How do I use MorphSVGPlugin? - svg

I want to use .convertToPath() to convert some primitives such as circle, rectangle, etc. I am doing it like this -
but I am getting the error that
MorphSVGPlugin is not defined.
Can anyone please help me out on this?

I had issues with the es5 method of loading.
A couple things to know -
It's very picky about the directory location relative to each other. You need to have
Link here -
The other thing I ran into, is that if you use 'require.js', it must be loaded AFTER any plugins lest you get this -
Mismatched anonymous define() module

You can Add the following additional script after loading all java-script scripts--
<script src=""></script>


Typescript - Further Exploration into "require" and paths

I had resigned myself to the fact that every require statement in Typescript had to be relative to the file you were typing in, but I recently discovered an application that does this differently and it confuses me. I was hoping someone with enough skill could explain how this is working to me.
The application in question is the new Raven DB HTML5 Studio, which uses typescript, you can find the whole application here:
RavenDB HTML5 Studio
When browsing its source code, I came across something interesting... if you go and look at many of the files; In specific the one I am looking at... app/viewmodels/deleteItems.ts, it has a reference at the top that reads..
import document = require("models/document");
but models/document isn't a path relative to deleteItems.ts, but this works. Can someone explain how this is happening? I'm linking you RIGHT to the exact files I'm talking about. This kind of behavior is littered all over this application.
This is exactly the kind of behavior I really wanted to try and emulate in my own code, since trying to keep all of the paths relative to the file I'm working in is a headache, but this program seems to be completely free of that requirement.
This doesn't necessarily involve RavenDB, but I am tagging it anyway, because perhaps someone who has read over the Raven repository will understand it and be able to answer.
I am trying to mimic this behavior in my own code, and not finding any success. I am sorry if I seem outright stupid, but this is all really confusing me. Here is what my structure looks like; My repository is private, so I cannot really just link to it.
// other libraries
Alright, that's a general feel for my folder layout. All typescript files are under the /home folder so that I can prevent github from saving their compiled javascript and locking that.
So then, in the file UserControls.ts, it looks like this right now...
import userElements = require('./UserElements');
import userMapping = require('./UserMapping');
export class UserControls {
// code
No matter what combinations I have tried, this is the only format/syntax that doesn't throw errors in Visual Studio. But from what I see in the RavenDB project, I should very much be able to declare it like ...
import userElements = require('utils/UserElements');
import userMapping = require('utils/UserMapping');
export class UserControls {
// some code
No matter what combinations I have tried, this is the only format/syntax that doesn't throw errors in Visual Studio. But from what I see in the RavenDB project, I should very much be able to declare it like ...
That is because they are using a drandalJS configuration to tell it how to resolve the file path. (see
There isn't a similar configuration (basePath) for TypeScript at the moment. Your best option is to use relative paths as you've already noticed.
PS: an old but still relevant video that shows you how requirejs config works and relevance when using TypeScript
The TypeScript compiler's module resolution algorithm is essentially undocumented, unfortunately. It tries to "split the difference" between AMD and CommonJS's module resolution rules, so it's somewhat hard to reason about.
What you're seeing here is an attempt to mimic CommonJS's "walk up the tree" resolution rule. When in the path C:\a\b\c\d resolving x, first C:\a\b\c\d\x is tried, then C:\a\b\c\x, then C:\a\b\x, and so on until it hits the root folder and gives up.

How to load multiple named AMD modules defined in a single file?

My understanding is that it shouldn't happen, but it does. What is the most appropriate workaround for these libraries?
I figured running these scripts after require.js manually (using a script tag) should work, and indeed it seems like it does. However, the RequireJS documentation explicitly warns that the data-main script is run asynchronously. While require.js should have properly defined the define function needed by the scripts defining multiple named modules, I also assume that without the proper configuration loaded from the data-main script, bad things may happen in a non-deterministic way. Is this correct?
I also fail to see how any combination of the shim, map, bundles and paths configuration properties can help in this case, although I hope I'm missing it.
Clarification on the first note: (My bad, it's really not clear)
What I describe here is simply to manually execute (using an HTML script tag) the script that defines multiple modules after RequireJS and the data-main script. With the knowledge that the latter is run async, my worries should become more obvious (but feel free to ask me to detail some more). The bulk of it is that although it seems like I can require each named module successfully, I'm not sure that the behavior is deterministic (also, it's not pretty, I'd much rather avoid additional script tags and properly load everything asynchronously).
<script src="scripts/require.js" data-main="app/main.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/datajs-1.1.2.js"></script>
Here, datajs-1.1.2.js defines two modules, as described in the link above and copied below:
// AMD support
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('datajs', datajs);
define('OData', odata);
} ...
What will and will not work depends on the specifics of how the file which defines multiple named modules will be used in an application.
In general, if the order in which modules defined (using named defines) in a single file cannot be determined, then setting paths to map the module names to the file that defines them should prevent problems:
paths: {
'foo': 'path/to/foobar',
'bar': 'path/to/foobar'
If foo or bar are required, RequireJS will load the file that defines both (path/to/foobar.js), which is not a problem.
With the details that you've added to the question, I can say this. First, this code:
<script src="scripts/require.js" data-main="app/main.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/datajs-1.1.2.js"></script>
is incorrect. Loading a module that calls define through a <script> tag is generally wrong. (I would say it is always wrong, but there may be some really strange cases where to get incompatible assets to work together you have to do something that would normally be wrong. But this is unusual, and has to be justified.) As you suggested by doing this, you open yourself to timing issues. Sometimes it may work, sometimes it may not.
However, this should prevent any timing issues:
require = {
paths: {
datajs: 'scripts/datajs-1.1.2',
OData: 'scripts/datajs-1.1.2'
<script src="scripts/require.js" data-main="app/main.js"></script>
Whenever anything needs either of the two modules in datajs-1.1.2.js, either because it called require or because it called define with the appropriate module names, the file that defines both modules is going to be loaded.
(Warning: the configuration I show in the example above is an educated guess, which contains enough details to illustrate. It may not work once combined with a configuration already present in app/main.js, and I'm not suggesting that it is the best way to configure RequireJS for your specific application.)
For RequireJS version 2.1.10 and higher, there's also the bundles option, which is nicer to use:
require = {
bundles: {
"js/datajs-1.1.2": ["datajs", "OData"]
<script src="scripts/require.js" data-main="app/main.js"></script>
I suggest reading the documentation on this option to avoid possible misunderstandings as to how it works.

