Ionic Installation via npm - node.js

I am facing an error while installing cordova and ionic each and everytime. As I start my installation using npm install -g cordova ionic. The installation cursor keeps on rotating like for many minutes and then I have to explicitly terminate the installation. Please help me with this issue.

you can try
npm --loglevel info install -g cordova ionic
and it should tell you more about what is happening / where the installation process stalls.

try npm install -g cordova first followed by npm install -g ionic
also you may need to install other missing components if any, CLI will intimate you very nicely.

What the command:
npm install -g cordova
ionic does is tries to install the cordova and ionic in a sequential order and -g manages the environment variables as well.
So, i recommend you to first install cordova then ionic.
npm install -g cordova,
npm install -g ionic,
Furthermore, i prefer using gitbash CLI rather than the cli provided by default.
It handles the issues of bower installation which may appear afterwards.And if you want a complete guide from installing to building an android project you can try the steps of the blog from here.
Good Luck.

Using cache help me to face this issue with following command :
npm install -g cordova ionic --cache "c:\path\to\use\as\dependencies\cache"


npm WARN deprecated #npmcli/move-file#2.0.1: This functionality has been moved to #npmcli/fs

While installing Angular cli using the command:
npm install -g #angular/cli
I am getting this warning.
I am using node version 16.17.0 and npm version 8.19.2
I wanted to install angular cli. But ng command not working
Try the command 'ng v' and check if it asks any question about sharing data about this project with the Angular Team at Google google or any question at all about google say N as no. If it shows angular versions then it means angular/cli is installed
To solve this problem perform following steps:
npm uninstall -g #angular/cli
npm cache clean --force
npm cache verify
npm install -g #angular/cli
ng version
After this moment if you see that powershell is not allowing to execute the script
follow following steps from this site:
Chaman Gautam
and then run ng version(or any ng command you will be able to)
if you see angular
you are good to go !!!
I had the same problem recently. I tried uninstalling angular and reinstalling it but there were already 'ng' files at the location:
To resolve the issue, go to that npm folder and delete the following files:
Once these files are removed, reinstall angular cli. Follow the guide here to clear the cache and do a clean install:
The ng command should work now. Check with the below command
ng --version

Your global Angular CLI version (6.0.8) is greater than your local version (1.0.2)

C:\dev\myApp> ng serve -o
Your global Angular CLI version (6.0.8) is greater than your local version (1.0.2).
The local Angular CLI version is used.
To disable this warning use `"ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false"`
I don't know what to do with this.
I tried uninstalling angular/cli and npm cache clean but still have problems.
Anyone help me !
You have the old angular/cli package in your package.json
To update use:
npm r angular-cli
npm i #angular/cli#latest -D
Be aware though, if you have already been using the old cli for a long time, you might have to do some code migration. Especially when it comes to tests, polyfills and the angular config file.
You could try to create an empty angular project using the new cli, and compare the files which are created there, with the files you have in your own project, and update where applicable.
After that, when you have to update your cli again, you can use the new ng update command
You are using new project in older CLI you need to run this commands
npm uninstall --save-dev angular-cli
npm install --save-dev #angular/cli#latest
npm install
or you can try this approach
Updating npm :
Run [sudo] npm install -g npm (sudo is only required on Mac/ Linux)
Updating the CLI :
[sudo] npm uninstall -g angular-cli #angular/cli
npm cache clean
[sudo] npm install -g #angular/cli
i have try all command above but, it don't work. Maybe you can try this command for same probblem. it work for me.
ng update #angular/cli #angular/core
npm uninstall --save-dev angular-cli
npm install
if it still problem you can visit :
and you can choice "Angular Update Guide" for specify version update from X to X

What is causing npm install -g cordova ionic Is out of date

How i get a error when trying to install cordova and ionic when i try this: npm install -g cordova ionic i keep getting an error when trying to install This is what i get:
npm WARN deprecated npmconf#2.1.2: this package has been reintegrated into npm and is now out of date with respect to npm
Does this mean that there something wrong with ionic or cordova i don't know what that error message means?
Or is it deprecated what would i use instead if so?
My error is different from all other questions i have looked at the possible duplicate and it did not help there is another problem.
Try running this before installation
npm cache clean
Thanks Everybody but i found out my problem but i still got the error but it installed i was using git so i swiched to command prompt and it worked, but i had to do it separately like this:
npm install -g cordova
And then like this
npm install -g ionic

Error installing Cordova using NodeJs on Windows 7

Error installing Cordova using NodeJs on Windows 7
Please advice
Try to Run the command line as Administrator.
Your installation command is wrong!
It is
npm install -g cordova
npm -g install cordova
You must run cmd as administrator. If problem persist then install node and npm again.
or clean npm cache by npm cache clean command
NOTE : you must have an active internet connection!

Start with fresh copy of node, npm and cordova

I had a makeshift setup on Lubuntu that 'functioned' with sudo npm install. I used Ionic Framework generator to create projects and they functioned as well as the builds and deployment.
I upgraded to 15.04 and ever since had problems finding a solution that worked does not give EACCESS errors or grunt serve telling me
Upgrade warning - for the CLI to run correctly,
it is highly suggested to upgrade the following:
Please update your Node runtime to version >=0.12.x
Please update your Cordova CLI to version >=4.2.0 npm install -g cordova
then for npm install -g cordova to tell me
npm WARN engine cordova-serve#0.1.3: wanted: {"node":">= 0.12.0","npm":">= 2.5.1"} (current: {"node":"0.10.26","npm":"2.12.1"})
I have tried the "chown -R whoami /dir/of/npm"
I have delete npm, node install brew and created new installs for all.
I still get EACCESS errors, my yo ionic "grunt serve" deploys the browser but gives ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I installed brew, manually deleted the npm folder and did a clean install. No joy
which node - /home/username/.nvm/v0.10.26/bin/node
node -v v0.10.26
which npm - /home/userna/.linuxbrew/bin/npm
npm -v 2.12.1
which cordova - /usr/local/bin/cordova
cordova -v 3.5.0-0.2.6
And for good meassure i thought if i installed node4 all my troubles would disappear.
I know i messed this up but i would like a clean start with node, npm(without sudo) and cordova. Any help would be appreciated
Ps: I have done most of the normal suggestions hence my question.
Did you installed node using nvm?
So try
nvm use 4.0.0
In general:
nvm install [VERSION]
nvm use [VERSION]
To use permanent:
nvm alias default [VERSION]
try also to install cordova again after updating node
npm install -g cordova
If all fails:
Uninstall node and reinstall propper using brew:
cd ~
sudo rm -rf .npm
brew update
brew uninstall npm
brew install npm
