How can I make start again after gameover?? (Processing) - switch-statement

I want to make this game in Processing.
When in 'Switch' those are displayed case0,1,2 in same time.
I don't know how to edit it.
and after case2(gameover), press key '1' to start again.
but I think it goes to case1 when gameover situation...
How can I edit it??
PImage work[] = new PImage[3];
float workSize[] = new float[3];
float workX[] = new float[3];
float workY[] = new float[3];
float workS[] = new float[3];
PImage handA, handB;
PFont font;
int level;
boolean gameover = false;
boolean selected[] = new boolean [3];
int salary = 0;
void setup(){
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
workX[i] = random(0, width);
workY[i] = random(0, height);
selected[i] = false;
workSize[i] = 120;
handA = loadImage("handA.png");
handB = loadImage("handB.png");
work[0] = loadImage("work0.png");
work[1] = loadImage("work1.png");
work[2] = loadImage("work2.png");
font = createFont("Gulim", 48);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
void draw(){
if (mousePressed) {
cursor(handB, 0, 0);
} else {
cursor(handA, 0, 0);
switch (level) {
default: // press'1' to start game
text("1을 눌러 일 얻기", width/2, height/2);
if (key == '1') {
level = 1;
case 1:
if (gameover == true) {
level = 2;
case 2: // press '1' to start again
text("퇴직금 : "+ salary + " + (비정규직으로 퇴직금 없음)", width/2, height/2-100);
text("일을 못해서 정리해고", width/2, height/2);
text("1을 눌러 다시 일 얻기", width/2, height/2+100);
if (key == '1') {
level = 1;
void game() {
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
float clickedDist = dist(workX[i], workY[i], mouseX, mouseY);
if (clickedDist<workSize[i]/2 && mousePressed) {
workSize[i] = workSize[i] - 2;
} else {
workSize[i] = workSize[i] + 0.7;
if (workSize[i]<100) {
workSize[i] = 0;
if (workSize[i]>400) {
gameover = true;
if (workSize[i] == 0 && selected[i] == false) {
salary = salary + 50;
selected[i] = true;
workX[i] = random(0, width);
workY[i] = random(0, height);
selected[i] = false;
workSize[i] = 120;
if (salary > 150) {
workS[i] = workSize[i] + 0.5;
workSize[i] = workS[i];
if (abs(mouseX-workX[i]) < workSize[i]/2 && abs(mouseY-workY[i]) < workSize[i]/2) {
workX[i] += random(-5,5);
workY[i] += random(-5,5);
image(work[i], workX[i], workY[i], workSize[i], workSize[i]);
text("봉급 : "+ salary, textWidth("salary"), (textAscent()+textDescent()/2));

All you have to do is reset any variables that store the state of your game, such as your level variable. Something like this:
void keyPressed(){
if(gameover && key == '1'){
gameover = false;
level = 1;


