In this example, in a server service (live 24/24 hours), do I need to free/shrink aBaz for free clean/memory?
function foo(const aBar : string) : boolean;
aBaz : string;
aBaz := 'very very long string';
Result := (aBar = aBaz);
aBaz := ''; // shrink `aBaz` for free memory
string var in a class is already free by class destroy or I need to shrink??
class Foo = class
FBar : string;
constructor Create; overload;
destructor Destroy; reintroduce;
constructor Foo.Create(const ABar : string);
FBar := ABar;
destructor Foo.Destroy;
FBar := ''; // destructor already free memory or I need to shrink?
in a service (live 24/24 hours) when the run-time library frees the memory?
No, there is no need to free or shrink your string. Two reasons:
This particular string is a string literal. It's not allocated on the heap. The compiler includes a literal copy of that string in your EXE, and when you assign it to aBaz, the variable refers directly to that read-only memory in your EXE file. Nothing gets allocated, so there's nothing to free.
Strings in general are subject to automatic reference counting. When a string variable goes out of scope (which is what happens to aBaz when you reach the end keyword in this function), the string that the variable refers to has its reference count decremented. If the resulting count is zero, then the run-time library frees the memory associated with the string.
The compiler inserts reference-managing code automatically. You don't need to do anything with it.
No, you don't need to free strings on your own. Strings are managed automatically.
aBaz will be automatically freed when foo has finished. The string value will be removed from memory in case there is no other string variable containing the same value.
So, I'm trying to make a component that will do the job on setting the settings of a excel, libreoffice, etc... cells. At first I just wanted to set the value, but now, I need to change cell background color, change font name, style, set a formula, etc... So for that, I decided to do a type that will hold all the things I want to change and so, I did this:
TMyCell = class
FBgColor: TColor;
FValue: String;
FFormula: String;
FFormat: String;
FFont: TFont;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy;
property Value: String read FValue write FValue;
property Formula: String read FFormula write FFormula;
property Format: String read FFormat write FFormat;
property BgColor: TColor read FBgColor write FBgColor;
property Font: TFont read FFont write FFont;
{ TMyCell }
constructor TMyCell.Create;
FFont := TFont.Create;
destructor TMyCell.Destroy;
And my component look like this:
TMyPlan = class(TComponent)
FExcel: Variant;
procedure SetMyCell(Row, Column: Integer; Value: TMyCell);
function GetMyCell(Row, Column: Integer): TMyCell;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
destructor Destroy;
property Cell[Row, Column: Integer]: TMyCell read GetMyCell write SetMyCell;
{ TMyPlan }
constructor TMyPlan.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
FExcel := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application');
destructor TMyPlan.Destroy;
FExcel := Unassigned;
function TMyPlan.GetMyCell(Row, Column: Integer): TMyCell;
Result := TMyCell.Create;
Result.Value := FExcel.Cells[Row, Column];;
procedure TMyPlan.SetMyCell(Row, Column: Integer; Value: TMyCell);
FExcel.Cells[Row, Column] := Value.Value;
Just to let you know, I already did some components, and I'm still learning how to do them properly, so this may have a not decent structure, anyway, this is the first time that I'm trying to do something like this, a property that has input parameters with subproperties, and it doesn't seem to work as I though it would.
Back to the topic, it doesn't matter how I call my property
Set: MyPlan.Cell[1, 1].Value := '1';
Get: ShowMessage(MyPlan.Cell[1, 1].Value);
Either way only the GetMyCell function is triggered. Why's that?
See my answer to this question: "Left side cannot be assigned to" for record type properties in Delphi
While what you're doing isn't quite the same thing, it is similar. However, in your case, you're allocating a new instance of TMyCell for every access to GetMyCell. This "temporary" instance is isn't being freed and will leak (Unless you're doing this on one of the ARC platforms).
The reason your SetMyCell isn't being called is because you're not actually setting the cell itself, rather you're setting a value on the cell instance (that I explained above is leaking).
My program has following code:
function FooBar(const s: string): string;
sa: AnsiString;
// ..........................
sa := AnsiString(s);
sa := AnsiString(StringReplace(string(sa), '*', '=', [rfReplaceAll]));
sa := AnsiString(StringReplace(string(sa), ' ', '+', [rfReplaceAll]));
result := string(sa);
// ..........................
I noticed that the program did crash "somewhere" and FastMM4 said that I had written to a freed object. As soon as I have commented out "const", the program did work.
