How can I make a spectral plot in Excel? - excel

I have two columns of data - first is fractions (goes on x-axis), second is integers (goes on y).
Is there a way to plot one against the other in a histogram type manner so it looks like a spectrum?

Use the "scatter plot" tool. It is also called a "scatter chart" tool. Once you have your chart in place, you can add a trend line to determine the formula for the relationship between x and y values. You will be able to find the formula in terms of y = mx+b. You can also determine the r squared value which will be important in the interpretation of the relationship. There are several options for scatter charts that might lead you off course, so experiment with the tool a bit to discover the correct options for your situation.


How to plot the correlation of two Cells in a scatter plot

Okay, I love to use excel to model my complex heat convection problem in a very visual way.
But now I want to compare the result for different input values. Is there a way to create a plot where x is my input variable (in a range i can decide) and y the result (which can be found in a different cell)?
I know, normally you would need to create a table that has all x values in one column and all y values are calculated in ONE STEP in an adjacent cell. But as my calculation is quite complex, this is not the case.
So in a very simplified way, this is how my excel looks like:
Simplified version of my problem
How would you create a scatter plot of such a relation?
I tried to google the problem, but I didn't find a similar question

How to Create a Pareto Plot in Spotfire

I am trying to plot a Pareto plot in Spotfire.
I would like it to look like this (I have used some very basic input data):
But so far I can only make it look like this:
I have done this by creating a hierarchy in 'column properties' and ordering names from lowest to highest experience, then flipping both the x and y axis, so that my curve looks like a Pareto plot, but it is not quite the same.
Is there a more efficient way to do this in spotfire that would allow correct y axis display and also allow the names to go along the bottom?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I think I have an answer for you. In this you do not have to flip the y-axis, and I can get the names in the x-axis, but I still use a hierarchy. I'm not sure it's more efficient, but here goes.
First, I created a Hierarchy defined as:
[yearsOfExp] AS [yearsOfExp],
[name] AS [name]
This allowed me to order the category axis by years of experience.
Secondly, I created a calculated column defined as:
Sum([yearsOfExp]]) over (AllNext([yearsOfExp]]))
I then created a line chart. The hierarchy is the x axis and the calculated column is the y axis. When setting the x axis, be sure to "reverse scale".
I hope this does what you're looking for. Good luck. Any questions, just ask.

Excel Chart doesn't keep format

I have a table (came from a pivot table) where I have formatted the column 4 cells to show 1 billion as 1. But when I select the table and insert a chart, I am getting my units in millions. So the 14.8 billion number for Mexico is showing up as 14,800 on the chart. Why might this be happening and how can I fix this? This is also making all my other bars negligibly small. Note that the first three columns are not in billions and are totally different things. Some are percentages, some are other small numbers.
You need a secondary horizontal axis and some formatting on the Axes.
In Excel 2013
First change the Chart Type to Combo and select Clustered Bar for both sets of data, then Check
Secondary Axis for the Percentage Series.
Then set up the axis limits so they match, e.g.
Percentage: min -.5 max 2
Billions: min -5e9 max 20e9
Then set the percentage format on the source data to a custom Number format of "";(0)%;0%
Then set the Billions format as 0,,,;"";0
You will get something like this:
Now that we have the general principles, we can apply them to your specific data.
I will also switch to Excel 2010 do show the different menus.
The data selection looks like this
Select the non-Billion series (plural!) and check the secondary axis
If the larger data is always positive then you can use custom formatting to clean up the axis
Align the primary and secondary axes so that the grid lines match on both
The end result is clean and readable.
Mixing percentages and numbers for the smaller numbers is not handled by this but I would suggest that that would be confusing anyway?
The simplest way to fix this might be to plot cells containing the billions values divided by 10^9 rather than to plot the billions themselves, though via a secondary axis may be possible.
Using Excel 2007. For the purple bars, the example on the left uses ColumnE values, on the right ColumnF values. E1 contains =F1/10^9 and F1 contains =14800000000:
It appears that there are 3 questions here: 1) "Why might this be happening", 2) "how can I fix this", and 3) something like "how can I plot data which lie on two widely differing ranges, and make them all reasonably visible anyway", even if there was no explicit question on this.
There are several ways to solve issue #2 about the units (e.g., billions) and numbers (e.g., 14.8 vs. 14,800.0) shown in the axis, each one with its own pros and cons:
Use Format Axis -> Axis Options -> Display units.
This might be the answer to your issue #1 as well, you might have the following selection: Display units -> Millions, and unchecked Show display units... Otherwise, I wouldn't know why you chart shows what it shows.
Use faked tick marks, as indicated in the (excellent) site of Jon Peltier
It gives detailed instructions on how to create tick marks on an axis with arbitrary labels (which may be text, numbers, etc.), which is more generic than what the OP wants here. In this particular case, the labels will be the desired numbers.
Create new cells containing data that would be plotted exactly the way you want.
As for your issue #3, I guess the only option is to have a Secondary Axis (see the answer by pnuts).
Thus, to come up with the best final chart for you might use a combination of one of the options I gave here and a secondary axis.

Excel Trend line (SLOPE() ) and CORREL() yields different coefficients

I'm trying to use excel to get the coefficient for two financial market spreads using two methods on data series Sprd1 against data series Sprd2:
1) I used scatter plot and simply added a trend line, showing R^2 (0.4052) and Coefficient (0.614). Trend line should be using SLOPE() to get the coefficient...
2) I used =CORREL(Sprd1, Sprd2), showing 0.637; =RSQ(Sprd1, Sprd2), yielding 0.4052.
I understand that the R-sq values should be pretty close. But why would the coefficents differ? I'm trying to look for any difference in terms of excel's embedded methods or assumptions on the trendline and the CORREL.
Thank you very much!
While both RSQ and CORREL work from the same equation
the value returned by RSQ is the square of that result.
i.e. RSQ()=CORREL()^2
SLOPE, on the other hand, does not use (y-MEAN(y))^2, nor does it take a square root of the denominator:
so will give slightly different results, depending on the mean of y

Interpolate off a standard curve in Excel

Most simple thing to do on paper, but somehow near impossible to work out in Excel.
I need to interpolate off a standard curve in Excel.
I have a standard curve and need to find an unknown concentration of a known absorbance.
Just like this;
My lecturer would not give us any more hints than to either use the, linear regression equation (which i think i worked out but couldn't get it to calculate the concentration) or use the point finding/picking option (no idea what this could mean)
If anyone could help me out with this I would really appreciate it, and so would my whole class!
In excel, you can do it two ways:
Method 1: Use a standard interpolation/extrapolation formula. (Bingle)
Method 2: Plot any existing data points that you have as an x-y(scatter) plot. Right-click on the data line in the chart and choose 'Add trendline'. Excel will calculate a best-fit line for your data (using linear regression) and display the line over the top of your existing data. If you right-click on this trendline, you can adjust its settings and display properties of it, including the equation used to draw it. Once you have that equation, you can plug in any value of x and get the corresponding value of y.