Linux Kernel Error

I got the same errors on these lines
error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
line 49: for (current = root; current != NULL; ptr = current) {
line 50: current =current->link[res];
line 75: for (current = bf; current != newnode; res = link_dir[++i]) {
line 80: current = current->link[res];
line 167: current = root;
line 192: current = current->link[res];
How can I fix this?
I am using kernel version 2.6.32-24-generic
It is my one of function and above four errors are from this function...
It is an insertion function of AVL tree.
static void insertion (char value[]) {
struct AVLTree_Node *bf, *parent_bf, *subtree, *temp;
struct AVLTree_Node *current, *parent, *newnode, *ptr;
int res = 0,i=0 ,num=100, compareLimit = 100;
char link_dir[32];
if (!root) {
root = createNode(value);
bf = parent_bf;
parent_bf = root;
// find the location for inserting the new node
for (current = root; current != NULL; ptr = current) {
current =current->link[res];
num = strcmp(value,current->data);
if (num == 0) {
printk(KERN_INFO "Cannot insert duplicates!!\n");
int result = strncmp(value,current->data, compareLimit);
if(result > 0)
res = 1;
else if(result <= 0)
res =0;
parent = current;
if (current->bfactor != 0) {
bf = current;
parent_bf = ptr;
i = 0;
link_dir[i++] = res;
// create the new node
newnode = createNode(value);
parent->link[res] = newnode;
res = link_dir[i = 0];
// updating the height balance after insertion
for (current = bf; current != newnode; res = link_dir[++i]) {
if (res == 0)
current = current->link[res];
// right sub-tree
if (bf->bfactor == 2) {
printk(KERN_INFO "bfactor = 2\n");
temp = bf->link[1];
if (temp->bfactor == 1) {
subtree = temp;
bf->link[1] = temp->link[0];
temp->link[0] = bf;
temp->bfactor = bf->bfactor = 0;
} else {
subtree = temp->link[0];
temp->link[0] = subtree->link[1];
subtree->link[1] = temp;
bf->link[1] = subtree->link[0];
subtree->link[0] = bf;
// update balance factors
if (subtree->bfactor == -1) {
bf->bfactor = 0;
temp->bfactor = 1;
} else if (subtree->bfactor == 0) {
bf->bfactor = 0;
temp->bfactor = 0;
} else if (subtree->bfactor == 1) {
bf->bfactor = -1;
temp->bfactor = 0;
subtree->bfactor = 0;
// left sub-tree
} else if (bf->bfactor == -2) {
temp = bf->link[0];
if (temp->bfactor == -1) {
// single rotation(SR) right
subtree = temp;
bf->link[0] = temp->link[1];
temp->link[1] = bf;
temp->bfactor = bf->bfactor = 0;
} else {
// double rotation - (SR left + SR right)
subtree = temp->link[1];
temp->link[1] = subtree->link[0];
subtree->link[0] = temp;
bf->link[0] = subtree->link[1];
subtree->link[1] = bf;
// update balance factors
if (subtree->bfactor == -1) {
bf->bfactor = 1;
temp->bfactor = 0;
} else if (subtree->bfactor == 0) {
bf->bfactor = 0;
temp->bfactor = 0;
} else if (subtree->bfactor == 1) {
bf->bfactor = 0;
temp->bfactor = -1;
subtree->bfactor = 0;
} else {
if (bf == root) {
root = subtree;
if (bf != parent_bf->link[0]) {
parent_bf->link[1] = subtree;
} else {
parent_bf->link[0] = subtree;
current is a macro that expands into a function call:
static __always_inline struct task_struct *get_current(void)
return this_cpu_read_stable(current_task);
#define current get_current()
Use some other variable name.

how to extract image from pdf using mupdf?

I want to extract image from pdf and save the image handle to std::vector,some time the background is incorrect,my code is follow.
BOOL CTextEditorDoc::loadImage()
return FALSE;
CString strFile;
fz_context *ctx;
fz_document* doc;
fz_device *dev;
fz_irect bbox;
fz_rect bounds;
fz_matrix ctm;
fz_pixmap *image;
fz_colorspace *colorspace;
int i,j,rotation = 0;
int pagecount = 0;
fz_page *page;
HBITMAP hBitmap;
LPBYTE pDest,pImage;
return FALSE;
ctx = fz_new_context(NULL, NULL, FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED);
doc = fz_open_document(ctx,strFile.GetBuffer(0));
return FALSE;
fz_rotate(&ctm, rotation);
colorspace = fz_device_rgb(ctx);
pagecount = fz_count_pages(doc);
pDest = NULL;
::ZeroMemory(&bmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = 180;
bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -180;
bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 180*180*4;
page = fz_load_page(doc,i);
if(i == 0){
fz_pre_scale(&ctm,180/(bounds.x1 - bounds.x0),180/(bounds.y1 - bounds.y0));
fz_transform_rect(&bounds, &ctm);
fz_round_rect(&bbox, &bounds);
image = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx,colorspace,&bbox);
dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx,image);
fz_free_page(doc, page);
pImage = image->samples;
pDest = NULL;
hBitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(NULL,&bmi,DIB_RGB_COLORS,(void**)&pDest,NULL,0);
if(image->n == 2){ //not pallet
for (j = 180* 180; j > 0 ; j--){
pDest[0] = pDest[1] = pDest[2] = *pImage++;
pDest[3] = *pImage++;
pDest += 4;
}else if(image->n == 4){
//memcpy(pDest,pImage,m_thumbWidth * m_thumbHeight*4);
for (j = 180* 180; j > 0 ; j--){
pDest[0] = *pImage++;
pDest[1] = *pImage++;
pDest[2] = *pImage++;
pDest[3] = *pImage++;
pDest += 4;
m_imageVector.push_back(hBitmap);// save it to std::vector
fz_free_page(doc, page);
return TRUE;
this code can extract all the image of pdf but it maybe too slow ,how to improve it ?
some time the image's background is incorrect?
left of the follow picture is incorrect,right of the follow picture is real.
Like in the example of
you forgot
fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, pix, 0xff);
to white the pixmap