I have read the Delphi documentation about const arguments, but I can't figure out why the const argument crashes the program. I would love to understand it.
UPDATE: The program does only crash in Delphi 6 and only if optimization is ON. If the optimization is OFF, the program will work normally. Might it be a Delphi bug?
There are a few peculiar gotchas when it comes to const string parameters.
Many years ago I helped a colleague resolve a similar peculiar problem (D3 iirc). The following simplified example doesn't look like your specific issue, but it may give you some ideas:
FString: string;
procedure AppendString(const S: string);
procedure TMyClass.AppendString;
FString := FString + S;
Now if you have an instance of TMyClass and try to call AppendString(FString); to double up the string, you may get an access violation. (There are a few other factors that can affect if you do.) The reason is as follows:
The const prevents refcounting the string on the method call.
So FString may have refCount = 1 when its value is changed.
In which case Copy-on-Write doesn't apply and the string is reallocated. (Most likely at a different address.)
So when the method returns, S is referring to an invalid address, and triggers an AV.
For this case:
sa := s;
automatic reference counting (ARC) works. This is idiomatic way, compiler know how to work with these string - if sa will change, it creates new copy and so on.
For case of hard typecasting (though type is the same)
sa := AnsiString(s);
you tell compiler that you want to get only pointer to string, and you know how to work with this string reference. Compiler will not interfere and annoy you, but you are responsible for correct operations
P.S. I can not reproduce the problem with Delphi XE5 - both simple assigning and typecasting causes LStrLAsg (internal function) call with ARC. (Of course, compiler magic could be changed a bit)
We debugged a crash today that was a Delphi 5 compiler code-gen bug:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
s: string;
s := 'Hello, world! '+IntToStr(7);
//String s now has a reference count of zero, and has already been freed
procedure TForm1.DoSomething(const Title: string);
s: AnsiString;
s := AnsiString(Title);
if Now = 7 then
OutputDebugString('This is a string that is irrelevant');
The Delphi 5 compiler mistakenly tries to decrement the reference counts of both
and causes the const string's reference count to go to zero. This causes it to be freed. So when DoSomething returns, you are using a freed string.
An access violation waiting to happen.
Or, in the case of customers: happening.
That becouse AnsiString is a pointer. So, you could'n operate it as a usual strings (which mean a array of chars). Crash is random, so you can gain the crash as result of stackoverflow or access violations at any time, not depend on optimization.
Than you function FooBar return the result, sa variable are already free from mamory.
Try to use the PChar or PAnsiChar and allocate the memory for this variables as your needs.
Since it doesn't make sense to convert to AnsiString and back here, I would rewrite this as
function FooBar(const s:string):string;
,' ','+',[rfReplaceAll]);
The given code which works without any problems in Delphi 2007. However in Delphi 2009 I am getting an exception.
Access violation shows read of address $00000000.
The problem exists only when assigning string, it works for numbers.
Also, when I am assigning Data.Text manually via the debugger options I am getting no AV - it works.
Honestly I am lost, anyone could help me with this please?
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, VirtualTrees, StdCtrls;
TTest = record
Text: String;
Number: Integer;
PTest = ^TTest;
TTestArray = array of TTest;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
VirtualStringTree1: TVirtualStringTree;
Button1: TButton;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure VirtualStringTree1InitNode(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; ParentNode,
Node: PVirtualNode; var InitialStates: TVirtualNodeInitStates);
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
TestArray: array of TTest;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
SetLength(TestArray, 1);
TestArray[0].Text := 'test';
TestArray[0].Number := 12345;
VirtualStringTree1.AddChild(VirtualStringTree1.RootNode, #TestArray[0]);
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
VirtualStringTree1.NodeDataSize := SizeOf(TTest);
procedure TForm1.VirtualStringTree1InitNode(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree;
ParentNode, Node: PVirtualNode; var InitialStates: TVirtualNodeInitStates);
Data: PTest;
NodeData: PPointer;
Data := Sender.GetNodeData(Node);
NodeData := Sender.GetNodeData(Node);
Data.Number := PTest(NodeData^)^.Number;
Data.Text := PTest(NodeData^)^.Text; //crash here!
When you call AddChild(..., #TestArray[0]), you're only initializing the first four bytes of the node's data. That's the Text field. The Text field holds a pointer to a TTest structure. It's supposed to hold a string reference.