How can I load Raphael within IPython notebook, avoiding some issues that arise due to require.js?

In an IPython notebook, one would expect the following code to cause Raphael.js to load successfully into the global namespace.
from IPython.display import Javascript
raphael_url = ""
Javascript('alert(Raphael);', lib=[raphael_url])
However, it does not work in recent versions of IPython which use require.js. Turns out, Raphael.js, which IPython loads using jQuery.getScript(), recognizes the presence of require.js and as such does not insert itself into the global namespace. In fact, if one first runs javascript code removing the window.define object, Raphael no longer realizes require.js is present, and it inserts itself into the global namespace as I would like. In other words, the code above works after running the following:
Javascript('window.define = undefined;')
Thus, the only way I am able to get Raphael to load within a recent version of IPython notebook is to delete (or set aside) window.define.
Having identified the problem, I am not familiar enough with require.js to know what piece of software is acting against protocol. Is Raphael using a poor way of testing for the existence of require.js? Should IPython be using require.js directly instead of jQuery.getScript() when it loads user-provided javascript libraries? Or is there a way I as the user ought to be embracing require.js, which will give me the Raphael object without needing any special hacks? (If the answer to the last question is yes, is there a way I can also support older versions of IPython notebook, which do not use require.js?)
The first part of my answer won't please you, but the loading and requirement of javascript library in the IPython-notebook-webapp has not yet been solved, so for now I would suggest not to build to much on the assumption you can load library like that, and rely more on custom.js for now.
That being said, if raphael is not in global namespace require is smart enough to cache it, and give you reference to it. Then in the callback you can just assign to a global :
require(['raphael'], function( raph ){
window.raphael = raph;
Or something like that should do the trick.

Requirejs: Remove/delete build.txt after build

After successfully optimizing and building the modules using r.js library, you would find the file build.txt with the summary of all the modules and its dependencies.
I don't want this build.txt file to reach the production server.
Apart from manually deleting the build.txt, is there any way to suppress or remove this file?
Manual deletion is not the answer that I am looking for as you might forget to delete it sometimes.
As I understood the source code, there is no way to prevent the creation of the build.txt.
This feature has been requested:
To use it, you would add the following option to your build.js file:
noBuildTxt: true
As Louis points out, it hasn't actually been added :/
If you want, you can do what I did and restructure your application so you don't need a modules property, add the noBuildTxt option and then pretend it works. (Removing the modules property was what got rid of the module definitions, not the noBuildTxt)

how to distribute a Flash component for use with MTASC?

I have a Flash component that's just a library of compiled code with some exposed API calls. Normally we distribute this as a SWC or MXP, and it works just fine. Recently I had a client express interest in using my component, but they do all their development in MTASC only. MTASC doesn't support SWC files, so ss there a good way to send precompiled code that would work in MTASC? I'm not able to send them the original source code, but if there's some other method I'd appreciate it. I do have access to the source, so I can recompile it however necessary. Thanks!
I did find an answer, and I'm not 100% sure if this is exactly the process since I'm no longer at that job and don't have the computer/process in front of me anymore. It was a bit of a hack.
What it involved basically was unzipping the SWC file and getting a .swf and a bunch of .asi files out.
The .asi files are really just ActionScript files, but they contain intrinsic definitions, or just prototypes or footprints of whats actually there. The real meat of it is still in the .swf.
So you rename all those .asi files to .as and then put them into your MTASC classpath. Since they contain definitions, you shouldn't be getting any more "undefined variable" or "undefined function" errors at compile time. Now you just need to pull in the SWF, where the actual function bodies are defined, using loadMovie. once the loadMovie is complete, you should be able to use all of the functions.
The only caveat of course is that you have to wait for that SWF to load before calling of any of the functions from the SWC.
so step-by-step, it looks like this:
1.) unzip the SWC file. this can be done using WinZip or OS X terminal unzip command
2.) Rename .asi files to .as
3.) add new .as files to MTASC classpath
4.) add AS code to load the .swf in and make sure none of the SWC functions are called before the SWF is loaded
5.) compile
I'm pretty sure this is what we did, but i'm not in a spot to try it out right now.,
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions and I'll see if I can help figure it out any more.
