How to combine asp and php in one domain - web

is that possible if we combine and php in one domain.
let say that domain is develop using php and hosted in linux server.
Our goal is this another page is develop in and host in different server and os
if this possible how to do it


Deploying ASP.NET Core 6.0 MVC app to Server doesn't work

I am new to web development, I am learning it on the way as I develop my application.
I have an ASP.NET Core 6 MVC app that basically does this:
Starts with a Login
After login you can view the data
You can manipulate data on the view page
You can view some logs, and acknowledge them
So, my app works just fine when I run it from VS 2022.
I would like to deploy the app, so it can be used within the company. It all works on an internal network.
I have two options for deployment and to host the app from:
Windows Server 2019 (IIS)
Synology NAS
It really doesn't matter for me, but I have been through more than a dozen of tutorials/videos, but could not get it work either way.
I have tried different publishing methods.
I have .NET Core Hosting 7.0.2 and Web Deployment installed on the Windows server.
Basically my published file structure doesn't look like in some of the tutorials.
The furthest I've got is that I can load the page on the Windows Server 2019 machine, it shows the login page, but after I press "Login" it says ".../LoginController" Page not found.
So, after this chaos, can anyone give me some guidance where should I look for the solution? I thought it would be a good idea to use MVC, but now I think it would be much easier with a simple ASP Web app...
Eventually, after I got to the Login page (as I mentioned), I figured out the problem there. I am using cookies, which were set to "secure" in the program, but I was usint http instead of https. As a test, I have set the cookies' "Secure" property to "false", after that it worked.
At least I know where to go next.

SWUpdate custom web server

I know that SWUpdate has its own embedded web server with which is possible to upload the image file for the upgrade.
I already realized a small web page with Node.js that I use to do some configuration on my board, and I would like to know if would be possible to add in it my own web page for upgrading the software, just like embedded SWUpdate web server does. In short, I would like to integrate a webpage for the upgrade in my node.js web server, instead of use the standard one.
I suppose I should use a specific protocol to make my custom web page to be "transparent" to the board.
Is it possible? Has someone already tried? Thanks

How to hide technologies stack from third party website to know our web site development?

I have created one website in .Net Core(v3.1) and host it into a Godaddy server and web application works fine but I want to hide my technology stacks like Bootstrap, jQuery, and any other technologies that I have used?
Is there any possible way to do that if anyone has an idea about that it would be appreciated?

Developing for IIS and IBM Websphere

My company is looking to develop a web product that will need to run on both Websphere and IIS. Ideally, we would like to use the same framework for both, but I am currently ignorant of the options, if there are any. On IIS, we would most likely use ASP MVC, and JSP on Websphere. Is there some common technology we could use on both platforms?
IIS is a web server. Websphere (or what just the term Websphere commonly refers to) is an application server, Websphere Application Server (WAS). IIS would be more comparable to IHS (IBM HTTP Server) or Apache HTTP Server.
So the answer to "Is there some common technology we could use on both platforms" is probably JSP since WAS is mostly just a Java application server.
A reference for running JSP on IIS Lightweight servlet engine for serving java application via IIS
Here is a more detailed discussion on application vs web servers
What is the difference between application server and web server?
A more general note: Getting the same application to run exactly the same in both environments will likely be a difficult task for any moderately interesting application.
What would be truly common to both is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. That is, client-side technologies rather than server frameworks. So I'd recommend at least considering one of the JavaScript MVC frameworks. compares several of them.

Clean url in my existing web site

I have too many doubts about this topic.
I want to create a clean url website. I know it's possible using .htaccess. Is .htaccsess support in all servers? Where did I get the server information? Using Php info?
.htaccess files are used in web servers such as Apache. Many other web servers like Sun Java System Web Server and Zeus Web Server implement the same synthax. But if you're using PHP, you are probably using Apache.
Source: Wikipedia
You can get info about the web server by using the phpinfo() function in PHP.
