Powershell runspaces won't execute - multithreading

I'm at a bit of a loss with the script I am trying to pull.
In short: I want to scan my domain-computers for WinRM connectivity - and I can do that just fine. The problem is, that it takes up to 5 minutes to finish - thats why I want to multithread the task.
# this is normaly a textfile with lots of machine hostnames
$computers = "PC100","PC106","PC124","PC115","PC21"
function checkMachine($computers){
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
foreach ($item in $computers){
#the function contest only performs a ping and returne $true or $false
$connection = ConTest($item)
$winRM = test-wsman -ComputerName $item
write-host "winRM"
[void] $objListboxLeft.Items.Add($item)
write-host "NO winRM"
[void] $objListboxCenter.Items.Add($item)
write-host "offline"
[void] $objListboxRight.Items.Add($item)
this is basically just a small portion of what my skript does/will do but it's the part that takes ages.
My failing runspace test - I basically fail to get ANY results at all. Nothing in textboxes, no output on my commandline and I basically have no idea what I am doing wrong.
Multithread code:
function MulticheckMachine($computers){
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$runspaceCollection = #()
$runspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1,5)
$scriptBlock = {
$connection = ConTest($item)
test-wsman -ComputerName $item
$winRM = test-wsman -ComputerName $item
write-host "winRM"
[void] $objListboxLeft.Items.Add($item)
write-host "NO winRM"
[void] $objListboxCenter.Items.Add($item)
write-host "offline"
[void] $objListboxRight.Items.Add($item)
Foreach($item in $computers){
$powershell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($scriptBlock).AddArgument($item)
$powershell.runspacePool = $runspacePool
[Collections.Arraylist]$runspaceCollection += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
PowerShell = $powershell
Foreach($runspace in $runspaceCollection.ToArray()){
the runspace code comes from a mix of these guides:
I hope someone can help me out and tell me where/why I fail. Thanks!

Well, thanks for the hints but the problem was far more basic.
I was trying to get my data at the wrong position. Also, I simplified my script a bit. I don't call functions in functions anymore.
Note1: I did not realize I can/need to work with return values within my scriptblock for the runspace.
Note2: I am now collecting my data and inserting it into my listboxes (or where-ever else I wanted to) at the end of my function within the while loop - where I basically build-back my runspaces.
Note3: All "GUI parts" I reference to are located in a different file and do exist!
I got the duration down to roughly 20 seconds (from almost 5 minutes before)
The number of threads I use is a bit random, it's one of the combinations that works fastest.
function multiCheckMachine($computers){
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$runspaceCollection = #()
$runspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1,50)
$scriptBlock = {
$FQDNitem = "$item.domain.com"
$address = nslookup $FQDNitem
if($address -like "addresses*"){
$address = $address[5] -replace ".* ",""
$address = $address[4] -replace ".* ",""
$con = ping -n 1 $address
if($con[2] -like "*Bytes*"){
$winRM = test-wsman -ComputerName $item
return "$item.winRM"
return "$item.NOremote"
return "$item.offline"
Foreach($item in $computers){
$powershell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($scriptBlock).AddArgument($item)
$powershell.runspacePool = $runspacePool
[Collections.Arraylist]$runspaceCollection += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
PowerShell = $powershell
Foreach($runspace in $runspaceCollection.ToArray()){
if($runspace.PowerShell.EndInvoke($runspace.Runspace) -like "*winrm"){
[void] $objListboxOnline.Items.Add($runspace.PowerShell.EndInvoke($runspace.Runspace).split(".")[0])
}elseif($runspace.PowerShell.EndInvoke($runspace.Runspace) -like "*NOremote"){
[void] $objListboxNoWinRM.Items.Add($runspace.PowerShell.EndInvoke($runspace.Runspace).split(".")[0])
}elseif($runspace.PowerShell.EndInvoke($runspace.Runspace) -like "*offline"){
[void] $objListboxOffline.Items.Add($runspace.PowerShell.EndInvoke($runspace.Runspace).split(".")[0])


