Difference between Mockito #Spy and #Mock(answer = Answers.CALLS_REAL_METHODS) - mockito

What is the difference between these two declarations in Mockito?
#Mock(answer = Answers.CALLS_REAL_METHODS)
ArrayList<String> mock;
ArrayList<String> spy;

The former CALLS_REAL_METHODS style creates an uninitialized object; no constructors are run and no fields are set. Generally this syntax is unsafe, as real implementations will interact with uninitialized fields that may constitute an invalid or impossible state.
The latter #Spy style allows you to call a constructor of your choice, or Mockito will try to call a no-arg constructor if the field is uninitialized. The fields are then copied into a generated Spy (that extends the spied-on type), allowing for much safer and more-realistic interactions.
Requisite reminder: Don't actually mock Java collections outside of toy examples, and don't forget to use doReturn syntax when overriding spies and CALLS_REAL_METHOD mocks or else you'll call the real method within the when call.


Mockito.when() not working

I am trying to mock a call to a protected method of one of my classes:
import com.couchbase.client.java.view.Stale; // an enum
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
public class MyClass {
public List<String> myList(Optional<Integer> arg1, Optional<Stale> arg2) {
The mock shall be accomplished in the following way:
// Providing types for any() does not change anything
Mockito.when(myClass.myList(Mockito.any(), Mockito.any()).thenReturn(new ArrayList());
Whenever the previous line is executed the actual myList() method is called with null values for arg1 and arg2. Why is the method called, at all? After all, I am trying to avoid any executing thereof...
As Brice mentioned, if your myList method is final, then Java skips virtual method dispatch and will call the original object (not your mock).
If you are spying on an actual class, it is expected behavior that when will call the actual object as part of the stub: after all, in the expression when(foo.bar()) Java doesn't know anything special about when and assumes that it cares about the return value) of foo.bar(), not the call itself. (I walk through the stubbing process in the "Implementation details" section of my answer here.)
This syntax is better for spies:
doReturn(new ArrayList()).when(myClass).myList(any(), any());
Because this different when method receives an object, Mockito can prepare the object to do nothing during the stubbing, which avoids any spurious calls to your myList method.
Although Jeff's answer did not show a workaround for my problem it pointed me into the right direction.
After changing the mocking behaviour to doReturn... I suddenly got an error message. This message told me that myClass is not a mock which makes sense since you can only mock (or stub?) methods of mocked or spied objects. So as Jeff's answer indicates and is explained in the documentation of mockito I created a partial mock of MyClass with
MyClass myClass = Mockito.spy(new MyClass());
With this partial mock Jeff's approach to method mocking suddenly worked (mine still does not and should therefore be avoided).
So: Thank you, Jeff!

In Groovy, can I override java-style casting syntax on POJO classes?

I would like to be able to use plain java-style implicit/explicit casting instead of asType overrides so that sources written in Java work properly. I've overridden asType on String similarly to the approach suggested in How to overload some Groovy Type conversion for avoiding try/catch of NumberFormatException? like:
oldAsType = String.metaClass.getMetaMethod("asType", [Class] as Class[])
String.metaClass.asType = {Class typ ->
if (Foo.class.isAssignableFrom(typ)) {
} else {
I'd like all of these options to work:
// groovy
String barString
Foo foo = barString asType(Foo.class) // asType works but
Foo foo = barString // implicit cast fails
Foo foo = (Foo) barString // explicit cast fails
The latter two fail because groovy is using DefaultTypeTransformation.castToType, which doesn't attempt to invoke new Foo() unless the object to be cast is either one of a slew of special cases or is some sort of Collection type.
Note that the solution Can I override cast operator in Groovy? doesn't solve the issue because the code that is doing the casting is regular Java code that I cannot alter, at least not at the source code level. I'm hoping that there is either a secret hook into casting or a way to override the static castToType method (in a Java class, called by another Java class - which Can you use Groovy meta programming to override a private method on a Java class says is unsupported)... or some other clever approach I haven't thought of.
Edit: The question is about using Java-style casting syntax, essentially to use groovy facilities to add an autoboxing method. Groovy calls this mechanism "casting," for better or worse (see DefaultTypeTransformation.castToType as referenced above). In particular, I have replaced an enum with a resourced class and want to retain JSON serialization. Groovy's JSON package automatically un/marshals enum values of instance members to strings and I'm trying to make the replacement class serialize compatibly with a minimal changes to the source code.
Part of the problem here is you are confusing conversion with casting. Using the "as" operator is not the same thing as imposing a cast. They seem similar, but they serve separate purposes.
Foo foo = (Foo) barString
That doesn't say something like "create a Foo out of barString". That says "Declare a reference named foo, associate the static type Foo with that reference and then point that reference at the object on the heap that the reference barString currently points to.". Unlike languages like C++, Groovy and Java do not allow you to ever get in a situation where a reference points at an object that is of a type that is incompatible with the reference's type. If you ever got into a situation where a Foo reference was pointing to a String on the heap, that would represent a bug in the JVM. It cannot be done. You can come up with ways to create Foo objects out of String objects, but that isn't what the code above is about.
The answer appears to be "no". Absent a rewrite of the DefaultTypeTransformation.castToType to allow for this sort of metaprogramming, the implication is to use another implementation strategy or use a different language.

