Do I need OAuth if I use HTTPS? - node.js

I'm building an Node API, together with a Javascript client Application.
I was wondering if there are benefits to implementing OAuth, if I am also using HTTPS.
What if I just send username + password on each request instead of implement OAuth?
As far as I know, HTTPS encrypt the client-server communcation. But I might be missing something importatn.
I'm not going to allow third-party apps to access my API.

OAuth is authorization framework, so you are not getting any security over your API calls by default, especially if you are using OAuth2 which is most likely the case. If you don't need to authorize third party apps, then you don't need it.
If you want to secure your API though, then take a look at hawk, using just Basic authentication is a bit naive.


How can I use OAuth with stateless REST API?

When using Passport, a session is used to transfer the user information. This breaks the statelessness of my REST api. How can I use OAuth statelessly on a node/express server?
Most APIs will use the Authorization header, but this is not fundamentally different from putting it in a cookie. Having an authentication token in either header doesn't really break any REST constraints.
The Authorization header is probably preferred unless you want your API to be usable by web browsers.

protect my API from being used by others

I am writing a mobile app, and its corresponding RESTful API in NodeJS.
Is it possible to make my RESTful API only usable from my app?
I have done some research, and found posts like this. But it is kinda irrelevant to my needs.
I think the simplest thing will be to hardcode secret key in your application and send it with each request. Also use ssl to protect this key. The only way to get it then will be reverse engineering of your app.
You also you can use bearer tokens, something like OAuth and OAuth2.

Authentication strategy for REST API and mobile app

I'm creating a REST API server with Node.js and Express + MongoDB.
This API will have different mobile clients (iOS, Android) and possibly a web app later on.
I need users to login in order to perform some API requests. There are no 3rd party apps I want to connect with (no Facebook, Google etc). I also don't want to force the users to visit a webpage or anything like that in order for them to login.
From what I've seen on my many searches on SO, the best approach would be to let users login with full credentials once, send them a token in return, and use that token to verify future requests until it expires.
However, I'm not sure how to implement this.
I'm very confused with all of the different strategies. Is this done with basic authentication over HTTPS, with OAuth, OAuth 2.0, ... ? I just don't know what to use.
Also, I really don't want to reinvent the wheel here, not because I'm lazy, but mainly because of security concerns. Is there a library I could use to implement this? I've heard of Passport, but I couldn't understand if this is doable or not. This sounds like such a generic thing I'm sure there's a simple solution out there.
Now you can use Passport.js with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) with Passport-JWT. It's pretty easy to use.
Once a user is logged in, you send a token to the user. The token contains data about the user, like an id (encoded, of course). On the subsequent requests (at least where authentication is required) you make sure, that the client sends the token. On the server, you can see who sent the request (and e.g. check the user's authorization), just by looking at the token. For more info on how JWT work check this out.
There are different ways to send the token. Just have a look at the docs and it'll be clear. If not, this also helped me.
I feel you need to setup a Token Based Authentication process in your server, so you can make requests from different types of clients (Android, iOS, Web, etc.). Unfortunately, Passport documentation (and Passport-based tutorials) seems to be aimed for "web applications" only, so I do not think you should be using it for those purposes.
I did something similar following this great tutorial:
The client part in this tutorial is based on AngularJS, but can easily apply the same principles in a mobile client (it is just a matter of making HTTP requests including a token retrieved when you post in "/signin" or "/authenticate").
Good luck!
There is an example of RESTful service with oauth2 authentication: I hope it will help.

User authentication through my REST API and Facebook

I'm a bit confused about how to properly and securely authenticate users using my REST API and provide and option to authenticate using other OAuth 2.0 providers as well (e.g. Facebook, Google, etc.).
Users interact with a web application which should consume my REST API. Users should be able to login and perform CRUD operations both using username/password and by using 3rd party services such as Facebook. I will be using SSL to encrypt the traffic to the website and the API.
Without taking the 3rd party login services in consideration and by studying the various questions already asked here on SO, I thought about handling user authentication as in the picture.
Technologies and current idea
The REST API is written using JS using NodeJS and Express. The WebApp provided through another NodeJS instance is mostly AngularJS with templates which consumes the REST API.
My current idea is to let the WebApp handle the login sequence and let Facebook save their token in my DB using the callback. But this solution smells too much of workaround!
Is the authentication sequence depicted in the image correct?
How is the above authentication sequence compared to the Resource Owner Password Credential flow in OAuth2.0? Is it worth using OAuth2.0 instead of it?
How can I integrate login through 3rd parties (i.e. Facebook)? Any suggestion or (better) example?
passport.js RESTful auth
Login with facebook and using oauth 2.0 for authentication of REST api calls
And many others here on SO :)
My 2 cents..
The process looks good to me.. I would re-issue the token on each sign in and also keep it inside a database so tokens can be revoked easily.
Use PassportJS. Its got support for OAuth flows and supports many 3rd party integrations like FB, Twitter, Github etc..and since its a nodejs middleware.. its integration will be very tight within your application..

OAuth - embedding client secret in your application?

I'm looking at the oauth implementation twitter proposes here:
and oauth libraries like signpost:
they both talk about using the client secret during the oauth flow, which means for my client application, I'd need to store the secret in the application itself. This is probably risky as someone could grab the secret out of my app. Are there any methods around storing the secret within my app? Am I misunderstanding the oauth flow?
There are no ways of storing client credentials in a native or JavaScript application without making them practically public. Also, putting those credentials on a proxy server and having the client talk to the server (so that the credentials are not exposed) doesn't really solve anything either. Now you have a problem of authenticating the client to the proxy.
The right solution is to have special support for native applications provided by the OAuth service. OAuth 2.0 uses pre-registered redirection URIs and other techniques to accomplish a reasonable client identity verification for such clients.
