In Shell, How to move the contents of a dir to another dir in same level - linux

/tmp/test$ ls
dir1 dir2 dirM
/tmp/test$ mv * dirM/
mv: cannot move `dirM' to a subdirectory of itself, `dirM/dirM'
Is there a way to move everything (except dirM) to dirM using shell script?

You don't say what shell you are using. In POSIX-compliant sh, you can loop over the contents of the directory, skipping dirM:
for d in ./*/; do
[ ! -d "$d" ] || [ "$d" -eq "./dirM/" ] && continue
mv "$d" dirM
In bash, you can use extended patterns to match all but dirM:
shopt -s extglob nullglob
for d in !(dirM)/; do
mv "$d" dirM
In either case, if you simply want to hide the error, use
mv * dirM 2> /dev/null
This isn't recommended, as it will discard any error that might occur.

It can be done like this
find -type d -not -name 'dirM' -exec mv {} 'dirM' \;
-type d -not -name 'dirM' #find all directories except dirM
exec mv {} 'dirM' #move these directories to dirM

Since my old answer was voted down, here is another. Much better than all the others.
mv !(dirM) DirM
Doesn't parse ls.
Tested under version 4.1-1
Matches anything except one of the given patterns

How about:
mv $(ls -d * | grep -v ^dirM$) dirM
or if you are not using bash
mv `ls -d * | grep -v ^dirM$` dirM


Use find to copy files to a new folder

I'm searching for a find command to copy all wallpaper files that look like this:
3245x2324.png (All Numbers are just a placeholder)
I'm in my /usr/share/wallpapers folder and there are many sub folders with the files I want to copy.
There are many like "screenshot.png" and these files I don't want to copy.
My find command is like this:
find . -type f -name "*????x????.???"
If I search with this I get the files I wanted to see, but if I combine this with -exec cp:
find . -type f -name "*????x????.???" -exec cp "{}" /home/mine/Pictures/WP \;
the find command only copies 10 files and there are 77 (I counted with wc).
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
You can look it up if you follow the link.
renaming with find
You can use -exec to do this. But i'm not sure you can do rename and copy in one take.Maybe with a script that got executed after every find result.
But that's only a suggestion.
One idea/approach is to copy absolute path of the file in question to the destination, but replace the / with an underscore _ since / is not allowed in file names, at least in a Unix like environment.
With find and bash, Something like.
find /usr/share/wallpapers -type f -name "????x????.???" -exec bash -c '
for f; do
echo cp -vi -- "$f" "$destination${path_name//\//_}$file_name"
done' _ {} +
See understanding-the-exec-option-of-find
With globstar nullglob shell option and Associative array from the bash shell to avoid the duplicate filenames.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s globstar nullglob
shopt -u globstar nullglob
declare -A dups
for i in "${pics[#]}"; do
((!dups["${i##*/}"]++)) &&
echo cp -vi -- "$i" "$destination"
GNU cp(1) has the -u flag/option which might come in handy along the way.
Remove the echo if you're satisfied with the result.
Another option is to add a trailing ( ) with a number/int inside it and increment it , e.g. ????x????.???(N) where N is a number/int. Pretty much like how some gui file manager deals with duplicate file/directory names.
Something like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -rd '' file; do
if [[ ! -e "$destination$file_name" && ! -e "$destination$file_name($counter)" ]]; then
cp -v -- "$file" "$destination$file_name"
elif [[ -e "$destination$file_name" && ! -e "$destination$file_name($counter)" ]]; then
cp -v -- "$file" "$destination$file_name($counter)"
elif [[ -e "$destination$file_name" && -e "$destination$file_name($counter)" ]]; then
while [[ -e "$destination$file_name($counter)" ]]; do
cp -v -- "$file" "$destination$file_name($counter)"
done < <(find "$source" -type f -name '????x????.???' -print0)
Note that the -print0 primary is a GNU/BSD find(1) feature.

How to rename directory and subdirectories recursively in linux?

