Getting Rid of Needless Arguments - python-3.x

import random
def makeTable(f, v):
f = random.randint(1, 7)
v = random.randint(f, 10)
table = [[0 for x in range(v)] for y in range(f)]
for i in range(f):
for j in range(v):
table[i][j] = random.randint(1, 100)
return table
def printTable(table):
# print the table (helpful for visualizing)
for i in range(len(table)):
print("\t".join(str(a) for a in table[i]))
def calculateSums(startRow, startColumn, initialSum):
if startRow == f - 1:
# if the last row is reached add each of the coming values
# to the variable initialSum and append to the list totalSums.
for k in range(startColumn, v):
totalSums.append(initialSum + table[f - 1][k])
while startColumn <= (v - f + startRow):
# the constraint (v-f+startRow) determines the limit
# how far each row can go to the right.
# e.g. in a 3*5 table the limit for the first row is the third column,
# the limit for the 2nd row is the fourth column, etc.
initialSum += table[startRow][startColumn]
calculateSums(startRow + 1, startColumn + 1, initialSum)
initialSum -= table[startRow][startColumn]
startColumn += 1
return max(totalSums)
f = random.randint(1, 7)
v = random.randint(f, 10)
# generate the number of flowers, f, and number of vases, v.
table = makeTable(f, v)
print('Number of flowers: ', f)
print('Number of vases: ', v)
totalSums = []
print('Maximum sum is: ', calculateSums(0, 0, 0))
(I have a feeling that this is a stupid question, and possibly asked already, but I do not know how to search for it.)
In the above code calculateSums function will always receive the same arguments, thus it seems silly to pass them in. Yet I could not figure out how to manage them inside the function. What am I supposed to do?

You could use default parameters:
def calculateSums(startRow=0, startColumn=0, initialSum=0):
You can then make the initial call without parameters:
print('Maximum sum is: ', calculateSums())
However, be careful when using expressions in default arguments. These are calculated when the function is defined, not when it’s called.


Why does my function with complex numbers return as a NoneType?

I've been trying to code something to draw the mandelbrot-set, but my function doesnt seem to work.
the 'point' in my code is a complex number that is defined somewhere else in the code.
def mandelbrot(point, gen):
z = point
if gen > 0:
mandelbrot(z**2 + c, gen-1)
return (z.real**2 + z.imag**2)**(1/2)
I got a grid of points that get colored in based on the result of this function. It would start with a complex number that i define in a loop later, and the 'gen' is just an integer that determines how often the function is used so i can do quicker tests in case it works. I thought it should have returned the length of the vector, but it gave an error that it was a NoneType.
For context, here is the full code:
import turtle
import cmath
Pen = turtle.Turtle()
size = 800
resolution = 16
accuracy = 3
c = complex(0,0)
z = complex(0,0)
Pen.goto(-size/2, -size/2)
def mandelbrot(point, gen):
z = point
if gen > 0:
mandelbrot(z**2 + c, gen-1)
return (z.real**2 + z.imag**2)**(1/2)
def pixel(point):
if mandelbrot(point, accuracy) > 2:
for i in range (0, 4):
for i in range(0, resolution):
Pen.goto(-size/2, -size/2 + i*size/resolution)
for j in range(0, resolution):
c = complex((-size/2 + j*size/resolution)/size*4,
(-size/2 + i*size/resolution)/size*4)

Solving this series using special series in algebra(use of mathematics)

So I am supposed to find the sum of this series :
f(n) = 1 + (2*3) + (4*5*6) + .....n terms
I did this using recursion as follows:
def f(n):
if n == 1:
return 1
product = 1
add = 0
s = (n * (n+1))/2
for i in range (0,n):
product = product * s
s = s - 1
add = product + f(n-1)
return add
Now please bear with me
I thought I could do this faster if I could use special series in linear algebra:
Here is what I attempted:
I found the nth term(through some vigorous calculations) : Tn =
Now is there a method I can use this formula to find sum of Tn and hence the series using python.
I also want to know whether we can do such things in python or not?
You can translate that product to Python using a for loop, analog to how you kept track of the product in your recursive function. So T(n) would be:
def T(n):
product = 1
for r in range(1, n+1):
product *= (n * (n - 1)) / 2 + r
return product
Now as you said, you need to find the sum of T(x) for x from 1 to n. In Python:
def f(n):
sum = 0
for i in range(1, n+1):
sum += T(i)
return sum
a += x is the same as a = a + x,
analog a *= x is equal to a = a * x