Fractal generation from infinite sum

I found a project description on a course website for computer graphics. I am trying to complete the project for fun.
Here is the link to the problem description:
Below is my code. The problem I am running in to is that the terms of the series grow so fast I can't map the points to the screen correctly. From the problem description it says the points will be mappable within a -2 - 2 square but the difference in value between the points is so huge that normalizing by the largest would collapse most of the points to a single pixel.
I assume I have a fundamental misunderstanding that I can't identify. Any help or insight would be appreciated!
int w = 800, h = 600;
int numTimes = 10, cSize = 5;
float xr = 2, yr = 2;
void setup() {
void draw() {
Complex v = new Complex(mouseX*(xr/w) - (xr/2), mouseY*(yr/h) - (yr/2));
Complex[] exps = new Complex[numTimes];
for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; i++) {
exps[i] = complexExp(v,i);
ellipse(w/2, h/2, cSize, cSize);
for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; i++) {
drawSeries(new Complex(0,0), exps, i, i);
void drawSeries(Complex vToDraw, Complex[] exps, int count, int clrTrunc) {
if (count == 0) {
Complex v = exps[0];
float progress = float(clrTrunc) / float(numTimes);
fill(255*progress, 180, 255 - 255*progress);
ellipse(vToDraw.r*(w/xr) + (w/2), vToDraw.i*(h/xr) + h/2, cSize, cSize);
ellipse(vToDraw.r*(w/xr) + (w/2), vToDraw.i*(h/xr) + h/2, cSize, cSize);
} else {
Complex v = exps[count];
drawSeries(vToDraw, exps, count - 1, clrTrunc );
drawSeries(vToDraw, exps, count - 1,clrTrunc );
Complex complexExp(Complex v, int times) {
if (times == 0) {
return new Complex(1, 1);
} else if ( times == 1) {
return new Complex( v.r*v.r - v.i*v.i, 2*v.r*v.i );
} else {
return complexExp( new Complex( v.r*v.r - v.i*v.i, 2*v.r*v.i ), times - 1 );
class Complex {
float r, i;
Complex() {
this.r = 0;
this.i = 0;
Complex(float r, float i) {
this.r = r;
this.i = i;
void add(Complex nv) {
this.r += nv.r;
this.i += nv.i;
void sub(Complex nv) {
this.r -= nv.r;
this.i -= nv.i;
I think you can make the code cleaner if you write a more complete Complex class.
int w = 800, h = 600;
int numTimes = 10, cSize = 5;
float xr = 3, yr = 3;
void setup() {
void mousePressed() {
void draw() {
Complex v = new Complex(mouseX*(xr/w) - (xr/2), mouseY*(yr/h) - (yr/2));
Complex[] exps = new Complex[numTimes];
for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; i++) {
exps[i] = v.raisedTo(i);
ellipse(w/2, h/2, cSize, cSize);
drawSerie(exps, numTimes);
void drawSerie(Complex[] exps, int total)
Complex partial = new Complex(0, 0);
drawPartial(exps, total -1, partial);
void drawFinal(Complex toDraw)
point(toDraw.r*(w/xr) + (w/2), toDraw.i*(h/xr) + h/2);
void drawPartial(Complex [] exps, int depth, Complex partial)
if (depth == -1)
int nextDepth = depth -1;
drawPartial(exps, nextDepth, partial);
Complex element = exps[depth];
drawPartial(exps, nextDepth, partial.add(element));
drawPartial(exps, nextDepth, partial.sub(element));
class Complex {
float r, i;
Complex() {
this.r = 0;
this.i = 0;
Complex(float r, float i) {
this.r = r;
this.i = i;
Complex(Complex other)
this.r = other.r;
this.i = other.i;
Complex mult(Complex other)
return new Complex(this.r*other.r - this.i*other.i, this.r*other.i + this.i*other.r);
Complex add(Complex nv) {
return new Complex(this.r + nv.r, this.i + nv.i);
Complex sub(Complex nv) {
return new Complex(this.r - nv.r, this.i - nv.i);
Complex raisedTo(int n) {
if (n == 0) {
return new Complex(1, 0);
else if (n % 2 == 0)
return (this.mult(this)).raisedTo(n/2);
return this.mult(this.raisedTo(n - 1 ));
String toString()
return "real: " + this.r + " imaginary: " + this.i;
The computation of the series is not efficient but, I think, it is clear

