Best way to replace VBA code in multiple files? - excel

I used to use something like this:
Dim vbaComponent As Variant
For Each vbaComponent In inputWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
vbaComponent.CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, vbaComponent.CodeModule.CountOfLines
vbaComponent.CodeModule.AddFromFile importComponentFileName
Next vbaComponent
This worked perfectly for some time but now it crashes when the Excel file gets saved. I guess the files got too big or something.
Is there better way to do this?
The problem seems to be frm and cls files. The replacement of bas files works perfectly.
On some machines even bas files don't work.
EDIT3 (My current solution):
So my current solution was simply doing it by hand once and recording all mouse and keyboard input and then replaying this over and over again.
If there is no proper solution to this I plan on creating an AutoIt script for this.

you will have to export/import components, because not all lines are exposed to CodeModule, here is sample
Private Sub exportImportComponent(Project1 As VBIDE.VBProject, Project2 As VBIDE.VBProject)
Dim i As Long, sFileName As String
With Project1.VBComponents
For i = 1 To .Count
sFileName = "C:\Temp\" & .Item(i).Name
Select Case .Item(i).Type
Case vbext_ct_ClassModule
.Item(i).Export sFileName & ".cls"
Project2.VBComponents.Import sFileName & ".cls"
Case vbext_ct_StdModule
.Item(i).Export sFileName & ".bas"
Project2.VBComponents.Import sFileName & ".bas"
Case vbext_ct_MSForm
.Item(i).Export sFileName & ".frm"
Project2.VBComponents.Import sFileName & ".frm"
Case Else
Debug.Print "Different Type"
End Select
End With
End Sub

I can assure everybody because I am working on this subject for years now (I gave up several times). When the code is programmatically modified either line-based or - what my preferred approach is 1. rename, 2. delete the renamed, 3. re-import from export file, Workbook Save will crash, will say Excel closes the Workbook. In fact my approach works most of the time but since it is unpredictable I learned to live with it. In most cases the code change has already successfully been done. So I just reopen the Workbook and continue.
The code I use. I just removed all the execution trace and execution log code lines but some lines may still look a bit cryptic:
With rn_wb.VBProject
'~~ Find a free/unused temporary name and re-name the outdated component
If mComp.Exists(wb:=rn_wb, comp_name:=rn_comp_name) Then
sTempName = mComp.TempName(tn_wb:=rn_wb, tn_comp_name:=rn_comp_name)
'~~ Rename the component when it already exists
.VBComponents(rn_comp_name).Name = sTempName
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(sTempName) ' will not take place until process has ended!
End If
'~~ (Re-)import the component
.VBComponents.Import rn_raw_exp_file_full_name
'~~ Export the re-newed Used Common Component
Set Comp = New clsComp ' class module provides the export files full name
With Comp
Set Comp.Wrkbk = rn_wb
.CompName = rn_comp_name
End With
.VBComponents(rn_comp_name).Export Comp.ExpFileFullName
'~~ When Excel closes the Workbook with the subsequent Workbook save it may be re-opened
'~~ and the update process will continue with the next outdated Used Common Component.
'~~ The (irregular) Workbook close however may leave the renamed components un-removed.
'~~ When the Workbook is opened again these renamed component may cause duplicate declarations.
'~~ To prevent this the code in the renamed component is dleted.
' EliminateCodeInRenamedComponent sTempName ' this had made it much less "reliablele" so I uncommented it
SaveWbk rn_wb ' This "crahes" every now an then though I've tried a lot
End With
Private Sub SaveWbk(ByRef rs_wb As Workbook)
Application.EnableEvents = False
DoEvents ' no idea whether this helps. coded in desparation. at least it doesn't harm
DoEvents ' same as above, not executed when Excel crashes
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub


How to programmatically export and import code into Excel worksheet?

