ArangoDB - Performance issue with AQL query - node.js

I'm using ArangoDB for a Web Application through Strongloop.
I've got some performance problem when I run this query:
FOR result IN Collection SORT result.field ASC RETURN result
I added some index to speed up the query like skiplist index on the field sorted.
My Collection has inside more than 1M of records.
The application is hosted on n1-highmem-2 on Google Cloud.
Below some specs:
2 CPUs - Xeon E5 2.3Ghz
13 GB of RAM
Unluckly, my query spend a lot of time to ending.
What can I do?
Best regards,

Summarizing the discussion above:
If there is a skiplist index present on the field attribute, it could be used for the sort. However, if its created sparse it can't. This can be revalidated by running
in the ArangoShell. If the index is present and non-sparse, then the query should use the index for sorting and no additional sorting will be required - which can be revalidated using Explain.
However, the query will still build a huge result in memory which will take time and consume RAM.
If a large result set is desired, LIMIT can be used to retrieve slices of the results in several chunks, which will cause less stress on the machine.
For example, first iteration:
FOR result IN Collection SORT result.field LIMIT 10000 RETURN result
Then process these first 10,000 documents offline, and note the result value of the last processed document.
Now run the query again, but now with an additional FILTER:
FOR result IN Collection
FILTER result.field > #lastValue LIMIT 10000 RETURN result
until there are no more documents. That should work fine if result.field is unique.
If result.field is not unique and there are no other unique keys in the collection covered by a skiplist, then the described method will be at least an approximation.
Note also that when splitting the query into chunks this won't provide snapshot isolation, but depending on the use case it may be good enough already.


Sorting enormous dataset

I have an enormous dataset (over 300 million documents). It is a system for archiving data and rollback capability.
The rollback capability is a cursor which iterates trough the whole dataset and performs few post requests to some external end points, it's a simple piece of code.
The data being iterated over needs to be send ordered by the timestamp (filed in the document). The DB was down for some time, so backup DB was used, but has received older data which has been archived manually, and later all was merged with the main DB.
Older data breaks the order. I need to sort this dataset, but the problem is the size; there is not enough RAM available to perform this operation at once. How I can achieve this sorting?
PS: The documents do not contain any indexed fields.
There's no way to do an efficient sort without an index. If you had an index on the date field then things would already be sorted (in a sense), so getting things in a desired order is very cheap (after the overhead of the index).
The only way to sort all entries without an index is to fetch the field you want to sort for every single document and sort them all in memory.
The only good options I see are to either create an index on the date field (by far the best option) or increase the RAM on the database (expensive and not scalable).
Note: since you have a large number of documents it's possible that even your index wouldn't be super scalable -- in that case you'd need to look into sharding the database.

Why does including partition key in WHERE clause to Cosmos SQL API query increase consumed RUs for some queries?

I would like to optimise my Azure Cosmos DB SQL API queries for consumed RUs (in part in order to reduce the frequency of 429 responses).
Specifically I thought that including the partition key in WHERE clauses would decrease consumed RUs (e.g. I read and which made me think this).
However, when I run
WHERE c.Field = "some value"
AND c.PartitionKeyField = "1234"
ORDER BY c.TimeStampField DESC
It consumes 6 RUs.
Whereas without the partition key, e.g.
WHERE c.Field = "some value"
ORDER BY c.TimeStampField DESC
It consumes 5.76 RUs - i.e. cheaper.
(whilst there is some variation in the above numbers depending on the exact document selected, the second query is always cheaper, and I have tested against both the smallest and largest partitions.)
My database currently has around 400,000 documents and 29 partitions (both are expected to grow). Largest partition has around 150,000 documents (unlikely to grow further than this).
The above results indicate to me that I should not pass the partition key in the WHERE clause for this query. Please could someone explain why this is so as from the documentation I thought the opposite should be true?
There might a few reasons and it depends on which index the query engine decides to use or if there is an index at all.
First thing I can say is that there is likely not much data in this container because queries without a partition key get progressively more expensive the larger the container, especially when they span physical partitions.
The first one could be more expensive if there is no index on the partition key and did a scan on it after filtering by the c.field.
It could also be more expensive depending on whether there is a composite index and whether it used it.
Really though you cannot take query metrics for small containers and extrapolate. The only way to measure is to put enough data into the container. Also the amount here is so small that it's not worth optimizing over. I would put the amount of data into this container you expect to have once in production and re-run your queries.
Lastly, with regards to measuring and optimizing, pareto principle applies. You'll go nuts chasing down every optimization. Find your high concurrency queries and focus on those.
Hope this is helpful.

