Changing email body on completion of envelope - docusignapi

I am using templates in DocuSign and want to be able to send custom email bodies not only when creating the envelope but also also for the completion emails.
Is there a way to change the body of emails sent from DocuSign for both signing and completion emails?

Yes, there are over 35 different email templates/events that you can customize:
However, you only have one opportunity to provide dynamic/custom content when generating the envelope, that is the emailBlurb property. You can re-use that emailBlurb in the various email templates.

You can provide a different message/blurb to different recipients, but you have to do that before you send your envelope (status change from "draft" to "sent"). You can correct an envelope that was not yet sent to a specific recipient but you cannot update an email after it was already sent...


Is there a way we can customize email for each Docusign notification event?

I'm trying to send notification emails to recipients via Docusign API. I was able to send custom email to each recipients using EmailSubject and EmailBody in RecipientEmailNotification() for each Signer. When the envelope is sent, the recipients received the customized email subjects and bodies which is correct:
However, when all parties signed the envelope. The signers get a notification email which has the subject: "Completed [Email Subject]". The email body text that was supposed to be displayed only when the envelope is sent was also added to this completed email notification:
I want to customize the subject and body of the notification emails that are sent to all signers when the envelope is completed (signed by all parties). Is there a way we can do this using the DocuSign API?
Some ideas for you (untested)
See if changing the email branding file can help.
Stop the envelope processing after the last signer. Then update the email subject and blurb, then restart the processing.
Note that you can test the second idea from the web app:
Create an envelope with two signers (use your own emails). Set the subject and email content body. Send the envelope.
As the first signer, sign the envelope.
Login as the sender. Modify (correct) the envelope with the new email subject and body that you want people to receive at the end of the process.
The first signer was the only "real" signer. The second signer was merely to insert a pause into the envelope processing. Now, as the second signer, sign the envelope (ignore the email's subject/body).
The envelope is now complete. The first signer (and sender) should now receive the "envelope is complete" email. Check to see that it uses your updated email subject/body. If so, then automate the above via the API. (Use pause/unpause instead of an extra signer.)

Can we set a custom email subject for declined envelopes via the RestApi?

We use the rest API ( for sending envelopes. When a signer declines the envelope, the sender receives an email containing a default subject ('Declined: '). We would like to change the email subject to a custom text (only when declined).
I found some directions on which states we could change the EnvelopeDeclined_Subject in the EmailResource,
but we would prefer to provide the subject via the API instead.
Is this possible? And if so, how?
No, you cannot change Subject via API just for Decline email notification. If you want hard coded Decline Message for all your envelopes then you can modify Email Resource File. Since Decline is one of the terminal state and once envelope reaches a terminal state then you cannot modify anything on an envelope.
It's not possible to customize the Email Subject for DocuSign Completed/Voided/Declined emails at runtime on a per-envelope basis purely by using the API. However, you can achieve somewhat "runtime" control over email contents by using Branding and customizing the Email Resource File to specify the subject for the Decline Envelope Email. At a high-level, you'd do this by doing the following:
Use the DocuSign web UI to login as an Admin user and create a new Brand for the account.
Edit the Email Resource File that's associated with the brand to specify the custom subject for the envelope completion email.
When sending the Envelope via the API, specify brandId within the Create Envelope request to specify the id of the Brand you created in step 1 (and customized in step 2).
So, for example, let's say you had 5 different variations of email subject for Declined Envelopes -- and wanted to be able to specify (via the API) which one to use for each Envelope that you create/send via API. You'd create 5 separate Brands via the DocuSign web UI, customize the Email Resource File for each of those 5 brands (to specify the Email Subject to use for the Declined Envelope email), then when you create/send an Envelope with the API, set brandId to specify the Brand that contains the Declined Envelope subject that you want to use for that Envelope (if a signer declines to sign).
The answer on this SO thread contains additional info about this procedure, and the docs I've linked to above contain info about branding and the email resource file.

DosuSign Embedded Signing: Prevent DocuSing from sending email

I'm trying to do Embedded Signing and I want to send the email to the Signers myself instead of having DocuSign send it.
I've found this post:
Docusign email notification for embedded signing case
That describes two parameters. I have not been able to find the second one (Use Envelope Complete Email for (non-suppressed) Embedded Signers) in my testing account.
Is this option no longer available? Is there any other way to achieve the same result?
For embedded signers DocuSign will never send an email letting the signer know they have a document awaiting signature. The two emails that are sent can either be Signature Notification and/or Completion email. Signature Notification is sent to the signer immediately after signing, while Completion emails are sent all at once only at the end when the last signer completes the envelope.
The options are both still available in the classic UI under Preferences --> Features.
If you are using the New DocuSign Experience then follow the instructions here
See the Document delivery section.

Docusign api template: disable email notification to recipient

I'm using the REST API and I've been creating enveloped manually through code. I prefer that my site retrieve the docusign console links for the recipients so I disabled the emails in the sandbox (preferences->Features) by checking "Suppress Emails to Embedded Signers".
It worked. I switched to building the envelope from a template and now the email notifications are going to the recipients from docusign. There seems to be some stuff in the template part of the API to change subject, body, etc of the emails, but nothing to Suppress them". Is there any way to supress the recipient notificaiton email?
It sounds like you are not adding the clientUserID information when creating these envelopes via template. If you do not specify clientUserID, it will result in a remote signing envelope for that recipient, which will generate emails. If you add the CUID, then it will honor the suppress emails to embedded signers setting.

Add recipient tab to a sent envelope

I have a requirement to add a new tab to a recipient on an existing envelope. The only catch is the envelope is already sent (but not signed) by the time the logic needs to add it.
The documentation mentions "This adds one or more tabs for a recipient to a draft envelope":
DocuSign REST Guide - Add Tabs for Recipient: API References/Add Tabs for a Recipient.htm%3FTocPath%3DREST%20API%20References%7C_____61
Is there a way to fulfill my requirement?
No you can not add recipient tabs to In-Process (or sent) envelopes. As you've read in the documentation you can only add recipient tabs to draft envelopes, or add them during the envelope creation step of course.
Once an envelope has been sent, you can only edit: email, userName, signerName, routingOrder, faxNumber, and deliveryMethod. That's directly from this page of the DocuSign REST Api Guide: API References/Modify or Correct and Resend Recipient Information.htm%3FTocPath%3DREST%20API%20References%7C_____57
However, I have found out that the ability to add recipient tabs to a sent envelope IS in the works, and should be available with v3 of the api. Not sure when that comes out yet though...
