custom data type
data Expr = Plus Expr Expr
| Times Expr Expr
| Negate Expr
| Exp Expr Expr
| Abs Expr
| Signum Expr
| FromInteger Integer
| Var
instance Num Expr where
fromInteger = FromInteger
(+) = Plus
(*) = Times
negate = Negate
abs = Abs
signum = Signum
toNumF :: Num a => Expr -> a -> a
toNumF e x = go e where
go Var = x
go (FromInteger i) = fromInteger i
go (Plus a b) = (go a) + (go b)
you can then use this just like you would Int or Double and all will just work! You can define a function
deriveExpr :: Expr -> Expr
which would then let you define the following (RankN) function
derivate :: Num b => (forall a. Num a => a -> a) -> b -> b
derivate f = toNumF $ deriveExpr (f Var)
you can extend this to work with other parts of the numerical hierarchy.
Here is my first Haskell program. What parts would you write in a better way?
-- Multiplication table
-- Returns n*n multiplication table in base b
import Text.Printf
import Data.List
import Data.Char
-- Returns n*n multiplication table in base b
mulTable :: Int -> Int -> String
mulTable n b = foldl (++) (verticalHeader n b w) (map (line n b w) [0..n])
lo = 2* (logBase (fromIntegral b) (fromIntegral n))
w = 1+fromInteger (floor lo)
verticalHeader :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
verticalHeader n b w = (foldl (++) tableHeader columnHeaders)
++ "\n"
++ minusSignLine
++ "\n"
tableHeader = replicate (w+2) ' '
columnHeaders = map (horizontalHeader b w) [0..n]
minusSignLine = concat ( replicate ((w+1)* (n+2)) "-" )
horizontalHeader :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
horizontalHeader b w i = format i b w
line :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
line n b w y = (foldl (++) ((format y b w) ++ "|" )
(map (element b w y) [0..n])) ++ "\n"
element :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
element b w y x = format (y * x) b w
toBase :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
toBase b v = toBase' [] v where
toBase' a 0 = a
toBase' a v = toBase' (r:a) q where (q,r) = v `divMod` b
toAlphaDigits :: [Int] -> String
toAlphaDigits = map convert where
convert n | n < 10 = chr (n + ord '0')
| otherwise = chr (n + ord 'a' - 10)
format :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
format v b w = concat spaces ++ digits ++ " "
digits = if v == 0
then "0"
else toAlphaDigits ( toBase b v )
l = length digits
spaceCount = if (l > w) then 0 else (w-l)
spaces = replicate spaceCount " "
Here are some suggestions:
To make the tabularity of the computation more obvious, I would pass the list [0..n] to the line function rather than passing n.
I would further split out the computation of the horizontal and vertical axes so that they are passed as arguments to mulTable rather than computed there.
Haskell is higher-order, and almost none of the computation has to do with multiplication. So I would change the name of mulTable to binopTable and pass the actual multiplication in as a parameter.
Finally, the formatting of individual numbers is repetitious. Why not pass \x -> format x b w as a parameter, eliminating the need for b and w?
The net effect of the changes I am suggesting is that you build a general higher-order function for creating tables for binary operators. Its type becomes something like
binopTable :: (i -> String) -> (i -> i -> i) -> [i] -> [i] -> String
and you wind up with a much more reusable function—for example, Boolean truth tables should be a piece of cake.
Higher-order and reusable is the Haskell Way.
You don't use anything from import Text.Printf.
Stylistically, you use more parentheses than necessary. Haskellers tend to find code more readable when it's cleaned of extraneous stuff like that. Instead of something like h x = f (g x), write h = f . g.
Nothing here really requires Int; (Integral a) => a ought to do.
foldl (++) x xs == concat $ x : xs: I trust the built-in concat to work better than your implementation.
Also, you should prefer foldr when the function is lazy in its second argument, as (++) is – because Haskell is lazy, this reduces stack space (and also works on infinite lists).
Also, unwords and unlines are shortcuts for intercalate " " and concat . map (++ "\n") respectively, i.e. "join with spaces" and "join with newlines (plus trailing newline)"; you can replace a couple things by those.
