Raspberry Pi: Does the framebuffer image viewer (FBI) display gifs? - linux

I have a TFT Screen hooked up to a Raspberry Pi. When I tried to display a gif using fbi, it just showed a static image. Does it only work for images?
If so, what can I use instead to display gifs?

Only Images. It will sometimes show a gif but not animate it.
from fbi's man page
fbi displays the specified file(s) on the linux console using the
framebuffer device. PhotoCD, jpeg, ppm, gif, tiff, xwd, bmp and png
are supported directly. For other formats fbi tries to use ImageMag‐
ick’s convert.
You can use mplayer for playing gifs


why does gnome automatically fills the symbolic icons in files

I try to design some icons for gnome (symbolic icons) but the problem is that gnome files make them completely black(it fills the transparent areas in the icons)
how i can solve this problem
Use SVG or PNG for the image file of the icon.
Some other image formats don't support transparent white space. I recommend testing your icons in an image viewer that supports white space. If you get a similar effect, mind this is not in the editing program so what your seeing in the image decoding library making sense of the image, then you should try to change image format to a different format that supports transparent white space. If you are using Gnome, Eye of Gnome, the default image viewer, should show a gray checkered pattern where there is white space.

how to create custom splash screen in uwp to add gif image

I am working on an app and I want to add gif image on splash screen but it only takes png or jpg image.I have tried to add gif but automaticaly converts gif animation to stationary image.
Just create a page that will acts as a fake splashscreen: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/launch-resume/create-a-customized-splash-screen

How to detect animated .jpg image after uploading with nodejs?

I am building a small app with nodejs/expressjs. I made an upload wizard for GIF and JPG images... Depend on images' extension I will classify them into Animated Images or Normal Images...
GIF --> Animated Images
JPG --> Normal Images
But I got a problem, images in JPG can be animated. So how can I detect animated JPG images?
Demo animated JPG: http://picforest.net/pic/0237bbca82954e74902a4afba66df221
I think you can find out that information using EXIF information.
For instance, here's the EXIF info of the image that you have provided:
It says that it's a GIF image.
There's a node module for exif called https://github.com/gomfunkel/node-exif. Perhaps that may help you out
As it was pointed in comments, there is no such thing as animated JPEGs (except this obscure proposal). Unfortunately this not mean that you can rely on image extension. Extension is just part of file name, it suggest file type, but not determines it. For example image you shared has .jpg extension, but in reality it's GIF and every major browser will treat it as one. In order to detect animated image you must inspect it's content. For example in case of GIF images you could check if first 6 bytes of file is GIF89a or GIF87a, but doing so you will know only that image is a GIF, not that image is an animated GIF. If you want to detect only animated GIFs you must check if they have multiple Image Descriptor Blocks, and it's a little bit more complicated.
It's also worth to mention that currently there are 3 supported by browsers image formats which could contain animation:
GIF - it's rather obvious;
APNG - it's supported by Firefox and Safari, other browsers displays these images as ordinary PNGs;
SVG - SMIL animations are supported by all major browsers except IE and Edge, and there are also CSS and ECMAScript animations.
If you want to detect first two types of animation you can use my node.js library - is-animated, it's rather simple to use:
const isAnimated = require('is-animated');
isAnimated(someBuffer); // -> true/false
Unfortunately currently it doesn't support detecting animated SVGs.

My jpegs not good enough for jssor slider?

I've been playing with jssor sliders, specifically with different-size-photo-slider. It works when I run the demo version, but when I add my own jpegs, generated by Aperture on OS X from RAW format, those images never finish loading. The loading animated icon just stays forever. The files and pixel sizes are not different from the jssor images. It looks like my jpegs fail to be resized. I tried both Safari and Firefox. Any ideas?
It looks like when I export from Aperture with the default colormap, which is sRGB IEC611966-2.1, javascript has problems resizing the picture. Using, or maybe just changing to, Adobe 1998 or Generic RGB makes things work fine. BTW. the source is Nikon raw file with sRGB color map.

Using fbi as slideshow causes portrait images to autorotate

Im using a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Wheezy as a digital photo frame. The Pi is configured to autologin on boot and execute a bash script that starts fbi as a slideshow, like so:
fbi -noverbose -a -t 10 /home/pi/Pictures/*.jpg /home/pi/Pictures/*.png
Ive noticed that any portrait photos (ie photos that are taller than they are wide) are automatically rotated 90 degrees so that appear as landscape.
If I remove the -nonverbose switch, the dimensions are displayed underneath each image and what was once a 480x640 pixel image is displayed as 640x480. Removing the -a autozoom switch doesnt help either.
Can anyone help get my photos displaying in their original orientation regardless of aspect ratio?
I know this issue is a little old, but I've been running into this issue as well and think I found the solution this morning. I think it has to do with the EXIF data rotate flag. From what I understand, all programs can handle this flag differently, or not even acknowledge it. So I believe the solution is to rotate the images and save them that way ignoring the EXIF data.
I plan on doing it using a windows program I found located here: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/are-your-iphone-photos-refusing-to-rotate-in-windows-explorer-here-is-the-solution/