We will put 100s of Excel worksheets out in the field this year. The code periodically needs to be updated when bugs are found. For last year's effort, I was able to dynamically have workbooks pull updates for .bas files. This year I want to dynamically have workbooks pull updates for the code embedded in the worksheets too.
The export code is pretty simple, but there are artifacts in the .txt files
Sub SaveSoftwareFile(path$, name$, ext$)
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(name).Export path & name & ext
Example Call: SaveSoftwareFile path, "ThisWorkbook", ".txt"
The problem is that the export has a lot of header information that I don't care about (in red). I just want the part in blue. Is there switch that allows me not to save it, or do I have to manually go into the export and remove it myself?
The import code is pretty straight forward too, but it causes the error "Can't enter break mode at this time", and I'm struggling to figure out the right path forward. If I manually try and delete this code, Excel is also unhappy. So maybe my approach is altogether incorrect. Here's the code:
Sub UpgradeSoftwareFile(path$, name$, ext$)
Dim ErrorCode%, dest As Object
On Error GoTo errhandler
Select Case ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(name).Type
Case 1, 3 'BAS, FRM
<Not relevant for this discussion>
Case 100 'Worksheets
Set dest = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(name).codemodule
dest.DeleteLines 1, dest.CountOfLines 'Erase existing | Generates breakpoint error
dest.AddFromFile path & name & ext '| Also generates breakpoint error
End Select
Example Call: UpgradeSoftwareFile path, "ThisWorkbook", ".txt"
Thanks in advance for your help
Please, try the next way of exporting and you will not have the problem any more:
Sub SaveSoftwareFile(path$, sheetCodeModuleName$, FileName$)
Dim WsModuleCode As String, sCM As VBIDE.CodeModule, strPath As String, FileNum As Long
Set sCM = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(sheetCodeModuleName).CodeModule
WsModuleCode = sCM.Lines(1, sCM.CountOfLines)
'Debug.Print WsModuleCode
strPath = ThisWorkbook.path & "\" & FileName
FileNum = FreeFile
Open strPath For Output As #FileNum
Print #FileNum, WsModuleCode
Close #FileNum
End Sub
You can use the above Sub as following:
Sub testSaveSheetCodeModule()
Dim strPath As String, strFileName As String, strCodeModuleName As String
strPath = ThisWorkbook.path
strFileName = "SheetCode_x.txt"
strCodeModuleName = Worksheets("Test2").codename 'use here your sheet name
SaveSoftwareFile strPath, strCodeModuleName, strFileName
End Sub
Now, the created text file contains only the code itself, without the attributes saved by exporting the code...
Import part:
"Can't enter break mode at this time" does not mean that it is an error in the code. There are some operations (allowed only if a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility ... exists) in code module manipulation, which cannot simple be run step by step. VBA needs to keep references to its VBComponents and it looks, it is not possible when changes in this area and in this way are made.
The import code is simple and it must run without problems. You must simple run the code and test its output...