Let say I have 200 directories and it have variable hierarchy sub-directories, How can I rename the directory and its sub directories using mv command with find or any sort of combination?
for dir in ./*/; do (i=1; cd "$dir" && for dir in ./*; do printf -v dest %s_%02d "$dir" "$((i++))"; echo mv "$dir" "$dest"; done); done
This is for 2 level sub directory, is there more cleaner way to do it for multiple hierarchy? Any other one line command suggestions/ solutions are welcome.
I had a specific task - to replace non-ASCII symbols and square brackets, in directories and in files as well. It works fine.
First, exactly my case, as a working example:
find . -depth -execdir rename -v 's/([^\x00-\x7F]+)|([\[\]]+)/\_/g' {} \;
or separately non-ascii and brackets:
find . -depth -execdir rename -v 's/[^\x00-\x7F]+/\_/g' {} \;
find . -depth -execdir rename -v 's/[\[\]]+/\_/g' {} \;
If we'd like to work only with directories, add -type d (after the -depth option)
Now, in more generalized view:
find . -depth [-type d] [-type f] -execdir rename [-v] 's/.../.../g' '{}' \;
Here we can control dirs/files and verbosity. Quotes around {} may be needed or not on your machine (backslash before ; serves the same, may be replaced with quotes)
You have two options when you want to do recursive operations in files/directories:
Option 1 : Find
while IFS= read -r -d '' subd;do
#do your stuff here with var $subd
done < <(find . -type d -print0)
In this case we use find to return only dirs using -type d
We can ask find to return only files using -type f or not to specify any type and both directories and files will be returned.
We also use find option -print0 to force null separation of the find results and thus to ensure correct names handling in case names include special chars like spaces, etc.
$ while IFS= read -r -d '' s;do echo "$s";done < <(find . -type d -print0)
Option 2 : Using Bash globstar option
shopt -s globstar
for subd in **/ ; do
#Do you stuff here with $subd directories
In this case , the for loop will match all subdirs under current working directory (operation **/).
You can also ask bash to return both files and folders using
for sub in ** ;do #your commands;done
if [[ -d "$sub" ]];then
#actions for folders
elif [[ -e "$sub" ]];then
#actions for files
#do something else
Folders Test:
$ shopt -s globstar
$ for i in **/ ;do echo "$i";done
In your small script, just by enabling shopt -s globstar and by changing your for to for dir in **/;do it seems that work as you expect.