Unless you use big numbers, w = length $ takeWhile (<= n) $ iterate (* b) 1 is probably faster. Or, in the case of a lazy programmer, let w = length $ toBase b n.
concat ( (replicate ((w+1)* (n+2)) "-" ) == replicate ((w+1) * (n+2)) '-' – not sure how you missed this one, you got it right just a couple lines up.
You do the same thing with concat spaces, too. However, wouldn't it be easier to actually use the Text.Printf import and write printf "%*s " w digits?
Norman Ramsey gave excellent high-level (design) suggestions; Below are some low-level ones:
First, consult with HLint. HLint is a friendly program that gives you rudimentary advice on how to improve your Haskell code!
In your case HLint gives 7 suggestions. (mostly about redundant brackets)
Modify your code according to HLint's suggestions until it likes what you feed it.
More HLint-like stuff:
concat (replicate i "-"). Why not replicate i '-'?
Consult with Hoogle whenever there is reason to believe that a function you need is already available in Haskell's libraries. Haskell comes with tons of useful functions so Hoogle should come in handy quite often.
Need to concatenate strings? Search for [String] -> String, and voila you found concat. Now go replace all those folds.
The previous search also suggested unlines. Actually, this even better suits your needs. It's magic!
Optional: pause and thank in your heart to Neil M for making Hoogle and HLint, and thank others for making other good stuff like Haskell, bridges, tennis balls, and sanitation.
Now, for every function that takes several arguments of the same type, make it clear which means what, by giving them descriptive names. This is better than comments, but you can still use both.
-- Returns n*n multiplication table in base b
mulTable :: Int -> Int -> String
mulTable n b =
mulTable :: Int -> Int -> String
mulTable size base =
To soften the extra characters blow of the previous suggestion: When a function is only used once, and is not very useful by itself, put it inside its caller's scope in its where clause, where it could use the callers' variables, saving you the need to pass everything to it.
line :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
line n b w y =
$ format y b w
: "|"
: map (element b w y) [0 .. n]
element :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
element b w y x = format (y * x) b w
line :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String
line n b w y =
$ format y b w
: "|"
: map element [0 .. n]
element x = format (y * x) b w
You can even move line into mulTable's where clause; imho, you should.
If you find a where clause nested inside another where clause troubling, then I suggest to change your indentation habits. My recommendation is to use consistent indentation of always 2 or always 4 spaces. Then you can easily see, everywhere, where the where in the other where is at. ok
Below's what it looks like (with a few other changes in style):
import Data.List
import Data.Char
mulTable :: Int -> Int -> String
mulTable size base =
unlines $
[ vertHeaders
, minusSignsLine
] ++ map line [0 .. size]
vertHeaders =
$ replicate (cellWidth + 2) ' '
: map horizontalHeader [0 .. size]
horizontalHeader i = format i base cellWidth
minusSignsLine = replicate ((cellWidth + 1) * (size + 2)) '-'
cellWidth = length $ toBase base (size * size)
line y =
$ format y base cellWidth
: "|"
: map element [0 .. size]
element x = format (y * x) base cellWidth
toBase :: Integral i => i -> i -> [i]
toBase base
= reverse
. map (`mod` base)
. takeWhile (> 0)
. iterate (`div` base)
toAlphaDigit :: Int -> Char
toAlphaDigit n
| n < 10 = chr (n + ord '0')
| otherwise = chr (n + ord 'a' - 10)
format :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String
format v b w =
spaces ++ digits ++ " "
| v == 0 = "0"
| otherwise = map toAlphaDigit (toBase b v)
spaces = replicate (w - length digits) ' '
0) add a main function :-) at least rudimentary
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- liftM (map read) $ getArgs
case args of
(n:b:_) -> putStrLn $ mulTable n b
_ -> putStrLn "usage: nntable n base"
1) run ghc or runhaskell with -Wall; run through hlint.
While hlint doesn't suggest anything special here (only some redundant brackets), ghc will tell you that you don't actually need Text.Printf here...
2) try running it with base = 1 or base = 0 or base = -1
If you want multiline comments use:
{- A multiline
comment -}
Also, never use foldl, use foldl' instead, in cases where you are dealing with large lists which must be folded. It is more memory efficient.
A brief comments saying what each function does, its arguments and return value, is always good. I had to read the code pretty carefully to fully make sense of it.
Some would say if you do that, explicit type signatures may not be required. That's an aesthetic question, I don't have a strong opinion on it.