Deploying Macros as Add Ins with Custom Ribbon Buttons to the entire office

I have been searching for a way to distribute macros to my tech illiterate office in the simplest way I can.
From my research, saving the Macros into a .xlam add-in would seem to be headed in the right direction.
Is it also possible to set up a custom ribbon tab in this manner?
Thus far I have failed to find any guides and our office security may also block certain avenues.
Using W-Hit's excellent solution, and setting up the folder structure as indicated, it definitely helps make deploying an update much easier with the DeployAddIn subroutine.
I also found it useful to put the DeployAddIn and InstallAddin subroutines into a custom ribbon tab of their own!
I ran into a problem with the InstallAddin subroutine however: how to format the XML text in VBA without running into syntax errors.
I discovered that Each Element must have mso at the start e.g. <button> becomes <mso:button> and each "speech marked section" in a line must have ""double speech marks".
Perhaps the easiest way to use this install function is to save and edit the code into an active file, then open C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\Excel.officeUI in Notepad++. Then simply perform a find and replace to add in the extra quotation marks and paste it into the ribbonXML = "insert your text here" section of the code, ensuring it is encapsulated by the final speech marks to mark the entire section as a text string.
I might also look into adding extra functionality here... having an inputbox or userform that allows you to paste the code in at this point rather than have you enter the VBA editor to paste it in.
I currently do this, and it's a somewhat in depth process to setup, but runs smoothly once it is.
1st step is to create a folder structure with testing and production copies of your .xlam files that you are the admin for.
2nd, in the production folder, right click all .xlam files and set the attributes in the properties to Read-only. If you don't you'll never be able to update the addin if anyone else is in it.
3rd, when you make updates to the code in the testing file, just replace the production file with the updated file, and change to Read-only again. Users will only have to close all instances of excel and reopen to have the most up-to-date copy of the add-in.
Below is an admin add-in I use to move testing files to production.
Sub DeployAddIn()
'Author : Ken Puls (
'Macro Purpose: To deploy finished/updated add-in to a network
' location as a read only file
Dim strAddinDevelopmentPath As String
Dim strAddinPublicPath As String
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
'Set development path
ChDrive "R:"
ChDir "R:\addins\PROJECTS"
strAddinDevelopmentPath = Application.GetOpenFilename()
If strAddinDevelopmentPath = "False" Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf InStr(strAddinDevelopmentPath, "\PRODUCTION\") > 1 Then
If MsgBox("You've Selected a Production File To Replace a Production File. Would You Like To Continue Anyway?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Get Desitination path
strAddinPublicPath = Replace(strAddinDevelopmentPath, "TESTING", "PRODUCTION")
'Create dir if it doesn't exist
On Error Resume Next
MkDir Left(strAddinPublicPath, InStrRev(strAddinPublicPath, "\") - 1)
On Error GoTo 0
'Turn off alert regarding overwriting existing files
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'overwrite existing file
On Error Resume Next
SetAttr strAddinPublicPath, vbNormal
On Error GoTo 0
FSO.CopyFile strAddinDevelopmentPath, strAddinPublicPath, True
SetAttr strAddinPublicPath, vbReadOnly
'Resume alerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
4th, I've also written a macro to change the custom ribbon. The below link, in addition Ron deBruin's site is useful.
Code to automate addin install after you get the right text from the officeUI file
Sub InstallAddin()
'Adapted from
Dim eai As Excel.AddIn
Dim alreadyinstalled As Boolean
Dim ribbonXML As String
'check if already installed
For Each eai In Application.AddIns
If eai.Name = "Main addin.xlam" Then
eai.Installed = False
Exit For
End If
'add and install the addin
Set eai = Application.AddIns.Add("path to Main addin.xlam", False)
eai.Installed = True
'append quick access ribbon xml to add button
'have to close addin for it to load properly the first time
Workbooks("Main addin.xlam").Close
End Sub
Sub ClearCustRibbon()
Dim hFile As Long
Dim ribbonXMLString As String
hFile = FreeFile
OfficeUIFilePath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\Excel.officeUI"
ribbonXMLString = "<mso:customUI xmlns:mso="""">" & _
"<mso:ribbon>" & _
"<mso:qat>" & _
"<mso:sharedControls>" & _
"</mso:sharedControls>" & _
"</mso:qat>" & _
"</mso:ribbon>" & _
Open OfficeUIFilePath For Output Access Write As hFile
Print #hFile, ribbonXMLString
Close hFile
End Sub
Sub LoadNewRibbon()
Dim hFile As Long
hFile = FreeFile
OfficeUIFilePath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\Excel.officeUI"
ribbonXML = "your ribbon text here"
Open OfficeUIFilePath For Output Access Write As hFile
Print #hFile, ribbonXML
Close hFile
End Sub
***IMPORTANT---- If you install the addin manually, make sure you select no when prompted if you want the file saved to the local machine. If you save it to the local machine, it creates a local copy, and will never update if you make changes to the network copy or need to fix an error.
There are more tips, but you'll mostly need to adapt them to fit how you operate. Hope that helps.

How to Import a Sheet from an external Workbook AND use the Filename (WITHOUT the .datatype at the end ) as the New Worksheet name?

