Bower, Mondernizr and Gulp - node.js

I am trying to set up an new website environment in a Visual Studio 2015 project. Ive got everything working; NPM, Bower, Gulp. It is generating and minifying all my js and css, except Modernizr, which I seem to be stuck on.
I added modernizr to my bower.json file and VS created the bower_components folder. However there is no modernizr.js in the directory. I found another post on here suggesting doing a "bower cache clean" but that didn't seem to improve the situation at all.
Any ideas?

#ahmad-alfy is correct, in that there is no modernizr.js file that is included.
however you do not need to run npm install. You can npm / bower install any of the Modernizr URLs.
e.g. npm install --save

Since Modernizr 3.0 there is no longer an already built file in the bower package. You have to build it yourself by running npm install inside bower_components\modernizr
Source: github issue


Problems installing GULP on Windows 10 as a limited user

I am trying to install gulp on my development Windows 10 Pro machine and it is not working. I have installed node.js and when I use my admin account I can run gulp. However, when I am not an admin, Windows cannot find the library.
Additional details:
I have looked at Can't install gulp on windows 10 and have searched the web with no luck.
Using Visual Studio 2015 and the project uses gulp to generate css sass and minify js files.
When I run npm install gulp -g -verbose I get (eventually) the following output:
Have you tried cleaning npm cache. use
npm cache clean
And if that doesn't work try installing gulp locally just for that project.
npm install gulp
The screenshot you provided, there is one line where is written that you have not correctly created json file.
package.json should be actual JSON not JavaScript
can you provide your package.json file?

node_modules folder in an ASP.NET Core MVC project

I've recently upgraded my netcoreapp1.0 to netcoreapp1.1. This left me wit ha few surprises and error that needed to be fixed. On top of that, I recently got a new PC, which forced me to go through even more things.
First up I had to install NodeJS again, and from the node package manager, install bower. After installing both NodeJS and bower, and several hours after working on my project, I realized, as I had to commit the changes to remote source control, that a node_modules folder had appeared (though hidden) in my project. Git of course wants to commit this folder, but I'd rather not since it contains loads of subfolders and other items.
I was wondering what to do with this folder. I believe it shouldn't be there? And I'm not sure why it is. Shouldn't it be global or something, specific from PC to PC? Or should I just add it to my .gitignore file?
Quick info: It wasn't there prior to the upgraded project, meaning that I couldn't see any node_modules folder in netcoreapp1.0 and there's no folder in my source control?
This node_modules folder wasn't there before because before it was installed globally:
npm install -g bower
the advantages of globally installing bower is that you can use the bower command through the command-line directly.
now apparently bower was installed locally, with the following command:
npm install bower
Now it was locally installed in the node_modules folder, meaning this folder appeared.
You don't need to check this folder into get and you can simple add the following rule in your .gitignore file:
But 1 thing to remember! when you build your application with teamcity or some other CI build tool you will now need to install npm packages (just run npm install in the folder) before you publish your application, otherwise these javascript files will be missing.

NPM Experts! Does NPM need to be installed with every JointsWP Gulp Sass project

I'm using JointsWP (an excellent Foundation 6 port to Wordpress).
I'm using the Sass version and it's working great. However, I seem to have to install npm with every project. Is this nessesary?
Is there a way to install npm globally and link to it from my project? Or have the project find it automatically?
I think you are confused about what the command npm install actually does. npm install installs all the npm dependencies for your project into the node_modules directory. It doesn't actually install npm. To run npm install you have to have Node.js installed (npm is included with node).
So to answer your question, yes it is necessary to run npm install for every project.
Relevant Article: Global vs Local installation
The article above shared by Colin Marshall is great and sums up the answer perfectly.
In general, the rule of thumb is:
If you’re installing something that you want to use in your program,
using require('whatever'), then install it locally, at the root of
your project. If you’re installing something that you want to use in
your shell, on the command line or something, install it globally, so
that its binaries end up in your PATH environment variable.
So to answer your question, is it possible? Yes.
Is it recommended? No.
You can install gulp sass globally with the command:
npm install -g gulp-sass

Where does meteor install npm packages referenced in packages.json?

After meteor installs npm packages:
npm: updating npm dependencies -- winston...
Npm.require results in module not found error, by inspecting the code and debugging via node-inspector, I discovered that putting a standard node_modules folder (installed via npm install) in .meteor folder in the root of my meteor app folder gets it to find it.
However when deploying to or using any automated build-pack (like Heroku's) this might not be possible, I would rather have a scenario where I can link the automatically downloaded modules to the paths Npm.require looks in.
Any idea where it downloads the packages?
For meteorite packages this would be:
For core meteor packages I guess this is

How do you include npm libraries in a node.js app

I'm trying to create a little app with node-ncurses which I installed over npm install ncurses
with this library install i'm trying to run the examples for node-ncurses from the following
But I get path errors with the examples for require('ncurses'), what is wrong?
My ncurses library is install into ~/.npm/ which seems correct to me.
You want to be installing them locally into the same folder of your project. If you miss out the -g flag and just run npm install ncurses within your project directory, you should then be able to run require("ncurses") just fine. All NPM modules installed locally goes into a node_modules folder within your project.
A little further hint, if you install with:
npm install ncurses --save
That will add ncurses to your package.json as a dependency, which means any other dev who might check out your project can run npm install in the project's directory and automatically get ncurses installed as it's listed in package.json as a dependency.
Without the -g flag anything you install with NPM with install into a node_modules folder relative to where you ran the command.
My first recommendation would be to make sure that you are in the working directory of your project and then install ncurses again.
Here is an old, but relevant blog post about how it was designed.
