convert input to string - linux

How to convert numbers to the first letters of the alphabet? . I want to use this code for me. But I need alphabets for 10,11,12,13 etc. for example if the user will enter 10 , the program will print j for 11 -->"k" . How cam I do this.
My code is same in the link above

You can use this BASH function:
cnvt() { printf "\x$(printf '%x' $((97 + $1 -1)))\n"; }
Test it:
cnvt 10
cnvt 11
cnvt 26

You can use ASCII table for this.
If user inputs 10 you can add 87 and get "a" = 97.
This way input 11 will get a value of "b" = 98.


Print "n" results of a function "n" times

I want to print out a sort of pyramid. User inputs an integer value 'i', and that is displayed i-times.
Like if input=5
I have tried this:
for i in range(input+1):
The result of which is
The problem is that (as far as I know), only a string can be printed out 'n' times, but if I take out the inverted commas around "i", it becomes (i*i) and gives out squares:
Is there a simple way around this?
Just convert your int loop varaible to str before building the output string by multiplying:
input = 5
for i in range(1, input+1):
print(str(i) * i)
Try this:
a = 5
for i in range(a): # <-- this causes i to go from 0,1,2,3,...,a-1
print("{}".format(i+1)*(i+1)) # < -- this creates a new string in each iteration ; an alternative would be str(i+1)*(i+1)
i=i+1 # <-- this is unnecessary, i already goes from 0 to a-1 and will be re-created in the next iteration of the loop.
This creates a new string in each iteration of the loop.
Note that for i in range(a) will go through the range by itself. There is no need to additionally increment i at the end. In general it is considered bad practise to change indices you loop over.

How to print a horizontal row of numbers with user input in python

I need to write a program that asks the user to enter a number
n, where -6 < n < 93.
output: Enter the start number: 12
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
The numbers need printed using a field width of 2 and are right-justified. Fields need separated by a single space. There should be no spaces after the final field.
This is my code so far:
a = eval(input('Enter the start number : ',end='\n'))
for n in range(a,a+7):
But it says:
File "C:/Users/Nathan/Documents/", line 5, in <module>
a = eval(input('Enter the start number : ',end='\n'))
builtins.TypeError: input() takes no keyword arguments
Please help
First of all, the input function returns a string. You should cast it as integer.
Also you have some syntax error, to name a few:
You put .format after print, but it should be inside the print and after the string.
The input function doesn't take an end argument. And python gives you this error for that: TypeError: input() takes no keyword arguments
The formatting pattern is not right.
This code does what you want:
a = int(input('Enter the start number between -6 and 93: '))
assert (n >= -6) and (n <= 93), f"number must be in [-6, 93]," \
f"but got {n} instead"
for n in range(a, a+7):
print(f"{n:02d}", end=' ')
Enter the start number : 12
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
You can't pass \n to input beacouse is a special character.
If you want a white line add another print() after the input.
input() doesn't take the end argument, only print() does.
# input(): takes the input from the user, that will be in the form of string
# rstrip(): will remove the white spaces present in the input
# split(): will convert the string into a list
# map(function, iterable) : typecast the list
ar = list(map(int, input().rstrip().split()))
1 2 3 4
[1, 2, 3, 4]

Parsing a string in MATLAB

I have a 32 bit string that I want to parse into 8 bits each. Then I want to change the 8 bit binary into a single integer, for example:
str = '00000001000000100000001100000100'
output = '1 2 3 4'
I know to use bin2dec, but I'm having difficulty parsing the string.
In Matlab every string is a matrix, so you can use this property. If 8 bits belong to one byte, reshape your data to have one byte per row:
Doing so, you can apply bin2dec to get the output:
This returns a vetor [1;2;3;4], use num2str(output.') if you want a char array instead.
Another possibility:
>> 2.^(7:-1:0)*reshape(str-'0',8,[])
>> ans =
1 2 3 4
Of course, apply num2str if you need the output in the form of a string.
A more esoteric way:
>> fliplr(typecast(uint32(2.^(31:-1:0)*(str-'0').'),'uint8'))
>> ans =
1 2 3 4
Seeing as how Ben Voigt didn't provide an answer to this question even though he pretty much answered the question in the comments, I will provide one for closure. As he said, you can segment your string into 8 characters each. Strings are essentially an array of characters. As such, split up your string into 8 characters each, then apply bin2dec on each of the strings.
str = '00000001000000100000001100000100';
byte1 = bin2dec(str(1:8));
byte2 = bin2dec(str(9:16));
byte3 = bin2dec(str(17:24));
byte4 = bin2dec(str(25:32));
output = num2str([byte1 byte2 byte3 byte4]);
>> output
output =
1 2 3 4
Looking at your example output, you desire output to be a string, and thus the num2str call in the last line of the code.