The GetNodeData function returns a pointer to the node's data. The tree control has allocated a TVirtualNode record, and immediately after that, in consecutive memory, it has allocated NodeDataSize bytes for you to use, and GetNodeData returns the address of that space. You're supposed to treat that as a pointer to a TTest structure. And you do, for some of your code. It looks like you're trying to skirt the limitation that only the first four bytes of the structure get initialized when you call AddChild. (I can't say I recommend that. There are other ways to associate data with a node that don't require so much type punning.)
You assign Data correctly for the way the node data is supposed to be used. You assign NodeData correctly for what it really holds at the time of initialization — a pointer to a pointer to a TTest structure. You correctly dereference NodeData to read the Number field, and you also read the Text field correctly. However, the Data.Text field can't be overwritten the way you have it:
Data.Text := PTest(NodeData^)^.Text;
The Data.Text field doesn't current hold a valid string value, but string variables are required to hold valid values at all times (or at least all times where there's a possibility they'll be read or written). To assign a string variable, the program increments the reference count of the new value and decrements the reference count of the old one, but since the "old value" in this case isn't really a string, there's no valid reference count to decrement, and even if there were, the memory at that location couldn't be freed anyway — it belongs to TestArray.
There's a way around this, though. Copy the string in two steps. First, read the value from NodeData.Text into a spare string variable. Once you do that, you have no need for NodeData anymore, so you can overwrite the value it points to. If you set it to all-bits-zero, then you'll implicitly overwrite Data.Text as well, and with the value of an empty string. At that point, it's safe to overwrite as a string variable:
tmp := PTest(NodeData^)^.Text;
PTest(NodeData^) := nil;
Data.Text := tmp;
Another way around this is to re-arrange the order of the fields in the node data. Put the Integer field first, and the initialize Data.Number last instead of Data.Text. Integer values are always safe to overwrite, no matter their contents.
Whatever you do, make sure you finalize the record in the OnFreeNode event:
Data: PTest;
Data := Sender.GetNodeData;
That makes sure the string field gets its reference count reduced, if necessary.
You're missing the point here. You have already inited your node on button's click event, so there is no need to use OnInitNode to init it additionally. What you need is probably use OnGetText to display your data. E.g.:
procedure TForm1.VirtualStringTree1GetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode;
Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: string);
Data: PTest;
Data := PTest(Sender.GetNodeData(Node)^);
CellText := Data.Text;
This code
procedure MyThreadTestA(const AStr: string);
Is faster than
procedure MyThreadTestB(AStr: string);
Whilst doing the same work, both pass a pointer.
However version B 'correctly' updates the referencecount of AStr and makes a copy if I change it.
Version A passes just a pointer and only the compiler prevents me from changing AStr.
Version A is not safe if I do dirty tricks in Assembler or otherwise to circumvent the compiler protection, this is well known but...
Is passed AStr by reference as a const parameters thread safe?
What happens if AStr's reference count in some other thread goes to zero and the string is destroyed?
No, such tricks are not thread-safe. Const prevents the add-ref, so changes by another thread will affect the value in unpredictable ways. Sample program, try altering the const in the definition of P:
{$apptype console}
uses SysUtils, Classes, SyncObjs;
TObj = class
S: string;
TWorker = class(TThread)
procedure Execute; override;
lock: TCriticalSection;
obj: TObj;
procedure P(const x: string);
// procedure P(x: string);
Writeln('P(1): x = ', x);
Writeln('Releasing obj');
Sleep(10); // give worker a chance to run
Writeln('P(2): x = ', x);
procedure TWorker.Execute;
// wait until TMonitor is freed up
Writeln('Worker started...');
Writeln('worker fiddling with obj.S');
obj.S := 'bar';
procedure Go;
lock := TCriticalSection.Create;
obj := TObj.Create;
obj.S := 'foo';
Sleep(10); // give worker a chance to run and block
But it's not just limited to threads; modifying the underlying variable location has similar effects:
{$apptype console}
uses SysUtils, Classes, SyncObjs;
TObj = class
S: string;
obj: TObj;
procedure P(const x: string);
Writeln('P(1): x = ', x);
obj.S := 'bar';
Writeln('P(2): x = ', x);
procedure Go;
obj := TObj.Create;
obj.S := 'foo';
To add to Barry's answer: It is definitely thread-safe if the string that got passed came from a local variable inside the callers scope.
In that case that local variable will hold a valid reference and the only way (assuming just valid pascal code, no fiddling around in asm) for that local variable to be changed is if your call returns.
This also includes all cases where the source of the string variable is the result of a function call (including property access, e.g. TStrings.Strings[]) because in this case the compiler has to store the string in a local temp variable.