How to import a Sheet from an external Workbook AND use the Filename (WITHOUT the .datatype at the end) as the new Worksheet name?
The part with WITHOUT the .datatype at the end I meant because I could split the filename from the file path with UBound, but when I try to do that with the filename and the filetype at the end, it doesn't work and gives me an error. Perhaps i dont understand ubound
well enough.
I found this Sub somewhere here on the forum.
But I don't want to import any sheet except the sheet which has the same name as the file itself. So I am not even sure if you need to specify the sheet name.
So I have this Excel file with VBA macros. And the Sheet is called Blank (Since I can't have an excel file without a sheet inside it) and
I have a Userform button where I browse for the file first, and the sheet there should be imported to my Excel File and delete the Blank sheet and import the new EXTERNAL sheet.
Also, it should import ANY Sheet from the file path. Because the names will always be different.
And also, how do I import the data as csv?
I am googling but I don't see what exactly causes it to be imported as csv at other peoples solutions.
Sub ImportSheet()
Dim sImportFile As String, sFile As String
Dim sThisBk As Workbook, wbBk As Workbook
Dim vfilename As Variant
Dim wsSht As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set sThisBk = ActiveWorkbook
sImportFile = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
FileFilter:="Comma Separated Value, *.csv", Title:="Open Workbook")
If sImportFile = "False" Then
MsgBox "No File Selected!"
Exit Sub
vfilename = Split(sImportFile, "\")
sFile = vfilename(UBound(vfilename))
Application.Workbooks.Open Filename:=sImportFile
Set wbBk = Workbooks(sFile)
With wbBk
If SheetExists("GaebTesten.g42_2") Then
Set wsSht = .Sheets("GaebTesten.g42_2")
wsSht.Copy Before:=sThisBk.Sheets("Start")
MsgBox "There is no sheet with name :US in:" & vbCr & .Name
End If
wbBk.Close SaveChanges:=False
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Private Function SheetExists(sWSName As String) As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = Worksheets(sWSName)
If Not ws Is Nothing Then SheetExists = True
End Function
this is my second post here on stack overflow, and my first question was very dumb, and when I asked my first question, it was my 2nd hour with vba.
I think I am at about 30 hours now and I've learned a lot.
Question: I am doing this Excel Macro in VBA with userform too now. But mostly I google how to do what and I try to implement it WHILE understanding it, I don't just copy and paste code. Often I just do line by line and test it out.
BUT... how do you guys remember all that?
If I had to program the same thing again right now, I won't know how to, because I know how a syntax works, but I wouldn't know which syntax and stuff to actually use to achieve the desired effect...
Does it come from repeating the same things = experience?
Or how do you acquire the abilities to code without googling almost every single thing? When watching youtubers live streaming how they code something, they never look it up on the internet....
Let me present you a different way than pure string manipulation:
Set a new reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime. This will enable the Scripting namespace. With it you can do things like the following:
sImportFile = "C:\StackFolder\PrintMyName.xlsx"
With New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Debug.Print .GetBaseName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "PrintMyName"
Debug.Print .GetExtensionName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "xlsx"
Debug.Print .GetFileName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "PrintMyName.xlsx"
Debug.Print .GetDriveName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "C:"
Debug.Print .GetParentFolderName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "C:\StackFolder"
End With
You can build a little helper function to give you the part of the file name you need:
Public Function GetFilenameWithoutExtension(ByVal filename as String) as String
With New Scripting.FileSystemObject
GetFilenameWithoutExtension = .GetBaseName(filename)
End With
End Function
and call it: sFile = GetFilenameWithoutExtension(sImportFile)
Regarding the interesting use of UBound in your subroutine, you could even get the filename (without extension) that way - assuming it doesn't contain additional dots:
vfilename = Split(sImportFile, "\")
sFile = vfilename(UBound(vfilename))
SplitName = Split(sFile, ".")
FilenameWithoutExtension = SplitName(UBound(SplitName)-1)
Extension = SplitName(UBound(SplitName))
These are, however, purely academical thoughts and I wouldn't recommend doing it this way.
Here are two ways to extract the workbook name without the file extension. Here I am removing the extension .xlsx. If the extension is constant, you can just hard code it. If not, you can use wildcards also
MsgBox Left(wbBk.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 5)
MsgBox Replace(wbBk.Name, ".xlsx", "")
You can refer to the sheet with the same name as the workbook by using something like
Sheets(Left(wbBk.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 5).Copy
Sheets(Replace(wbBk.Name, ".xlsx", "").Copy
You can use InstrRev. It is efficient as starts from the end of the string which is where the extension is located.
Left$(wbBk.Name, InStrRev((wbBk.Name, ".") - 1)