how to get the number from a string in matlab

I want to how know to get certain numbers from a string in matlab. For example, I have a string:
'ABCD_01 36_00 3 .txt', (there is spacing between 01 and 36)
What I need is to get the number 36 and 3. How can I do it in matlab? I've tried finding the answer from previous posts but can not find one that fits this purpose. Thanks for the help.
Regular expressions:
>> str = 'ABCD_01 36_00 3 .txt';
>> t = str2double( regexp(str,'.* (\d+)_.* (\d+)','tokens','once') )
t =
36 3
If the filenames always start with four characters you can do:
>> filename = 'ABCD_01 36_00 3 .txt';
>> sscanf(filename, '%*4c_%*u %u_%*u %u.txt')
ans =

Code Golf: Numeric equivalent of an Excel column name

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
The challenge
The shortest code by character count that will output the numeric equivalent of an Excel column string.
For example, the A column is 1, B is 2, so on and so forth. Once you hit Z, the next column becomes AA, then AB and so on.
Test cases:
A: 1
B: 2
AD: 30
ABC: 731
WTF: 16074
ROFL: 326676
Code count includes input/output (i.e full program).
Excel, 9 chars :)
Use the right tool for the job:
Perl, 36 34 33 31 30 17 15 11 characters
$ echo -n WTF | perl -ple '$_=()=A..$_'
Reduced to 17 by using echo -n to avoid a chop call.
Reduced to 15 by using say instead of print.
Reduced to 11 by using -p instead of say.
A is evaluated in string context and A..$_ builds a list starting at "A" and string-incrementing up to the input string. Perl interprets the ++ operator (and thus ..) on strings in an alphabetic context, so for example $_="AZ";$_++;print outputs BA.
=()= (aka "goatse" operator) forces an expression to be evaluated in list context, and returns the number of elements returned by that expression i.e., $scalar = () = <expr> corresponds to #list = <expr>; $scalar = #list.
J, 17 12 10 characters
26#.64-~av 'WTF'
J parses from right to left.
av returns a list of the ascii indexes of each of the characters in its argument, so for example av'ABC' returns 65 66 67.
Then we subtract 64 from each element of that list with the verb 64-~.
Then we convert the list to base 26 using the #. verb.
Brainf*ck, 81 characters (no whitespace)
,[ // get character input into p[0], enter loop if it isn't null (0)
>>>[->>+++++[-<+++++>]<+<] // take what's in p[3] and multiply by 26, storing it in p[4]
>[-<+>] // copy p[4] back to p[3]
<<++++++++[<++++++++>-]< // store 64 in p[1]
[<->-]< // subtract p[1], which is 64, from the input char to get it's alphabetical index
[>>>+<<<-] // add p[0] to p[3]
,] // get another character and repeat
>>> // move to p[3], where our final result is stored
So you'll notice I didn't actually convert the numerical value to an ascii string for printing. That would likely ruin the fun. But I did the favor of moving the pointer to the cell with the result, so at least it's useful to the machine.
Hey, what do you know, I beat C#!
Ruby 1.8.7, 53 50 46 44 24 17 characters
p ('A'..$_).count
$ echo -n ROFL | ruby -n a.rb
$ echo -n WTF | ruby -n a.rb
$ echo -n A | ruby -n a.rb
13 characters
Put the value in x:
then compute it with:
The only reason J beat me is because of the parentheses. I'm thinking there should be some way to rearrange it to avoid the need for them, but it's been a long day. Ideas?
(Heh, you perl programmers with your 30+ character solutions are so cute!)
Excel (not cheating), 25 chars
Supports up to XFD:
Put the formula in cell A2.
Enter the column string in cell A1.
Read the result at cell A2.
54 chars, plus a lot of instructions
Supports ROFL also:
(A2) =MAX(B:B)
(B2) =IFERROR(26*B1+CODE(MID(A$1,ROW()-1,1))-64,0)
Clear the whole spreadsheet.
Put the formula (A2) in cell A2.
Put the formula (B2) in cell B2.
Fill formula (B2) to as far down as possible.
Enter the column string in cell A1.
Read the result at cell A2.
C# 156 146 118 Chars
using System.Linq;class P{static void Main(string[]a){System.Console.Write(
using System.Linq;
class P
static void Main(string[] a)
.Aggregate(0, (t, c) => (t + c - 64) * 26) / 26);