How to create an elseif condition in a script with Runspaces

In the original script, I was attempting to search for a string in a text file in a running log. It worked fine however, since there is a -wait parameter in the loop, it wasn't easy to find a solution that would allow for the same script to search over multiple text files. Since then the following script was introduced to me that incorporates Runspaces:
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Runspaces
using namespace System.Threading
# get the log files here
$LogGroup = ('C:\log 0.txt', 'C:\Log 1.txt', 'C:\Log 2.txt')
# this help us write to the main log file in a thread safe manner
$lock = [SemaphoreSlim]::new(1, 1)
# define the logic used for each thread, this is very similar to the
# initial script except for the use of the SemaphoreSlim
$action = {
$PSDefaultParameterValues = #{ "Get-Date:format" = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" }
Get-Content $path -Tail 1 -Wait | ForEach-Object {
if($_ -match 'down') {
# can I write to this file?
try {
Write-Host "Down: $_ - $path" -ForegroundColor Green
Add-Content "path\to\mainLog.txt" -Value "$(Get-Date) Down: $_ - $path"
finally {
# release the lock so other threads can write to the file
$null = $lock.Release()
try {
$iss = [initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault2()
$iss.Variables.Add([SessionStateVariableEntry]::new('lock', $lock, $null))
$rspool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $LogGroup.Count, $iss, $Host)
$rspool.ApartmentState = [ApartmentState]::STA
$rspool.ThreadOptions = [PSThreadOptions]::UseNewThread
$res = foreach($path in $LogGroup) {
$ps = [powershell]::Create($iss).AddScript($action).AddArgument($path)
$ps.RunspacePool = $rspool
Instance = $ps
AsyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke()
# block the main thread
do {
$id = [WaitHandle]::WaitAny($res.AsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle, 200)
while($id -eq [WaitHandle]::WaitTimeout)
finally {
# clean all the runspaces
The Runspaces allow for additional threads allowing for multitasking but I am not very skilled and I need help adding an elseif clause after an if statement. But my attempts were rewarded with the following error:
cmdlet ForEach-Object at command pipeline position 2
Supply values for the following parameters:
Here’s the best I could come up with so far:
$action = {
$PSDefaultParameterValues = #{ "Get-Date:format" = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" }
# can I write to this file?
try {
Get-Content $path -Tail 1 -Wait | ForEach-Object
if($_ -match 'down) {
Write-Host "Down: $_ - $path" -ForegroundColor Red
Add-Content "C:\ log_down.txt" -Value "$(Get-Date) Down: $_ - $path"
elseif($_ -match 'up') {
Write-Host "Down: $_ - $path" -ForegroundColor Green
Add-Content "C:\ log_up.txt" -Value "$(Get-Date) up: $_ - $path"
finally {
# release the lock so other threads can write to the file
$null = $lock.Release()
Thanks in advance for any help!
Here is the only change you need to do, below code only addresses the $action Script Block. Rest of the code should remain the same.
Make sure you're using the Full Paths of the logs.
$action = {
$PSDefaultParameterValues = #{ "Get-Date:format" = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" }
Get-Content $path -Tail 1 -Wait | ForEach-Object {
# wait to enter the SemaphoreSlim
try {
if($_ -match 'down') {
Write-Host "Down: $_ - $path" -ForegroundColor Red
Add-Content "C:\log_down.txt" -Value "$(Get-Date) Down: $_ - $path"
elseif($_ -match 'up') {
Write-Host "Up: $_ - $path" -ForegroundColor Green
Add-Content "C:\log_up.txt" -Value "$(Get-Date) up: $_ - $path"
# more conditions can go here
finally {
# release the lock so other threads can write to the file
$null = $lock.Release()
After closer look at your attempt, it seems almost right:
Missing an opening { after ForEach-Object.
Missing a closing } before the finally block.
.Wait() should be inside the loop instead of outside.

Error: Cannot find an overload for "restore" and the argument count: "1"

I am getting this error from the following code. It's coming from $Context.Load($RecycleBinItems). Any idea what's wrong with the code? I am attempting to restore all recyclebin items.
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline\3.17.2001.2\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline\3.17.2001.2\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll"
Import-Module 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Security'
#Get the Site Owners Credentials to connect the SharePoint
$SiteUrl = "https://phaselinknet.sharepoint.com"
$UserName = Read-host "Enter the Email ID"
$Password = Read-host - assecurestring "Enter Password for $AdminUserName"
$Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName, $Password)
# Once Connected, get the Site information using current Context objects
Try {
$Context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteUrl)
$Context.Credentials = $Credentials
$Site = $Context.Site
$RecycleBinItems = $Site.RecycleBin
Write-Host "Total Number of Files found in Recycle Bin:" $RecycleBinItems.Count
catch {
write - host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" - foregroundcolor Red
# using for loop to restore the item one by one
Try {
foreach($Item in $RecycleBinItems)
#Write-Host "Item restored:"$Item.Title
catch {
write-host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -foregroundcolor Red
The error message is giving you you answer. There is not a version of the method Restore that takes 1 parameter.
You need to load up a list of items simular to this
$Item = $RecycleBin | Where{$_.Title -eq $ItemName}
Then call restore for the items.
if($Item -ne $null)
Thanks for the tip. So I load up the first 10 items in the recyclebin, and Write-Host does write out the correct files, but the $Item.Restore() does noting as the files are still not restored:
$itemsToRestore = #()
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++)
$Item = $RecycleBinItems[$i]
$itemsToRestore += $Item
Write-Host "Total Number of Files to Restore:" $itemsToRestore.Count
foreach($item in $itemsToRestore)
Write-Host "Item:" $Item.Title
I found the problem. I missed $Context.ExecuteQuery() after $Item.Restore(). It works now.

