Python 3.5 ibm_db2 can't install - python-3.x

I'm quite new to python, but I need to connect with my python to a DB2. I'm trying to install the Python extension since a few hours and I can't get to a result.
When I'm installing the extension with
python ibm_db2 -- install
I get the following exception:
/IBMDB2/CLIDRIVER//include folder not found.
Check if you have set the IBM_DB_HOME environment variable's value correctly
But I can't find a folder including /include
I installed the ibm driver IBM Data Server Driver Package (DS Driver) V10.5
But also the SQLLIB folder has no /include folder.
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Attached a screenshot of the driver folder:
Folder content
Thanks in advance.


How do I handle the python3.8.4 virtual environment problem for image not found

I'm developing a vscode language extension. The extension has a Python language server. I build this server using Python 3.8.4. I created a python virtual environment by virtualenv. I think the server should run by the python3.8 which is in the virtual environment.
I use vsce package to generate the VSIX file.
The extension can work on my computer and my friend's computer whose Python version is 3.8.4. But when my other friends tried to install my extension, the error below showed up:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/Cellar/python#3.8/3.8.4/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/Python
Referenced from: /Users/xxx/.vscode/extensions/path/env/bin/python3
Reason: image not found
Their python version is not 3.8.4. I want my extension can run without caring for the python version. Could someone tell me how to fix it?

Mac QGIS 3.0, env: python3: No such file or directory

I'm getting started with QGIS 3.0 on Mac. I installed python 3.6 with the installer as directed by
The python console in qgis works fine. Though running geoprocessing tasks, such as reclass, results in an error - env: python3: No such file or directory
How can I point QGIS to my python 3.6 directory? Anyone else have the same problem?
There are some known issues with QGIS installs on Mac. The security settings prevent complete installs of the python and gdal packages associated with QGIS. These must be installed separately from QGIS, then the PATH variable in GIS settings must be pointed at these dependencies.
See this post for a fix.

Import of excel in odoo on Ubuntu 14.04 - not working

When I tried to import an excel file in odoo from Windows it worked perfectly. But when tried this from Ubuntu machine it didn't work. It showed me this error
"import preview failed due to: Unable to load "xlsx" file requires Python module "xlrd >= 0.8".
Here's the screen shot
For Odoo 10, you need to install XLRD which is version 1.0.0 currently.
sudo -H pip install xlrd
The -H will take care of any error messages regarding the user environment.
Then depending on your system, you MUST restart your odoo instance, or it will not recognize that XLRD is installed.
Hope it helps. It just worked for me with Odoo 10 on Ubuntu 16.04
The error is saying that you need a python library "xlrd" in order to load this xlsx file. So make sure that you have installed this python library in your openerp ubuntu machine.
There's another way mentioned in odoo forum how you can installed it. Here it is
First you have to download the package from:
Find the folder "xlrd" inside the download, copy it to "OpenERP\Server\"
Restart your server.

Error installing Pygame / Python 3.4.1

I'm trying to install Pygame and it returns me the following error "Python version 3.4 required which was not found in the registry". However I already have the Python 3.4.1 installed on my system. Does anyone know how to solve that problem?
I've been using Windows 8.1
Thanks in advance.
Are you using a 64-bit operating system? Try using the 32-bit installer.
Tips I can provide:
Add Python to your Path file in the Advanced settings of your Environmental Variables (just search for it in the control panel)
Something may have gone wrong with the download of Python, so re-install it. Also don't download the 64-bit version, just download the 32-bit version from the main pygame website
Once that's sorted out, transfer the entire Pygame file to the site packages in the Python directory and open up the pygame file and go to this directory in command prompt. Finally, run the Pygame setup from the command prompt which should be something like:
But this will only work if the pygame setup file is called (it's been a while since I downloaded it), you added Python to the Path file and you're currently in the correct directory in command prompt.
To test if it worked try importing pygame and see if you got an error or not.

IBM installation manager cannot be launched in fedora 17(64bit)

Here's the error msg goes when i try to run the IBM installation manager:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library. Reasons:
/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/447/1/.cp/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
swt-pi-gtk (Not found in java.library.path)
/tmp/swtlib-32/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
/tmp/swtlib-32/ (/tmp/swtlib-32/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
However, those files does exist. I also already have SWT lib installed. Any one have experience on this issue before?
IBM Installation Manager can only run if 32bit GTK components installed.
Here are the packages I install on Redhat 64bit in order to run IBM Installation Manager:
Install required packages for IBM Installation Manager UI on Redhat x64
Should be similar packages in Fedora.
I don't remember about Installation Manager but for WAS installation launching setup.jar itself did help:
java -jar setup.jar
I had this issue when tried to install CM on Linux Fedora 17 x86_64 bits and this command solved my issue
yum install gtk2.i686 gtk2-engines.i686 PackageKit-gtk-module.i686 PackageKit-gtk-module.x86_64 libcanberra-gtk2.x86_64 libcanberra-gtk2.i686
After execute it i can run interactive installation.
This was helpful for steering me in the right direction for solving the problem on rhel 6.5 on IBM power. i installed the equivalent packages using the .ppc instead of .ppc64 files (since the installer is PPC) and then i had to add these 2 lines at the bottom of the install.ini according to ibm support article swg21688528 as follows:
