Visual Studio 2013 Web Deploy Package and Physical IIS Path at runtime - iis

When I import a Web Deploy Package into IIS 7 it installs to a physical path under the default IIS directory (c:\inetpub\www) on Windows Server 2008 R2.
I am using Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition to create the Web Deploy Package and following the instructions here. At the end of that link it says you can specify the physical IIS path but I want the user installing it to be able to choose the physical IIS path at runtime not have it set the same for all installations.
Is it possible to do this with a Web Deploy Package? I want to avoid creating an installer with Wix.


Installing/running iis

I am using Visual studio 2010. I want to expand iis using run window by writing "inetmgr" there but on hitting ok the windows is not able to find that...Kindly tell me if there is any other method for expanding iis other than this..
Please check if IIS is installed at Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. If not, check out following link.
Installing IIS 7 on Windows Vista and Windows 7 : The Official Microsoft IIS Site

How to install Biztalk 2013 Project Templates in Visual Studio 2012?

Doing some work on a proof of concept in Azure VM with SQL Server 2012, BizTalk 2013 and Visual Studio 2012. All 3 (SQL, BizTalk and Visual Studio) are on the same VM. In visual studio 2012, I cannot see any project templates for BizTalk.
I installed the Windows Azure BizTalk Services preview but unfortunately, that only installs two templates both for BizTalk Azure services (not orchestrations, etc.).
I tried running (as admin) devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates to no avail.
All I'm trying to do is have the BizTalk project templates installed in VS2012 so I can create an orchestration.
Ideas? Suggestions?
As part of the Biztalk installation, there's an option to install the developer tools and SDK. If it's not installed initially, you can go into control panel, modify the installation and add it there.
If the dev tools and SDK are grayed out, it's because IIS ASPNET 4.5 and WCF HTTP ACTIVATION 4.5 prerequisites have not been met. Ironically enough, once you meet said requirements, they'll appear during installation (as seen in the image below). In order enable the SDK option, I've found that installing Excel, in addition to several IIS options will enable the installation option. Credit to this blog entry for pointing me in the right direction.
TL;DR Install Visual Studio 2012 FIRST to get ASPNET 4.5 and WCF HTTP requirements met before installing BizTalk. Not sure why they couldn't just say something during the BizTalk installation. Maybe have a "Development environment" mode or type of installation where they'd mention having VS installed first.

How to debug with IIS (not Express) in Visual Studio 2013

This might be a stupid question, but I have a problem with Visual Studio 2013 and IIS (not Express), that the Visual Studio debugger by default uses IIS Express (iisexpress.exe) to debug code. But I do not want that, but I want to use IIS installed on my computer (w3wp.exe).
I succeeded in debugging with IIS by using Attach to Process... and then selecting All Users and then picking w3wp.exe as a process. But I need to do this every time I start debugging. Is there a way to use IIS by default? In Visual Studio 2012, everything worked well, but in VS 2013 I cannot find an option to use IIS (w3wp.exe) by default.
I am debugging a Web Site ASP.NET 4.0.
Thanks for any help!
If your website project was opened via IIS, it should debug the IIS process automatically. If your site exists in IIS currently, you should be able to find it via File -> Open -> Web Site.
If you opened an IIS Express based website project (or via the file system, which uses IIS Express by default), then run the site through IIS, VS doesn't know that the site is running in IIS.
In order to get this working on my setup (VS2013, IIS7, Win7) I needed to go into IIS Management Console and manually enable Windows Authentication.

Desktop application publishing to FTP in VS Express 2012

I'm trying to publish a desktop application to a FTP location for updating over the web. Conceptually this works fine, I've published to my local disk, manually copied the files up there, installed from that location, and updates are automatically installed.
Ideally though I'd like to not have to publish to local and copy, I'd like to publish straight to FTP or even WebDAV. When entering an FTP location though I get this error:
Failed to connect to '' with the following error: Unable to create the Web site ''.
The components for communicating with FrontPage Server Extensions are not installed.
Google tells me that on previous Visual Studio versio I could add the "Visual Studio Web Authoring Component" through Add/Remove programs and repair, but that doesn't exist in VS 2012. I'm using VS Express 2012 for Windows Desktop.
How do I install the required components?
Installing Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web gives you the right components:
The FrontPage Server Extension is available as Apache Mod, and IIS extension.

Visual Studio 2012 automatically creates virtual directory in IIS 7 on start

I have a web project hosted in another web project on IIS 7.
My Settings are like that:
Project Properties -> Web
Use Local Web Server [checked]
Use IIS Express [unchecked]
Project Url: localhost/BIG_PROJECT/My_small_project
Project Propertirs -> Build
Output Path: *..\bin*
There is a virtual directory for BIG_PROJECT. It's Ok.
But every time I open My_small_project in Visual Studio 2012, it automatically creates virtual directory for My_small_project.
Is there any setting for this behaviour to turn off?