create set of randomized column names in pandas dataframe

I am trying to create a set of columns (within panda dataframe) where the column names are randomized. This is because I want to generate filter data from a larger data-set in a randomized fashion.
How can I generate an N (= 4) * 3 set of column names as per below?
car_speed state_8 state_17 state_19 state_16 wd_8 wd_17 wd_19 wd_16 wu_8 wu_17 wu_19 wu_16
My potential code below, but doesn't really work. I need the blocks'state_' first, then 'wd_', and then 'wd_'. My code below generates 'state_', 'wd_', 'wu_' individually in consecutive order. I have problems further on, when it is in that order, of filling in the data from the larger data-set
def iteration1(data, classes = 50, sigNum = 4):
dataNN = pd.DataFrame(index = [0])
dataNN['car_speed'] = np.zeros(1)
while len(dataNN.columns) < sigNum + 1:
state =, 50))
dataNN['state_'+str(state)] = np.zeros(1) # this is the state value set-up
dataNN['wd_' + str(state)] = np.zeros(1) # this is the weight direction
dataNN['wu_' + str(state)] = np.zeros(1) # this is the weight magnitude
count = 0 # initialize count row as zero
while count < classes :
dataNN.loc[count] = np.zeros(len(dataNN.columns))
for state in dataNN.columns[1:10]:
dataNN[state].loc[count] = data[state].loc[count]
count = count + 1
if count > classes : break
return dataNN
Assuming the problem you have is lack of grouping of "state_*", "wd_*", and "wu_*" I suggest that you first select sigNum / 3 random ints and then use them to label the columns. Like the following:
states = [, 50)) for _ in range (sigNum/3)]
i = 0
while len(dataNN.columns) <= sigNum:
state = states[i]
i += 1
dataNN['state_'+str(state)] = np.zeros(1) # this is the state value set-up
dataNN['wd_' + str(state)] = np.zeros(1) # this is the weight direction
dataNN['wu_' + str(state)] = np.zeros(1) # this is the weight magnitude
import random
import pandas as pd
def iteration1(data, classes = 5, subNum = 15):
dataNN = pd.DataFrame(index = [0])
dataNN['car_speed'] = np.zeros(1)
states = random.sample(range(50), sub_sig)
for i in range(0, sub_sig, 1):
dataNN['state_'+str(states[i])] = np.zeros(1) # this is the state value set-up
for i in range(0, subNum, 1):
dataNN['wd_' + str(states[i])] = np.zeros(1) # this is the weight direction
for i in range(0, subNum, 1):
dataNN['wu_' + str(states[i])] = np.zeros(1) # this is the weight magnitude
return dataNN

Smoothing values (neighbors between 1-9)

Instructions: Compute and store R=1000 random values from 0-1 as x. moving_window_average(x, n_neighbors) is pre-loaded into memory from 3a. Compute the moving window average for x for the range of n_neighbors 1-9. Store x as well as each of these averages as consecutive lists in a list called Y.
My solution:
R = 1000
n_neighbors = 9
x = [random.uniform(0,1) for i in range(R)]
Y = [moving_window_average(x, n_neighbors) for n_neighbors in range(1,n_neighbors)]
where moving_window_average(x, n_neighbors) is a function as follows:
def moving_window_average(x, n_neighbors=1):
n = len(x)
width = n_neighbors*2 + 1
x = [x[0]]*n_neighbors + x + [x[-1]]*n_neighbors
# To complete the function,
# return a list of the mean of values from i to i+width for all values i from 0 to n-1.
for i in range(1,n+1):
mean_values.append((x[i-1] + x[i] + x[i+1])/width)
return (mean_values)
This gives me an error, Check your usage of Y again. Even though I've tested for a few values, I did not get yet why there is a problem with this exercise. Did I just misunderstand something?
The instruction tells you to compute moving averages for all neighbors ranging from 1 to 9. So the below code should work:
import random
R = 1000
x = []
for i in range(R):
num = random.uniform(0,1)
Y = []
for i in range(1,10):
mov_avg = moving_window_average(x, n_neighbors=i)
Actually your moving_window_average(list, n_neighbors) function is not going to work with a n_neighbors bigger than one, I mean, the interpreter won't say a thing, but you're not delivering correctness on what you have been asked.
I suggest you to use something like:
def moving_window_average(x, n_neighbors=1):
n = len(x)
width = n_neighbors*2 + 1
x = [x[0]]*n_neighbors + x + [x[-1]]*n_neighbors
mean_values = []
for i in range(n):
temp = x[i: i+width]
sum_= 0
for elm in temp:
sum_+= elm
mean_values.append(sum_ / width)
return mean_values
My solution for +100XP
import random
Y = list()
x = [random.uniform(0, 1) for num in range(R)]
for n_neighbors in range(10):
Y.append(moving_window_average(x, n_neighbors))

Dp with memoize

This is a problem in 'introduction to algorithm' dp chapter
We have to cut a long steel in order to gain most benefits
the first line is length and the second line is price.
def cut_rod_mem(n, p):
m = [0]
for i in range(10):
def inner(n, p):
if m[n]!=-1:
return m[n]
for i in range(1, n + 1):
t = p[i] + inner(n - i, p)
if t > m[n]:
m[n] = t
return m[n]
return inner(n,p)
I am confused if this list will be out of range?
It will not be out of range because the elements of array are indexed from 0 to n-1, i.e in the above case 0 to 9. In the function inner the for loop goes from 1 to n, thus inner(n - i, p) is in range with values inner(9, p) ..... inner(0, p).