Android buffer data and openCV processing function

/* Now allocate the buffer */
int dataBufferSize=(int)(optimalSize.height*optimalSize.width*(ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(parameters.getPreviewFormat())/8.0));
mBuffer= new byte[dataBufferSize];
/* The buffer where the current frame will be copied */
mFrame = new byte[dataBufferSize];
mCamera.setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer(new Camera.PreviewCallback()
private long timestamp=0;
public synchronized void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera)
System.arraycopy(data, 0, mFrame, 0, data.length);
Log.i("Completed copying date","Ready for processing");
}catch (Exception e)
Log.e("Camera", "addCallbackBuffer error");
void EyeBlink::blink(IplImage* frame)
CvSeq* comp = 0;
CvRect window, eye;
int key, nc, found;
int text_delay, stage = STAGE_INIT;
int valueBlink =0;
int delay, i;
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);
if (!capture)
//exit_nicely("Cannot initialize camera!");
cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH);
cvSetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, FRAME_HEIGHT);
frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
if (!frame)
exit_nicely("cannot query frame!");
cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, 0.4, 0, 1, 8);
cvNamedWindow(wnd_name, 1);
/*for (delay = 20, i = 0; i < 6; i++, delay = 20)
while (delay)
frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
if (!frame)
exit_nicely("cannot query frame!");
DRAW_TEXT(frame, msg[i], delay, 0);
cvShowImage(wnd_name, frame);
storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
if (!storage)
exit_nicely("cannot allocate memory storage!");
kernel = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, CV_SHAPE_CROSS, NULL);
gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1);
prev = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1);
diff = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1);
tpl = cvCreateImage(cvSize(TPL_WIDTH, TPL_HEIGHT), 8, 1);
if (!kernel || !gray || !prev || !diff || !tpl)
exit_nicely("system error.");
gray->origin = frame->origin;
prev->origin = frame->origin;
diff->origin = frame->origin;
cvNamedWindow(wnd_debug, 1);
while (key != 'q')
int t=100;
frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
if (!frame)
exit_nicely("cannot query frame!");
frame->origin = 0;
if (stage == STAGE_INIT)
window = cvRect(0, 0, frame->width, frame->height);
cvCvtColor(frame, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
nc = get_connected_components(gray, prev, window, &comp);
if (stage == STAGE_INIT && is_eye_pair(comp, nc, &eye))
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
frame = frame1[i];
if (!frame)
exit_nicely("cannot query frame");
cvShowImage(wnd_name, frame);
if (diff)
cvShowImage(wnd_debug, diff);
cvSetImageROI(gray, eye);
cvCopy(gray, tpl, NULL);
text_delay = 10;
if (stage == STAGE_TRACKING)
found = locate_eye(gray, tpl, &window, &eye);
if (!found || key == 'r')
stage = STAGE_INIT;
if (is_blink(comp, nc, window, eye))
text_delay = 10;
DRAW_RECTS(frame, diff, window, eye);
DRAW_TEXT(frame, "blink!", text_delay, 1);
cvShowImage(wnd_name, frame);
cvShowImage(wnd_debug, diff);
prev = (IplImage*)cvClone(gray);
key = cvWaitKey(15);
I am working on eye blink detection but having some challenges. First I captured the frames and buffered them by using setPreviewCallbackwithBuffer method in android but my question is how can I make use of the frames which were stored in bytes. Which means eliminating the cvCameraFromCam and cvQueryFrame functions from the code above.