Golfscript - 16 chars
$ echo -n WTF | ./golfscript.rb
$ echo -n ROFL | ./golfscript.rb
Haskell, 50 51 56 chars
~:166$ echo -n "ROFL" | ./a.out
~:167$ echo -n "WTF" | ./a.out
Python, 64 49 characters
for c in raw_input():s=26*s+ord(c)-64
print s
You can also replace raw_input() with input() to reduce the character count by 4, but that then requires the input to contain quotation marks around it.
And here's a subroutine that clocks in at 47 characters:
f=lambda x:len(x)and 26*f(x[:-1])+ord(x[-1])-64
k4 (kdb+), 11 characters
k4 parses left of right
.Q.A is defined within k4 - it is the vector "ABC...XYZ"
? is the find operator - the index of the first match for items in the y arg within the x arg
+1 to offset the index
26/: to convert to base 26
One caveat - this will only work where listed types are passed in:
26/:1+.Q.A? "AD"
26/:1+.Q.A? "WTF"
26/:1+.Q.A? ,"A"
Powershell, 42 chars
JavaScript 1.8: 66 characters
function a(p)Array.reduce(p,function(t,d)t*26+d.charCodeAt()-64,0)
Javascript 1.8: 72 characters
function a(p)(t=0,p.replace(/./g,function(d)t=t*26+d.charCodeAt()-64),t)
JavaScript 1.6: 83 characters
function a(p){t=0;p.split("").map(function(d){t=t*26+d.charCodeAt(0)-64});return t}
JavaScript: 95 characters
function a(p){r=0;t=1;l=p.length;for(i=0;i<l;i++){r+=(p.charCodeAt(l-1-i)-64)*t;t*=26}return r}
JavaScript: 105 characters
function a(p,i){i=i||0;l=p.length;return p?(p.charCodeAt(l-1)-64)*Math.pow(26,i)+a(p.slice(0,l-1),i+1):0}
a("A") // 1
a("B") // 2
a("AD") // 30
a("ABC") // 731
a("WTF") // 16074
a("ROFL") // 326676
Scala, 30 chars
C:\>scala -e "print((0/:args(0))(_*26+_-64))" AD
C89, 58 characters
The input (stdin) must contain only A-Z, no other characters (including newlines) are allowed.
Explanation of Concepts - Excelcification
Nice. I wrote my own version of this with a little more explanation a long time ago at Although it's not quite an optimized version!
FYI. The base 26 arithmetic is called hexavigesimal and Excel's maximum column is XFD which converts to 16383 (using 0 as the first cell) which is coincidentally exactly 2^14 cells.
Can anyone guess as to why it is 2^14??
Common Lisp, 103 128 characters
(defun x(s)(reduce(lambda(x y)(+(* 26 x)y))(map 'vector(lambda(b)(-(char-code b)(char-code #\A)-1))s)))
C#, 117 111 chars
No contest compared to the likes of Perl, Ruby and APL but an improvement on the other C#/Java answers given so far.
This uses Horner's rule.
class C{static void Main(string[]a){int t=0;foreach(var c in a[0]){t=(t+c-64)*26;}System.Console.Write(t/26);}}
Perl, 34 characters
Thanks to mobrule for several suggestions.
C#, 148 chars
using System;class P{static void Main(string[]a){var r=0d;int j=0,i=a[0].
using System;
class P
static void Main(string[] a)
var r = 0d;
int j = 0, i = a[0].Length;
while (i-- > 0)
r += (a[0][i] - 64) * Math.Pow(26, j++);
Python - 63 chars
>>> f=lambda z: reduce(lambda x,y: 26*x+y, [ord(c)-64 for c in z])
>>> f('ROFL')
user> (reduce #(+ (* 26 %1) %2) (map #(- (int %) 64) "AD"))
user> (reduce #(+ (* 26 %1) %2) (map #(- (int %) 64) "ROFL"))
51 characters, plus the number of characters in the input string.
int r=0;
String is stored in 'c', value is in 'r'.
Ruby 1.9, 21 characters
$ echo -n A| ruby x.rb
$ echo -n WTF| ruby x.rb
$ echo -n ROFL| ruby x.rb
Common Lisp, 86 characters.
(defun z(s)(let((a 0))(map nil(lambda(v)(setf a(+(* 26 a)(digit-char-p v 36)-9)))s)a))
Java: 112 124 characters
class C{public static void main(String[]a){int r=0;for(int b:a[0].getBytes())r=26*r+b-64;System.out.print(r);}}
Common Lisp, 81 characters
(defun y(s)(reduce(lambda(x y)(+(* 26 x)(-(char-code y)64)))s :initial-value 0))
Funny that as a new user I can post my own answer but not comment on someone else's. Oh well, apologies if I'm doing this wrong!
MATLAB: 24 characters
>> polyval(input('')-64,26)
(after pressing enter) 'WTF'
ans =
Note: You can get it down to 16 characters if you pre-store the string in x, but I kind of thought it was cheating:
>> x = 'WTF'
x =
>> polyval(x-64,26)
ans =
PHP - 73 Chars
php -r '$n=$argv[1];$s=$i=0;while($i<strlen($n))$s=$s*26+ord($n[$i++])-64;echo$s;' AA
> 27