Linux Move files to their child directory in a loop

Can you please suggest efficient way to move files from one location to their sub directory in a loop.
/MY_PATH/User1/1234/Daily/abc.txt to /MY_PATH/User1/1234/Daily/Archive/abc.txt
/MY_PATH/User2/3456/Daily/def.txt to /MY_PATH/User2/3456/Daily/Archive/def.txt
/MY_PATH/User1/1111/Daily/hij.txt to /MY_PATH/User1/1111/Daily/Archive/hij.txt
/MY_PATH/User2/2222/Daily/def.txt to /MY_PATH/User2/2222/Daily/Archive/def.txt
I started in this way, but need your suggestions and best way to write it:
subs= `ls $dir1`
for i in $subs; do
mv $dir1/$i/*/Daily $dir1/$i/*/Daily/Archive
My one line bash
for dir in $(
find MY_PATH -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -type d -name Daily
mkdir -p $dir/Archives
find $dir -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 ! -name Archives \
-exec mv -t $dir/Archives {} +
To quickly test:
mkdir -p MY_PATH/User{1,2,3,4}/{1234,2346,3333,2323}/Daily
touch MY_PATH/User{1,2,3,4}/{1234,2346,3333,2323}/Daily/{abc,bcd,def,feg,fds}.txt
for dir in $( find MY_PATH -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -type d -name Daily );do
mkdir -p $dir/Archives; find $dir -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 ! -name Archives \
-exec mv -t $dir/Archives {} + ; done
ls -lR MY_PATH
This seem match OP's request
For more robust solution
There is a solution wich work with spaces somewhere in path...
Edited to include #mklement0's well pointed suggestion.
while IFS= read dir;do
mkdir -p "$dir"/Archives
find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 ! -name Archives \
-exec mv -t "$dir/Archives" {} +
done < <(
find MY_PATH -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -type d -name Daily
Same demo;
mkdir -p MY_PATH/User{1,2,3,"4 3"}/{1234,"23 6",3333,2323}/Daily
touch MY_PATH/User{1,2,3,"4 3"}/{1234,"23 6",3333,2323}/Daily/{abc,"b c",def,hgz0}.txt
while read dir;do mkdir -p "$dir"/Archives;find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 \
! -name Archives -exec mv -t "$dir/Archives" {} +; done < <(
find MY_PATH -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -type d -name Daily )
ls -lR MY_PATH
Assuming the directory structure is as you have shown in your examples, i.e.
Here's what you can do:
shopt -s nullglob # defend against globbing failure -- inspired by mklement0's answer
for dir in "${root}"/*/*/Daily/; do
mkdir -p "${dir}/Archive" # if Archive might not exist; to be pedantic you should look at David C. Rankin's answer for error handling, but usually we know what we're doing so that's not necessary
find "${dir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t "${dir}/Archive"
The reason I use find and xargs is to save a few processes; you can as well move files in each ${dir} one by one.
Update: #mklement0 suggested that find "${dir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t "${dir}/Archive" can be further improved to
find "${dir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec mv -t "${dir}/Archive" +
which is a very good point.
Try the following:
for d in "$dir1"/*/*/Daily/; do
[[ -d $d ]] || break # break, if no subdirectories match
for f in "$d"/*; do # loop over files in */*/Daily/
[[ -f "$f" ]] || continue # skip non-files or if nothing matches
mv "$f" "$d"/Archive/
"$dir1"*/*/Daily/ matches all grandchild subdirectories of $dir1; thanks to the terminating /, only directories match; note that, as a result, $d ends in /.
Note that $d therefore ends in /, and, strictly speaking, needs no / later on when synthesizing paths with it (e.g., "$d"/*), but doing so does no harm and helps readability, as #4ae1e1 points out in a comment.
[[ -d $d ]] || break ensures that the loop is exited if no grandchild directories match (by default, a glob (pattern) that has no matches is passed as is to the loop).
for f in "$d"* loops over all entries (files and/or subdirs.) in $d:
[[ -f "$f" ]] || continue ensures that only files are processed or, in the event that nothing matches, the loop is exited.
mv "$f" "$d"/Archive/ then moves each file to subdir. Archive.
You need to check for, and if not present, create the destination directory before moving the file to Archive. If you cannot create the directory (due to permissions or otherwise), you skip the move. The following does not assume any limitation on depth, but will omit any directory containing Archive as an intermediate subdirectory:
for i in $(find /MY_PATH -type f); do
[[ "$i" =~ Archive ]] && continue
[ -d "${i%/*}/Archive" ] || mkdir -p "${i%/*}/Archive"
[ -d "${i%/*}/Archive" ] || {
printf "error: unable to create '%s'\n" "${i%/*}/Archive"
mv -fv "$i" "${i/Daily/Daily\/Archive}"
Output when run
$ bash
mv -fv /MY_PATH/User1/1111/Daily/hij.txt /MY_PATH/User1/1111/Daily/Archive/hij.txt
mv -fv /MY_PATH/User1/1234/Daily/abc.txt /MY_PATH/User1/1234/Daily/Archive/abc.txt
mv -fv /MY_PATH/User2/3456/Daily/def.txt /MY_PATH/User2/3456/Daily/Archive/def.txt
mv -fv /MY_PATH/User2/2222/Daily/def.txt /MY_PATH/User2/2222/Daily/Archive/def.txt
Note: you can limit/tighten the file selection by adjusting the call to find populating the for loop (e.g. -name or -iname). This simply checks/moves every file to its Archive folder. To limit to only files with the .txt extension, you can specify find /MY_PATH -type f -name "*.txt". To limit to only files in the /MY_PATH/User1 and /MY_PATH/User2directories with a .txt extension, use find /MY_PATH/User[12] -type f -name "*.txt".
Note2: when looping on filenames, the paths & filenames should not contain non-standard characters for the current locale. Certainly you should not have the '\n' as a character in your filename. Setting IFS is required to protect against word splitting on spaces in either the path or filename.
Since you said efficient, anything with a subshell will fail in funny ways with lots of entries. You're better off using xargs:
find $dir1 -name Daily -type d -depth 3 | while read i
pushd .
cd $i
mkdir Archive
find . -type f -depth 1 | xargs -J {} mv {} Archive
The outer find will look for you Daily directories. It's very specific in that they have to be at a certain depth and directories, not regular files. The results gets piped into read, where each directory is entered, Archive is created, and files batch-copied with xargs ... mv. Complete file lists and directory lists are never stored in memory, so it scales very well.

