Can mmap and O_DIRECT be used together? - linux

As I understand it, when you mmap a file you are basically mapping the pages from the page cache for that file directly into your process, and when you use O_DIRECT you are bypassing the page cache. Does it ever make sense to use the two together? If my understanding is right how would it even work? mmap seems to rely on the file being in the page cache and O_DIRECT seems to prevent it from going there (assuming nothing else on the system has the file open). I found this question but the answerer seems to think it's perfectly normal to do.

I think it would not have a lot of sense.
O_DIRECT means that all I/O should be reflected in storage, as soon as possible (without cache).
The mapped pages is a copy of storage (file) in the memory. Reflecting every read from and write to memory would have to do some I/O and this would be huge performance hit.


What happens in linux when opening a file?

When using the open() function in linux in order to open a file, is it true that the OS brings all the file blocks to the cache?
AFAIK, the kernel won't systematically on open(2) bring all file blocks into its page cache (in particular, that cannot work for files bigger than available RAM).
But it may bring some of them. I guess that for most (small) files, perhaps all blocks could be read. But I could be wrong, and it is highly system specific (and configuration specific too).
See also O_DIRECT flag to open(2) & posix_fadvise(2) and options for mount(8)

Is there a way to show linux buffer cache misses?

I am trying to measure the effects of adding memory to a LAMP server.
How can I find which processes try to read from the Linux buffer cache, but miss and read from disk instead?
SystemTap is one of the best ways to do this, but fair warning it's difficult to get a great answer. The kernel simply doesn't provide this data directly. You have to infer it based on how many times the system requested a read and how many times a disk was read from. Usually they line up fairly well and you can attribute the difference to the VFS cache, but not always. One problem is LVM- LVM is a "block device", but so is the underlying disk(s), so if you're not careful it's easy to double-count the disk reads.
A while back I took a stab at it and wrote this:
I do not claim that it is perfect, but it works better than nothing, and usually generates reasonable output as long as the environment is fairly "normal". It does attempt to account for LVM in a fairly crude way.

How to portably extend a file accessed using mmap()

We're experimenting with changing SQLite, an embedded database system,
to use mmap() instead of the usual read() and write() calls to access
the database file on disk. Using a single large mapping for the entire
file. Assume that the file is small enough that we have no trouble
finding space for this in virtual memory.
So far so good. In many cases using mmap() seems to be a little faster
than read() and write(). And in some cases much faster.
Resizing the mapping in order to commit a write-transaction that
extends the database file seems to be a problem. In order to extend
the database file, the code could do something like this:
ftruncate(); // extend the database file on disk
munmap(); // unmap the current mapping (it's now too small)
mmap(); // create a new, larger, mapping
then copy the new data into the end of the new memory mapping.
However, the munmap/mmap is undesirable as it means the next time each
page of the database file is accessed a minor page fault occurs and
the system has to search the OS page cache for the correct frame to
associate with the virtual memory address. In other words, it slows
down subsequent database reads.
On Linux, we can use the non-standard mremap() system call instead
of munmap()/mmap() to resize the mapping. This seems to avoid the
minor page faults.
QUESTION: How should this be dealt with on other systems, like OSX,
that do not have mremap()?
We have two ideas at present. And a question regarding each:
1) Create mappings larger than the database file. Then, when extending
the database file, simply call ftruncate() to extend the file on
disk and continue using the same mapping.
This would be ideal, and seems to work in practice. However, we're
worried about this warning in the man page:
"The effect of changing the size of the underlying file of a
mapping on the pages that correspond to added or removed regions of
the file is unspecified."
QUESTION: Is this something we should be worried about? Or an anachronism
at this point?
2) When extending the database file, use the first argument to mmap()
to request a mapping corresponding to the new pages of the database
file located immediately after the current mapping in virtual
memory. Effectively extending the initial mapping. If the system
can't honour the request to place the new mapping immediately after
the first, fall back to munmap/mmap.
In practice, we've found that OSX is pretty good about positioning
mappings in this way, so this trick works there.
QUESTION: if the system does allocate the second mapping immediately
following the first in virtual memory, is it then safe to eventually
unmap them both using a single big call to munmap()?
2 will work but you don't have to rely on the OS happening to have space available, you can reserve your address space beforehand so your fixed mmapings will always succeed.
For instance, To reserve one gigabyte of address space. Do a
Which will reserve one gigabyte of continuous address space without actually allocating any memory or resources. You can then perform future mmapings over this space and they will succeed. So mmap the file into the beginning of the space returned, then mmap further sections of the file as needed using the fixed flag. The mmaps will succeed because your address space is already allocated and reserved by you.
Note: linux also has the MAP_NORESERVE flag which is the behavior you would want for the initial mapping if you were allocating RAM, but in my testing it is ignored as PROT_NONE is sufficient to say you don't want any resources allocated yet.
I think #2 is the best currently available solution. In addition to this, on 64bit systems you may create your mapping explicitly at an address that OS would never choose for an mapping (for example 0x6000 0000 0000 0000 in Linux) to avoid the case that OS cannot place the new mapping immediatly after the first one.
It is always safe to unmap mutiple mappinsg with a single munmap call. You can even unmap a part of the mapping if you wish to do so.
Use fallocate() instead of ftruncate() where available. If not, just open file in O_APPEND mode and increase file by writing some amount of zeroes. This greatly reduce fragmentation.
Use "Huge pages" if available - this greatly reduce overhead on big mappings.
pread()/pwrite()/pwritev()/preadv() with not-so-small block size is not slow really. Much faster than IO can actually be performed.
IO errors when using mmap() will generate just segfault instead of EIO or so.
The most of SQLite WRITE performance problems is concentrated in good transactional use (i.e. you should debug when COMMIT actually performed).