Thread-safety problems can only result if you are directly passing a string from a location where that string can be changed (by the same or another thread) before your call returns.
I've got a almost completed app now and the next feature I want to implement is threading. I chose to go with BeginThread(), although am aware of TThread in delphi. The problem I'm coming across is the structure of BeginThread() call. Normally the line in the program that would call the function I want to be threaded is
op is a integer.
The line I've switched it out for to create a thread from it is
From the little amount of infromation I can find on how to actually use BeginThread() this should be a fine call, however on compling all I get is complier errors regarding the structure of my BeginThread() statement paramenters.
The current procedure that calls CompareFiles is
procedure TForm1.Panel29Click(Sender: TObject);
op,x : integer;
if (Form1.Edit3.Text <> '') AND (Form1.Edit4.Text <> '') then
op := 3;
if RadioButton7.Checked = True then op := 0;
if RadioButton3.Checked = True then op := 1;
if RadioButton4.Checked = True then op := 2;
if RadioButton5.Checked = True then op := 3;
if RadioButton6.Checked = True then op := 4;
If I was to use TThread as suggested by a couple of people, and as displayed by Rob below, I'm confused at how a) I would pass op,Edit3/4.Text and StringGrid2 to the CompareFiles. Guessing from the example of TThread I've seen I thought I would replace the code above with TCompareFilesThread.Executeand the put the current code from Panel29Click into TCompareFilesThread.Create and then add
FEdit3Text := Edit3Text;
FEdit4Text := Edit4Text;
FGrid := Grid;
to this
FEdit3Text := Form1.Edit3.Text;
FEdit4Text := Form1.Edit4.Text;
FGrid := Form1.StringGrid2;
But I've got this nagging feeling that is totally off the mark.
That's not at all the way to use BeginThread. That function expects a pointer to a function that takes one parameter, but the function you're trying to call wants four. The one parameter you're giving to BeginThread for it to forward to the thread procedure is a string, but you evidently hope that some sort of magic will turn that string of characters into the values that those variables contain.
That's not how Delphi works, and even for the languages that can do something like that, it's generally discouraged to actually do it.
To pass multiple parameters to BeginThread, define a record with all the values you'll need, and also define a record pointer:
PCompareFilesParams = ^TCompareFilesParams;
TCompareFilesParams = record
Edit4Text: string;
Grid: TStringGrid;
Op: Integer;
Change CompareFiles to accept a pointer to that record:
function CompareFiles(Params: PCompareFilesParams): Integer;
To start the thread, you'll need to allocate an instance of that record and populate its fields:
Params: PCompareFilesParams;
Params.Edit3Text := Edit3.Text;
Params.Edit4Text := Edit4.Text;
Params.Grid := StringGrid2;
Params.Op := op;
BeginThread(nil, 0, #CompareFiles, Params, 0, x);
Implement CompareFiles like this so that the record will get freed before the thread terminates:
function CompareFiles(Params: PCompareFilesParams): Integer;
// <Normal implementation goes here.>
You can make it all a lot easier if you just use TThread, though. You can make your descendant class have as many parameters as you want in its constructor, so you don't have to mess around with dynamically allocating and freeing a special record.
TCompareFilesThread = class(TThread)
FEdit4Text: string;
FGrid: TStringGrid;
FOp: Integer;
procedure Execute; override;
constructor Create(const Edit3Text, Edit4Text: string; Grid: TStringGrid; Op: Integer);
property ReturnValue;
constructor TCompareFilesThread.Create;
inherited Create(False);
FEdit3Text := Edit3Text;
FEdit4Text := Edit4Text;
FGrid := Grid;
FOp := Op;
procedure TCompareFilesThread.Execute;
ReturnValue := CompareFiles(FEdit3Text, FEdit4Text, FGrid, FOp);
Instead of calling BeginThread, you just instantiate the class and let it run:
ThreadRef: TThread;
ThreadRef := TCompareFilesThread.Create(Edit3.Text, Edit4.Text, StringGrid2, Op);
There's more to using threads, such as knowing when the thread has finished running, but I think you have enough to get started. One last thing to beware of, though, is that TStringGrid is a VCL control. You mustn't do anything with it from this new thread you create (regardless of how you end up creating it). Eveything you do with the grid control need to be done from the main thread. Use TThread.Synchronize and TThread.Queue to shift any VCL operations onto the main thread. Your file-comparing thread will wait for the synchronized operation to complete, but it will keep running without waiting for a queued operation to complete.