VBS to SFTP WinSCP - jscript

I am trying to put log files into a SFTP Server. When I try to run I get error Line 1 Char 28 Syntax error. Anyone have any Idea to different code they got working for VBS? Looking for something simple.
cscript Transfer.vbs /type:winscp /SourceFolder:PATH TO LOG DIR /FTPType:sftp /FTPSite: SFTPSITE:PORT /FTPUser:USER /FTPPass:PASS
<reference object="WinSCP.Session" />
<script language="JScript">
// Setup session options
var sessionOptions = WScript.CreateObject("WinSCP.SessionOptions");
sessionOptions.Protocol = Protocol_Sftp;
sessionOptions.HostName = "SFTP";
sessionOptions.UserName = "USER";
sessionOptions.Password = "PASS";
var session = WScript.CreateObject("WinSCP.Session");
// Connect
// Upload files
var transferOptions = WScript.CreateObject("WinSCP.TransferOptions");
transferOptions.TransferMode = TransferMode_Binary;
var transferResult = session.PutFiles("c:\\Users\PATH TO LOGS\\*", "/", false, transferOptions);
// Throw on any error
// Print results
for (var enumerator = new Enumerator(transferResult.Transfers); !enumerator.atEnd(); enumerator.moveNext())
WScript.Echo("Upload of " + enumerator.item().FileName + " succeeded");
// Disconnect, clean up
catch (e)
WScript.Echo("Error: " + e.message);

So I just had to install the SDK for Windows machine. Register the .dll file that winscp gives you. Also register via Com as well. Thakn you for looking into it


MVC5 and IIS 7.5 Configuration

I have virtual server where is configured IIS 7.5 to works with ASP.NET MVC.
When I deploy application everything works fine. Only one thing is not working when I run application, maybe I'm wrong but I thought that code is correct.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#Subcode").prop("disabled", true);
$("#MasterId").change(function () {
if ($("#MasterId").val() != "Select Master Code") {
var CountryOptions = {};
CountryOptions.url = "/Audit/FindSubCode";
CountryOptions.type = "POST";
CountryOptions.data = JSON.stringify({ master_id: $("#MasterId").val() });
CountryOptions.datatype = "json";
CountryOptions.contentType = "application/json";
CountryOptions.success = function (SubCodeList) {
for (var i = 0; i < SubCodeList.length; i++) {
$("#Subcode").append("<option>" + SubCodeList[i] + "</option>");
$("#Subcode").prop("disabled", false);
CountryOptions.error = function () { alert("Error in Getting SubCodes!!"); };
else {
$("#Subcode").prop("disabled", true);
#Html.DropDownList("MasterId",ViewBag.MasterId as SelectList,"Select Master Code",new { #class = "form-control"})
<select id="Subcode"></select>
And code from controller
public JsonResult FindSubCode(int master_id)
List<string> SubCodeList = new List<string>();
case 1:
case 2:
return Json(SubCodeList);
Why I'm writing this problem as IIS Configuration, because if I run locally this application, everything works fine. But when I run on server I got error from code "Error in Getting SubCodes!!".
I tried to debug and get next error: Error when devug
Any suggestion how I can fix this ?
I don't think it has to do with configuration. Verify your URL.
/Audit/FindSubCode would be pointing to the root of the server which may be a different path to where the application is being served from.
Try not to hard code the path but rather use razor engin UrlHelper to generate the path.
CountryOptions.url = "#(Url.Action("FindSubCode","Audit")";

How to disable .save command in Node.js repl?

I'm a newbee to Node.js. I was reading REPL api just now, I assumed setting environment variable NODE_REPL_HISTORY to "" would turn off .save command which produces command lines history file. Was I wrong?
So I decided to set it by process module:
var repl = require("repl");
process.env['NODE_REPL_HISTORY'] = "";
var replServer = repl.start({
prompt:"my-app > ",
var add = function(a,b){
return a+b;
replServer.context.foo = "bar";
replServer.context.add = add;
Unluckily, REPL still produced command lines history file.
.save command is defined in lib/repl.js unconditionally, that is it's present regardless of any environment variables.
repl.defineCommand('save', {
help: 'Save all evaluated commands in this REPL session to a file',
action: function(file) {
try {
fs.writeFileSync(file, this.lines.join('\n') + '\n');
this.outputStream.write('Session saved to:' + file + '\n');
} catch (e) {
this.outputStream.write('Failed to save:' + file + '\n');
You can delete this command by removing it manually from replServer:
delete replServer.commands.save;

