Store Multiple Identical Results from Logstash - logstash

So, say I have an event coming into Logstash as a multiline object (there are many events that all basically match the pattern below):
Starting script at 2015-11-12 15:06 EST
Found result a at
Found result b at
Found result c at
Script ended at 2015-11-12 15:07 EST
How would I go about matching this in such a way as to store each of the "Found ..." lines separately?
My current config file is something like:
filter {
grok {
break_on_match => false
match => {
"message" => [
"Starting script at ${TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:run_time}",
"Found result %{GREEDYDATA:result} at ${IP:result_ip}"
As it stands, this only captures one of the "Found result..." lines. (That is, it matches them all, but only stores one of them - there's only one result variable output.) I'd like to individually capture them, and store them as an... well, anything, so long as they're all there.
Is there a way to capture multiple of the same pattern and store all of the resultant capture data distinctly, while keeping the whole multiline event together so that I can tie it to header data such as the script start time?

I think you can use the split filter to achieve what you want. It allows you to split one event into several parts. The indivdual parts are all copies of the original event as far as I remember. You have to play with the terminator parameter which controls when the message is split into parts.
Check out the docs at:


Compare two text columns to find partial match and new rows

I have two lists of messages. The first one is short messages and the second one is a master file which has longer texts which includes the short messages in the first list but also has many new messages. I want to find the new ones in master file (second list) which has no partial matches.
something like above. then NO means they are new errors
I tried =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(""&A2&"",C:C,1,0)),"No","Yes") but it is other way around. it will find short messages within master file with big messages. I want to check big messages which have the short messages inside compare with the list with short messages and if there is no (partial) match label it as new.
This should work, currently can't test it though
=IF(OR(ISNUMBER(FIND(" "&$A$2:$A$8&" "," "&B2& " "))),"YES","NO")
Note the use of spaces otherwise aaa would be found in kkaaa

logstash filter , unfiltered lines

I am new to Logstash filter and going through different blogs and links to understand in detail. I have few questions which are still unanswered.
. If my log file has different log pattern e.g.
2017-01-30 14:30:58 INFO ThreadName:33 - {"t":1485786658088,"h":"abcd1234", "l":"INFO", "cN":"org.logstash.demo", "mN":"getNextvalue", "m":"fetching next value"}
2017-01-30 14:30:58 INFO AnotherThread:33 -my log pattern is different
I have below filter which is successfully filtering line 1 of the log
match => [ "message", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:LogDate} %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} %{WORD:threadName}:%{NUMBER:ThreadID} - %{GREEDYDATA:Line}" ]
source => "Line"
what will happen with the lines which can not be filtered using filter pattern?
Is there any way to capture all the lines which were not filtered and send to elasticSearch ?
Is there any good reading material where I can read about Input, Filter, Output plugins with the examples ?
To answer your questions:
The lines which cannot be filtered using grok would end up in a
grok_parsefailure. Make sure you handle it by dropping the lines
which don't actually match the filter criteria.
As far as I know you can't capture them separately and push it to ES. Maybe for this, you can have multiple grok patterns so that you can filter it out and send it to different ES indices thereafter.
I've added the links in the comment above.
This SO could come in handy. Hope it helps!
As #darth_vader points out, you'll get a "grok_parsefailure" tag on each document that doesn't match your pattern(s) in a grok{} filter. However, how you handle this failure is up to you.
By default, all the events will fall through to your output{} section, which presumably would send them to elasticsearch. You could also have a conditional output{} section, which sent parsed logs to one output and unparsed logs to another (a file{} output, or a different index, or...).
As for examples, the official doc tends to include incomplete fragments (at best), so you're probably going to find better examples in random internet blogs.

Logstash -- delimit event in log4net.log which may contain multiple lines

Here is a typical log file generated from log4net
So, this log file is read by the logstash file input plugin.
By default, the delimiter in configuration is \n, which means each line is an event.
But in the log file above, you can see there could be multiple lines for one event. (like ERROR or FAULT or others)
How to configure Logstash to delimit the event correctly?
I suppose I could configure multiple delimiters like \nINFO \nDEBUG \nERROR \nFAULT . But the document says there can only be one delimiter.
The following config should delimit your events properly.
Input config:
input {
file {
path => "/absolute/path/here.log"
type => "log4net"
codec => multiline {
negate => true
what => previous
What you have there is a multiline event. There is a codec that will help you process that.
The basic idea is to define a pattern that identifies the beginning of a log entry (in your case, the log level), and then roll all other lines into the previous one.

Handling different log formats in the same file

I have a single log file that contains differing output formats.
For example:
line 1 = 2015-01-1 12:04:56 INFO my_user someone logged in
line 2 = 2015-01-1 12:04:56 WARN [webserver-thread] ( user authenticated
Whilst the real solution is to either split them into separate files or unify the formats is it possible to grok differing log formats with Logstash?
My first recommendation is to run one grok{} to strip off the common stuff - the datetime and log level. You can put the remaining stuff back into the [message] field:
%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601} %{WORD:level} %{GREEDYDATA:message}
Make sure to use the 'overwrite' parameter in grok{}.
Then if you want to parse the remaining information, your (multiple) regexps will be running against a shorter string, which should make them more efficient.
You can then have multiple patterns:
grok {
match => [
"message", "PATTERN1",
"message", "PATTERN2"
By default, grok will stop processing when it hits the first match.

Extracting fields in Logstash

I am using Logstash (with Kibana as the UI). I would like to extract some fields from my logs so that I can filter by them on the LHS of the UI.
A sample line from my log looks like this:
2013-07-04 00:27:16.341 -0700 [Comp40_db40_3720_18_25] client_login=C-316fff97-5a19-44f1-9d87-003ae0e36ac9 ip_address=
In my logstash conf file, I put this:
filter {
grok {
type => "mylog"
pattern => "(?<CLIENT_NAME>Comp\d+_db\d+_\d+_\d+_\d+)"
Ideally, I would like to extract Comp40_db40_3720_18_25 (the number of digits can vary, but will always be at least 1 in each section separated by _) and client_login (can also be client_logout). Then, I can search for CLIENT_NAME=Comp40... CLIENT_NAME=Comp55, etc.
Am I missing something in my config to make this a field that I can use in Kibana?
If you are having any difficulty getting the pattern to match correctly, using the Grok Debugger is a great solution.
For your given problem you could just separate out your search data into another variable, and save the additional varying digits in another (trash) variable.
For example:
(Please use the Grok Debugger on the above pattern)
