Rethinkdb replace document if document exists, else insert document - node.js

I would like to insert a document if it doesn't exist (client_nr not found).
If this exists, replace the whole document with new values.
The only other this is, that the client_nr is not the primary key. The primary key is the default id created by rethinkdb database.
I tried the below code in node js, but nothing happened. The data is in the variable jsonArray. I use the for loop to go through the whole jsonArray.
Any idea how to solve this problem?
for(var Ticker in jsonArray){
r.db(db).table('trades').filter({client_nr: jsonArray[Ticker].client_nr}).forEach(function(post) {
return r.branch(

This is much easier to do if client_nr is your primary key. I'd consider doing that instead of using the autogenerated IDs. That will also enforce uniqueness on the field, which is probably what you want.
I was also a little confused by your example because your description made it sound like you wanted to be inserting/replacing into the same table that you're filtering on, but your example is referencing two different tables.
Assuming you want to be using a single table, something like this should do it:
TABLE.filter({client_nr: jsonArray[Ticker].client_nr}).replace(function(row) {
return r(jsonArray[Ticker]).merge(row.pluck('id'));
}).do(function(res) {
return r.branch(


How To Get Item From DynamoDB Based On Multiple (one primary) Attributes Lambda/NodeJS

My table structure in DynamoDB looks like the following:
uuid (Primary Key) | ip | userAgent
From within a NodeJS function inside of lambda, I would like to get the uuid of an item whose ip and useragent match the information I provide.
Scan becomes less and less efficient and more expensive over time as millions of items are added to the table every week.
Here is the code I am using to try and accomplish this:
function tieDown(sIP, uA){
const userQuery = {
Key : {
"ip" : "",
"userAgent" : "sample"
TableName: "mytable"
return ddb.get(userQuery, function(err, data){
if (err) console.log(err.stack);
When this code executes, the following error is thrown ValidationException: The provided key element does not match the schema.
So I guess my questions are:
Is it even possible to get one specific item based on non-primary attributes
Are there any issues with the code sample I provided that could lead to this error being thrown? (I'm using DocumentClient so no need to explicitly declare strings, numbers etc.
You cannot get a single item using the get operation without specifying the partition key, and sort key if you have one. Scans should be avoided in most cases. What you probably need is a Global Secondary Index that allows you to query by ip and userAgent. Keep in mind that the records on a GSI are not guaranteed unique, so you may get more than one result.

Referencing external doc in CouchDB view

I am scraping an 90K record database using JSON-RPC and I am trying to put in some basic error checking. I want to start by scraping the database twice using two different settings and adding a prefix to the second scrape. This way I can check to ensure that the two settings are not producing different records (due to dropped updates, etc). I wanted to implement the comparison using a view which compares each document from the first scrape with it's twin produced by the second scrape and then emit the names of records with a difference between them.
However, I cannot quite figure out how to pull in another doc in the view, everything I have read only discusses external docs using the emit() function, which is too late to permit me to compare it. In the example below, the lookup() function would grab the referenced document.
Is this just not possible?
function(doc) {
if(doc._id.slice(0,1)!=='$' && doc._id.slice(0,1)!== "_"){
var otherDoc = lookup('$test" + doc._id);
var keys = doc.value.keys();
var same = true;
keys.forEach(function(key) {
if ((key.slice(0,1) !== '_') && (key.slice(0,1) !=='$') && (key!=='expires')) {
if (!Object.equal(otherDoc[key], doc[key])) {
same = false;
emit(doc._id, 1);
You are correct that this is not possible in CouchDB. The whole point of the map function is that it must be idempotent, otherwise you lose all the other nice benefits of a pre-calculated index.
This is why you cannot access external resources in the map function, whether they be other records or the clock. Any time you run a map you must always get the same result if you put the same record into it. Since there are no relationships between records in CouchDB, you cannot promise that this is possible.
However, you can still achieve your end goal, just be different means. Some possibilities...
Assuming there is some meaningful numeric value in each doc, you could use a view to take the sum of all those values and group them by which import you did ({key: <batch id>, value: <meaningful number>}). Then compare the two numbers in your client or the browser to see if they match.
A brute force approach would be to use a view to pair the docs that should match. Each doc is on a different row, but they're grouped by a common field. Then iterate through the entire index comparing the pairs. This would certainly be the quickest to code and doesn't depend on your application or data.
Implement a validation function to enforce a schema on your data. Just be warned that this will reduce your write throughput since each written record will be piped out of Erlang and into the JS engine. Also, this is only applicable if you're worried about properly formed records instead of their precise content, which might not be the case.
Instead of your different batch jobs creating different docs, have them place them into the same doc. The structure might look like this: { "_id": "something meaningful", "batch_one": { }, "batch_two": { } } Then your validation function could compare them or you could create a view that indexes all the docs that don't match. All depends on where in your pipeline you want to do the error checking and correction.
Personally I like the last option better, but only if you don't plan to use the database as is in production. Ie., you wouldn't want to carry around all that extra data in each record.
Hope that helps.