One minor caveat: if you do remove the type signatures, you'll automatically get the polymorphic Integral support ephemient mentioned, but you will still need one around toAlphaDigits because of the infamous "monomorphism restriction."
So I'm working on a minimax implementation for a checkers-like game to help myself learn Haskell better. The function I'm having trouble with takes a list for game states, and generates the list of immediate successor game states. Like checkers, if a jump is available, the player must take it. If there's more than one, the player can choose.
For the most part, this works nicely with the list monad: loop over all the input game states, loop over all marbles that could be jumped, loop over all jumps of that marble. This list monad nicely flattens all the lists out into a simple list of states at the end.
The trick is that, if no jumps are found for a given game state, I need to return the current game state, rather than the empty list. The code below is the best way I've come up with of doing that, but it seems really ugly to me. Any suggestions on how to clean it up?
eHex :: Coord -> Coord -- Returns the coordinates immediately to the east on the board
nwHex :: Coord -> Coord -- Returns the coordinates immediately to the northwest on the board
generateJumpsIter :: [ZertzState] -> [ZertzState]
generateJumpsIter states = do
ws <- states
case children ws of
[] -> return ws
n#_ -> n
children ws#(ZertzState s1 s2 b p) = do
(c, color) <- occupiedCoords ws
(start, end) <- [(eHex, wHex), (wHex, eHex), (swHex, neHex),
(neHex, swHex), (nwHex, seHex), (seHex, nwHex)]
if (hexOccupied b $ start c) && (hexOpen b $ end c)
then case p of
1 -> return $ ZertzState (scoreMarble s1 color) s2
(jumpMarble (start c) c (end c) b) p
(-1) -> return $ ZertzState s1 (scoreMarble s2 color)
(jumpMarble (start c) c (end c) b) p
else []
EDIT: Provide example type signatures for the *Hex functions.
The trick is that, if no jumps are found for a given game state, I need to return the current game state, rather than the empty list.
Why? I've written minimax several times, and I can't imagine a use for such a function. Wouldn't you be better off with a function of type
nextStates :: [ZertzState] -> [Maybe [ZertzState]]
nextStates :: [ZertzState] -> [[ZertzState]]
However if you really want to return "either the list of next states, or if that list is empty, the original state", then the type you want is
nextStates :: [ZertzState] -> [Either ZertzState [ZertzState]]
which you can then flatten easily enough.
As to how to implement, I recommend defining a helper function of type
[ZertzState] -> [(ZertzState, [ZertzState])]
and than you can map
(\(start, succs) -> if null succs then Left start else Right succs)
over the result, plus various other things.
As Fred Brooks said (paraphrasing), once you get the types right, the code practically writes itself.
Don't abuse monads notation for list, it's so heavy for nothing. Moreover you can use list comprehension in the same fashion :
do x <- [1..3]
y <- [2..5] <=> [ x + y | x <- [1..3], y <- [2..5] ]
return x + y
now for the 'simplification'
listOfHex :: [(Coord -> Coord,Coord -> Coord)]
listOfHex = [ (eHex, wHex), (wHex, eHex), (swHex, neHex)
, (neHex, swHex), (nwHex, seHex), (seHex, nwHex)]
generateJumpsIter :: [ZertzState] -> [ZertzState]
generateJumpsIter states =
[if null ws then ws else children ws | ws <- states]
where -- I named it foo because I don t know what it do....
foo True 1 = ZertzState (scoreMarble s1 color) s2
(jumpMarble (start c) c (end c) b) p
foo True (-1) = ZertzState s1 (scoreMarble s2 color)
(jumpMarble (start c) c (end c) b) p
foo False _ = []
foo _ _ = error "Bleh"
children ws#(ZertzState s1 s2 b p) =
[ foo (valid c hex) p | (c, _) <- occupiedCoords ws, hex <- listOfHex ]
where valid c (start, end) =
(hexOccupied b $ start c) && (hexOpen b $ end c)
The let in the let in list commprehension at the top bother me a little, but as I don't have all the code, I don't really know how to do it in an other way. If you can modify more in depth, I suggest you to use more combinators (map, foldr, foldl' etc) as they really reduce code size in my experience.
Note, the code is not tested, and may not compile.