Powershell Error: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC

Any help for this would be great. running into this error and i am unable to figure out why its failing to write to row 4. I have tried different formats and still continues to throw the error. i have tried this in xls and csv. no luck, again any help would be great thank you!
$path = ".\results.csv"
$objExcel = new-object -comobject excel.application
if (Test-Path $path) {
$objWorkbook = $objExcel.WorkBooks.Open($path)
$objWorksheet = $objWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
} else {
$objWorkbook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Add()
$objWorksheet = $objWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
$objExcel.Visible = $True
#########Add Header#########
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item(1, 1) = "MachineIP"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item(1, 2) = "Result"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item(1, 3) = "HostName"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item(1, 4) = "ServiceTag"
$ipadd = Read-Host "Please enter the IP address ex. 10.0.0. "
75..190 | ForEach-Object {$ipadd + "$_"} | Out-File -FilePath .\machinelist.txt
Start-Sleep -s 3
$machines = gc .\machinelist.txt
$count = $machines.count
$machines | foreach-object{
$hname =$null
$machine = $_
$ping = Test-Connection $machine -Quiet -Count 1 -ea silentlycontinue
$hname = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($machine).HostName
$stag = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $machine Win32_BIOS | Select-Object SerialNumber
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,1) = $machine
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,2) = "UP"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,3) = $hname
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,4) = $stag
} else {
Remove-Item -Path .\machinelist.txt -Force
When I ran your code, I saw two issues that kept popping up.
The RPC Server is unavailable (for IP address that didnt resolve)
Unable to assign value to the cell.
For 1, I simply added -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue and for 2, i added quotes around the value for $stag. See script
$hname = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($machine).HostName
$stag = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $machine Win32_BIOS -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object SerialNumber
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,1) = "$machine"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,2) = "UP"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,3) = "$hname"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,4) = "$stag"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,1) = "$machine"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,2) = "DOWN"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,3) = "$hname"
$objWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,4) = "$stag"
If the post helped you get to your solution, please mark the post answered.

PowerShell Mutex & Jobs

I'm trying to run a PowerShell file delete operation that deletes files based on specific parameters. So, the code goes like this:
$sb = {
Get-ChildItem -Path $SubFolder | Remove-ChildItem
if ($Error[0] -eq $null) {
$results = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
$Foldername = $Subfolder.Name
$TotalFiles = $SubFolder.(Count)
} else {
$errorresult = "Error deleting files from $($Subfolder.Name)"
#Error Mutex
$ErrorLogmutex = New-Object System.Threading.Mutex($false, "ErrorLogFileHandler")
Out-File -Append -InputObject $errorresult -FilePath $Errorlog
#Success Mutex
$Successmutex = New-Object System.Threading.Mutex($false, "SuccessFileHandler")
Out-File -Append -InputObject $results -FilePath $successlog
#Calling scriptblock in multi-thread count of 5
foreach ($Subfolder in $Folder) {
while ((Get-Job -State Running).Count -ge 5) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $arguments | Out-Null
The script runs, able to see the results if I explicitly call out Receive-Job -Name JobID, but the output does not produce any log files as I would've thought it would.

Utilize Results from Synchronized Hashtable (Runspacepool 6000+ clients)