nodejs child_process.spawn msdeploy.exe with space in dest site

I am trying to use child_process.spawn with msdeploy.exe to automate deployement of some applications in IIS.
Whenever i have a space in my dest site name this makes msdeploy crash.
var command = 'C:/Program Files/IIS/Microsoft Web Deploy V3/msdeploy.exe';
var args = [];
args.push('-dest:iisApp=Default Web Site/test');
var process = spawn(command,args);
process.stdout.on('data', function(data) { grunt.log.write(data) });
process.stderr.on('data', function(data) { grunt.log.error(data); });
process.on('exit', function(code) {
if (code !== 0) {
grunt.fail.warn('Something went wrong');
I've tried some others alternative like put " '-dest:iisApp="Default Web Site/test"' but msdeploy give me an error too.
This error is like : Argument '"-dest:iisApp=Default Web Site/haha"' not recognized. All arguments must begin with "-" char.
When i try to escape the space char or put " like describe above this gave me a similar error.
Is this is a bug in nodejs ? Maybe i've made something wrong ?
How to accomplish this:
var path = require('path');
var platform = require('platform');
var cp = require('child_process');
var full_cmd = '/path/to/dir with space/program.exe';
var cmd = '.' + path.sep + path.basename(full_cmd); // cannot include double quotes -- the work-around is to use the 'cmd_opts.cwd'
var cmd_args = ['"--import-path=/path/to/dir with space/import_file"']; // can wrap each with double-quotes (Windows only -- fails on Unix)
var cmd_opts = {
cwd: path.dirname(full_cmd),
encoding: 'utf8'
if (platform.os() === 'win32') {
cmd_opts.windowsVerbatimArguments = true;
var proc = cp.spawn(
The only way this doesn't work is if 'program.exe' is named something like 'program name with space.exe'

nodejs written file is empty

i have a small problem, when i try to copy one file from my tmp dir to my ftp dir the writen file is empty. I have no error, i don't understand what i'm doing wrong
var ftpPath = "/var/www/ftp/",
zipPath = "/var/www/tmp/",
file = "test";
fs.createReadStream(zipPath + file).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(ftpPath + file));
My test file contain loremipsum sample.
If you have any solution, i take it, this is the only line that bug in my app :(
First, make sure that the file /var/www/tmp/test exists, is a file, and has the right permissions for the user you start the script with.
Second, make sure that /var/www/ftp/ has writing permissions.
Then the following code should work :
var readerStream = fs.createReadStream('/var/www/tmp/test');
var writerStream = fs.createWriteStream('/var/www/ftp/test');
Edit :
try debugging using this snippet :
var data;
var readerStream = fs.createReadStream('/var/www/tmp/test');
readerStream.on('data', function(data) {
data += data;
readerStream.on('end', function() {

wkhtmltopdf on nodejs generates corrupt pdfs

I am using wkhtmltopdf to generate pdfs in nodejs
Below is my sample code to generate pdf
var wkhtmltopdf = require('wkhtmltopdf')
, createWriteStream = require('fs').createWriteStream;
var r = wkhtmltopdf('http://www.google.com', { pageSize: 'letter' })
r.on('close', function(){
The above code is generating corrupt pdfs. I could not figure out the issue.
Although when I generate pdfs using command prompt it is generating correctly
like when I use below code in windows command prompt
wkhtmltopdf http://www.google.com demo.pdf
I get correct pdf generated,sadly when I try to generate pdf in node environment, it generates corrupt pdfs.
Incase it helps I'm using wkhtmltopdf 0.11.0 rc2
Thanks in advance.
wkhtmltopdf for node has a bug for windows, so you can write a new one.
Like this:
function wkhtmltopdf(input, pageSize) {
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var html;
var isUrl = /^(https?|file):\/\//.test(input);
if (!isUrl) {
html = input;
input = '-';
var args = ['wkhtmltopdf', '--quiet', '--page-size', pageSize, input, '-']
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
var child = spawn(args[0], args.slice(1));
} else {
var child = spawn('/bin/sh', ['-c', args.join(' ') + ' | cat']);
if (!isUrl) {
return child.stdout;
// usage:
createWriteStream = require('fs').createWriteStream;
wkhtmltopdf('http://google.com/', 'letter')
wkhtmltopdf('<body>hello world!</body>', 'letter')
note: the param is now 'letter' not { pageSize: 'letter' }