How to ensure data reaches storage, bypassing memory/cache/buffered-IO?

In Linux, how to ensure my system write() calls (and similar write-IO calls/variants) reach non-volatile storage, bypassing memory/cache/buffered-IO?
See "Ensuring data reaches disk."
In short, the safest policy is O_DIRECT + fsync() at appropriate points.
Using O_DIRECT would achieve the purpose but that can be inefficient for most applications, unless you are managing the whole file caching/buffering in your application. Typically there are two ways this is done.
Use O_SYNC flag while opening the file, so that the writes will block till it is written to underlying persistent storage.
Do the normal file operations and call fsync when you want to make sure the changes are written to storage device.
Remember if you are using mmap, then msync would be a better way to do the same.

Does the Linux filesystem cache files efficiently?

I'm creating a web application running on a Linux server. The application is constantly accessing a 250K file - it loads it in memory, reads it and sends back some info to the user. Since this file is read all the time, my client is suggesting to use something like memcache to cache it to memory, presumably because it will make read operations faster.
However, I'm thinking that the Linux filesystem is probably already caching the file in memory since it's accessed frequently. Is that right? In your opinion, would memcache provide a real improvement? Or is it going to do the same thing that Linux is already doing?
I'm not really familiar with neither Linux nor memcache, so I would really appreciate if someone could clarify this.
Yes, if you do not modify the file each time you open it.
Linux will hold the file's information in copy-on-write pages in memory, and "loading" the file into memory should be very fast (page table swap at worst).
Edit: Though, as cdhowie points out, there is no 'linux filesystem'. However, I believe the relevant code is in linux's memory management, and is therefore independent of the filesystem in question. If you're curious, you can read in the linux source about handling vm_area_struct objects in linux/mm/mmap.c, mainly.
As people have mentioned, mmap is a good solution here.
But, one 250k file is very small. You might want to read it in and put it in some sort of memory structure that matches what you want to send back to the user on startup. Ie, if it is a text file an array of lines might be a good choice, etc.
The file should be cached, but make sure the noatime option is set on the mount, otherwise the access time will attempt to be saved to the file, invalidating the cache.
Yes, definitely. It will keep accessed files in memory indefinitely, unless something else needs the memory.
You can control this behaviour (to some extent) with the fadvise system call. See its "man" page for more details.
A read/write system call will still normally need to copy the data, so if you see a real bottleneck doing this, consider using mmap() which can avoid the copy, by mapping the cache pages directly into the process.
I guess putting that file into ramdisk (tmpfs) may make enough advantage without big modifications. Unless you are really serious about response time in microseconds unit.
