Mongoose findOneAndUpdate return invalidate error - node.js

I'm trying to add comments to this scheme:
var CommentSchema = new Schema(
author: String,
authorID: Number,
posted: Date,
text: String,
title: String
But if the ad_id exists i just want to push the new comment to comments basically create a upsert query:
var query = {'ad_id':}
var doc = {$set:{'ad_id'},$push:{'comments':{'author','authorID','posted'
,'text', 'title'}}};
var options = {upsert:true};
Comments.findOneAndUpdate(query,doc,options, function (err, doc) {
if(err) {
res.send({"foo": String(err)});
else {
But in the get the follwing error :
Unable to invalidate a subdocument that has not been added to an array.

It turns out that I had data type error that causes that.
If anyone encounter that error code make sure that the data types match the input.


Get the _id of the sub-document from mongoose findOne query

The schema of my Sample model is:-
var nameSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
var sampleSchema= new mongoose.Schema({
number: {
type: String
name :{
type : [nameSchema]
I am trying to update the first and last name by searching them by their number property by making use of Sample.findOne({number:number}). And i am performing the update operation in the following manner:-
module.exports.updateNumber = function(req, res){
var number= req.body.number;
var lname= req.body.lname;
var fname= req.body.fname;
.exec(function(err, doc){
var this_id;
var thisService ='this_id');
thisService.lastname=lname;, update) {
if (err) {
} else {
If i console log the output i got is:
{ _id: 5bc5d71f47ff14361c0639d1,
[ { _id: 5bc5d71f47ff14361c0639d2,
firstname: 'firstname',
lastname: 'lastname' } ] }
Is there any way, i could store _id: 5bc5d71f47ff14361c0639d2 in 'this_id' variable, so that this updation would be possible
name is an array, so if you want the first _id then name[0]._id would suffice, if you want an array of all values for _id in name, then => person._id) would give you an array of _id
However, more details about the context of this object would help give a better answer.

Mongoose can't search by number field

I have a schema that has an id field that is set to a string. When I use collection.find({id: somenumber}) it returns nothing.
I've tried casting somenumber to a string and to a number. I've tried sending somenumber through as a regex. I've tried putting id in quotes and bare... I have no idea what's going on. Any help and input would be appreciated.
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var toySchema = new Schema( {
id: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
name: {type: String, required: true},
price: Number
} );
My index.js is as such
app.use('/findToy', (req, res) => {
let query = {};
if ( =;
// I've tried using the query variable and explicitly stating the object as below. Neither works.
Toy.find({id: '123'}, (err, toy) => {
if (!err) {
console.log("i'm right here, no errors and nothing in the query");
else {
I know that there is a Toy in my mongoDB instance with id: '123'. If I do Toy.find() it returns:
[{"_id":"5bb7d8e4a620efb05cb407d2","id":"123","name":"Dog chew toy","price":10.99},
{"_id":"5bb7d8f7a620efb05cb407d3","id":"456","name":"Dog pillow","price":25.99}]
I'm at a complete loss, really.
This is what you're looking for. Visit the link for references, but here's a little snippet.
For the sake of this example, let's have a static id, even though Mongo creates a dynamic one [ _id ]. Maybe that what is the problem here. If you already a record in your DB with that id, there's no need for adding it manually, especially not the already existing one. Anyways, Drop your DB collection, and try out this simple example:
// Search by ObjectId
const id = "123";
ToyModel.findById(id, (err, user) => {
if(err) {
// Handle your error here
} else {
// If that 'toy' was found do whatever you want with it :)
Also, a very similar API is findOne.
ToyModel.findOne({_id: id}, function (err, toy) { ... });