Node.js + Mongoose / Mongo & a shortened _id field

I'd like the unique _id field in one of my models to be relatively short: 8 letters/numbers, instead of the usual Mongo _id which is much longer. Having a short unique-index like this helps elsewhere in my code, for reasons I'll skip over here. I've successfully created a schema that does the trick (randomString is a function that generates a string of the given length):
new Schema('Activities', {
'_id': { type: String, unique: true, 'default': function(){ return randomString(8); } },
// ... other definitions
This works well so far, but I am concerned about duplicate IDs generated from the randomString function. There are 36^8 possible IDs, so right now it is not a problem... but as the set of possible IDs fills up, I am worried about insert commands failing due to a duplicate ID.
Obviously, I could do an extra query to check if the ID was taken before doing an insert... but that makes me cry inside.
I'm sure there's a better way to be doing this, but I'm not seeing it in the documentation.
This shortid lib is being used by Doodle or Die, seems to be battle tested.
By creating a unique index on _id you'll get an error if you try to insert a document with a duplicate key. So wrap error handling around any inserts you do that looks for the error and then generates another ID and retries the insert in that case. You could add a method to your schema that implements this enhanced save to keep things clean and DRY.

How do I design a couchdb view for following case ?

I am migrating an application from mySQL to couchDB. (Okay, Please dont pass judgements on this).
There is a function with signature
getUserBy($column, $value)
Now you can see that in case of SQL it is a trivial job to construct a query and fire it.
However as far as couchDB is concerned I am supposed to write views with map functions
Currently I have many views such as
and so on. Can anyone suggest a better and yet scalable way of doing this ?
Sure! One of my favorite views, for its power, is by_field. It's a pretty simple map function.
function(doc) {
// by_field: map function
// A single view for every field in every document!
var field, key;
for (field in doc) {
key = [field, doc[field]];
emit(key, 1);
Suppose your documents have a .name field for their name, and .email for their email address.
To get users by name (ex. "Alice" and "Bob"):
GET /db/_design/example/_view/by_field?include_docs=true&key=["name","Alice"]
GET /db/_design/example/_view/by_field?include_docs=true&key=["name","Bob"]
To get users by email, from the same view:
GET /db/_design/example/_view/by_field?include_docs=true&key=["email",""]
GET /db/_design/example/_view/by_field?include_docs=true&key=["name",""]
The reason I like to emit 1 is so you can write reduce functions later to use sum() to easily add up the documents that match your query.

Insert/update Doctrine object from Excel

On the project which I am currently working, I have to read an Excel file (with over a 1000 rows), extract all them and insert/update to a database table.
in terms of performance, is better to add all the records to a Doctrine_Collection and insert/update them after using the fromArray() method, right? One other possible approach is to create a new object for each row (a Excel row will be a object) and them save it but I think its worst in terms of performance.
Every time the Excel is uploaded, it is necessary to compare its rows to the existing objects on the database. If the row does not exist as object, should be inserted, otherwise updated. My first approach was turn both object and rows into arrays (or Doctrine_Collections); then compare both arrays before implementing the needed operations.
Can anyone suggest me any other possible approach?
We did a bit of this in a project recently, with CSV data. it was fairly painless. There's a symfony plugin tmCsvPlugin, but we extended this quite a bit since so the version in the plugin repo is pretty out of date. Must add that to the #TODO list :)
Question 1:
I don't explicitly know about performance, but I would guess that adding the records to a Doctrine_Collection and then calling Doctrine_Collection::save() would be the neatest approach. I'm sure it would be handy if an exception was thrown somewhere and you had to roll back on your last save..
Question 2:
If you could use a row field as a unique indentifier, (let's assume a username), then you could search for an existing record. If you find a record, and assuming that your imported row is an array, use Doctrine_Record::synchronizeWithArray() to update this record; then add it to a Doctrine_Collection. When complete, just call Doctrine_Collection::save()
A fairly rough 'n' ready implementation:
// set up a new collection
$collection = new Doctrine_Collection('User');
// assuming $row is an associative
// array representing one imported row.
foreach ($importedRows as $row) {
// try to find an existing record
// based on a unique identifier.
$user = Doctrine_Core::getTable('User')
// create a new user record if
// no existing record is found.
if (!$user instanceof User) {
$user = new User();
// sync record with current data.
// add to collection.
// done. save collection.
Pretty rough but something like this worked well for me. This is assuming that you can use your imported row data in some way to serve as a unique identifier.
NOTE: be wary of synchronizeWithArray() if you're using sf1.2/doctrine 1.0 - if I remember correctly it was not implemented correctly. it works fine in doctrine 1.2 though.
I have never worked on Doctrine_Collections, but I can answer in terms of database queries and code logic in a broader sense. I would apply the following logic:-
Fetch all the rows of the excel sheet from database in a single query and store them in an array $uploadedSheet.
Create a single array of all the rows of the uploaded excel sheet, call it $storedSheet. I guess the structures of the Doctrine_Collections $uploadedSheet and $storedSheet will be similar (both two-dimensional - rows, cells can be identified and compared).
3.Run foreach loops on the $uploadedSheet as follows and only identify the rows which need to be inserted and which to be updated (do actual queries later)-
$rowsToBeUpdated =array();
foreach($uploadedSheet as $row=>$eachRow)
foreach($eachRow as $column=>$value)
if($value != $storedSheet[$row][$column])
{//This is a representation of comparison
break; //No need to check this row anymore - one difference detected.
$rowsToBeInserted[$row] = true;
4. This way you have two arrays. Now perform 2 database queries -
bulk insert all those rows of $uploadedSheet whose numbers are stored in $rowsToBeInserted array.
bulk update all the rows of $uploadedSheet whose numbers are stored in $rowsToBeUpdated array.
These bulk queries are the key to faster performance.
Let me know if this helped, or you wanted to know something else.