VBA Code to Convert CSV to XLS

Objective: I have a folder where multiple CSVs are dumped on my drive. These CSVs need to be converted to XLS files and saved (as XLS files) into the same, original folder. I have a code (pasted below) for it that works just fine, but...
Problem: A window pops up each time saying "Code execution has been interrupted," allowing me to Continue, End, or Debug. I can click Continue each time the window pops up (it pops up for each file that needs to be converted) and the script will work perfectly, but of course, I'd rather not have to click Continue potentially hundreds of times. The asterisk'd part of the code below is the part that is highlighted upon clicking Debug.
Sub Convert_CSV_XLS()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim strFile As String, strDir As String
strDir = "xx:\xx\xx\xx\xx\xx\xx\xx\"
strFile = Dir(strDir & "*.csv")
Do While strFile <> ""
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strDir & "\" & strFile, Local:=True)
**wb.SaveAs Replace(wb.FullName, ".csv", ".xls"), 56**
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
Set wb = Nothing
strFile = Dir
End Sub
Again - the code DOES work, it's just that the Debug window keeps popping up and I can't figure out what the issue is. By the way, I had to "xx" out the actual directory.
Thank you for any help!
Try : this
It may help solving your problem, I had one of those sticky debug boxes too for no reason at all and this line helped me.
Edit: Here's the code from the website above which solves the problem described.
Adding this line in the beggining of one's code will do the trick.
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled

Flushing changes made to VBProject.VBComponents in Excel using VBA

I've been experiencing some strange quirks in Excel while programatically removing modules then reimporting them from files. Basically, I have a module named VersionControl that is supposed to export my files to a predefined folder, and reimport them on demand. This is the code for reimporting (the problem with it is described below):
Dim i As Integer
Dim ModuleName As String
Application.EnableEvents = False
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
For i = 1 To .VBComponents.Count
If .VBComponents(i).CodeModule.CountOfLines > 0 Then
ModuleName = .VBComponents(i).CodeModule.Name
If ModuleName <> "VersionControl" Then
If PathExists(VersionControlPath & "\" & ModuleName & ".bas") Then
Call .VBComponents.Remove(.VBComponents(ModuleName))
Call .VBComponents.Import(VersionControlPath & "\" & ModuleName & ".bas")
MsgBox VersionControlPath & "\" & ModuleName & ".bas" & " cannot be found. No operation will be attempted for that module."
End If
End If
End If
Next i
End With
After running this, I've noticed that some modules don't appear anymore, while some have duplicates (e.g. mymodule and mymodule1). While stepping through the code, it became obvious that some modules still linger after the Remove call, and they get to be reimported while still in the project. Sometimes, this only resulted having the module suffixed with 1, but sometimes I had both the original and the copy.
Is there a way to flush the calls to Remove and Import so they apply themselves? I'm thinking to call a Save function after each, if there's one in the Application object, although this can cause losses if things go wrong during import.
Edit: changed tag synchronization to version-control.
This is a live array, you are adding and removing items during iteration thereby changing the index numbers. Try processing the array backwards. Here is my solution without any error handling:
Private Const PROJ_NAME As String = "PROJECT_NAME"
Sub EnsureProjectFolder()
' Does this project directory exist
If Len(Dir(DIR_VERSIONING & PROJ_NAME, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
' Create it
End If
End Sub
Function ProjectFolder() As String
' Ensure the folder exists whenever we try to access it (can be deleted mid execution)
' Create the required full path
ProjectFolder = DIR_VERSIONING & PROJ_NAME & "\"
End Function
Sub SaveCodeModules()
'This code Exports all VBA modules
Dim i%, sName$
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
' Iterate all code files and export accordingly
For i% = 1 To .VBComponents.count
' Extract this component name
sName$ = .VBComponents(i%).CodeModule.Name
If .VBComponents(i%).Type = 1 Then
' Standard Module
.VBComponents(i%).Export ProjectFolder & sName$ & ".bas"
ElseIf .VBComponents(i%).Type = 2 Then
' Class
.VBComponents(i%).Export ProjectFolder & sName$ & ".cls"
ElseIf .VBComponents(i%).Type = 3 Then
' Form
.VBComponents(i%).Export ProjectFolder & sName$ & ".frm"
ElseIf .VBComponents(i%).Type = 100 Then
' Document
.VBComponents(i%).Export ProjectFolder & sName$ & ".bas"
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Sub ImportCodeModules()
Dim i%, sName$
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
' Iterate all components and attempt to import their source from the network share
' Process backwords as we are working through a live array while removing/adding items
For i% = .VBComponents.count To 1 Step -1
' Extract this component name
sName$ = .VBComponents(i%).CodeModule.Name
' Do not change the source of this module which is currently running
If sName$ <> "VersionControl" Then
' Import relevant source file if it exists
If .VBComponents(i%).Type = 1 Then
' Standard Module
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(sName$)
.VBComponents.Import fileName:=ProjectFolder & sName$ & ".bas"
ElseIf .VBComponents(i%).Type = 2 Then
' Class
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(sName$)
.VBComponents.Import fileName:=ProjectFolder & sName$ & ".cls"
ElseIf .VBComponents(i%).Type = 3 Then
' Form
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(sName$)
.VBComponents.Import fileName:=ProjectFolder & sName$ & ".frm"
ElseIf .VBComponents(i%).Type = 100 Then
' Document
Dim TempVbComponent, FileContents$
' Import the document. This will come in as a class with an increment suffix (1)
Set TempVbComponent = .VBComponents.Import(ProjectFolder & sName$ & ".bas")
' Delete any lines of data in the document
If .VBComponents(i%).CodeModule.CountOfLines > 0 Then .VBComponents(i%).CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, .VBComponents(i%).CodeModule.CountOfLines
' Does this file contain any source data?
If TempVbComponent.CodeModule.CountOfLines > 0 Then
' Pull the lines into a string
FileContents$ = TempVbComponent.CodeModule.Lines(1, TempVbComponent.CodeModule.CountOfLines)
' And copy them to the correct document
.VBComponents(i%).CodeModule.InsertLines 1, FileContents$
End If
' Remove the temporary document class
.VBComponents.Remove TempVbComponent
Set TempVbComponent = Nothing
End If
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
OP here... I managed to work around this weird issue, but I haven't found a true solution. Here's what I did.
My first attempt after posting the question was this (spoiler: it almost worked):
Keep removing separate from importing, but in the same procedure. This means that I had 3 loops - one to store a list of the module names (as plain strings), another to remove the modules, and another to import the modules from files (based on the names that were stored in the aforementioned list).
The problem: some modules were still in the project when the removal loop ended. Why? I cannot explain. I'll mark this as stupid problem no. 1. I then tried placing the Remove call for every module inside a loop that kept trying to remove that single module until it couldn't find it in the project. This got stuck in an infinite loop for a certain module - I can't tell what's so special about that particular one.
I eventually figured out that the modules were only truly removed after Excel finds some time to clear its thoughts. This didn't work with Application.Wait(). The currently running VBA code actually needed to end for this to happen. Weird.
Second work-around attempt (spoiler: again, it almost worked):
To give Excel the required time to breathe after removals, I placed the removing loop inside a button click handler (without the "call Remove until it's gone" loop), and the importing loop in the click handler of another button. Of course, I needed the list of module names, so I made it a global array of strings. It was created in the click handler, before the removal loop, and it was supposed to be accessed by the importing loop. Should have worked, right?
The problem: The aforementioned string array was empty when the importing loop started (inside the other click handler). It was definitely there when the removal loop ended - I printed it with Debug.Print. I guess it got de-allocated by the removals (??). This would be stupid problem no. 2. Without the string array containing the module names, the importing loop did nothing, so this work-around failed.