Not able to persist array of objects in mongo using mongoose

I'm trying to persist an array of objects in a document using mongoose. I have tried multiple times but it's not persisting array in document. It places an empty array in document.
Following is my Schema:
var ProfileSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
PagesData: [{
pageAccessToken: {type: String, get: decryptText, set: encryptText},
category: String,
name: String,
id: String,
perms: [String]
module.exports = mongoose.model('Profile', ProfileSchema);
I'm trying to save a document with an array of objects using following query:
var newProfile = new Profile(); = "someName";
newProfile.PagesData = [ { pageAccessToken: 'someToken',
category: 'Bags/Luggage',
name: 'someBrandName',
id: '12345',
'CREATE_CONTENT' ] } ];, result, numAffected){
if(err) {
res.send(500, "Error");
res.send(200, "Success");
I tried debugging the mongo commands using
require('mongoose').set('debug', true)
On Debug logs it shows, empty array during insert command execution.
Can anyone please tell me how can I store this array of object in my schema ?
It's been too long and I'm still not able to figure out the root cause of the problem. There is a long thread going on github for this.
I would like other experts to please take a look and suggest me some way by which I can solve the issue. I'm really stuck at this.
Update 2:
None of the solution worked for me so far, so I decided to modify the schema only to meet my requirements. This resulted in a different problem:
I want to create a map with a objectId as key and an array of string values as its value. The closest that I can get is:
var schema = new Schema({
map: [{myId: {type:mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'MyOtherCollection'}, values: [String]}]
But somehow this is not working for me. When I perform an update with {upsert: true}, it is not correctly populating the key: value in the map. In fact, I'm not even sure if I have declared the schema correctly.
Can anyone tell me if the schema is correct ? Also, How can I perform an update with {upsert: true} for this schema?
Also, if above is not correct and can;t be achieved then how can I model my requirement by some other way. My use case is I want to keep a list of values for a given objectId. I don't want any duplicates entries with same key, that's why picked map.
Please suggest if the approach is correct or should this be modelled some other way?
I tried the exact code you have provided here and it's working for me. I am not sure what is causing the issue for you. Until and unless we get the same issue, it's very difficult to rectify it.
Here are few suggestions which you might try:
Create a simple schema and try storing the object, that way you can
figure it out if it has to do something with the schema.
You can try out your schema in a sample app to find if some
dependency is causing the problem.
Once you know where exactly the problem is, you would be able to figure out a solution too. I hope it helps.
I tested this and the insert works for me using the below:
(I had to remove the get: decryptText, set: encryptText)
var n = { name: "Testing for mongoose", PagesData : [{ pageAccessToken: 'someToken',
category: 'Bags/Luggage',
name: 'someBrandName',
id: '12345',
Profile.create(n, function (err) {
if (!err) {
return 'records saved successfully';
else {
return error on save:' + err;
To create multiple pageDatas you can use it as an embedded collection instead of using arrays.
The Schema will be as follows:
var PagesDataSchema = new Scheme({
pageAccessToken: {type: String, get: decryptText, set: encryptText},
category: String,
name: String,
id: String,
perms: [String]
var ProfileSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
PagesData: [PagesDataSchema]
module.exports = mongoose.model('Profile', ProfileSchema);
For Saving the document you can use like. = function(req,res){
var test = new ProfileSchema; // new object for ProfileSchema domain.;
req.body.PagesData.forEach(function(page){ // For every element of pageData from client.
test.PagesData.push(page) // This pushes each and every pagedata given from the client into PagesData.
} (saveErr, saved) { // Saves the new document into db.
if (saveErr) {
Hope this helps.
Have you tried
name: "someName",
PagesData: [
pageAccessToken: 'someToken',
category: 'Bags/Luggage',
name: 'someBrandName',
id: '12345',
perms: [
}, function(err, profile) {
// do your stuff

mongoose fails without error in schema method

Using mongoose i am doing:
var postSchecma = mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
body: String,
link: String,
voting: {
has: {
type: Boolean,
canVoteFor: [mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed],
comments: [mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed],
date: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed,
new Date().getTime()
}, {
strict: false,
and = function(voteFor, callback) {
var self = this;
if( < 0) {
callback(new Error('Error: Invalid Thing To Vote For'));
}[voteFor].push(new Date().getTime())[voteFor]++
s = this; {
if(err) {
console.log("this:"+ s);
in the value of[voteFor] is correct. but when I query the db it is the old value. if it helps i am using the db in 2 files and the methods may not be exact duplicates.
I also know it is something with mongoose because I can change the record to a different value with a mongoDB GUI and it works fine.
let me know if you need any more info,
Any field in your schema that's defined as {} or Mixed must be explicitly marked as modified or Mongoose won't know that it has changed and that Mongoose needs to save it.
In this case you'd need to add the following prior to the save:
See docs on Mixed here.
Turns out that this also sometimes applies for non-Mixed items, as I painfully discovered. If you reassign an entire sub-object, you need to use markModified there as well. At least... sometimes. I didn't use to get this error, and then I did, without changing any relevant code. My guess is that it was a mongoose version upgrade.
Example! Say you have...
personSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: {
first: String,
last: String
...and then you call...
Person.findById('whatever', function (err, person) { = {first: 'Malcolm', last: 'Ocean'}; (err2) {
// will be as it was set, but this won't persist
// to the database
}); will have a bad time unless you call person.markModified('name') before save
(or alternatively, call both person.markModified('name.first') and person.markModified('name.last') ...but that seems clearly inferior here)

Add document to an embedded document array

I'm trying to add an embedded document to an existing document field. I found one fitting answer with the search but I'm running into errors. I'm using node.js, Express and Mongoose.
My database schemas:
var entry = new Schema({
name : { type : String, required : true},
description : { type : String, default: ""},
var compo = new Schema({
name : String,
description : String,
entries : [entry]
And I'm trying to update the entries array with the following code
var entry = new entryModel(); = "new name";
entry.description= "new description";
compoModel.findOne(query, function (err, item) {
if (item) {
item.entries.push(entry); (err) {
if (!err) {
log.debug('Entry added successfully.');
} else {
log.error("Mongoose couldn't save entry: " + err);
It yields an error: TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object
What have I missed?
So I managed to get it working via the Model.update method by simply adding a new object to the compo.entries list and calling compoModel.update.
My similar issue (same error) was solved by clearing the sub-document array. It was populated prior to the definition of the sub-document scheme. At least this is what i think happened.
var token = new Schema( { value: String, expires: Date } )
var user = new Schema( { username: String, tokens: [token] } )
.. and, prior to defining the 'token' scheme i had entries such as:
{ username: 'foo', tokens: ['123456'] }
.. so, clearing tokens did it for me.
user.tokens = []