Is there a Mockito equivalent way to expect constructor invocations like PowerMock.expectNew?

If it doesn't, does it exist on EasyMock?
PowerMock is intended as an extension of both EasyMock and Mockito. From the horse's mouth: "PowerMock is a framework that extend other mock libraries such as EasyMock with more powerful capabilities."
In any case, there is no EasyMock equivalent to expectNew and neither is there one in Mockito, either - that's exactly the hole that PowerMock is trying to fill. That being said, PowerMock is perfectly capable of doing this with Mockito. Here is the sample from the documentation:
How to mock construction of new objects
Use PowerMockito.whenNew, e.g.
IOException("error message"));
Note that you must prepare the class
creating the new instance of MyClass for test, not the MyClass itself.
E.g. if the class doing new MyClass() is called X then you'd have to
do #PrepareForTest(X.class) in order for whenNew to work.
How to verify construction of new objects
Use PowerMockito.verifyNew,

Why can't I add Contract.Requires in an overridden method?

I'm using code contract (actually, learning using this).
I'm facing something weird to me... I override a method, defined in a 3rd party assembly. I want to add a Contract.Require statement like this:
public class MyClass: MyParentClass
protected override void DoIt(MyParameter param)
Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(param != null);
protected void ExecuteMyTask(MyParameter param)
Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(param != null);
/* body of the method */
However, I'm getting warnings like this:
Warning 1 CodeContracts:
Method 'MyClass.DoIt(MyParameter)' overrides 'MyParentClass.DoIt(MyParameter))', thus cannot add Requires.
[edit] changed the code a bit to show alternatives issues [/edit]
If I remove the Contract.Requires in the DoIt method, I get another warning, telling me I have to provide unproven param != null
I don't understand this warning. What is the cause, and can I solve it?
You can't add extra requirements which your callers may not know about. It violates Liskov's Subtitution Principle. The point of polymorphism is that a caller should be able to treat a reference which actually refers to an instance of your derived class as if it refers to an instance of the base class.
MyParentClass foo = GetParentClassFromSomewhere();
If that's statically determined to be valid, it's wrong for your derived class to hold up its hands and say "No! You're not meant to call DoIt with a null argument!" The aim of static analysis of contracts is that you can determine validity of calls, logic etc at compile-time... so no extra restrictions can be added at execution time, which is what happens here due to polymorphism.
A derived class can add guarantees about what it will do - what it will ensure - but it can't make any more demands from its callers for overridden methods.
I'd like to note that you can do what Jon suggested (this answers adds upon his) but also have your contract without violating LSP.
You can do so by replacing the override keyword with new.
The base remains the base; all you did is introduce another functionality (as the keywords literally suggest).
It's not ideal for static-checking because the safety could be easily casted away (cast to base-class first, then call the method) but that's a must because otherwise it would violate LSP and you do not want to do that obviously. Better than nothing though, I'd say.
In an ideal world you could also override the method and call the new one, but C# wouldn't let you do so because the methods would have the same signatures (even tho it would make perfect sense; that's the trade-off).

cast closure map to object with a private constructor in groovy

I am using groovy to create some mock classes for a test case. I am basically creating dummy objects where all the methods return null so that i can run my testcase.
I am using the following syntax:
MessageFactory.instance = ["getMessage": {a,b,c,d -> "dummy"}] as MessageFactory
So here i am trying to overwrite the singleton instance with my on fake factory object. The problem is that MessageFactory's constructor happens to be a private method. This gives me an illigal access exception when i run the code above. Is there a away i can create a proxy in groovy and overcome the private constructor issue?
If you have access to the MessageFactory, and are willing to modify it, then you use the standard dependency-injection solution, as detailed here: mock singleton
..Though it's not particularly Groovy.
Otherwise, the best workaround I've found is to override the method(s) on the singleton instance itself, like so:
class Test{
def method(){"Unmocked method called"}
def test = Test.instance
test.metaClass.method = {-> null}
test.method() // Now returns null
Naturally, as a singleton, this instance doesn't change (at least in theory)... So, overriding methods in this manner is effectively global.
Edit: Or you can use GMock, which supports constructor mocking (among other things).