Bash recursively execute a command on each directory

I have a directory with many subdirectories inside, i want to execute a command on each of those subdirectories.
What i want to do is run 'svn up'
this is what i have tried so far
find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -exec svn "up '{}'" \;
for dir in * do cd $dir; svn up; cd ..;
None of them works so far (I have tried many things without luck)
You just need a trailing slash on the glob:
for d in */; do # only match directories
( cd "$d" && svn up ) # Use a subshell to avoid having to cd back to the root each time.
This works for me - the -d checks for a directory:
for f in *; do if [ -d "$f" ]; then cd "$f"; echo "$f"; cd ..; fi; done
echo "$f" can be substituted for whatever command you wish to run from inside each directory.
Note that this, and the trailing / solution, both match symbolic links, as well as files. If you want to avoid this behaviour (only enter real directories), you can do this:
for f in *; do if [ -d "$f" -a ! -L "$f" ]; then cd "$f"; echo "$f"; cd ..; fi done
This seems to work:
find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -exec svn up "{}" \;
But it tried to update the current directory, which should be ommited. (althought it works for me because current dir is not a svn directory)

moving files to different directories

I'm trying to move media and other files which are in a specified directory to another directory and create another one if it does not exits (where the files will go), and create a directory the remaining files with different extensions will go. My first problem is that my script is not making a new directory and it is not moving the files to other directories and what code can I use to move files with different extensions to one directory?
This is what i have had so far, correct me where I'm wrong and help modify my script:
To=/home/katy/mo #directory where the media files will go
WA=/home/katy/do # directory where the other files will go
if [ ! -d "$To" ]; then
mkdir -p "$To"
cd $From
find path -type f -name"*.mp4" -exec mv {} $To \;
I'd solve it somewhat like this:
To=/home/katy/mo # directory where the media files will go
WA=/home/katy/do # directory where the other files will go
cd "$From"
find . -type f \
| while read file; do
dir="$(dirname "$file")"
base="$(basename "$file")"
if [[ "$file" =~ \.mp4$ ]]; then
mkdir -p "$target/$dir"
mv -i "$file" "$target/$dir/$base"
mkdir -p will not complain if the directory already exists, so there's no need to check for that.
Put double quotes around all filenames in case they contain spaces.
By piping the output of find into a while loop, you also avoid getting bitten by spaces, because read will read until a newline.
You can modify the regex according to taste, e.g. \.(mp3|mp4|wma|ogg)$.
In case you didn't know, $(...) will run the given command and stick its output back in the place of the $(...) (called command substitution). It is almost the same as `...` but slightly better (details).
In order to test it, put echo in front of mv. (Note that quotes will disappear in the output.)
cd $From
find . -type f -name "*.mp4" -exec mv {} $To \;
find $From -type f -name "*.mp4" -exec mv {} $To \;
cd $From
mv *.mp4 $To;
mv * $WA;