Adapting a script to do multiple functions, starting with test-connection to gather data, will be hitting 6000+ machines so I am using RunspacePools adapted from the below site;
The data comes out as below, I would like to get it sorted into an array (I think that's the terminology), so I can sort the data via results. This will be adapted to multiple other functions pulling anything from Serial Numbers to IAVM data.
Is there any way I can use the comma delimited data and have it spit the Values below into columns? IE
Name IPAddress ResponseTime Subnet
x qwe qweeqwe qweqwe
The added values aren't so important at the moment, just the ability to add the values and pull them.
Name Value
—- —–
x-410ZWG \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-410ZWG",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-47045Q \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-47045Q",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-440J26 \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-440J26",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-410Y45 \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-410Y45",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-DJKVV1 \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-DJKVV1",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-DDMVV1 \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-DDMVV1",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-470481 \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-470481",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-DHKVV1 \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-DHKVV1",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-430XXF \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-430XXF",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-DLKVV1 \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-DLKVV1",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-410S86 \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-410S86",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-SCH004 \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-SCH004",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
x-440J22 \\x-DHMVV1\root\cimv2:Win32_PingStatus.Address="x-440J22",BufferSize=32,NoFragmentation=false,RecordRoute=0,…
Thank for any help!
Code currently
Function Get-RunspaceData {
Do {
$more = $false
Foreach($runspace in $runspaces) {
If ($runspace.Runspace.isCompleted) {
$runspace.Runspace = $null
$runspace.powershell = $null
} ElseIf ($runspace.Runspace -ne $null) {
$more = $true
If ($more -AND $PSBoundParameters['Wait']) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
#Clean out unused runspace jobs
$temphash = $runspaces.clone()
$temphash | Where {
$_.runspace -eq $Null
} | ForEach {
Write-Verbose ("Removing {0}" -f $_.computer)
Write-Host ("Remaining Runspace Jobs: {0}" -f ((#($runspaces | Where {$_.Runspace -ne $Null}).Count)))
} while ($more -AND $PSBoundParameters['Wait'])
#What each runspace will do
$ScriptBlock = {
Param ($computer,$hash)
$Ping = test-connection $computer -count 1 -ea 0
$hash[$Computer]= $Ping
#Setup the runspace
$Script:runspaces = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
# Data table for all of the runspaces
$hash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(#{})
$sessionstate = [system.management.automation.runspaces.initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()
$runspacepool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, 100, $sessionstate, $Host)
ForEach ($Computer in $Computername) {
#Create the powershell instance and supply the scriptblock with the other parameters
$powershell = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($scriptBlock).AddArgument($computer).AddArgument($hash)
#Add the runspace into the powershell instance
$powershell.RunspacePool = $runspacepool
#Create a temporary collection for each runspace
$temp = "" | Select-Object PowerShell,Runspace,Computer
$Temp.Computer = $Computer
$temp.PowerShell = $powershell
#Save the handle output when calling BeginInvoke() that will be used later to end the runspace
$temp.Runspace = $powershell.BeginInvoke()
Write-Verbose ("Adding {0} collection" -f $temp.Computer)
$runspaces.Add($temp) | Out-Null
# Wait for all runspaces to finish
Get-RunspaceData -Wait
$stoptimer = Get-Date
#Display info, and display in GridView
Write-Host "Availability check complete!" -ForegroundColor Cyan
"Execution Time: {0} Minutes" -f [math]::round(($stoptimer – $starttimer).TotalMinutes , 2)
$hash | ogv
When you use runspaces, you write the scriptblock for the runspace pretty much the same way you would for a function. You write whatever you want the return to be to the pipeline, and then either assign it to a variable, pipe it to another cmdlet or function, or just let it output to the console. The difference is that while the function returns it's results automatically, with the runspace they collect in the runspace output buffer and aren't returned until you do the .EndInvoke() on the runspace handle.
As a general rule, the objective of a Powershell script is (or should be) to create objects, and the objective of using the runspaces is to speed up the process by multi-threading. You could return string data from the runspaces back to the main script and then use that to create objects there, but that's going to be a single threaded process. Do your object creation in the runspace, so that it's also multi-threaded.
Here's a sample script that uses a runspace pool to do a pingsweep of a class C subnet:
Param (
[int]$timeout = 200
$scriptPath = (Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent)
While (
($network -notmatch "\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.0") -and -not
($network -as [ipaddress])
{ $network = read-host 'Enter network to scan (ex.' }
$scriptblock =
Param (
$options = new-object system.net.networkinformation.pingoptions
$options.TTL = 128
$options.DontFragment = $false
$Address = $($network.trim("0")) + $LastOctet
$ping = new-object system.net.networkinformation.ping
$reply = $ping.Send($Address,$timeout,$buffer,$options)
Try { $hostname = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($Address)).hostname }
Catch { $hostname = 'No RDNS' }
if ( $reply.status -eq 'Success' )
{ $ping_result = 'Yes' }
else { $ping_result = 'No' }
Address = $Address
Ping = $ping_result
DNS = $hostname
$RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(100,100)
$Jobs =
foreach ( $LastOctet in 1..254 )
$Job = [powershell]::Create().
$Job.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
Pipe = $Job
Result = $Job.BeginInvoke()
Write-Host 'Working..' -NoNewline
Do {
Write-Host '.' -NoNewline
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} While ( $Jobs.Result.IsCompleted -contains $false)
Write-Host ' Done! Writing output file.'
Write-host "Output file is $scriptPath\$network.Ping.csv"
$(ForEach ($Job in $Jobs)
{ $Job.Pipe.EndInvoke($Job.Result) }) |
Export-Csv $scriptPath\$network.ping.csv -NoTypeInformation
The runspace script does a ping on each address, and if it gets successful ping attempts to resolve the host name from DNS. Then it builds a custom object from that data, which is output to the pipeline. At the end, those objects are returned when the .EndInvoke() is done on the runspace jobs and piped directly into Export-CSV, but it could just as easily be output to the console, or saved into a variable.