Final, functional workaround. This one works.
I took Work-around number 2 and, instead of storing the module names in a string array, I stored them in a row of an auxiliary sheet (I called this sheet "Devel").
This was it. If anyone can explain stupid problem no. 1 and stupid problem no. 2, I beg you, do so. They're probably not that stupid - I'm still at the beginning with VBA, but I have solid knowledge of programming in other (sane and modern) languages.
I could add the code to illustrate stupid problem no. 2, but this answer is already long. If what I did was not clear, I will place it here.
To avoid duplicate when importing, I modified the script with following strategy :
Rename existing module
Import module
Delete renamed module
I don't have anymore duplicate during import.
Sub SaveCodeModules()
'This code Exports all VBA modules
Dim i As Integer, name As String
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
For i = .VBComponents.Count To 1 Step -1
name = .VBComponents(i)
If .VBComponents(i).Type = 1 Then
' Standard Module
.VBComponents(i).Export Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\trunk\" & name & ".module"
ElseIf .VBComponents(i).Type = 2 Then
' Class
.VBComponents(i).Export Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\trunk\" & name & ".classe"
ElseIf .VBComponents(i).Type = 3 Then
' Form
.VBComponents(i).Export Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\trunk\" & name & ".form"
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Sub ImportCodeModules()
Dim i As Integer
Dim delname As String
Dim modulename As String
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
For i = .VBComponents.Count To 1 Step -1
modulename = .VBComponents(i)
If modulename <> "VersionControl" Then
delname = modulename & "_to_delete"
If .VBComponents(i).Type = 1 Then
' Standard Module
.VBComponents(modulename).name = delname
.VBComponents.Import Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\trunk\" & modulename & ".module"
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(delname)
ElseIf .VBComponents(i).Type = 2 Then
' Class
.VBComponents(modulename).name = delname
.VBComponents.Import Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\trunk\" & modulename & ".classe"
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(delname)
ElseIf .VBComponents(i).Type = 3 Then
' Form
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(modulename)
.VBComponents.Import Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\trunk\" & modulename & ".form"
End If
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Code to be pasted in a new module "VersionControl"
I've been struggling with this issue for days now. I built a crude version control system similar to this, though not using arrays. The version control module is imported on Workbook_Open and then the startup procedure is called to import all of the modules listed in the version control module. Everything works great except Excel started creating duplicate version control modules because it would import the new module before the deletion of the existing one finished. I worked around that by appending Delete to the previous module. The problem then being that there were still two procedures with the same name. Chip Pearson has some code for deleting a procedure programmatically, so I deleted the startup code from the older version control module. Still, I ran into an issue where the procedure had not been deleted by the time the startup procedure was called. I finally found a solution on another stack overflow thread that is so simple it makes me want to put my head through a wall. All I had to do was change the way I call my startup procedure by using
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "StartUp"
Everything works perfectly now. Though, I will probably go back and delete out the now redundant renaming of the module and deleting the second procedure and see if this alone solves my original problem. Here is the other thread with the solution...
Source control of Excel VBA code modules
Not sure if it helps somebody ...
In an xlsm container (if you open it as a zip-file) you can find a file called like vbaproject. You can overwrite this in order to "update" the whole content of the VBProject (all standardmodules, classmodules, userforms, table-modules and thisworkbook-module).
With this aproach you can create the "new" code etc. in a copy of your workbook and finally overwrite the vbproject file in the destination workbook. This maybe avoid the need to export / import modules and suffering of duplicates. (Sorry for posting no code due to lack of time)
The rename, import and delete workaround didn't work in my case. It seems (but this is pure speculation) that Excel might save the compiled objects in its .XLMS file, and when this file is re-opened these objects are reloaded in memory before the ThisWorkbook_open function occurs. And this leads the renaming (or removal) of certain modules to fail or be delayed (even when trying to force it with the DoEvents call). The only workaround I found is to use the .XLS binary format. For some obscure reason (I suspect the compiled objects are not bundled in the file), it works for me.
You have to know that you won't be able to re-import any module being/having been used or referenced at the time your import code runs (renaming will fail with error 32813/removal of the module will be delayed until after you will try to import, adding annoying '1's at the end of your module names). But for any other module, it should work.
If all of your source code needs to be managed, a better solution would be to "build" your workbook from scratch using some script or tool, or switch to a better suited programming language (i.e. one that doesn't live inside an Office suite software ;) I haven't tried it but you could look here: Source control of Excel VBA code modules.
I've spent quite some time on this issue. The point is that any VBComponent deleted is in fact not deleted before the process which did it has ended. Because rename is done immediately this is the method of choice to get the new imported component out of the way.
By the way: For the versioning I use Github which is easy to use and just perfect, specifically when only changed components are exported - what I do.
Those interested may have a look at the public Github repo Excel-VB-Components-Management-Services or at the related post Programmatically updating or synchronizing VBA code of Excel VB-Project Components
Another situation related to the title of this question:
I was adding components in a loop (from python):
for file in files_to_import:
This sometimes corrupted the workbook, sometimes did not.
It appears something as simple as this:
for file in files_to_import:
helps "flush" the vbproject and fix the issue 🤞