j2me program to create a GRID menu?

I want to create a list of operation's in a grid view. For example visit this URL.
You can look at this question or this page(and use LWUIT or CustomItems) or extend "canvas".In this way you need to two pictures for every operation in grid view.One for normal state and another for highlighted.Here is a simple canvas that represents 4 operations in 2*2 grid:
public class GridCanvas extends Canvas {
int highlightedRow = 0;
int highlightedColumn = 0;
Image[][] normalImageMat;
Image[][] highlightedImageMat;
Image[][] imageMat;
int gridColumnNo;
int gridRowNo;
* constructor
public GridCanvas() {
gridColumnNo = 2;
gridRowNo = 2;
normalImageMat = new Image[gridRowNo][gridColumnNo];
highlightedImageMat = new Image[gridRowNo][gridColumnNo];
imageMat = new Image[gridRowNo][gridColumnNo];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < gridRowNo; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < gridColumnNo; j++) {
normalImageMat[i][j] = Image.createImage("/hello/normalImage" + i + j + ".png");
for (int i = 0; i < gridRowNo; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < gridColumnNo; j++) {
highlightedImageMat[i][j] = Image.createImage("/hello/highlightedImage" + i + j + ".png");
} catch (Exception e) {
* paint
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.setColor(255, 255, 255);
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
for (int i = 0; i < gridRowNo; i++) {
System.arraycopy(normalImageMat[i], 0, imageMat[i], 0, 2);
imageMat[highlightedRow][highlightedColumn] = highlightedImageMat[highlightedRow][highlightedColumn];
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gridRowNo; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < gridColumnNo; j++) {
g.drawImage(imageMat[i][j], width, height, 0);
width = width + imageMat[i][j].getWidth();
width = 0;
height = height + imageMat[0][0].getHeight();
* Called when a key is pressed.
protected void keyPressed(int keyCode) {
int gameAction = this.getGameAction(keyCode);
if (gameAction == RIGHT) {
highlightedColumn = Math.min(highlightedColumn + 1, gridColumnNo - 1);
} else if (gameAction == LEFT) {
highlightedColumn = Math.max(highlightedColumn - 1, 0);
} else if (gameAction == UP) {
highlightedRow = Math.max(0, highlightedRow - 1);
} else if (gameAction == DOWN) {
highlightedRow = Math.min(gridRowNo - 1, highlightedRow + 1);
In real samples you would to detect gridColumnNo and gridRowNo due to screen and your icons dimensions.
If you can not go with LWUIT (license, library size, etc) and do not want to leave the screen rendering to LCDUI (CustomItem), you should extend Canvas.
I have shared code for an adaptive grid at Feel free to use it.
At this sample all items are Strings, but you can change the TouchItem to draw Images instead.