AWS DynamoDB count query results without retrieving

I would like to check how many entries are in a DynamoDB table that matches a query without retrieving the actual entries, using boto3.
I want to run a machine learning job on data from DynamoDB table. The data I'm training on is a data that answers a query, not the entire table. I want to run the job only if I have enough data to train on.
Therefore, I want to check if I want to check that I have enough entries that match the query.
It is worth mentioning that the DynamoDB table I'm querying is really big, therefore actual retrieving is no option unless I actually want to run the job.
I know that I can use boto3.dynamodb.describe_table() to get how many entries there are in the entire table, but as I mentioned earlier, I want to know only how many entries match a query.
Any ideas?
This was asked and answered in the past, see How to get item count from DynamoDB?
Basically, you need to use the "Select" parameter to tell DynamoDB to only count the query's results, instead of retrieving them.
As usual in DynamoDB, this is truncated by paging: if the result set (not the count - the actual full results) is larger than 1 MB, then only the first 1 MB is retrieved, and the items in it counted, and you get back this partial count. If you're only interested in checking whether you have "enough" results - this may even be better for you - because you don't want to pay for reading a gigabyte of data just to check if the data is there. You can even ask for a smaller page, to read less - depending on what you consider enough data.
Just remember that you'll pay Amazon not by the amount of data returned (just one integer, the count) but by the amount of data read from disk. Using such counts excessively may lead to surprising large costs.

Azure CosmosDB COUNT Consuming a lot of RU/s (MongoDB)

I have a collection with ~8000 documents that I paginate in my application. However, my query to get the count of total documents (to calculate page count), is blowing my RU/s quota out of the water.
The find query only takes about 3 RU/s, but takes a while to execute...
Is there a solution to this?
db.orders.count({"user": ObjectId("5ca51dc1234c0b21dcxxa12c")}})
Operation consumed 442.62 RUs
It will search all the partitions in your container, Pass the partition Key with your query inorder to make the search easier, otherwise it has to go through all the parititions in the container, that will result in lot of RUs.
If the find query takes a lot of time, then make sure that you have an index on this field. Currently they seem to be added automatically for each field, so it shouldn't be an issue.
However, from my own recent experience with Cosmos DB, if count returns a large number, it will also consume a lot of RUs. See: for more info.

Why is search performance is slow for about 1M documents - how to scale the application?

I have created a search project that based on lucene 4.5.1
There are about 1 million documents and each of them is about few kb, and I index them with fields: docname(stored), lastmodified,content. The overall size of index folder is about 1.7GB
I used one document (the original one) as a sample, and query the content of that document against index. the problems now is each query result is coming up slow. After some tests, I found that my queries are too large although I removed stopwords, but I have no idea how to reduce query string size. plus, the smaller size the query string is, the less accurate the result comes.
This is not limited to specific file, because I also tested with other original files, the performance of search is relatively slow (often 1-8 seconds)
Also, I have tried to copy entire index directory to RAMDirectory while search, that didn't help.
In addition, I have one index searcher only across multiple threads, but in testing, I only used one thread as benchmark, the expected response time should be a few ms
So, how can improve search performance in this case?
Hint: I'm searching top 1000
If the number of fields is large a nice solution is to not store them then serialize the whole object to a binary field.
The plus is, when projecting the object back out after query, it's a single field rather than many. getField(name) iterates over the entire set so O(n/2) then getting the values and setting fields. Just one field and deserialize.
Second might be worth at something like a MoreLikeThis query. See
